Kindred Growth

Ad Agency Consultancy to work with agency owners to create a reproducible sales process to grow 10-20

13 Business Brainstorming Strategies to Encourage Innovation 12/21/2021

In Score, I shared my best advice on how to nurture innovation in the article, “13 Business Brainstorming Strategies to Encourage Innovation”.

"Mind Map Your Ideas - Leonardo da Vinci turned complex ideas into simple visuals by creating mind maps. Mind mapping is a great way to create structure out of chaos from the brainstorm. Using mind mapping to brainstorm offers incredible flexibility to new ideas, especially at a time where many are still working and meeting remotely.

With screen share and sharing options on many mind mapping tools, clients and team members will love seeing their ideas come to life as strategies evolve with visual clarity. You can also easily refine the mind map of your ever-evolving ideas."

Read more in the whole article.

13 Business Brainstorming Strategies to Encourage Innovation Use these brainstorming examples from other business owners to fuel your creative juices and grow your business.

14 Ways to Boost Sales Through Clear Business Branding 11/29/2021

I was featured in the Workest by Zenefits sharing my best advice in the article "14 Ways to Boost Sales Through Clear Business Branding".

“In a world of shorter attention spans, companies need to focus their attention on clear, concise, consistent communication. Many small businesses share different messages in their communication. Observe your communication on your website, presentations, company collateral, and sales messages. While slightly different communication might sound similar to you, your ideal prospects may be confused because they hear something different.

Take a page out of the big brands guidebook. Create a list of consistent “playlist” phrases about your company. Practice sharing that “playlist” consistently. When you share consistently, others you share your “playlist” with can become walking billboards for your company. Big brands are diligent in creating their own “playlists.” Starbucks uses tall, grande, and venti, not small, medium, and large.

I share with my clients regularly, “If you think you are being redundant, you aren’t (being redundant).” Create a consistent “playlist” and stand out."

Read more in the whole article.

14 Ways to Boost Sales Through Clear Business Branding Hear from 14 company founders and business professionals on how they develop a clear brand, connect with customers, and drive sales.

15 Tips for Being More Present at Work 11/19/2021

In the Presagia, I shared my tip on how to maintain focus and presence throughout the workday in the article, “15 Tips for Being More Present at Work.”

Practice using your "presence muscle” by exercising it regularly through meditation. Visualize meditation as a snow globe where one simply lets the “snow come to rest.” A consistent meditative practice in the morning and/or evening where you take deep, calm breaths, will allow you to experience yourself, and your reactions in the moment during those situations that arise throughout your day. As a result, you can meet those situations with a calm presence and dissolve them like snow. Long before any athlete scores the game-winning shot, they practice that shot over and over again. Practicing presence day after day will help you win in more moments inside your day.

Read more in the whole article.

15 Tips for Being More Present at Work Our friends over at Terkel asked their community tips for being more present at work. They share 15 tips, from finding your flow to disconnecting.

9 Upsell Tips To Convert Free Trial Users 07/23/2021

Last Monday, I was featured in the Unstack post sharing my best advice in the article "9 Upsell Tips To Convert Free Trial Users".

Truly Listen and Understand
Do deep research by listening and understanding what your ideal customer needs. Strategically map out the entire buyer's experience so your upsell process builds on the benefits of the free trial. By first connecting and appreciating your ideal customer’s needs, the wrong customers say “no” and your ideal customers say “yes.” By precisely mapping out the upsell experience your business operates much more efficiently because the “wrong” customers aren’t challenging and stressing your company systems. As a result, you and your team can focus on refining the upsell process to drive even more ideal customers. Doing the strategic work upfront by listening, understanding, and mapping creates more upsells.

Read more in the whole article. for more best pieces of advice.

9 Upsell Tips To Convert Free Trial Users Insights to help you convert free trial users and grow your business.

Adjusting Your Business to Make 2020 a Win-Win-Win - Conscious Capitalism Arizona 07/06/2021

I shared in the Conscious Capitalism Arizona, along with 11 other business leaders, how I'm adjusting my business to make this time a win-win-win.

Talk About Challenges: Every Friday, I host “our community call.” The community sits around the virtual table to talk with others about the challenges they are facing and receive practical solutions. It’s a safe space for people to share their concerns and struggles as well as offer strategies to inspire others.

