Doctors for Global Health

Promoting health and human rights with those who have no voice. Visit us at

Doctors for Global Health (DGH) is a private, not-for-profit organization promoting health, education, art and other human rights throughout the world. DGH is comprised of hundreds of health professionals, students, educators, artists, attorneys, engineers, retirees and others. Together we build long-term relationships between people and communities around the world to find effective solutions to

If I Must Die by Refaat Alareer 25/06/2024

DGH statement on Gaza - June 20th, 2024

We, Doctors for Global Health, write with a broken heart, this letter to publicly condemn the horrific atrocities ongoing in Gaza, which the UN Special Rapporteur has stated that there are “reasonable grounds” to declare a genocide.i As a US-based organization, we write to call for an immediate ceasefire and the cessation of offensive US military aid to Israel. We are a small private not-for-profit international organization composed of health professionals, artists, therapists, musicians, educators, parents, survivors of war, and a myriad of other labels. We were founded in the mountains of El Salvador in 1995, amid the grief and poverty of a post-civil war society out of a spirit of health internationalism. Since then we have dedicated our time to accompanying communities in Argentina, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Uganda, and the United States. We find inspiration from the principles of liberation medicine, the conscious and conscientious use of health to promote social justice, human dignity, human rights, and peace.

There is so much suffering in this world we find ourselves, but since the brutal murder of 1200 lives by Hamas on October 7th, the onslaught of devastation has been overwhelming. The ongoing atrocities perpetrated by the state of Israel, funded and armed by the US government, have as of this writing killed over 37,000 and wounded 81,000, a large percentage being women and children. It has displaced the majority of the 2,000,000 inhabitants of the Gaza Strip. Furthermore, 723 healthcare workers have been killed, another 924 wounded and 450 health facilities attacked. In addition, the use of starvation to further devastate the Palestinian people is a clear form of collective punishment and an international war crime.ii

We call for an immediate ceasefire, the release of all Palestinian prisoners and Israeli hostages, the immediate release of all humanitarian aid to Gaza, and the cessation of all offensive military weapons to Israel. We call for the right to return for those displaced in Gaza. We call for the end of state-backed violence against Palestinians in the West Bank and for the end of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian Territories. We call for an end to the brutal repression in all its forms of protesting college students and activists who are valiantly rising up against these atrocities and standing for justice.

DGH’s affirmation that every human life is equally precious compels us to stand with those who struggle for social justice, human rights, and peace. True health is based on people living free of oppression, violence, and colonization. The Palestinian people, the Israeli people deserve no less. May we honor the words of the Palestinian poet Dr. Refaat Alareer, killed by an Israeli airstrike with his family in December 2023:

If I must die

“If I must die,

you must live

to tell my story

to sell my things

to buy a piece of cloth

and some strings,

(make it white with a long tail)

so that a child, somewhere in Gaza

while looking heaven in the eye

awaiting his dad who left in a blaze–

and bid no one farewell

not even to his flesh

not even to himself–

sees the kite, my kite you made, flying up above

and thinks for a moment an angel is there

bringing back love

If I must die

let it bring hope

let it be a tale” iii

May we find our way back to ourselves, to stop the killing, and begin building a world worthy of all of our children.

“I am now persuaded that Israel is engaged in genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. What has changed my mind is its sustained policy of obstructing the movement of humanitarian assistance into the territory.” Aryeh Neier, German-born Jewish Holocaust survivor, and founder of Human Rights Watch.

ii WHO situational report:



Declaración de la DGH sobre Gaza - 20 de junio de 2024

Nosotros, Doctors for Global Health, DGH, escribimos con el corazón herido esta carta para condenar públicamente las horribles atrocidades que se están cometiendo en Gaza, donde el Relator Especial de la ONU ha declarado que existen “motivos razonables” para declarar un genocidio. i Siendo una organización basada en los Estados Unidos, escribimos para pedir un alto el fuego inmediato y el cese de ayuda militar ofensiva de Estados Unidos a Israel. Somos una pequeña organización internacional privada sin fines de lucro compuesta por profesionales de la salud, artistas, terapeutas, músicos, educadores, padres, sobrevivientes de guerra y una miríada de otras etiquetas. Fuimos fundados en las montañas de El Salvador en 1995, en medio del dolor y la pobreza de una sociedad de posguerra civil, con un espíritu de internacionalismo de salud. Desde entonces hemos dedicado nuestro tiempo a acompañar comunidades en Argentina, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Perú, Uganda y Estados Unidos. Nos inspiramos de los principios de la medicina de liberación, el uso consciente y concienzudo de salud para promover la justicia social, la dignidad humana, los derechos humanos y la paz.

