Cancer Prevention Movement

The Cancer Prevention Movement empowers individuals with the knowledge, tools, and motivation to min Why? In other words, while you are still healthy!

It's Time to Move Upstream

ONE HUNDRED MILLION - That's how many cells make a marble-sized tumor. It takes a single cancer cell 5-20 years to grow to that size. Yet cancer is the #1 disease-related killer in California, and #2 worldwide. With exponential growth, waiting for a diagnosis is simply too late. Because even though our treatments are getting better all the time, and we are now up to nea


Next time you get pampered, consider cancer prevention!

Ask your hairdresser to look for any new or abnormal skin findings when you go in for a cut or color. If you establish a good rapport with your stylist they can get a good baseline of your scalp and be the first to notice any significant changes.

Some examples of significant findings include: scaly patches, changes in moles or new moles, and growths that are new or changing.

They are at a perfect vantage to monitor those hard-to-see places!

Will you ask your hairdresser at your next appointment?


September is Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month!

Gynecologic Cancer at a glance:

šŸŸ  Infection of HPV (human papillomavirus) is a group of more than 150 related viruses. It is the most common risk factor for cervical cancer.

šŸŸ  Cervical cancer used to be one of the most common causes of death for women, but the death rate dropped significantly with the use of the Pap test.

šŸŸ  The most effective prevention methods are to get the HPV vaccine if you are eligible and be tested regularly according to your unique cancer risk as well as the American Cancer Society (ACS) guidelines.


Your ethnicity affects your cancer risk for certain cancers like prostate cancer.

It develops more often in African American men as well as Caribbean men of African Ancestry at a younger age than average. African American should not feel discouraged. This empowering news can inform your cancer prevention plan.

Ethnicity is just one of the many factors that affect your cancer risk. Talking to an Outsmart Cancer consult at The Cancer Prevention Movement can help you get a complete and comprehensive look at your unique risk for a multitude of different cancers.


September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month!

At a glance

šŸŸ  It is the most common cancer (excluding skin) among men affecting ~1 in 8 men in the USA

šŸŸ  Most men will not die from it, 3.1 million men who had or have prostate cancer are still alive today in the USA

šŸŸ  It is more common in older men, 6 out of 10 cases are in men aged 65+

This is a common cancer for many men, but it is encouraging that the prostate cancer death rate declined by about half from 1993 to 2013. This is largely due to advancements in early detection and cancer prevention.

Maintaining a healthy weight, eating a nutritious, balanced diet as well as getting plenty of exercise are some of the top preventative measures for lowering oneā€™s risk for prostate cancer.


Prosperity is a pillar of our 360 Wellness.

Maintaining good health can help the average family of four save $3,000 a year on medical expenses! The average, healthy family with employer-sponsored health insurance spends 12% of their annual income on healthcare. Having a member with health issues can make that percentage increase to as much as 15% of the income.

Did you know that staying healthy can reduce your risk for cancer or other chronic wellness and increase the money in your wallet?


Remove the idea that being health-conscious is based in fear.

Being mindful and in-tune with your body is about creating a harmonious and healthy relationship with it.

When you take time to sit with yourself and notice any discomfort or changes, this shouldnā€™t be a time to be fearful or critical. It is a time to celebrate your efforts! Preventing cancer and preserving your health allow you to make the most informed decision for you possible!


How are you filling your cup after a long week? Prolonged stress can strain our immune system and make us more susceptible to illness.

Listening to natural soundscapes while you meditate can decrease your stress levels. Meditation combined with soothing sounds can even improve health factors like your heart rate, blood pressure, and even cortisol levels. Maximize this effect by making meditation a part of your routine.

Pro-tip! Designating a space in your home, specifically for meditation, will make you more likely to keep up with the practice. Create a visual reminder of your commitment to this practice.


Itā€™s almost time to go back to school! Mom and Dad, this may have you feeling sentimental over how quickly your littles are growing upā€¦

You want to be around for college, their wedding, grandkids and more! It is important to take care and prevent cancer now, so you can enjoy all these special milestones to the fullest!

A great first step for the whole family is for you to get a comprehensive risk assessment.

Book your Outsmart Cancer Consultation šŸ‘‰šŸ‘‰ today, so you can maximize the likelihood that youā€™ll be around for loved ones.


World Lung Cancer Day may be overā€¦but weā€™re staying vigilant!

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death worldwide! One in 16 people get diagnosed in their lifetime, and over 130,000 will die from it every year.

The biggest risk factor in developing lung cancer is to***co exposure. To***co exposure comes in the form of smoking, va**ng, smokeless to***co including chewing to***co, and second-hand smoke!

The best thing you can do for your lungs is avoid all of these. That includes environmental exposure to second-hand smoke! Oftentimes, we forget how much of an impact the spaces we live in and visit can impact our health.

One million women screened for cervical cancer in low-and middle-income countries - Unitaid 07/29/2023

Cancer prevention is making a cancer-free world possible! The World Health Organization (WHO) is collaborating with Unitaid and its partners to eliminate cervical cancer. But this requires action from all of us! When each of us begins our cancer prevention journey, we are part of building a cancer-free world.

