Dr Kayla DPT

Education for figure skating, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and pelvic health from a physical therapist

Photos from Dr Kayla DPT's post 11/24/2022

RINGing in the season this holiday season šŸ’šŸŽ„


Day 4 of 30 running every day

I really didnā€™t feel like it today. I was coming up with all sorts of excuses.

But I did make it out around the short block.


When your concussion symptoms spontaneously reappear almost 10 years laterā€¦

In high school I had a pretty good concussion with prolonged symptoms and everything.

Mostly recovered since. Or at least able to manage and function normally.

But after vacation this winter I got back and felt nauseous at all times.

Especially when looking to the left. I couldnā€™t scroll my phone, computer work, reading, driving were all tough.

I went to all sorts of providers trying to rule things out. The eye doctor, the ear doctor, a coworker tested my inner earā€¦all negative.

Until I went to the neuro-ophthalmologist.

Got to test out these cool glasses, that took the nausea away.

Turns out my eyes were so good at compensating from my concussion until they werenā€™t.

I potentially had a sinus infection that moved to my optic nerve, re-aggravating my concussion symptoms and now I get to wear glasses pretty much at all times.

Iā€™m thankful these prism glasses help with the nausea, because riding a roller coaster at all times is not for me.


ā€œTallā€ step ups are my favorite šŸ¤Ŗ

This is from months ago, but still my leg strength it takes to achieve a tall step up without your armsā€¦.is still developing

Yesterday at the gym coach said ā€œstep ups with #25ā€

I looked at him like he was crazy, then he pulled out the tiny box.

We all have things we can work on, whatā€™s yours?


My post weekend feels

No Sunday scaries when you live your life to the fullest.

For me a weekend away in Wisconsin was just what I needed.

All rejuvenated and ready for the work week.



Donā€™t forget to rest


Some days just arenā€™t going to do itā€¦

I slept like šŸ’© last night it was a 50% effort kind of day.

But, I have created a life that allows me to have these days.

I am allowed to rest, I am allowed to not be a super star, I am allowed to not always over achieve.

(All that above was definitely more for me than you)

But let this be a good reminder to us all that itā€™s ok to not rock every day.


I fell in twiceā€¦

2 years post op hip surgery and stand up paddle boarding really tested my balance and strength

That was hard. Also my feet worked so hard.

But, it was so much fun!! Iā€™m glad I challenged myself and tried something new!


Doing more at the same pain levels is a sign a healing.

With most injuries people find that they can do more at the same pain levels. BEFORE their pain decreases.

Doing all your chores and a walk at a 5/10 pain, is great. Especially when two weeks ago you couldnā€™t do that.

Knowing that youā€™ll be able to do more before the pain decreases can help ease the mental exhaustion that pain creates.


Some times bed times are for the birdsā€¦.

I usually operate on a relatively strict bedtime. Iā€™m in bed by 9:30 almost nightly.

Well tonight I was in a pool at. 9:30.

Will tomorrow be rough? Maybe

But spending time with family and friends was way worth staying out late


This morning the significant other learned how stubborn I can beā€¦.

He told me that I should just go around the pond.

Well F that! I almost drove the ball over the fence. I cleared the pond by a lot šŸ˜‚

That shot was super satisfying to make. Last time I played this course I didnā€™t even try. Turns out spite can be pretty motivating.

šŸ”Š to hear my sister in law want to try over the pond too!

It feels so good to be almost 2 years post op and finally able to do most the things I enjoy doing.

Photos from Dr Kayla DPT's post 07/17/2022

Being independent is one of the things I love about myself.

I can do all sorts of hard things. For example I built this couch today by myself (except for a few lest screws tightened by my brother).

Knowing when to ask for help is a skill that I struggle with. Well today I asked for help from a stylist at a big department store for a presentation I have coming up.

Her help was laughable. She wouldnā€™t deviate from whatever image she had in her head. And I didnā€™t really have a clear idea of what I wanted to even communicate it. And because of it she tried to gaslight me into buying $200 on a jacket I didnā€™t really like.