Hay tanto sufrimiento en este mundo en el que nos encontramos, pero desde el brutal as*****to de 1200 vidas por parte de Hamas el 7 de octubre, la devastación ha sido abrumadora. Las actuales atrocidades perpetradas por el Estado de Israel, financiadas y armadas por el gobierno de Estados Unidos, han matado a más de 37.000 personas y han herido a 81.000, un gran porcentaje de ellas mujeres y niños. Ha desplazado a la mayoría de los 2.000.000 de habitantes de la Franja de Gaza. Además, 723 proveedores de salud han mu**to, otros 924 han resultado heridos y 450 instituciones de salud han sido atacadas. Además, el uso del hambre para devastar aún más al pueblo Palestino es una forma clara de castigo colectivo y un crimen de guerra internacional. ii

Pedimos inmediatamente el alto al fuego, la liberación de todos los prisioneros Palestinos y rehenes Israelíes, la liberación inmediata de toda la ayuda humanitaria a Gaza y el cese de todas las armas militares ofensivas a Israel. Exigimos el derecho al retorno de los desplazados en Gaza. Exigimos el fin de la violencia respaldada por el Estado contra los Palestinos en Cisjordania y el fin de la ocupación Israelí de los territorios Palestinos. Exigimos el fin a la brutal represión en todas sus formas contra los estudiantes universitarios y activistas que se levantan valientemente contra estas atrocidades y defienden la justicia.

La afirmación de DGH de que cada vida humana es igualmente preciosa nos obliga a estar con quienes luchan por la justicia social, los derechos humanos y la paz. La salud verdadera se basa en gente que viviendo libres de opresión, violencia y colonización. El pueblo Palestino, el pueblo Israelí no merecen menos. Honremos las palabras del poeta palestino Dr. Refaat Alareer, asesinado junto con su familia en un ataque aéreo israelí en diciembre de 2023:

Si debo morir

“Si debo morir,

tu debes vivir

para contar mi historia

para vender mis cosas

comprar un trozo de tela

y algunas cuerdas,

(hazlo blanco con una cola larga)

para que un niño, en algún lugar de Gaza

mientras mire el cielo a los ojos

esperando a su padre que se fue en llamas–

y sin despedirse de nadie

ni siquiera a su carne

ni siquiera a sí mismo

Vea el papalote, mi papalote que me hiciste, volando arriba

y piensa por un momento que un ángel está ahí

trayendo de vuelta el amor

si debo morir

que traiga esperanza

que sea un cuento”iii

Que podamos encontrar el camino de regreso a nosotros mismos, detener las matanzas y comenzar a construir un mundo digno de todos nuestros hijos.

If I Must Die by Refaat Alareer Global translations of Dr Refaat Alareer's poem If I Must Die.


Dear DGH Friends,

Please join us for our annual DGH Boston summer social local community-building brunch, on Juneteenth, Wednesday, June 19 2024, from Noon to 2 PM!--the annual (since 2013) Festival of DGH Muse! This year we will meet in Jamaica Plain, MA (Please RSVP for the exact location).

DGH's philosophy is to accompany and assist communities as they create their own paths, and to offer support in the form of volunteers and funding for projects, as well as advocacy. The funding comes largely from donations from friends and supporters like you. We celebrate diversity in our community worldwide, promote antiracism and gender-preference-affirming-respectful care, and welcome contributions of music, ideas, and money to help build community.

Mindful of the power of social well-being and its essential contributions to community health and clinical excellence, DGH has members from all walks of life, including (but not limited to): "health professionals, students, educators, artists, attorneys, engineers, retirees, and others. Together we build long-term relationships between people and communities around the world to find effective solutions to social justice issues."

As in years past, we will have MUSIC (“Old Time” – like bluegrass) by Joel Wennerstrom and the DGH Old Time players, Check them out here, for an example of Joel’s claw-hammer banjo playing.

There will be gluten-free vegetarian chili from Renee Smith’s Georgia recipe, corn, fruit, and friendship. Come for a minute or both hours. Children we welcome!

Please send me a message if you are interested in attending. And we hope to see you there!

DGH Community


Dear DGH Friends,

Brayan Osiel was born prematurely, at 31 weeks, weighing just 3.5 pounds.

