FEE - Foundation for Economic Education, Atlanta, GA Videos

Videos by FEE - Foundation for Economic Education in Atlanta. Founded in 1946, FEE supports the economic, legal, and ethical principles of a free society

FEE’s President Emeritus, Lawrence “Larry” Reed, and our new President, Diogo Costa explore FEE’s rich history and exciting future.

Other FEE - Foundation for Economic Education videos

FEE’s President Emeritus, Lawrence “Larry” Reed, and our new President, Diogo Costa explore FEE’s rich history and exciting future.

What is opportunity cost?

Rocky vs. Predatory Lending

Javier Milei decided to remove rent control laws despite the country's soaring inflation and widespread poverty.

I’ve got 99 problems and the state is responsible for all of them.

Make Your Own AI South Park?

Disney... WHAT are you DOING?!?

Cuba and Singapore are two contrasting economies, differing both in political ideology and material wealth.
Cuba and Singapore are two contrasting economies, differing both in political ideology and material wealth.

1600’s Japan was bad. Are we WORSE?

In order to have a flourishing life, you need a sense of purpose.

Compound interest is the most powerful force on the ice flow, consuming or benefiting all in its path. 🌊

Milton Friedman tears down inflation myths.
Milton Friedman tears down inflation myths.

How could anyone possibly mistake a repressive communist regime for a vibrant hub of culture, freedom, and economic prosperity?
How could anyone possibly mistake a repressive communist regime for a vibrant hub of culture, freedom, and economic prosperity?

How to save the planet
How to save the planet

Is Gen-Z is the really poorest generation?

Have you ever wondered why people often believe that the time and effort they put into something should directly translate to its value?

María Corina Machado is a brave woman who defends freedom in the toughest of scenarios: under a communist dictatorship.

Are student loans a scamp?
Are student loans a scamp?

A VERY Real Communist Video Game

Karl Marx vs. Cowboy Bebop