I left the store defeated. I had been vulnerable and asked for help and the help wasnā€™t helpful. It threw me into a tailspin mentally. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be back in a store shopping for awhile. They donā€™t seem to be good for my mental health.

Building this couch today was always part of the plan. I had dreams to have an outdoor couch that I could sit and read my book on.

And to be honest after my experience shopping I wasnā€™t sure I could handle the frustration of furniture building.

3 hours later my 5 piece set is put together and ready to enjoy a book.

TL;DR: What I learned is if you want help you need to communicate effectively and that being able to rely on yourself is beautiful


For years Iā€™ve wanted a tattooā€¦

Iā€™ve always wanted a loop. I love how subtle figure skating related it is.

But, Iā€™ve struggled to commit to making it permanent on my body.

One thing that I love about skating is that it will always hold a place in my heart and I can choose how big the place is.

Recently my love of skating was questioned.

I was told I didnā€™t love the sport enough. That I just wasnā€™t passionate enough.

Maybe, thatā€™s true, but what I think is that currently skating doesnā€™t need to be as big of a piece of my heart.

To do a loop well you need to trust yourself and your footing. And I think that is exactly what Iā€™m doing currently. I still love skating, I am still passionate. BUT I can choose how I participate.

Photos from Dr Kayla DPT's post 02/28/2022

22.1 sucked, I was so close to tears multiple times.
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In my 8 years of CrossFit I have completed the Open from start to finish 1 time, in 2019. And thatā€™s modified.
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Iā€™ve attempted the Open multiple times, usually what happens is I get frustrated and quit after the first workout.
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The anxiety of knowing I usually quit and that Iā€™m still rehabbing from my hips was overwhelming.
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My judge got to watch me stumble off the box multiple times, and my right elbow buckle. She had no idea how untrustworthy my body is.
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What brought me to the verge of tears was the frustration that these hip surgeries still arenā€™t resolved, that my knee has signs of arthritis, that my shoulders and elbows just donā€™t love being loaded and the anxiety that it canā€™t be nuanced.
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Iā€™m at work, renovating my home, meeting family and friend obligations, coaching ice skating, and in the gym. I look typical; all with the guise that my body is predictable. This week living with a disability really got to me.
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Photos from Dr Kayla DPT's post 09/27/2021

that drop of p*e when you laugh doesnā€™t have to happen
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Water running shouldnā€™t automatically send you to the bathroom
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If you have concerns specific to you head over to HermanandWallace.com to find a pelvic floor rehabilitation provider near you
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Timeline photos 06/07/2021

What you eat determines your worth.
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This is a message that was engrained in me time and time again through skating.
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A friend of mine this weekend struggled eating a muffin for breakfast because, it had ā€œnoā€ nutritional value.
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The figure skating community has latched on hard to diet culture. Disguising it behind improved performance.
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The subjectivity of judging, the more Eurocentric and thin easily leading in competitions and testing
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We have set ourselves up to determine our value and worth based on what we consume.
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Iā€™m here to tell you, food is not good or bad. You are not bad if you eat a muffin. You are still worthy if you eat the muffin.
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You are worthy no matter what food you consume!
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This week I challenge you to avoid classifying food as good or bad.
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Let me know below are you ready for the challenge?
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Timeline photos 04/29/2021