He spent the first two months of his life in an intensive care unit, a 90-minute drive from the clinic.

Like many premature babies, Brayan wasn’t able to breastfeed. Because of his low weight, he needs a special formula for premature babies. The formula is expensive - more than the family's monthly income.

Without enough formula, Brayan is not gaining enough weight. At 6 months old, Brayan only weighs 10 pounds.

Doctors for Global Health is establishing the Emergency Medical Assistance Fund to help families like Brayan's. With help from the Fund, Brayan can get the formula he needs to grow and thrive. As part of our long-standing commitment to community accompaniment, it is critical that we act now.

Please help this family and others like them. And please help now.

Your contribution – in any amount - will help save lives and restore smiles.

Click here to donate now


María is a strong woman with a difficult story. The impact of diabetes can be profound even when diagnosed early. But when it is found in an advanced stage, the cost can be too much. Read her story and how you can help today.

Please consider becoming a monthly donor. Even donating the cost of a single coffee run each month contributes to hope and health.

Thank you!


Verónica is a 24-year-old who always has a smile on her face. She suffers from multiple seizures every day, and she and her community need our help. Click the link to learn how you can help!

UPDATE: The fate of the SANTA MARTA Water Defenders is on the hands of a judge now. 06/04/2024

The fate of the Santa Marta Water Defenders is now in the hands of a judge

A preliminary court hearing to determine whether five Water Defenders from the community of Santa Marta and members of the ADES association should stand trial for an alleged murder that took place over 34 years ago in the context of the Salvadorean civil war has been adjourned until April 10th, 2024.

UPDATE: The fate of the SANTA MARTA Water Defenders is on the hands of a judge now. A preliminary court hearing to determine whether five Water Defenders from the community of Santa Marta and members of the ADES association should stand trial for an alleged murder that took place over 34 years ago in the context of the Salvadorean civil war has been adjourned until April 10th, 2024...


Dear Doctors for Global Health Community,

🎉🌟We are excited to welcome Dr. Amilcar Alexis Granados Arriaza to the La Asociación de Campesinos para el Desarrollo Humano (CDH) clinical team! His compassion and empathic care are a sight to behold.🌟🎉

Dr. Granados grew up in a poor rural area in Northeast El Salvador, and after a frightening experience with a family member, he knew he had to become a doctor. How did Dr. Granados do it? And how does he serve patients now? Read more of Dr. Granados’s story on our website (a quick 3 minute read!):

📚Visit to learn more about Doctors for Global Health.

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook!




Dear Doctors for Global Health Community,

I am heading to El Salvador this Saturday 1/27/24 and will be visiting Santa Marta, a rural community in El Salvador that we have accompanied now for more than 20 years.

The Rehabilitation Center is DGH’s longest-standing commitment, which was started in the 90's. It is run by two community health practitioners, trained by international colleagues. They provide a wide array of services including physical therapy and other bodywork techniques, specifically developed to address the needs of war wounded, injured, and people suffering from chronic musculoskeletal conditions. They perform home visits as well as facilitate programming designed to promote movement and play for infants and children.

The Rehabilitation Center and its partner, Open Window, need supplies to continue their programs that provide services to the community, ranging from physical therapy, parent/children groups and more.

Help me respond to their appeal for equipment, supplies and over-the-counter medicines.

You may also have suggestions of places to get these supplies at a reduced cost or even for free.

If you are not in the Boston area where I live, this may be too short notice.

But others will be heading that way in the weeks to come. Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you can help.

Supplies needed:
- ace bandages, arm slings, neck collars
- gauzes bandages, tape, bandaids, topical antibiotic cream
- sunscreen, moisturizing cream,
- Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, multivitamins, calcium supplements. probiotics for adults and children
- male and female urinary catheters (not in-dwelling)
- canes
- clay and legos for kids

If you can't give supplies, please donate to DGH so that we can continue supporting this work.

-In solidarity,
Denise Zwahlen
Santa Marta Program Coordinator

Global Health Talk: Doctors for Global Health: 28 Years of Liberation Medicine and How You Can Be Involved RSVP 13/01/2024

Introduction for Doctors for Global Health Talk at Harvard Medical School!

We are thrilled to welcome you to a transformative discourse on global health featuring Doctors for Global Health. This esteemed organization, driven by a commitment to health equity and social justice, stands at the forefront of leaders dedicated to making a meaningful impact on a global scale.