Read more in the whole article.

Adjusting Your Business to Make 2020 a Win-Win-Win - Conscious Capitalism Arizona We asked 12 business leaders how they’re adjusting their business to make this time a win-win-win.

10 Ways To Leverage a Conscious Culture to Showcase a Stakeholder-Centric Model - Conscious Capitalism Arizona 06/30/2021

I was featured in the Conscious Capitalism Arizona post sharing my insights and advice in the article "10 Ways To Leverage a Conscious Culture to Showcase a Stakeholder-Centric Model".

Address the Cause, Not the Symptom: The culture in my company is to address the cause, not the symptom. The client, the stakeholder, discovers the real reason for the problem they face, e.g. time management and why it shows up in their day. After we identify the block, they can easily apply time strategies I teach so continuously working with me isn’t necessary.

Read more in the whole article.

10 Ways To Leverage a Conscious Culture to Showcase a Stakeholder-Centric Model - Conscious Capitalism Arizona In the last few years, organizations have developed plans for adopting a greater bottom-line: a goal for a better world instead of just hefty profits. Most employees expect a welcoming workplace and customers expect to support a cause they believe in. Business owners must be conscious of their posit...

6 Smart Books for Toddlers - Smart Books for Smart Kids 06/29/2021

In the Smart Books For Smart Kids, I shared my favorite toddler book in the article "6 Smart Books for Toddlers".

The Rotten Old Car: My mom would take me to the library over and over again to get The Rotten Old Car by Geraldine Kaye. I always loved cars and art and the story included both. Recently I found it online and bought a copy. I see an important tie in with interests as a child and things we do as an adult.

Read more in the whole article.

6 Smart Books for Toddlers - Smart Books for Smart Kids Interest in 6 Smart Books for Toddlers? Read more about it exclusively at Smart Books for Smart Kids.

Why is making connections important? 10 experts share insights - Career Connectors 06/24/2021

In the Career Connectors post, I shared my insights about why connections are important and why you should create a network of your own in the article "Why is making connections important? 10 experts share insights".

Co-Made, Not Self-Made: Connections are the key to success. Joseph Campbell shared the concept of “the hero’s journey.” Along my entrepreneurial journey, there have been so many connections that were important to be where I am today. The idea of self-made is a fallacy; co-made is what they really mean. A friend shared with me that concept and shared anyone who has ever “made it” could only have done so with help along the way. “Co-made” with connections along the way has made my career and will continue.

Read more in the whole article.

Why is making connections important? 10 experts share insights - Career Connectors You’ve heard it before: it’s all about who you know. But what does that mean? Networking is a learned skill. To build a network is to form the connections you may need in the future to support your career. This process takes time. But how do you know where to get started? Is it worth […]

11 Digital Marketing Communication Tips to Increase Conversions 06/23/2021

In the Nutshell post, I shared my best tips on how to amplify your messaging and maximize your conversions in the article "11 digital marketing communication tips to increase conversions".

Actively Listen to Your Prospect’s Needs: The best marketing communication comes from listening to exactly what your clients have said, in their own language. An investment of time listening to prospect challenges pays wonderful dividends for months and years to come. I have observed when prospects hear their own language in communication, conversion cycles (especially for more complex sales processes) are drastically reduced. Effective marketing communication creates a deeper connection to your prospects wants and needs.

Read more in the whole article.

11 Digital Marketing Communication Tips to Increase Conversions Online marketing is more competitive (and noisier) than ever. These expert digital marketing communication tips will help you capture more attention.

10 Practical Tools That Improve Business Practices - Conscious Capitalism Arizona 06/22/2021

I was featured in the Conscious Capitalism Arizona post sharing the best tool that I use to improve my business practices in the article "10 Practical Tools That Improve Business Practices".

Every business has its own tools they rely on daily to help their business make the greatest impact possible.

The best practical tool that I use is Mindomo. Mindomo is a mind mapping tool that allows me to get a visual on the many ideas I have for my business, in one place. The map is linked to other company tools including: Google Docs, Dropbox, YouTube, and many others. It can be simplified to focus on the main business categories for a “30,000-foot view” or expanded in more detail for more of a “street view.” This provides a holistic approach to the interconnection of business strategies and goals.

