Bob Barr's Liberty Guard

Bob Barr's Liberty Guard

Established as a 501(c)4 under IRS code, Liberty Guard is a non-partisan, not-for-profit organizatio

The Meat-Headed Nanny-ism of the Biden Administration - Liberty Guard 14/12/2023

The Meat-Headed Nanny-ism of the Biden Administration - Liberty Guard Townhall In the 1972 made-for-TV movie Between Time and Timbuktu, the protagonist is transported to a world in which no one person is permitted to be superior in any way to…

Sorry To Disappoint The Left, But The NRA Is Alive And Well - Liberty Guard 07/12/2023

Sorry To Disappoint The Left, But The NRA Is Alive And Well - Liberty Guard Daily Caller   As someone who has been involved in the ups and downs of politics for many years, I am very familiar with the games politicians play, trying to…

Want to Save Medicare? Call Your Members of Congress. Now. - Liberty Guard 30/11/2023

Want to Save Medicare? Call Your Members of Congress. Now. - Liberty Guard If the 65 million (and counting) Americans who rely on Medicare want to see this 58-year-old federally-backed insurance program continue to meet their needs, they had better contact their Member of Congress…

Oregon Officials Are Dragging The State’s Education Standards Into The Abyss - Liberty Guard 08/11/2023

Oregon Officials Are Dragging The State’s Education Standards Into The Abyss - Liberty Guard Daily Caller For centuries, and certainly to Thomas Jefferson and other Founders, the value of an educated citizenry has been understood to be an imperative for good governance, if not…

Washington Snoozes While Foreign Money Continues to Pour Into U.S. Colleges and Universities - Liberty Guard 02/11/2023

Washington Snoozes While Foreign Money Continues to Pour Into U.S. Colleges and Universities - Liberty Guard Townhall The recent hubbub surrounding pro-Palestinian and anti-Jewish demonstrations at major universities and colleges in the U.S. has again drawn attention to the massive, and unaccounted donations made to those…

BARR: Biden’s Attempt To ‘Reduce’ Prescription Drug Prices Will Hurt Seniors On Medicare 01/11/2023

BARR: Biden’s Attempt To ‘Reduce’ Prescription Drug Prices Will Hurt Seniors On Medicare In August 2022 the Congress passed President Biden’s signature “Inflation Reduction Act,” without a single Republican vote in either the House or the Senate.

House GOP Squanders Opportunity To Conduct Oversight Of DOJ And Merrick Garland - Liberty Guard 26/09/2023

House GOP Squanders Opportunity To Conduct Oversight Of DOJ And Merrick Garland - Liberty Guard Daily Caller Last week, the House Judiciary Committee demonstrated once again that the GOP does not know how to conduct effective oversight of the Executive Branch. The occasion was the…

New Mexico Governor’s Anti-Gun Policy Doesn’t Even Pretend To Be Legitimate - Liberty Guard 13/09/2023

New Mexico Governor’s Anti-Gun Policy Doesn’t Even Pretend To Be Legitimate - Liberty Guard Daily Caller It appears the Left may no longer feel the need to cloak its gun control measures with even a pretense of legal imprimatur. In their zeal to restrict…

Canada Takes 'LGBTQ' To A Whole New Level - Liberty Guard 07/09/2023

Canada Takes 'LGBTQ' To A Whole New Level - Liberty Guard Townhall It has become easy to poke fun at Canada’s Gen-X Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. From his incessant warbling about Climate Catastrophe to his bedrock antagonism to fi****ms, Trudeau personifies…

GOP's New Plan For Military Action Against Mexico Will Have Massive And Negative Repercussions - Liberty Guard 29/08/2023

GOP's New Plan For Military Action Against Mexico Will Have Massive And Negative Repercussions - Liberty Guard Daily Caller In the early years of the last century, as our country was flexing its new-found muscle as a major industrial power, Latin America and the Caribbean served as…

Liberal, Feel-Good 'Driver Equity Laws' Actually Endanger the Public - Liberty Guard 24/08/2023

Liberal, Feel-Good 'Driver Equity Laws' Actually Endanger the Public - Liberty Guard Townhall Knee-jerk responses by government officials and legislators following incidents in which individuals have been killed by police can cause lasting harm to law-abiding citizens. One of these dangerous policies…

Biden’s Antitrust Guidelines Should Scare Every U.S. Business And Every Consumer - Liberty Guard 15/08/2023

Biden’s Antitrust Guidelines Should Scare Every U.S. Business And Every Consumer - Liberty Guard Daily Caller President Joe Biden claims regularly that his Administration is for the “middle class,” is there to help “American worker,” and is committed to support America’s families. The reality…

Keeping All The Whistleblowers Straight Is Becoming A Bit Of A Task - Liberty Guard 01/08/2023

Keeping All The Whistleblowers Straight Is Becoming A Bit Of A Task - Liberty Guard Daily Caller Sunday, July 30 was our nation’s tenth “National Whistleblower Appreciation Day.” For those who may not care so much for whistleblowers these days, including perhaps Joe and Hunter…