About Doctors for Global Health:
Doctors for Global Health is a non-profit organization that brings together a network of diverse professionals dedicated to addressing health disparities and advocating for the right to health for all. With a focus on underserved communities worldwide, DGH's mission extends beyond conventional medical practices, embracing a holistic approach that encompasses social, economic, and environmental factors.

The Talk:
Join us next week at Harvard for an enlightening talk where Doctors for Global Health experts will share their insights, experiences, and innovative approaches to tackling global health challenges. This engaging discussion will delve into the organization's impactful projects, the role that YOU can have in fostering positive change, and the importance of collaborative efforts to build healthier, more equitable societies.

Event Details: Doctors for Global Health: 28 Years of Liberation Medicine and How You Can Be Involved
Date: Thursday, January 18, 2024
Time: 5:30-6:30pm
Location: Harvard Medical School, Tosteson Medical Education Center, 260 Longwood Ave, Rm 140

Registration is required to secure your spot and actively participate in this enlightening talk!

Prepare to be inspired by the voices driving change in global health as Doctors for Global Health takes the stage at Harvard.
This is a unique opportunity to engage with thought leaders and visionaries who are shaping the future of healthcare on a global scale. Don't miss the chance to be part of this impactful conversation.

See you there!

Global Health Talk: Doctors for Global Health: 28 Years of Liberation Medicine and How You Can Be Involved RSVP Thursday, January 18, 5:30-6:30pm in TMEC 140 Please complete this form by January 15 if you plan to attend.


Five anti-mining activists from Santa Marta, Cabañas, El Salvador were unjustly arrested a year ago. Join a rally in a city near you to call for the charges to be dropped!

We invite those of you who are able to join us in person on January 10th to hear efforts for their release, raise your voice loudly for the dropping of charges against the Santa Marta 5 and offer words of solidarity to the families and communities coping with the arrests.

Rallies are happening in person at the following Canadian and US locations on January 10, 2024 at 4 PM local time:

Ottawa: Embassy of El Salvador, 209 Kent St., Ottawa ON (contact: [email protected])
Toronto: Consulate of El Salvador, 425 Bloor St. E. (contact: [email protected])
Vancouver: Consulate of El Salvador, 1111 Melville St. (contact: [email protected])
Washington, DC: Embassy of El Salvador, 1400 16th St. NW, Washington, DC (contact: [email protected])


Holiday Wishes from our DGH Board!

On behalf of Doctors for Global Health, we extend our heartfelt wishes to all individuals and communities around the world. As we embark on another year, may it be filled with good health, resilience, and compassion. In the face of global challenges, let us continue to work together to promote equitable healthcare access, strengthen healthcare systems, and uplift the well-being of people everywhere. May the pursuit of health and justice be our guiding force, fostering a world where every individual can thrive. We are grateful for the collective efforts of our dedicated members and partners who contribute tirelessly to our mission. Here's to a year of healing, unity, and progress for all!
-DGH Board

Muchas gracias y feliz año 2024 para todxs y abrazos solidarios y fraternos.
-Juan M Canales Ruiz, Project Coordinator for DGH Chiapas

Best to you all as the year 2023 comes to a close, and we all long for more tranquility all over the world where there is strife.
- Shirley Novak, Treasurer of DGH

With so many good wishes and hope!
-Michele Brothers, Vice President of DGH


Dear Doctors for Global Health Community,

Greetings from Doctors for Global Health, where compassionate care meets global impact! We extend a warm invitation to individuals and organizations who share our vision of a world where healthcare is a universal right, not a privilege.

At Doctors for Global Health, we are dedicated to making quality healthcare accessible to underserved communities worldwide, and we believe that collective action is the key to realizing this vision. Whether you are an individual seeking to make a difference, an organization aligned with our mission, or a philanthropist looking to invest in transformative change, your partnership with us can contribute to building healthier and more equitable societies.

Join us in our journey to make a lasting impact on global health – together, we can turn aspirations into realities and create a world where healthcare knows no boundaries.

Welcome to Doctors for Global Health, where your support becomes a powerful force for positive change.

-In solidarity,
DGH Board


Dear DGH Allies and Friends,

As we embark on this season of gratitude and generosity, we invite you to be a part of something truly impactful. Please consider donating to Doctors for Global Health!

Every act of kindness, no matter how small, has the power to create positive change.

