Ignite Anew, Austin, TX Videos

Videos by Ignite Anew in Austin. Stop existing in life. Own your story. Ignite your life. Learn to thrive with Dr. Jasmonae Joyriel.

It doesn't take much to recognize when your marriage is losing passion. Everyday tasks start feeling like chores, and things just aren't as exciting as they used to be.

But the real mystery is figuring out why things have gotten this way. What's changed to make you feel disconnected?

It could be juggling hectic schedules, unresolved issues, or simply drifting apart over time. Understanding what's at the heart of it all is key to sparking that connection with your partner again.

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Other Ignite Anew videos

It doesn't take much to recognize when your marriage is losing passion. Everyday tasks start feeling like chores, and things just aren't as exciting as they used to be. But the real mystery is figuring out why things have gotten this way. What's changed to make you feel disconnected? It could be juggling hectic schedules, unresolved issues, or simply drifting apart over time. Understanding what's at the heart of it all is key to sparking that connection with your partner again.

Finding your true path begins with self-discovery. Understand who you are, define your goals, and be ready to change or embrace the direction of your journey. Only then can you truly achieve what makes you happy and fulfilled. #perspectiveshift #personaldevelopment #goalsetting

By the time we reach our destination — whether it's achieving a career, finding a relationship, or building a life — we've made countless sacrifices along the way. We've cut out other important aspects of our lives or reached a level of success beyond our wildest dreams. But we forget to ask ourselves: At what cost? How does it actually feel now that we're here? In my work, I see this all the time. Many of my clients come to me exhausted and disconnected from themselves. They can't remember the last time they laughed or felt genuinely happy. They feel alone. Have you ever felt this way? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.

I truly believe that we have the potential to achieve everything we desire in life. However, many people opt not to pursue this possibility. Why? Because it takes a lot of time, effort, and dedication. Which is why some people choose to play it safe, sacrificing their dreams for a path that feels more secure and predictable. Eventually, we all reach a point where we have to make a decision. Do we go all-in and pursue everything we want in life, knowing it'll demand our all? Or do we opt for safety, acknowledging that we might hold back on certain aspirations? It's a complex decision, with no right or wrong answer. What do you think about this perspective? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below! #personalgrowthjourney #womeninpsychology #havingitall #worklifebalancegoals #mindsetshift

In today's society, there's immense pressure to have everything figured out and to constantly perform at our best. But here's the thing: you're the one living your life. If you're feeling lost or unsure about your direction, it's okay to hit pause, step back, and really reflect on what you want. If you're navigating a career transition or a major life change, know that you're not alone. Tune in to Episode 2 of the Ignite Anew Podcast for a reassuring reminder that uncertainty is a natural part of growth. Available to listen Apple, Spotify, or Youtube. #igniteanewpodcast #femalefounders #HighPerformance

In my work, I often connect with moms who are grappling with doubts or guilt about their journey through motherhood. It's a real struggle, and those feelings can weigh heavy. But what I always want them to understand is that it's normal to feel this way—it doesn't mean they're failing or anything like that. Once we acknowledge those feelings, we can then start digging deeper. What often comes to light is that these moms have unintentionally put aside a part of themselves—a part that's vital for feeling connected, engaged, and truly alive. Ignoring this piece can lead to simmering resentment. If you're recognizing that mix of guilt, doubt, or that sense of being adrift, just know you're not alone. There's probably something deeper going on that needs some attention before you can start feeling more like yourself. Need some support navigating these emotions? DM me 'SUPPORT' to learn how I can help!

Becoming a business founder might seem glamorous, but there's a lot of unseen hard work involved. It's not just about dreaming big; it's about facing the inevitable ups and downs, failures, and tough decisions. As a founder, you're constantly problem-solving and wearing many hats, from CEO to handling various operational tasks. If you can't roll with the punches, you risk being overwhelmed. If you're on your own founder journey, seeking inspiration or guidance, tune in to episode 2 of the Ignite Anew Podcast and hear Stephanie's story of her own highs and lows of entrepreneurship when starting her company, Innermore. Tune in on Apple, Spotify, or Youtube.

Safety often starts as an internal experience. It's about feeling grounded and anchored within oneself. This inner sense of safety is crucial for any individual, especially for high-performing leaders and founders, because it forms the foundation from which they can operate effectively. Feeling protected internally means having confidence, emotional resilience, and a stable sense of self-worth, which enables you to face challenges with clarity and strength. What challenges are you going through right now? Where do you feel like you need to feel safe? If you want to explore this conversation further, sign up for my in-person workshop right here in Austin, TX. Click the link in my bio to learn more! P.S. This clip is from episode 2 of Ignite Anew podcast – listen to the full episode on Apple, Spotify or YouTube! If you're experiencing a transition or a career pivot right now, this is for you. #austinsmallbusiness #austinfounders #highperformers #psychologistsofinstagram

Your lifestyle is made up of all the little things you do each day. If you're not happy with how things are going, look at those small actions. For instance, think about how you style your hair or whether you get up early. These seemingly small choices actually have a big impact on who you are and the life you lead. So, if you want to figure out who you are and make changes, start by thinking about these everyday habits. Can you pinpoint one thing you do that affects your lifestyle a lot?

