Miss Socialite Initiatives, Atlanta, GA Videos

Videos by Miss Socialite Initiatives in Atlanta. Mission is to make young women aware of the entrepreneurial spirit and enlighten them about the infin

Other Miss Socialite Initiatives videos

Socialites, With every step or decision ..let’s not forget the power within. Let today be full of Girl Power🌸

Socialites, I challenge you to open up your circle this week and make a positive change by networking and helping the next person! #transformationtuesday #newcrew #newyou #charity #msb2018 #msb2020 #msb2018 #nonprofit #networking

#MSBPanelMember offers Advice for Monday
Socialites, It is time to get in the mix for our brand new #mixymondays. We have a special message from our former panel member, Shanita Burgess. Shanita is offering 3 steps to tackle your Monday. Follow suit and let us know how it goes!!

Miss Socialite Brunch has the gift of connection. Are you in the MSB network? Do you have opportunities to share to young women? What is your gift ? #therelaunch #msb2020