Your support can:
-Provide essential resources to those in need
-Empower communities to thrive
-Address social justice issues


This Giving Tuesday, join us in making a positive impact on the lives of those who need it most. Your support can create a ripple effect of kindness, compassion, and change. Consider donating to Doctors for Global Health ! We invite you to join our community of social justice and health equity advocates locally and globally!


In-person DGH Meet Up this weekend!

An exciting agenda filled with action-packed events happening in person on Sunday 11/12/2023 and Monday 11/13/2023

Share your support and join in on the conversation to stand in solidarity with DGH partner communities. Learn about the incredible work social justice leaders and advocates are working on in the US and abroad. Join the struggle! Come and be inspired to make a difference!

If any of you should, could, or would happen to be in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, for the American Public Health Association (APHA), stop and speak with leaders involved in Stop Cop City Actions, and DGH! If you live here or love someone who lives in Atlanta or all of the above, this is a good opportunity to meet like-minded individuals!

Learn more and connect with us: DGH Get Together (11/12/2023) and APHA presentation (11/13/2023), Boston “Cookie Baking Together”—December, and more.

Weekend Itinerary-

Sunday 12 November 2023: DGH Pop-Up Get Together and Community Building Opportunities

o 1PM-2PM - Same location for participation in the first hour of the DGH Mexico/Psicologi Nel Mondo—Torino/DGH Europe “Conversation on Healing”—an international virtual conversation, led from Mexico and Italy--International

o 2PM to 4PM - DGH Get together and Report on the 5 Water-Environmental Defenders “Santa Marta Five”--from Santa Marta, Cabanas, El Salvador by Peter Nataren and DGH opportunities, next steps renewal. [Atlanta]

Please email if you are interested in meeting people who care about social justice! For logistical details, please reach out to: [email protected]

Monday 13 November 2023: APHA Conference

o 8:30 AM to 10 AM APHA Presentation (Socialist Caucus Thank You Gracias Merci)! - Room Details: 3057.1 GWCC, B405

Environmental Activism and the Carceral State: Three Important Cases Moderator: Clyde Lanford Smith, MD, MPH, DTM&H and Patty Medina, MPH

APHA Agenda

o 8:30 a.m.- El Salvador’s 5 Santa Marta incarcerated water defenders and “regimen of exception" - Clyde Smith, MD MPH and Elvis Nataren, Hydroponics specialist

o 8:45 a.m. - Stopping Cop City by addressing environmental destruction of the south river forest, promoting democratic accountability, and engaging in the abolitionist struggle through the building of life-affirming institutions - Janhavi Dubhashi, MPH

o 9:00 a.m. - Abolition success in Los Angeles (and the ongoing struggle): Justicia’s successful coalition to close the largest Los Angeles jail. - Shamsher Samra, MD MPhil, and Felipe Findley, PA

Endorsed by: Peace Caucus

Holiday Special!

BOSTON: Cookie Baking Community Building [in December, date tba]—do try this at home! All funds go to support DGH partner communities in El Salvador and Mexico!


P.S. Keep your eye out for the DGH Reporter! Read about all the latest DGH project updates and learn about how you can get involved.

If anyone wants to support DGH’s work, please don’t forget to donate at Any donation is welcome!

Even if you can’t come to these spontaneous in person events, please consider looking at our social media to stay informed in what DGH is doing!

DGH Website
DGH Facebook

Doctors for Global Health Promoting health and human rights with those who have no voice. Visit us at


Don't forget to RSVP for DGH's Father's Day Brunch! All donations will be for DGH partner communities in Central America and Uganda. Support health and human rights programs and listen to live music from talented musicians!
We hope to see you there!

Make a donation


Dear DGH supports, allies, and friends,

Please join us for our annual DGH Boston summer social local community-building brunch, on June 17th, Saturday, 2023 during Father's Day weekend two days prior to Juneteenth!

DGH's philosophy is to accompany and assist communities as they create their own paths, and to offer support in the form of volunteers and funding for projects, as well as advocacy. The funding comes largely from donations from friends and supporters like you. We celebrate diversity in our community worldwide, promote antiracism and gender-preference-affirming-respectful care, and welcome contributions of music, ideas and money to help build community.

Mindful of the power of social well-being and its essential contributions to community health and clinical excellence, DGH has members from all walks of life, including (but not limited to): "health professionals, students, educators, artists, attorneys, engineers, retirees and others. Together we build long-term relationships between people and communities around the world to find effective solutions to social justice issues."

Don't forget to RSVP and we hope to see you there!

