Sassy and Classy Designs, Baton Rouge, LA Videos

Videos by Sassy and Classy Designs in Baton Rouge. Fine oyster art and jewelry handcrafted by Lee Bullard Haslitt and a few helpers. We pride ourselves

What a great day to be outside! Come see us at Food Trucks at Oak Grove until 3pm! Food and art all in one place.

Other Sassy and Classy Designs videos

What a great day to be outside! Come see us at Food Trucks at Oak Grove until 3pm! Food and art all in one place.

We are all set up @merrymarketla and ready for you tomorrow and Sunday, November 12 & 13. Come see us and LOTS of other great vendors!

We are at Market on the Hill at Barnhill until 9:30 tonight and tomorrow from 9-2. Come see us and the animals too!