Texas Medical Association Alliance, Austin, TX Videos

Videos by Texas Medical Association Alliance in Austin. The Texas Medical Association Alliance (TMAA) is a group of individuals passionate about protecting t

Dallas County Medical Society Alliance Co-Presidents Drs. Sandra Brothers and Michael Holub join #TMAA President Elizabeth Vanexan to invite you to Dallas for ALLMED, #TMAA’s annual conference. Make sure you’re in Bi

Dallas County Medical Society Alliance Co-Presidents Drs. Sandra Brothers and Michael Holub join #TMAA President Elizabeth Vanexan to invite you to Dallas for ALLMED, #TMAA’s annual conference. Make sure you’re in Big D May 2-4 for this once-in-a-year event to connect with the Family of Medicine, hear great speakers, have some fun, and much more. The event is open to all #TMAA members. Register today! https://hubs.li/Q02mSXNv0

Dallas County Medical Society
#ALLMED2024 #Going*FAR*Together

Other Texas Medical Association Alliance videos

Dallas County Medical Society Alliance Co-Presidents Drs. Sandra Brothers and Michael Holub join #TMAA President Elizabeth Vanexan to invite you to Dallas for ALLMED, #TMAA’s annual conference. Make sure you’re in Bi
Dallas County Medical Society Alliance Co-Presidents Drs. Sandra Brothers and Michael Holub join #TMAA President Elizabeth Vanexan to invite you to Dallas for ALLMED, #TMAA’s annual conference. Make sure you’re in Big D May 2-4 for this once-in-a-year event to connect with the Family of Medicine, hear great speakers, have some fun, and much more. The event is open to all #TMAA members. Register today! https://hubs.li/Q02mSXNv0 Dallas County Medical Society #ALLMED2024 #Going*FAR*Together

Time is running out to register for the Texas Two-Step Conference in Austin on Jan. 24-26, which promises opportunities for personal enrichment, sharing, and connecting. #TMAA President Elizabeth Vanexan and President-Elect Jenny Shepherd, along with Chr
Time is running out to register for the Texas Two-Step Conference in Austin on Jan. 24-26, which promises opportunities for personal enrichment, sharing, and connecting. #TMAA President Elizabeth Vanexan and President-Elect Jenny Shepherd, along with Christi Dammert and Deneitra Hutchinson from the Travis County Medical Alliance, fill you in on what’s in store. https://hubs.li/Q02f1qwF0 Featured speaker Doreen Steenland, RN, a physician spouse and certified mental fitness coach, will help you embark on a more joy-filled, calm year in her interactive and experiential workshop. And there’s lots more on the agenda. https://hubs.li/Q02f1hg10 Your registration fee covers programming/speakers, two breakfasts, lunch, a swag bag, and line dancing lesson. You also can add a barbecue dinner following the line dancing. All #TMAA members are welcome at the event, a joint conference of TMA Alliance and the American Medical Association Alliance Southern Region. Don’t delay; register today (log-in required). https://hubs.li/Q02f1nfr0 And be sure to reserve your hotel room by Jan. 10 to get the conference rate. https://hubs.li/Q02f1q-y0 Nueces County Medical Society Alliance Travis County Medical Alliance & Foundation Bexar County Medical Society Alliance AMA Alliance

Travis County Medical Alliance members Christi Dammert and Deneitra Hutchinson were at the Cambria Hotel in downtown Austin last week to check out the site for the upcoming Texas Two-Step Conference. #TMAA will host the combined conference of #TMAA and t
Travis County Medical Alliance members Christi Dammert and Deneitra Hutchinson were at the Cambria Hotel in downtown Austin last week to check out the site for the upcoming Texas Two-Step Conference. #TMAA will host the combined conference of #TMAA and the AMA Alliance Southern Region on Jan. 24-26. Make plans to be in Austin to connect with alliance members from near and far. Register today! https://hubs.li/Q02dvlz-0 Travis County Medical Alliance & Foundation

We hope you’re making plans to be in Fort Worth in May for ALLMED. Libby and Elizabeth share a preview of the fun that’s in store. Plus, you’ll have chances to reconnect with friends and make new ones. And hear some great speakers and tend to busine
We hope you’re making plans to be in Fort Worth in May for ALLMED. Libby and Elizabeth share a preview of the fun that’s in store. Plus, you’ll have chances to reconnect with friends and make new ones. And hear some great speakers and tend to business of the alliance. Visit the #TMAA website to learn more and register. https://hubs.li/Q01Kz6Yx0

Attending UH College of Medicine in Fall 2022? Hear some words from last year’s TMA Minority Scholarship recipient and information on how to apply!

Attending Texas A&M University College of Medicine in Fall 2022? Hear some words from last year’s TMA Minority Scholarship recipient and information on how to apply!

Attending TCU and UNT Health Science Center - School of Medicine in Fall 2022? Hear some words from last year’s TMA Minority Scholarship recipient and information on how to apply!

Attending Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso in Fall 2022? Hear some words from last year’s TMA Minority Scholarship recipient and information on how to apply!

Attending @UTMB Health in Fall 2022? Hear some words from last year’s TMA Minority Scholarship recipient and information on how to apply!

Attending UTRGV School of Medicine in Fall 2022? Hear some words from last year’s TMA Minority Scholarship recipient and information on how to apply!

Attending McGovern Medical School in Fall 2022? Hear some words from last year’s TMA Minority Scholarship recipient and information on how to apply!

Attending UT Health San Antonio in Fall 2022? Hear some words from last year’s TMA Minority Scholarship recipient and information on how to apply!

Attending UT Southwestern Medical Center in Fall 2022? Hear some words from last year’s TMA Minority Scholarship recipient and information on how to apply!

Attending Baylor College of Medicine in Fall 2022? Hear some words from last year’s TMA Minority Scholarship recipient and information on how to apply!

Attending Sam Houston State University College of Osteopathic Medicine in Fall 2022? Hear some words from last year’s TMA Minority Scholarship recipient and information on how to apply!