ā€¼ļøinterrupting your scroll to tell you, DREAMS DO COME TRUE
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1 year ago
-I was two weeks into a furlough from a job in healthcare, during a healthcare emergency
-I was in severe pain and couldnā€™t load my dishwasher or drive for greater than 20 minutes
-I was planning worst case scenario financially
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1 year ago we were all TERRIFIED!
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In the last twelve months I have
-returned to my job in healthcare, AND transitioned into a slightly different role that benefits me more
-started my own business to help figure skaters and coaches
-had two surgeries and dozens of appointments for rehab
-paid off my car
-hired as my business coach to gain the confidence I need to be in it for the long haul
-learned an entirely new role as a PT in the hospital
-bought a house!
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I tell you all of this, because 12 months ago I was worried, I felt like my purpose was gone, my financial security was gone, my well-being was gone.
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Lots can change in a short amount of time. Where you are now is not where you are going to be in a few months, or years!
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What are you most proud of?
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Inside edge spirals suck!
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Theyā€™re hard to hold, skaters fall out of them, they canā€™t lift theyā€™re leg as high.
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Theyā€™re just hard to teach.
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Here is how I have skaters visualize their pelvis and weight shift when working on inside spirals.
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Explain spirals like a physical therapist. I created a guide for you to do just that. It includes everything you need for your skaters to have GORGEOUS spirals every time!
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Head to the link in my bio to get your guide.
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Coaches! This is a MUST try!
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Gentle taps in a variety of directions at your skaters upper leg while in a spiral causes repeated contraction and relaxation of all their stabilizing muscles.
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This is a great exercise if your skater can kick their leg up really high, but canā€™t hold it there.
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Sometimes the answer to higher spirals is not stretching.
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DM me aā›ø if you want a guide with exercises for a better way.
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Get GORGEOUS spirals every time no matter the athlete!
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Photos from Dr Kayla DPT's post 04/19/2021

Are standard spiral off ice holds not working for your skaters?

I got you!

I've created a guide for coaches who want:
-to be efficient with their skater's off ice
-aren't seeing the results they or their skater wants
-are ready to be creative with movement to get results
-want to be able to assess skills like a movement expert

then this is your sign to click the link and start getting GORGEOUS spirals every time

Timeline photos 04/05/2021

šŸ‘‡What ones do you believe?

At a point in my life, I believed all of theses myths.

I've spent a lot of time learning to share with you the truths about training as a figure skater.

Fact 1: Stretching isn't always the answer. Sometimes, people need strength or rest to increase their performance.

Myth 1: Research is showing that high performing athletes participate in more than 1 sport and have less injuries.

Fact 2: Rest is just as important as training. Incorperating rest, will increase performance!

Myth 2: 1000's of reps of a new skills, is not needed learn a new skill. Motor learning can happen over components and in different skills. Diversifying training will still help you land your axel, and it will keep you from getting injured

Fact 3: Technique is going to vary between athletes! Not every body is set up for the same patterns.

Myth 3: You can particially learn a technique while watching someone else complete it. Watching the skill, prepares your body for the movement. It also, allows for visualization of success. Groupl lessons are an awesome way to build skills while making friends.


Eccentric (slowly lowering down) heel raises.
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These help with control rocking from your bottom toe pick down.
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Easiest version is up on two feet, down on two feet.
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Intermediate version is up on two feet, down on one foot.
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Hardest version is up on one, down and one foot.
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If you can control those, slowly lowering down for 3 seconds 20 times, the. You can progress to off a step.
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Happy moving! Let me know how they go!
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As a coach you asking follow up questions can be one of the most important things you do.

Asking follow up questions shows your skater that you are engaged, invested and supportive of them.

Follow up questions, is one of the easiest ways to build rapport.

So often we ask "how did that feel"
skater replies "I don't know"
and we leave the conversation with a "let's try it again and pay attention to what you're feeling"

Or any other similar conversation.

I challenge you to change the conversation ending to, "how could we help you find out what you feel when doing that skill?" "what were you thinking about" "does that feel easy, medium, or hard?" "what do you think you could do better?" "what do you want to change?" or any variation of a question that involves the athlete!

This week, I challenge you to ask follow up questions of your athletes, and let me know how it goes!


Single leg deadlift hack šŸ„ø for working off ice spirals ā›ø
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Is your skater struggling to move their upper body and free leg together?
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Rest a full size foam roller on their foot! This will help connect your upper body and lower body moving together. Preventing a low leg and low chest spiral.
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Bonus: it strengthens the skating glute for improved stability to lift the free leg higher šŸ„°
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Timeline photos 02/04/2021

"In a culture that tolerates difference, is it otherizing difference."

By only being tolerant, it is noting the difference, focusing on it and decreasing that individuals belong in the group.

In a culture that is accepting of all, the differences no longer isolate individuals. All can be apart of a group and celebrate their differences.