Read more in the whole article.

10 Practical Tools That Improve Business Practices - Conscious Capitalism Arizona Here are 10 practical tools that businesses use to improve their daily practices. Read all about them here!


In the Biz Starters post, I shared my creative idea and business tip in the article "8 Business Ideas For Boomers With Flexible Schedules".

Teach Younger Generations: So many boomers have had successful careers/businesses and offer incredible wisdom. I heard a quote years ago listening to an interview Oprah had with Sister Joan Chittister during a ‘Super Soul Conversation.’ Sister Joan, a nun of 50+ years, shared (and I’m paraphrasing) “after the older workforce retires, at the point that has so much knowledge to share and teach, we throw them away.” Now, with the shift to virtual meetings group workshops can capture the wisdom by recording their teachings, so the younger generation can learn for years to come.

Read more in the whole article for other business leader's creative ideas and business tips for boomers with flexible schedules.

8 Business Ideas For Boomers With Flexible Schedules | Bizstarters 8 Business Ideas For Boomers With Flexible Schedules by Jeff Williams | Oct 28, 2020 | Entrepreneurs Boomers have endured much of history’s most significant events. From the civil rights movement to JFK’s assassination and the moon landing, boomers have been through it all! As they move into an ...

8 Examples of Benefit Corporations Doing Good for the Commons — Benefit Corporations for Good 06/16/2021

I was featured in the Benefit Corporations for Good post sharing an inspiring story in the article "8 Examples of Benefit Corporations Doing Good for the Commons".

Refresh Glass: Ray Delmuro started Refresh in 2008 with a mission to rescue wine bottles and turn them into drinking glasses. I have watched him over the years grow from his first industrial space to introduce his 10 million bottle rescue mission; all while creating partnerships with well-known brands with style, function, and purpose. Over the years, I see his resolve through his decisions to create win-win wins while applying the four (4) Conscious Capitalism principles. He combines art and engineering in a way to show the world what kinds of multifaceted solutions are possible.

Read more in the whole article.

8 Examples of Benefit Corporations Doing Good for the Commons — Benefit Corporations for Good Since Benefit Corporations were first legally passed in 2010, many companies from all different industries have become successful without sacrificing their commitment to doing good for the commons. These corporations are extremely diverse and can range from having one employee to thousands living ac

11 Best Business Advice For First Time Entrepreneurs - Business RadioX ® - 06/15/2021

I shared in Business Radio X, along with 11 other thought leaders, my best advice that may help first-time entrepreneurs in their future endeavors in the article "11 Best Business Advice For First Time Entrepreneurs".

Create Daily Business Intentions: Too often, entrepreneurs try to do ‘everything’ in their business each day. ‘Everything’ can mean sales, marketing, product development, finance, operations…the list can go on and on. Many entrepreneurs run themselves from one meeting to the next to the next. At the end of a long day, sometimes it feels like they didn’t accomplish anything that day. Entrepreneurs can see clear mile marketers towards their goals by intentionally focusing on specific business aspects on specific days. I call it “Category Days.” As a result, they feel more accomplished and have a deeper sense of having completed something each day.

Read more in the article and check out other pieces of advice for first-time entrepreneurs.

11 Best Business Advice For First Time Entrepreneurs - Business RadioX ® - To help first-time entrepreneurs in their journey, we asked entrepreneurs and business leaders for their best advice for first-time entrepreneurs.

The 9 Hardest Things About Being a First-Time CEO | Maple Hosting 06/10/2021

I was featured in the Maple Hosting post sharing about my most challenging aspects of being a first-time CEO in the article "The 9 hardest things about being a first-time CEO".

Prioritizing Aspects Of The Business: At the start of the company, so many items require clarification from the vision, the messaging, the product, pricing, and delivery. It can feel like every company decision is dependent on each other and ultimately the CEO. To prioritize, clarify your ideal customer persona(s), define your sales messaging, and package your product. By focusing on those business priorities, you will invest the right time to drive and grow your business.

Read more in the whole article.

The 9 Hardest Things About Being a First-Time CEO | Maple Hosting CEOs are the highest-ranking professional in a business, overseeing a multitude of managerial decisions.  The chief executive officer is ideally a professional with years of cumulative experience—each step gradually preparing them to take on this leadership role. Despite this experience, taking o...