Read the whole story here:

One million women screened for cervical cancer in low-and middle-income countries - Unitaid Geneva, 7 March 2023ā€Æā€“ Over one million women in 14 low-and middle-income countries have been screened for cervical cancer through an integrated prevention program, delivered by country governments in collaboration with global health agency Unitaid, the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), a...


Itā€™s ! Take a moment to connect with your body!

When it comes to your health, your body is giving you all sorts of signals and information every day. What should you listen for when your body is communicating to you about your health?


Some common changes that indicate you should talk to your doctor are: Fatigue or extreme tiredness, Weight loss or gain with no reason (10+ pounds), or pain, especially new or pain with no known cause, that doesnā€™t go away or gets worse.

Nurture and protect your health in the most effective way possible! Taking time to connect with your body and noticing what you are feeling and changes you experience help put you in control of your health.


We know that exercise is great for cancer prevention. It helps us maintain a proper weight, which keeps our risk for over 13 types of cancers lower than the overweight population. So how can we get moving more?

Next time you go to get in your car think: Am I able to make the same journey on foot or bike?

If youā€™re unable, try to park farther from your destination to get some steps in! What is a trick youā€™ve incorporated in your day to get more movement in?

Consultation OutSmart Cancer Session > Cancer Prevention Movement 07/18/2023

Often people come to us for cancer prevention advice when:

a.) After a cancer diagnosis

b.) They have a cancer scare

c.) A friend or family member gets cancer or has a cancer scare

People tell us this is their wake up call. It is the moment they decide to live their best days.

We want people to know that cancer takes 5-20 years to fully develop. Your biggest asset in preventing cancer is time.

You donā€™t have to wait until you have a close encounter with cancer. The earlier you start, the better your results will be!

Book an outsmart cancer consultation today:

Consultation OutSmart Cancer Session > Cancer Prevention Movement An Outsmart Cancer Consultation is the best way to understand your personal risk for cancer and how you can minimize that risk. If you would like to learn about your...


UV rays are strongest between 10 AM-4 PM, that means they can do more damage to your skin. Itā€™s important to reapply your sunscreen often, wear protective clothing and avoid direct sun exposure to lessen its harmful effects!


Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST) are a rare type of stomach cancer. Genetic testing is imperative for those at a higher risk for developing GISTs. Older age and certain genetic mutations, like an abnormal KIT gene, can increase the risk.

This yearā€™s theme is ā€œThriving Togetherā€ as we highlight the importance of community support in cancer prevention. Increased visibility and research help GIST patients and prevent more future cases.

Together, our combined efforts to improve our community's health make a greater impact!


Summer brings us a lot of nutritious flavors like fresh blueberries!

Did you know that blueberries have naturally occurring nutrients that can enhance your cancer prevention efforts?

The cancer-fighting agents found in blueberries include anthocyanosides and resveratrol. Antioxidant properties found in blueberries have been studied for their ability to sensitize cancer cells to the radiation.

Research continues, but it is promising to know that natural food can aid in our cancer prevention routineā€¦and taste so good! Take advantage of the peak of blueberry season at your local farmers market.

Do you have a favorite blueberry recipe?


Did you know that most moles will develop early in life between ages 10-25? Melanoma most commonly develops from moles that arenā€™t part of the established moles and freckles that appear in the early years of life.

Having 10 or more irregular moles increases your risk for melanoma by 12 times! It is important to screen and monitor moles for any changes.


Today, we want to talk about what it means to be ā€œrisk averseā€ vs. "risk tolerant."

We see people across a full spectrum of cancer risk. Some are high risk, others low, many more are in the moderate range. What they all have in common is they are committed to make their cancer the lowest it can possibly be!

For instance, a person with a high risk of cancer, who is risk averse, may choose surgical interventions like preventive removal of at-risk tissues such as a double mastectomy. Another person with the same high risk, but who is risk tolerant, may instead choose medical interventions combined with screening and lifestyle modifications like improving their diet and exercise regimen.

In any case, we support the freedom of choice that makes our patients feel in charge of their own health! We understand the importance of providing accurate information to make informed, empowered choices.


When Dr. Mel talks to patients the biggest takeaway is: you have CHOICES when it comes to cancer prevention!

It is a beautiful moment to share with someone as they make the right choice of cancer prevention for them! You can literally see a weight lift from them and a sense of peace overcome them.

We want you to make choices about your cancer prevention that makes you feel empowered, confident, and informed. No two people are the same. It is my job to guide you through ALL your options based on your UNIQUE cancer risk.

In general, most people will fall into one of two categories: risk tolerant or risk averse.

Tomorrow we will be discussing how each of these relate to your relationship with cancer prevention! Stay tuned.

National Black Family Cancer Awareness #BlackFamCan 06/26/2023

Itā€™s almost the end of National Black Family Cancer Awareness Week!

In the 1930s-1970s, a highly unethical medical experiment studying syphilis was conducted using Black men.

It was called the Tuskegee Experiment.

This incident, among others, led to a higher level of mistrust in the healthcare system for Black individuals and families.

