Microdosing Humboldt

Microdosing Humboldt

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Microdosing is a journey of healing and self-realization. I am honored to support you on this journey


Microdosing and meditation are very complimentary when done together. The benefits of both practices are enhanced when combined together. Microdosing has the ability to quiet the mind, which helps strengthen your meditation practice, by being able to drop in sooner and with more depth.

With the enhanced awareness that both microdosing and meditation fosters, you will have the opportunity to have even deeper insights, deeper connections with, and understanding/acceptance of your emotions, and a sense of embodiment to connect with your body's wisdom.

I would love to hear in the comments some of the benefits you've felt from microdosing and meditation.


Come join Satya and Danielle on the Sept 7th Scorpio Moon for a Microdose, Yoga, and Sound offering in Arcata. The offering will start at 5:30pm with microdosing education and microdose tea (130mg).

After sipping on your tea there will be light yoga, followed by a meditation, and ending the relaxing evening with a sound bath to realign your energy field.

Tickets can be purchased at micro-sounds.eventbrite.com


I will be facilitating a big dose ceremony Friday August 30th. I will also have three assistants to help hold space and to contribute to music. This ceremony will be on private property with camping – yes there is a toilet and kitchen, so not too rugged. I will combine a couple different varieties of psilocybin cubensis that I cultivate, to create a perfect balance for deep healing in ceremony. I will be teaching you about the particular varieties before the ceremony, and if you sign up soon enough I will start you on some microdoses to prepare for the big dose journey. If this is something that you are interested in, you can check out more details on my website: https://www.microdosinghumboldt.com/mushroom-ceremony

I have been working in the entheogenic space for 12 years, and during that time, I have had the honor to work under 3 different medicine women. I have a deep connection with mushrooms, and it’s an honor to provide this medicine to the community, and to create a healing space to experience the medicine’s power. This will likely be the last ceremony I am offering this year.

Photos from Microdosing Humboldt's post 07/26/2024

There is so much focus on the amazing benefits of microdosing, for good reasons! But it is also important to be aware of the possible side-effects that might not feel great. Thankfully with most of these side effects there are solutions!

Possible side effects & solutions:
1. Fatigue/Fogginess - try lowering your dosage - if that doesn't work try a different variety.
2. Stomach upset - make a tea from your microdose to take out the chitins.
3. Inability to focus - lower your dosage.
4. Increased anxiety - lower your dosage - if that doesn't work, try a different variety.
5. Intense emotions - take time for self care to integrate your experience, and slow down your protocol (take less frequently during the week).
6. Headache - drink more water, try taking some niacin, or l-theanine, or magnesium.

Taking too high of a dosage is the most common unwanted side-effect.

Reach out at any time!
Blessings ❤️


I wanted to talk with you about why microdosing doesn’t work for everyone.

The biggest reason is having the wrong dosage. Too low you won’t notice many of the already subtle benefits, and too high can actually increase anxiety and spaciness.
If your dosage is right on, it’s possible that mushrooms aren’t your medicine, so try something else, such as san pedro. **I do realize I misspoke about l*d not being decriminalized anywhere, it absolutely is in Oregon here in the states, along with Portugal, Spain, and the Czech Republic (where my grandma was born!) I might be missing some, and if I am, throw them in the comments!

It could also just be state of mind – not blaming the victim here. Our minds are so darn powerful that it can block us from noticing the subtle effects of the medicine. If you have really big beliefs about how your experience should be, it could be blocking you from seeing what shifts and changes are indeed taking place.

Please reach out at any time!


If you want to learn the skills to grow mushrooms at home this is the class for you! This 3 hour class (2pm-5pm) includes a step by step guide, and valuable hands-on experience. You will also be taking home a grow kit to start your new hobby immediately, along with a variety of genetics. This class will be located in Arcata on Saturday June 29th.

This class is led by local mycologist (Instagram). Please email [email protected] or contact on IG or FB to gain a spot in the class. You can also send a text 707-840-5374.

This will be the last workshop offered for a while, so if you have been on the fence about attending, the time is now to join!

Let's grow as a community!


Hello friends. This will be the last microdosing workshop I am offering for a while. I am going to be doing less offerings in general. I am needing to reserve my energy for the upcoming decriminalization efforts where we will be focusing on countywide decrim!!

Would you like to learn how to make your own microdoses to be empowered to start, or to continue your microdosing journey? Look no further! The beauty about knowing how to make your own doses is not only empowering, but you can share with others in the community. More of us that have access the better!