How are people supposed to find a balance between work and personal life?

I was featured in the Biz Starters post sharing my best balancing tips in the article "10 Ways To Better Balance Work Life and Personal Life".

Create, what I call “category days”, to concentrate your business efforts on specific days (e.g. Marketing Mondays, Wrap-up Wednesday, Finance Friday, etc.). That way, you focus each day and feel complete at the end of the day knowing you had a specific focus. By not working on everything in your business every day, you are forced to focus on specific aspects of your business for each “category day.”

Read more in the whole article for more best balancing tips from other small business owners.

10 Ways To Better Balance Work Life and Personal Life | Bizstarters To help you better balance work life and personal time, we asked a community of small business owners about their best balancing tips.


In the Biz Starters post, I shared my best tips and recommendations in the article "10 Ways To Use Business To Give Back To Your Local Community".

How do you blend running a business and giving back to your community? What is one way you can use business to give back?

Gift Your Knowledge: As a time creation coach, I work with many entrepreneurs and hear their desire to take their life to the next level, and connect to other growth-minded leaders. Years ago, I heard the phrase “proximity is power” by Tony Robbins. Five years ago, I partnered up with three other successful entrepreneurs and we started a Mastermind group. After it made profound impacts on our business and personal lives, we wanted to gift our format to other entrepreneurs. We co-founded a non-profit called designed to empower peer-driven teams to achieve insights, set goals, and form healthy habits to impact each other’s lives positively.

Read more in the whole article.

10 Ways To Use Business To Give Back To Your Local Community | Bizstarters 10 Ways To Use Business To Give Back To Your Local Community by Jeff Williams | Dec 16, 2020 | Entrepreneurs Giving back to your local community feels good. At the same time, giving back can bring positive benefits to your business. How do you blend running a business and giving back to your communi...

How To Set Good Marketing Goals: 8 Goal Setting Tips - AMA Phoenix 06/03/2021

How can a marketer set a good goal?

In the AMA Phoenix post, I shared my best tip in the article "How To Set Good Marketing Goals: 8 Goal Setting Tips".

The key is to set goals that continue to stretch you, not stress you. Many have heard of SMART goals. I was on a Mastermind call and a fellow panelist shared a new acronym for SMART goals. She reframed SMART goals into (Small, Minuscule, And Really Tiny.) Too often, entrepreneurs set huge goals, to begin with, and fall way short or never start because it’s too big. Instead, start small, build momentum quickly, and grow the goal. e.g. If you’ve never run, you don’t start by running a marathon; your goal begins simple, like running for 5 or 10 minutes. After you successfully build momentum, the goal grows larger each time you achieve until you eventually set your “moon shot” goal.

Read more in the whole article.

How To Set Good Marketing Goals: 8 Goal Setting Tips - AMA Phoenix How can a marketer set a good goal? We asked business leaders what tips they had to offer other marketing professionals!

How To Name Your Business: 12 Business Naming Tips 06/02/2021

I was featured in the Score post sharing my best tip in the article "How To Name Your Business: 12 Business Naming Tips".

When naming a business, you should ...

Go Back to Your Roots: Brainstorm and write out your ideas. In 2012, I did an afternoon brainstorming session with a friend who spent years in advertising on Madison Avenue. He asked the question, “How do you make your client heroic?” After a lengthy discussion, I was reminded of a blog I started in 2008… the blog page was called “Enjoy Life Daily.” It aligned me to my deeper why, before I even considered a business. My business name and offerings are as aligned today as when I did the exercise. I enjoy seeing the daily reminder as it orients me back to why I do what I do.

Read more in the whole article to know the best business naming tips.

How To Name Your Business: 12 Business Naming Tips With so many questions to consider, we decided to ask 12 small business owners a question ourselves: What is your best tip for someone looking to name their business? We collected the best business naming tips and have summarized their answers below.

9 Professional New Year's Resolutions From Small Businesses - Terkel 06/01/2021

I was featured in the Terkel post sharing my insights and perspectives about new year’s resolutions in the article "9 Professional New Year’s Resolutions From Small Businesses"

Small businesses are ready for 2021. What is one of your professional New Year’s resolutions?