The Racial Reparations Train Gathers Steam - Liberty Guard 13/07/2023

The Racial Reparations Train Gathers Steam - Liberty Guard Townhall Slavery – a stain on our history by any reckoning – met its constitutional end in the late 1860s when the 13th and 14th Amendments to our Constitution were…

Want To See The Future Of Privacy? Look To France Today - Liberty Guard 11/07/2023

Want To See The Future Of Privacy? Look To France Today - Liberty Guard Daily Caller Privacy, or at least the yearning for privacy is a funny thing. When asked whether they support “privacy,” historically most individuals have said “sure.” In a recent survey, however,…

With Democrat Leaders Thumbing Their Noses At The Supreme Court, Why Shouldn't Student Loan Debtors? - Liberty Guard 05/07/2023

With Democrat Leaders Thumbing Their Noses At The Supreme Court, Why Shouldn't Student Loan Debtors? - Liberty Guard Daily Caller Last week the Supreme Court declared President Biden’s plan to cancel $430 billion in student loan repayments unconstitutional. The President’s response was to immediately announce that his Administration would…

Owners of ‘Smart’ Home Devices Can Be Pretty Dumb - Liberty Guard 22/06/2023

Owners of ‘Smart’ Home Devices Can Be Pretty Dumb - Liberty Guard Townhall The ubiquitous term “smart device” often is employed without seriously considering the implications of devices that are, in the context of the Internet of Things, “a wired or wireless context-aware…

Former Rep. Barr to Newsmax: Biden Impeachment Inquiry Can Be Filed 19/06/2023

Former Rep. Barr to Newsmax: Biden Impeachment Inquiry Can Be Filed Former Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga., told Newsmax on Friday that House Republicans have enough evidence to file an inquiry of impeachment with the Judiciary Committee and ramp up the investigation into allegations of bribery and influence peddling among President Joe Biden and ...

Lululemon’s CEO's Solution to Solve Shoplifting Epidemic – Punish Employees, Not Shoplifters - Liberty Guard 15/06/2023

Lululemon’s CEO's Solution to Solve Shoplifting Epidemic – Punish Employees, Not Shoplifters - Liberty Guard Townhall Shoplifting, including organized retail theft, has been surging in cities across America, and a new generation of woke CEOs and state legislators are implementing unusual methods of addressing the…

The Supreme Court Finally Reins in EPA Water Czars - Liberty Guard 01/06/2023

The Supreme Court Finally Reins in EPA Water Czars - Liberty Guard Townhall A surprisingly unanimous Supreme Court decision last week finally clipped the ever-expanding wings of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). For more than half a century, imperious regulators at the…

The Southern Poverty Law Center’s True Agenda Is the Destruction of America’s Culture - Liberty Guard 25/05/2023

The Southern Poverty Law Center’s True Agenda Is the Destruction of America’s Culture - Liberty Guard Townhall Since its founding in 1971 as an organization with the laudable mission of fighting the K*K and other white supremacy groups, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has raised…

The Week The Left Went From Stupid To Bonkers - Liberty Guard 23/05/2023

The Week The Left Went From Stupid To Bonkers - Liberty Guard Daily Caller In 1962, the BBC launched a political comedy show called That Was The Week That Was (“TW3”). While the show ran for only two seasons (cancelled in 1964 for fear…

Banking Reports Implicating Biden Family In Corruption Can Be Used Against Any One Of Us - Liberty Guard 17/05/2023

Banking Reports Implicating Biden Family In Corruption Can Be Used Against Any One Of Us - Liberty Guard Daily Caller Last week, the GOP-controlled House Oversight Committee publicly outlined a series of financial transactions possibly implicating various Biden family members in corrupt financial dealings involving millions of dollars.…

‘Junk History’ Behind the ‘Reparations’ Scam - Liberty Guard 11/05/2023

‘Junk History’ Behind the ‘Reparations’ Scam - Liberty Guard Townhall “Gaslight” — psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality,…

Biden’s Greedy Regulators At FTC Want Huge Budget Increase. Don’t Let Them Have It - Liberty Guard 09/05/2023

Biden’s Greedy Regulators At FTC Want Huge Budget Increase. Don’t Let Them Have It - Liberty Guard Daily Caller In 1989, the mega-band Queen sang, “I want it all, and I want it now” – a refrain that perfectly captures the latest budget request sent to the…

Calls For A National Police Force Must Not Be Allowed To Succeed - Liberty Guard 04/05/2023

Calls For A National Police Force Must Not Be Allowed To Succeed - Liberty Guard Daily Caller Calls for a national police force — a concept deeply in conflict with our very form of constitutional governance — are becoming, if not commonplace, more troublingly recurrent.…

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Gaslighting America - GET YOUR COPY TODAY!
At this point, words from the White House seem to be as sensical as a grade-school essay written to fill in the word quo...
This weeks episode of “Bob Barr’s Laws of the Universe” is live on our YouTube channel. Let’s talk facts!#libertyguard #...
Tenured Space Cadet Lost All Control | Idiot of the Week | Bob Barr's Laws of the Universe
Hillary Clinton is a mean, razorback woman who will fight like the dickens to protect herself. In this situation- she's ...
"CNN is the leader of the news to the left." - David Zaslav, CEO Discovery Inc.Oops... he said the denied bits out loud....