To start off the 3 hour workshop you will learn the different microdosing protocols and how to work with intention when receiving this medicine. Most of the workshop will focus on learning how to prepare your personal microdoses. You will leave the workshop with all the knowledge and tools you need to make microdoses at home. You will be bringing home with you 3 months worth of microdoses a scale to weigh the doses and a capsule filling machine. Included is a 30 minute session with Danielle if you need support or guidance during your microdosing journey. There are 10 seats available for this workshop.

This is a 21 year and over workshop. This in-person workshop is located in Eureka CA where entheogens have been decriminalized. To stay within the guidelines of the resolution that decriminalized entheogens the medicine will be gifted to you while the ticket price covers the cost of the training.

Tickets found here: my.allevents.in/eurekamicrodosing


Microdosing can sometimes increase anxiety. One reason could be that your microdose is too high. The other reason could be that it's amplifying what you are already feeling. Through amplification we are better able to see what it is that needs balancing.
Remember, if it ever gets too intense along your medicine journey, take a break!! Breaks are important. Honor your call for rest if you feel it.


The New York Times (2022) published an article overview of microdosing including interviews of microdosers. Microdosing over time will help you to shift your perspective. For example, depression may not go away, but how we relate to it may change – this shift in perspective is how we transform our lives. It is a common misconception that microdosing will make everything better and your hardships will go away – this is not true. It allows us to better navigate through the dark corners of our minds, helping us to better understand the uncomfortable emotions & thoughts that we have been pushing away. With this new knowledge is how we can balance all parts of who we are.


If you want to learn the skills to grow mushrooms at home this is the class for you! This 3 hour class (2pm-5pm) includes a step by step guide, and valuable hands-on experience. You will also be taking home a grow kit to start your new hobby immediately, along with a variety of genetics. This class will be located in Eureka on Sunday March 24th.

This class is led by local mycologist (IG). Please email [email protected] or contact on IG or FB to gain a spot in the class.

Let's grow as a community!


The weather has definitely made it more difficult to get out into nature, but during those breaks in the storm, remember to take advantage of nature’s medicine. Studies have shown that being out in nature alone can improve cognitive control, short and long-term memory, and overall brain function. Studies have also shown that being in nature improves mood, self-esteem, and relaxation, and when coupled with microdosing, all of these benefits are enhanced. Microdosing and nature complement each other significantly to assist you on your healing journey.

Photos from Microdosing Humboldt's post 03/01/2024

Last Saturday's microdose and psytrance party was more amazing than we even dreamed of! Thank you so much to everyone who joined us last night on the Dance floor to contribute to the magic of this party. I personally have been dreaming of doing a microdose and psytrance party for a year, and Saturday night was a dream manifested for me. It was an extremely special night, and I have endless gratitude for everyone who was involved. We super appreciate theredwoodretro for welcoming us so warmly in their space - it was the perfect space for our party.
A huge thank you to Sam Murphy .psy (IG) for dreaming this party up with me, and creating the (IG). Sam did an amazing job organizing and bringing everything together, and played two amazing sets. Thank you so much brother. 🙏🏽
A huge shout out to Mike, Agent 37, for his darkpsy sets that rocked the dancefloor.
Thank you to Jon Friedman and Tim Guthrie-lockey for holding down the front door - y'all did amazing. And thank you Stacia for contributing so much to the deco, and holding down the dancefloor.
Again, thank you endlessly and abundantly from my heart and beyond for everyone who joined us and the sweet connections we made. May there be many more.


A pretty common misconception is that microdosing will make everything better, and it definitely can make life a bit easier to navigate, but you gotta show up for yourself.

What does showing up for yourself mean? It looks different for different people, but the basis is: bringing things into your life that help you feel nourished and fulfilled, such as yoga, taking a walk, dancing, listening to music, making music, and so on. This medicine will help you to see more clearly what it is that you need to bring into your life, and what it is that you need to let go of in order to feel more balanced and at peace.

Thanks for stoping by. Reach out at any time if you need any support. Together we heal!


Microdosing amplifies the emotions you are already experiencing. If you're feeling joyful it may enhance that. If you are feeling anxious, it may amplify that. This medicine gives us the gift of neuroplasticity - your brain's ability to change and adapt through experiences. This neuroplasticity gives us the ability to access different perspectives and understanding - so while microdosing you may be able to shift your energy, emotions, thoughts, and reactivity, so pay attention!

Thanks for stopping by, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need support!


A microdose is supposed to be sub hallucinatory - you're not supposed to feel much of anything physically on your proper dosage.

Some signs the dose is too high:
1. If you feel an increase in anxiety
2. If you're unable to focus
3. If you have heart palpitations

If you have any questions or need support reach out at any time!