As coaches we need to be accepting of all differences, working with them. Creating a culture that is accepting and loving and celebrates everyone's unique story. If we are only accepting of differences, we create a culture that decreasing how successful our skaters can be.
chugh The Person You Mean to Be


Timeline photos 01/29/2021

Gateways are the points in which we measure diversity

Pathways is the journey to the gateway

In the figure skating world, and in life, we need to recognize that in order to make experiences accessible to all we need to clear the pathway and make it equitable.

In order to be a good coach, we need to be actively clearing the pathway.
chugh speaks to this in The Person You Mean to Be

Photos from Dr Kayla DPT's post 01/28/2021

When coaching is can be easy when skaters aren't meeting expecations.

BUT, as with anything in life we get more of the behaviors we pay attention to. Focus on the behaviors you like, seek out things that make you feel good, seek out things you need.

In Subtle Acts of Exclusion by and Michael Baran point out "we tend to get more of the behavior we pay attentiont to." The context is encouraging and praising individuals for speaking up against subtle acts of exclusion.

In relationships, this means focusing on the behaviors we want, need and like. As a coach it is differentiating what behaviors will enhance the relationship, move the skater towards their goals versus the hindering behaviors.

We also get more for a "I really liked that you did your off ice warm up today before practice" than "you're not going to get better without doing an off ice warm up."

Photos from Dr Kayla DPT's post 01/17/2021

Ever wonder how to improve your cardio endurance for your footwork tests?

The string of patterns with power and sp*ed emphasized, can get anyone.

I'm looking at you old school Intermediate moves test with the 8 power patterns in a row.

When performing the patterns for ice dance, moves in the field, field moves, skating skills, figures, synchro your heart rate stays about the same the entire time.

To train like this, do long duration steady state cardio. Including: running, cross country skiing, biking, elliptical, swimming.

Steady state: your heart rate reaches a level and stays there the entire workout

For how long: 30-90 minutes. Your heart rate takes a few minutes to achieve steady state, and account for a few minutes to cool down. We want to train beyond our testing time frame so that our test feels easy.

For more about how to train off ice for footwork, turns, extensions join me on 1/24 @ 11am CST for a 45 minute seminar.

There will be information for all levels, breaking elements into components to elevate your off ice training.


Photos from Dr Kayla DPT's post 01/17/2021

Join me 1/24 @ 11AM to learn more about stretching for footwork, moves in the field, and ice dance.

It will be a 45 minute seminar on off ice exercises for strength, mobility and stability for clean turn, longer extensions and so much more.

It is for all levels, covering stroking to rockers. We will break down all the movements, allowing everyone to participate.


Timeline photos 01/13/2021

How acidic your urine is, can change how often you have to go.

šŸ›‘ I am not saying that you have to avoid all acidic food and beverages

It may seem counterintuitive, but if you are dehydrated and your urine is more concentrated, it can irritate your bladder.

Certain food and beverage can be irritating to your bladder. Coffee, fruit juices, tomatoes, chocolate and alcohol can all be irritating, to name a few.

This isn't something to dwell on, but know if you are experiencing urinary frequency it may be diet related.

What you can do:

If you are experiencing urinary frequency, urgency or leakage that is bothering you seek out a pelvic health physical therapist.

Share this with someone who it can help šŸ’•

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Videos (show all)

This morning the significant other learned how stubborn I can beā€¦.He told me that I should just go around the pond.Well ...
Inside edge spirals suck!ā €Theyā€™re hard to hold, skaters fall out of them, they canā€™t lift theyā€™re leg as high.ā €Theyā€™re j...
Eccentric (slowly lowering down) heel raises.ā €These help with control rocking from your bottom toe pick down.ā €Easiest ve...
Single leg deadlift hack šŸ„ø for working off ice spirals ā›øā €Is your skater struggling to move their upper body and free leg...
How to Abdominal Brace
Texting Posture
Setting Up Off Ice Space
Squeaky Orthotics
Blood Flow Restriction Training
Why Have A Personal Trainer as a PT
1st Pelvic PT Appt



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