Make a donation to DGH


Saturday May 6, 3-5 pm

Greenroots. 90 Everett Ave., Chelsea
Join the call to demand Freedom for the Water Defenders of Santa Marta and to maintain the historic, first in the world mining ban in El Salvador

Come listen to Peter Nataren, a leader from the Community directly involved in this fight! Simultaneous translation will be available. For more info: [email protected]

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: FREE THE SANTA MARTA WATER DEFENDERS! PROTECT EL SALVADOR’S PEACE AGREEMENT!. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. 11/04/2023

Free the Santa Marta Water Defenders!
¡Liberen as los defensores del agua de Santa Marta!

Español abajo

Please join hundreds of people from over 6 countries who have been raising their voices in support of the Santa Marta 5 who were arbitrarily detained on January 11, 2023!

Details: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 5PM EDT

With participation from:

Vidalina Morales, Board member of Social & Economic Development Association of Santa Marta (ADES), El Salvador
Pedro Cabezas, Coordinator of the Central American Alliance against Mining (ACAFREMIN) and International Allies Against Mining in El Salvador
Luis Parada, International Lawyer that represented El Salvador in the successful 2016 arbitration case at the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)
You will learn about the Santa Marta 5 and how their story is connected to the broader struggle of the Salvadoran people for peace and water. You will learn how to become an ally in defending the Salvadoran Peace Agreement and protect the nation’s water. This webinar is organized by the International Allies against mining in El Salvador and will take place in Spanish and English with simultaneous interpretation.

More background information is available on our Facebook invite.

Event endorsed by:

Americas Policy Group/Groupe d’orientation politique pour les Amériques
Institute for Policy Studies (IPS)
International Allies Against Mining in El Salvador
MiningWatch Canada
PSAC Social Justice Fund / Fonds de justice sociale de l’AFPC
The United Church of Canada
Committee for Human Rights in Latin America (CDHAL)
SHARE Foundation
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas – Justice Team
Washington Ethical Society (WES)
Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas
Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA)
International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines (ICHRP Canada)
Doctors for Global Health
Pax Christi International

¡Únete a cientos de personas de más de 6 países que han estado alzando sus voces en apoyo de los 5 de Santa Marta que fueron detenidos arbitrariamente el 11 de enero de 2023!

Detalles: el martes 18 de abril a las 3PM El Salvador/México, 4 PM Colombia/Ecuador, 6 PM Argentina

Con la participación de:

Vidalina Morales, integrante de la Junta directiva de la Asociación de Desarrollo Económico y Social de Santa Marta (ADES), El Salvador
Pedro Cabezas, coordinador de la Alianza Centroamericana en Frente de la Minería (ACAFREMIN) y Aliados Internacionales contra la Minería Metálica en El Salvador
Luis Parada, Abogado Internacional que representó a El Salvador en el exitoso caso de arbitraje en el 2016 en el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias Relativas a Inversiones (CIADI)
Conocerás la historia de los 5 de Santa Marta y cómo se conecta con la lucha más amplia del pueblo salvadoreño por la Paz y la defensa del Agua. Escucharás cómo convertirte en aliada/o para defender los Acuerdos de paz de El Salvador y proteger el agua de esa nación. Este webinar es organizado por los Aliados Internacionales contra la Minería en El Salvador. Contaremos con interpretación simultánea en español e inglés.

Para saber más visita el evento en Facebook.

Evento auspiciado por:

Aliados Internacionales contra la Minería Metálica en El Salvador
Grupo de Orientación de Políticas para las Américas (GOPA)
La Iglesia Unida de Canadá
Instituto de Estudios de Políticas (IPS)
MiningWatch Canadá (Alerta Minera Canadá)
Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) Fondo de Justicia Social
Comité por los Derechos Humanos en América Latina (CDHAL)
SHARE Foundation
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas – Justice Team
Washington Ethical Society (WES)
Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas
Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA)
International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines (ICHRP Canada)
Doctors for Global Health
Pax Christi International

Register- #/registration

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: FREE THE SANTA MARTA WATER DEFENDERS! PROTECT EL SALVADOR’S PEACE AGREEMENT!. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. Learn the Santa Marta 5 story and how its connected to the broader struggle of the Salvadoran people. You will hear how to become allies in defending peace accords and water and how to take action wherever you are. This webinar is organized by the Americas Policy Group (APG) and the International Al...

Videos (show all)

Musica para mejorar el mundo ❤️
Let's call out the injustice of vaccine apartheid and get inspired for action on March 11! #PeoplesVaccine