We see the effects of this terrible miscarriage of medical practice to this day in relation to cancer prevention.

Black people are less likely to seek preventive care. That leads to later-stage diagnosis and increased cancer mortality rates.

We can change that! This week is a great time to acknowledge the faults of the healthcare system and advocate for equitable healthcare for all!

Weā€™re using the hashtag to raise awareness and help more families get access to life-saving cancer prevention information!

You can help by sharing this post or by visiting:

National Black Family Cancer Awareness #BlackFamCan An Oncology Center of Excellence Project Community Initiative


Itā€™s National Black Family Cancer Awareness Week!

Diabetes increases risk of cancer and increases the rate of mortality if diagnosed.
It is more common among Black people than any other racial/ ethnic group.

So how can we prevent this comorbidity from continuing to disproportionately affect Black communities?

On a population level, increasing access to quality healthcare as well as equitable access to employment and education.

Individually, obesity is a main factor in developing diabetes. Encouraging healthy diets and increasing exercise can help!

Cancer affects us all.

Knowing our individual risk as well as the risks of our gender, race, and ethnicity can help us prevent more cases of cancer!

Start your journey to getting personalized cancer prevention care based on your UNIQUE risks here:


Itā€™s still National Black Family Cancer Awareness Week!

Did you knowā€¦

Black women are 41% more likely to die from breast cancer than White women, despite lower incidence of the disease.

The good news is breast cancer prevention is widely available!

Best practice is to:

āœ… Self-exam regularly

āœ… Find out your specific cancer risk

āœ… Screen appropriately (method and timing) based on your unique risk


Todayā€™s theme is: Decrease the impact of preventable cancers.

African Americans are less likely to be screened for cancers and more likely to be diagnosed with later stages of it. Preventing cancers in African American communities is critical!

This year, the board of oncologists met and discussed plans to address this inequity in cancer treatment. We are excited to see more experts advocate for cancer prevention becoming part of standard health care!

You can learn more about this week and get resources here:


It is National Black Family Cancer Awareness Week!

Did you know that Black men are twice as likely to die from prostate cancer than white men? Thatā€™s not equitable healthcare!

So how do we change this?

If you are an African American man, it is so important that you know your specific risk for prostate cancer. Also, it is key to your good health to maintain a healthy weight, eat a nutritious diet, and get enough exercise.

Letā€™s improve our healthcare system and be a voice for all those overlooked and underserved in it!


Happy Fatherā€™s Day from the Cancer Prevention Movement!

Today, we celebrate all dads! We are endlessly proud of all the amazing things you do for your family. We hope you remember to take care of yourself and your health, too!


Dads are everything to their family. They are providers, partners, and appointed spider killersā€“we have so much to thank them for!

But who is watching out for Dad?

Did you know that prostate cancer can be detected early by looking at prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels in a manā€™s blood?

Men: itā€™s time to provide for the provider in you. By staying on top of your cancer risk, you can stay healthy and stay around for your family. Youā€™ve got soccer games to attendā€¦and spiders to take care of!

Have you heard about PSA tests? What do you think about them?


Do you know your UNIQUE risk for prostate cancer? Prostate cancer is the most common non-skin cancer diagnosed in men.

āš« More common in men aged 50+

āš« ~11% of men will be diagnosed in their lifetime

āš« Mutations in BRCA2 (hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, or HBOC syndrome) can increase risk

Prevention is possible!

Make sure you get your screenings and genetic testing to see if you have any of these specific mutations. That way you can begin a cancer prevention plan that is most effective for you!



Statistically, men suffer higher rates of mortality from cancer, and yet, women are more likely to receive cancer screeningsā€¦.

ā€¦letā€™s change that this is Menā€™s Health Week!

All week, we will be focusing on cancer prevention that is specifically geared towards you. Join us as we give you vital information to keep you cancer-free.


Cancer Prevention is most effective the earlier you start.

A lot of us look at our health like our car. As long as the warning lights are not on, we feel like we feel like we can coast for a few more miles. We only get maintenance when it is critical.

Our bodies deserve better!

Cancer prevention is most effective long BEFORE we get a diagnosis... as early as 5 to 20 years! That means not waiting for an emergency to invest in taking care of ourselves. When we are active advocates for our health, we can prolong a good quality of life for as long as possible!

Book an Outsmart Cancer Consultation Today

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Itā€™s Time To Move Upstream

ONE HUNDRED MILLION ā€“ thatā€™s how many cells make up a marble-sized tumor. It takes a single cell 5-20 years to grow to that size. Yet cancer is the #1 disease-related killer in California, and #2 throughout the U.S.! With exponential growth, waiting for a diagnosis is simply too late.

After witnessing many patient stories of tragedy and triumph over cancer, Melanie Palomares, M.D., M.S. decided to focus upstream, before cancer diagnosis. Combining nearly two decades of professional experience in oncology, epidemiology, and genetics with lifestyle medicine, Dr. Mel designs tailored risk-based screening and prevention programs for health-forward individuals.

To expand her reach, she founded the Cancer Prevention Movement.

Our vision is a Cancer-Free World. šŸš«šŸŽ—šŸŒŽ

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