A common misconception is that microdosing will make all your discomforts and difficulties go away. This medicine tends to enhance what is already going on within you, and within your environment. This clarity of your inner and outer world is quite empowering, by giving you a better understanding of what you need to let go of in your life, and what you need to bring into your life.
Be sure to make room in your days to investigate what is coming up for you. Integration sessions may be helpful. Others in the community and myself do offer this service if you need support.
Blessings on your journey !

Photos from Microdosing Humboldt's post 01/06/2024

Microdosing in 2024! Welcome to the new year - another 12 month cycle of this human experience!

Whether you’re new to microdosing or not, now is a great time to revisit your intention for microdosing.

I always recommend journaling about your intention, but you can meditate on it as well – or just taking time to sit quietly to think about what comes to your heart’s mind.

Some good questions to ask yourself are:
1. What would you like to bring into the new year, and what would you like to let go of moving into this new cycle?
2. What would you like to balance and heal this year? What would you like to change and transform?
3. What is your dream for yourself this year? Does this dream benefit others as well?

For your intention state it in a positive way. For example: Instead of saying “My intention is to not to be afraid anymore”, stating something like “My intention is to feel safe in this world, to feel safe in my body, knowing that I am divinely protected”

Picking your microdosing protocol for 2024: Whether you have been microdosing for a while or you are about to start, experimenting with your microdosing protocol is important to do. Your relationship with the medicine will change over time, so it’s important to tune in to what feels good and what doesn’t.

For example, if you have been microdosing every other day, give 4 days in a row with a 3 day break a try to see how that feels, or give every 3rd day a try. With time you will naturally need less and less of the medicine as those new neural pathways have been built.

Remember to try out different integration techniques for the new year as well!

Integration is the process of bringing awareness into your microdosing experience. With this awareness you can more deeply understand what is coming up for you, and with this clarity you can better understand what things may need to be let go of, and what things may need to be brought into your life, in order to better support you.

Awareness allows us to observe our thought loops, our interactions with others, our triggers and reactivity, and to better know each part of ourselves. What a gift!

Here are some ideas for integration – try different things out to see what works best for you!

Meditation, walks in nature, yoga, journaling, playing music, listening to music, dancing, singing, poetry, sound healing, talk therapy, integration circles, surfing, skiing, skateboarding, motorcycle riding. It can truly be anything that helps you connect in a deeper way with yourself.


Last Sunday's offering was absolutely magical. One of my favorites yet! (Instagram) and I have been holding monthly microdose and sound healing offerings since March. I highly recommend experiencing it at least once. Thank you Satya for having the courage to open this magical healing container up to the community with me. Seeing our growth as healers, and gaining such a wonderful friendship, has been a blessing in my life ❤️ I love you Sister!


When beginning to microdose it is important to pick a protocol in order to create a more constant state of neuroplasticity and neurogenesis. After you have been microdosing for a while, and those neuropathways have been established, you will likely want to use the intuitive protocol and receive the medicine when you feel the need for extra support.

Some protocols to choose from:
The Stamets Protocol: 4 days in a row with a 3 day break
The Fadimans Protocol: every 3rd day
The Every Other Day Protocol

Intention is very important while microdosing. Why are you microdosing? What is your focus? When choosing an intention try to be clear and concise. Something the isn’t too broad, and isn’t too scattered. You can journal about this, writing down all that you are healing through, all that you want for yourself, and find the common thread. Perhaps it is to feel safe in your body and safe in this world. Perhaps it is to feel confident in your actions and purpose. Perhaps it is to forgive yourself or someone else for something.

Also take your time with figuring out your dosage. If you’re more sensitive your microdose may be at 50mg, or if you have a high tolerance you may be at 200mg. It really depends on you. I recommend to start low and to go up slowly from there. Many people I work with start out way too high. The point of a microdose is that you cannot physically feel it – you want to be below that threshold.

One of the most important parts of microdosing is taking the time to check-in with yourself. I highly recommend journaling in order for you to better understand your experience and to help you remember insights and realizations. I do understand that writing isn’t for everyone – are there other ways you can document your experience? Perhaps a voice recording or creating art?


Purchase Tickets: compasswithin.eventbrite.com

As we approach the darkest day of the year, we openly greet our shadow self. Holding ourselves with the most tender love and compassion. We have been feeling our darker nature and learning so much, and as we move slowly and sit with this side, we can nurture our hearts by finding direction. Feel the compass within. Where is it directing you? What is your spirit’s philosophy?