To shift from thinking about what we lack to focusing on what we truly want, we need to connect with ourselves. It means listening to our inner voice and understanding what really matters to us. Once we figure that out, we can start building the life we've been dreaming of. If you're interested in starting this journey of self-discovery, breaking free from old habits, and living a more fulfilling life, come join my upcoming workshops. Send me a message with "THRIVING" to learn more about my sessions!

When I was younger, I realized I needed to make some serious changes to avoid ending up in a bad place. Feeling hurt and alone pushed me to start a journey that's been a significant part of my adult life. Over the years, this journey has evolved, but it's a process I've learned to embrace. It began with understanding what got me to where I am and then discovering where I wanted to be. Tune in to my podcast, Ignite Anew, to learn how you can start living your life and thriving! Available to listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube.

During one of the toughest times in my life, I realized how important it was to work towards the life I truly wanted. I knew I needed to create a life that matched my values and passions, and this understanding made me see that facing challenges was worthwhile. I would go through all the difficulties again if it meant living a life true to myself. As you navigate your own life, think about the kind of life you really want to build. What are the values and passions that drive you? How can you create a sense of purpose that makes you feel truly alive? Living with purpose and intention means being bold and taking actions that reflect your true self. It's about making choices that lead to a fulfilling and meaningful life. If you’re ready to take the next step towards creating a life you love, join my in-person workshops! Together, we will dive deep into understanding who you are, what you need, and what you truly desire. Message me "THRIVING" to learn more details and start your journey to a purposeful, passionate life. 📥

Life is full of ups and downs, and sometimes the downs can feel overwhelming. During these tough times, having a supportive community around you can make all the difference. A strong network of friends, family, and loved ones can provide the anchor you need, remind you of who you are, and challenge you to become better. By building and nurturing these relationships, you create a safety net that catches you when you fall and helps you rise again. Who is your community? Tag three people below! ❤️

Ask yourself: Do you have the freedom to be yourself, control your time, and meet your needs? Take a moment to explore your relationships, both with others and with yourself. Reflect on your past — your actions, career choices, the people you spent time with, and the experiences that define you. Think about your successes and failures, your moments of joy and hardship, and the lessons you've learned. See how these events and decisions have shaped the person you are today. Embrace your journey, recognize your growth, and appreciate the unique path that has led you here.

To tackle those tough conversations about relationships, desires, and needs, find a quiet moment to sit down with your journal. Take the time to dig into what you really want and need from your relationship. Consider how it might feel to share those desires with your partner. Are there fears holding you back? It's normal to have doubts. By recognizing these potential roadblocks, you're taking a step towards creating a safe space for open dialogue. This isn't just about you—it's about building a comfortable environment where both you and your partner can express yourselves freely. So, jot down your thoughts, reflect on them, and get ready for those conversations that can strengthen your bond.

It's incredibly important to feel s*xually empowered because it allows you to understand your desires and preferences, rather than conforming to societal norms or pressures. By embracing your s*xual empowerment, you gain the freedom to explore what truly fulfills you, rather than following the crowd. #empowerment #freedom #relationships #wellness #wellbeing

If you’re ready to ignite your passion, become more empowered, and unleash your most epic life alongside a community of strong women, register for my Women’s Wellness Retreat. The link is in my bio 🔗

Life pulls us in so many directions, and it's easy to lose ourselves in the chaos. But within you, there's this core, this essence that's uniquely yours. Rekindling that connection is about acknowledging it, appreciating it, and making space for it amidst the daily grind. So, take a moment. Reflect on what's happening in the quiet corners of your life. It might be uncomfortable at first, but that discomfort is the sign that you're onto something.It's the feeling of waking up something dormant...but essential. In those whispers of life, there's an opportunity to not only reconnect with yourself but also with the world around you. It's a chance to appreciate the simple joys, nurture relationships, and feel that warmth that comes from being truly connected — to yourself and to others. Don't know where to begin? DM me or click the link in bio to learn how.

🔥Strengthen Intimacy Through Patience, Permission, and PLEASURE: Dive into a transformative experience in Playa del Carmen, Mexico February 14-18 for the Ignite Extraordinary Passion Couples Retreat with @ignite_anew 🔥Ignite Extraordinary Passion Couples Retreat is for couples who desire to find a safe and supported space to learn how to better talk about erotic needs, discover passion, and ignite a deeper desire within the relationship. 🔥This retreat caters to couples who want to stop “doing” sex and start experiencing ecstacy. 🔥Itinerary Dedicated To Enhancing Safety, Exploration, and Play, including 3 private coaching sessions with Dr. Jasmonae Joyriel. 🔥Enjoy the benefits of eliminating distractions and prioritizing each other. 🔥Experience new ways of creating permission, exploring desire, and embodying the fullness of pleasure in your relationship. 🔥Join us and give yourself the gift of new found passion and intimacy in your relationship this Valentine’s Day. Don’t miss out! 🔥Location: Palmaïa – The House of AïA located in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. Follow @ignite _anew for more details and info #couplesretreat #igniteanew #couplestherapy | 🔗 Tap the link in our bio for all the details and reserve your spot now!

🔥 "Pleasure is that enjoyment of connecting to this erotic part of yourself... pleasure is the end goal, not s3x." Dr. Jasmonae Joyriel on s3x vs. pleasure. Excerpt from S1E7 of the Shyt They Didn't Tell Us podcast. #intimacy #couplestherapy #couplestherapist #couplesretreat