We will take these moments to be where we are and intentionally choose our allies: people, places, and medicine in all its forms. Choosing wisely what will accompany us through the dark months. Who and what we will exchange our precious energy with. We will allow our body and our mind to slow down and to become still; being aware of our inner world. Detaching ourselves from the stories and watching them pass by. By doing this you can create an open perspective and gently bring in the warmth of self-love, to observe the collective souls emerging as one. Let us fall freely into the deepest knowing that we are not alone, and as we heal ourselves, we heal together.

Danielle will open the class with microdosing education. Before drinking the microdose tea we will set intentions for our practice. The medicine will allow us to gain a deeper connection to our body, mind and spirit. Satya will guide us through gentle yoga poses, a guided meditation, and a sound bath.

This offering is co-facilitated by Satya (, www.satyahealing.life), and Danielle Daniel M.A., the founder of Microdosing Humboldt (, www.microdosinghumboldt.com).

*In order to stay within the guidelines of the resolution that decriminalized entheogens in Arcata, the microdose tea will be gifted, while the ticket price covers the cost of the yoga, guided meditation and sound healing practice. To honor the resolution, microdoses cannot be gifted to anyone under 21 years of age.

*If you have a personal history of schizophrenia microdosing is not advised because it can cause more harm than good.

*If you are currently taking lithium or tramadol it is not advisable to microdose. Mixing these can cause seizures.

*If you are currently on an SSRI, SNRI, or MAOI please be aware of the potential of serotonin syndrome. While microdosing with psilocybin mushrooms this is extremely rare, but still important to be educated about


This is a snippet from the May 17th 2023 presentation I did with Dr King at Shroomworks. In this section I am sharing the different effects of microdosing between a few different medicines.
I hope you enjoy!


Microdosing enhances your inner and outer world. During chaotic times, such as world affairs, personal loss, and big changes, it may be best to take a break from microdosing until things settle down. This medicine is excellent at creating clarity, and it’s absolutely ok to take a break now and then if it feels too intense.

This medicine is all about experimentation and paying attention to your intuition. If during your microdosing journey things are not feeling very good – take a week break and see how you feel without the medicine. During chaotic times the medicine could help you to navigate through it more clearly, or it could make things even more overwhelming. If you do not have the time or energy to sit with the messages coming through, then it would be most beneficial to wait until you feel more settled to start again.

Breaks are important, and you will not be losing anything by taking a break, in fact the break can be just as powerful as when you are microdosing, for it is all connected.

Happy Healing. Reach out at any time!


The 5ht2a receptor is activated while microdosing. This receptor influences memory, cognition and learning, and this is why many microdosers report an increase in these areas. This may include an increase in focus, having better problem solving skills, a longer attention span, better self control, ability to make logical decisions, and increased openness in social settings.

Happy healing!

Photos from Microdosing Humboldt's post 09/13/2023

Microdosing may assist in healing dementia and Alzheimer.
How does it do this?

This medicine creates neuroplasticity, neurogenesis, and is anti inflammatory. It increases dendritic spines and synapses in our brains, and these connections are the ones that degrade with dementia/alzheimer. Microdosing strengthens these key areas in order for our brain to communicate more effectively. Neurogenesis in the hippocampus may play a role in long-term memory and in learning.

**Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change shape, to adapt, and to create new neural connections/pathways in response to experiences.
**Neurogenesis is the process of new neurons being created in the brain.


I have had quite a few questions about possible side effects while microdosing, so I made a short video to answer that for you.

Some unwanted side effects can occur if you accidently take too large of a microdose. It is always a good idea to be in a safe place on a chill day for your first microdose to make sure it’s the right dosage for you. If your microdose is too high it could interfere with your regular day to day activities.

Things to watch for in case it is too high: A spike in anxiety, feeling unfocused, and feeling generally uncomfortable in your body. Some people may feel super sleepy or too jittery if it’s too high.
Headaches can be another side effect. This medicine will heighten whatever is going on in your body already, so if you’re already feeling a headache, this could be more noticeable. Drink some water to see if that helps – headaches may be due to dehydration. If that doesn’t help it could be due to the vasoconstriction that the medicine may cause, and things to counteract that is: magnesium, niacin and l-theanine.

Another side effect really has to do with perception: what needs to be seen and what needs to be healed may come to the surface, and this often is uncomfortable! If you do not have the time and space to explore and sit with the emotions and thoughts that may be coming up, it might be a good idea to take a break until you can create more time to get deeper into your healing experience. This medicine does amplify your inner and outer world, so if this medicine is feeling too overwhelming with where you are in your life, take a break! There is no race to healing.

Leave comments below if you would like to share other possible side effects not mentioned in this video!
Thanks for stopping by, and reach out at any time!


Here is a little clip I wanted to share from Dr. Roy King and I's presentation about psychedelics from a couple months ago.

I personally love the Stoned Ape Theory, and I also wanted to share with you all my philosophy and hopes for our future as humans on this Earth.

Another big thank you to Shroom Works for being such wonderful hosts - I truly hope to collaborate again in the future. And thank you Modern Native Wellness for organizing this event for our community.


This is a clip about different protocols, from a longer talk on microdosing. You can find the full talk on normalizepsychedelics.com. (instagram) is doing amazing work with capturing the stories and voices of those healing with psychedelics, which helps to destigmatize these medicines. You can support their mission by becoming a subscriber or donating to them.

Photos from Microdosing Humboldt's post 07/09/2023

While experimenting with your dose for microdosing start low and go up from there, especially if you do not know your tolerance.

There can be many different factors around tolerance. If you are normally sensitive to medications, you will likely have a lower tolerance, so it would be wise to start below .1 of a gram (100mg). If your sensitivity is about normal then your dose may be around .1g (100mg) to .13g (130mg). Higher tolerances could be up to .2g (200mg) and even .3g (300mg) – although this high of a microdose is very rare.

Higher tolerances can be effected by certain medications, such as being on an SSRI, SNRI, MAOI, trazodone, and other medications that inhibit/activate serotonin receptors. Also, those on the spectrum tend to have a higher tolerance. Some people who use other substances such as alcohol, cannabis, kratom, ketamine and so on may need a higher microdose to feel any benefit. I do recommend creating some spaciousness from taking these substances while microdosing, such as taking them at different times of the day, or opposite of your microdosing days, in order to honor each medicine.

Reach out at any time!


In this Connection course we will re-connect, re-ignite, and re-align with our friends/ partners. This class will bring in a deeper understanding of microdosing and the benefits of microdosing with your friend/partner. We will engage all our senses through intention, partner assist yoga, sensory play, dance and complete the experience with a sound bath. This class is great for rekindling a flame with our friends, our partners, and will encourage a stronger bond between you and the one you care for. During our sensory dive we will tantalize our senses with aromatherapy, taste, sound, touch, and dance. This is a great way to reconnect with ourselves and our partner. Whether it’s a new relationship or a relationship that desires a strong flame. Come adventure with us at the Baerie on Fickle Hill. July 22nd from 230pm-530pm

Please bring your partner, a mat, a water bottle and an open heart. Space is limited so please reserve early. Class investment is 45$ per person.

This offering is co-facilitated by Sarah Howe (), and Danielle Daniel M.A., the founder of Microdosing Humboldt (, www.microdosinghumboldt.com).

*In order to stay within the guidelines of the resolution that decriminalized entheogens in Arcata, the microdose tea will be gifted, while the ticket price covers the cost of the yoga, guided meditation and sound healing practice. To honor the resolution, microdoses cannot be gifted to anyone under 21 years of age.

*If you have a personal history of schizophrenia microdosing is not advised because it can cause more harm than good.

*If you are currently taking lithium or tramadol it is not advisable to microdose. Mixing these can cause seizures.

*If you are currently on an SSRI, SNRI, or MAOI please be aware of the potential of serotonin syndrome. While microdosing with psilocybin mushrooms this is extremely rare, but still important to be educated about.


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Videos (show all)

I wanted to talk with you about why microdosing doesn’t work for everyone. The biggest reason is having the wrong dosage...
Microdosing can sometimes increase anxiety. One reason could be that your microdose is too high. The other reason could ...
A microdose is supposed to be sub hallucinatory - you're not supposed to feel much of anything physically on your proper...
This is a snippet from the May 17th 2023 presentation I did with Dr King at Shroomworks. In this section I am sharing th...
I have had quite a few questions about possible side effects while microdosing, so I made a short video to answer that f...
Here is a little clip I wanted to share from Dr. Roy King and I's presentation about psychedelics from a couple months a...
This is a clip about different protocols, from a longer talk on microdosing. You can find the full talk on normalizepsyc...
Difficult microdosing days may arise throughout your journey. There are practices to help support you when discomforts p...
Hello friends!! Before starting your microdosing journey, it is important to be aware of the possible contraindications,...
Last night I did a short talk on microdosing. I have so much gratitude that Dr Roy King gave me the opportunity to prese...
Integration is absolutely essential while microdosing. The medicine shows you the way, but it is up to you to integrate ...
There have been quite a few questions about protocols for microdosing, so hopefully this video will help you understand ...


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