I plan to be spontaneous… I know, I know it’s an oxymoron. The real goal is to explore more. By planning out my days and weeks, I will ‘plan’ more opportunities for exploration aka ‘spontaneity.’ This resolution aligns with the freedom I sought as an entrepreneur. In 2020, I found myself spending many hours working and working. I began living in some very comfortable, convenient patterns that can become very isolating if unchecked e.g. not driving, staying inside more, even not exercising (early on in the quarantine) because there was one more thing to do. There will always be one more thing to do. Years ago, I made the statement “I want to become uncomfortable, being uncomfortable.” Next year with more exploration, I can grow outside much of the “comfort zone” of my home that I have lived in for much of 2020.

Read more in the whole article.

9 Professional New Year's Resolutions From Small Businesses - Terkel We asked the Terkel community to answer the following question: What is one of your professional New Year's resolutions?

10 Time Saving Tips For Small Business Owners - Business RadioX ® - 05/27/2021

How can you save more time to be more productive?

In Business Radio X, I shared my answer to the question and my best time-saving tip in the article "10 Time Saving Tips For Small Business Owners".

Silence your phone and put it in another room so you aren’t tempted to check it. Your brain is being hi-jacked with every beep, chirp, or buzz of your phone. Yes, your attention and awareness are being stolen from the present moment each time you check for the next message. If you need to regularly check your cell, set a time at the top of the hour to check in. By silencing your phone you can block time to do deep work. Deep work requires attention and focus. Blocking off time helps you discover deeper issues to “surface-level problems.” This results in developing long-term sustainable solutions.

Read more in the whole article and find out the best time-saving tips from other small business owners.

10 Time Saving Tips For Small Business Owners - Business RadioX ® - We’d all like to have just a little more time in the day to accomplish the tasks on our to-do list. How can you save more time to be more productive?

7 Ways For Small Businesses To Take Advantage of Current Market Opportunities 05/26/2021

I was recently featured in the Charter Capital post sharing my best advice in the article "7 Ways For Small Businesses To Take Advantage of Current Market Opportunities".

How can a small business take advantage of current market opportunities?

Listen to Your Clients’ Needs - When you truly connect and understand what your ideal client needs, you can offer existing products or create new products that will profoundly benefit them. The work for selling all happens in the listening. When you listen to what they need and reflect it back to them, your company becomes the oasis that will quench their thirst for the solution they are seeking. When you communicate back what you heard, your company will stand out amongst a sea of sameness in the marketplace. Clients will end up selling themselves because you have reflected back on what they communicated and are delivering exactly what they need.

Read more in the whole article to learn how other business owners and entrepreneurs take advantage of current market opportunities in their local economy.

7 Ways For Small Businesses To Take Advantage of Current Market Opportunities Small businesses are invaluable and foster local economies and build community. Learn how seven business owners and entrepreneurs take advantage of current market opportunities in their local economy.

10 Small Business Logos and The Stories Behind Them - AMA Phoenix 05/25/2021

I was featured in the AMA Phoenix post sharing my business logo and the story behind it in the article "10 Small Business Logos and The Stories Behind Them".

When I was starting my business, a friend that does big brand consultations offered to teach me branding strategies. She shared ideal questions that would ultimately inform my brand, and eventually my logo. After I answered enough questions to fill up 20 pages of a Word doc, I was asked to streamline each category into a few words that represented my brand. I took those words to my friend to align the brand and choose the best logo my graphic designer worked on. We held up to the design of the keywords and easily identified my logo. All the brand attributes are clearly demonstrated, beginning with the organization of the words “Enjoy Life Daily” combined with the passionate energy represented by the backdrop of my signature “Mark Jamnik” I invite my clients to Enjoy Life daily, without having to wait and accomplish all the goals in your business and miss the journey to get there. I love how my logo represents me.

Read more in the whole article to know few small business logos and the stories behind them. 😊

10 Small Business Logos and The Stories Behind Them - AMA Phoenix We asked small businesses to share their business logo and the meaning behind it. Here are a few small business logos.

The 11 Best Things About Quarantine That Are Totally Unexpected - Terkel 05/20/2021

In the Terkel post, I shared my best thing about quarantine that was totally unexpected.

I reconnected back to a love that I had for the arts when I was a child. I began painting which offered me a wonderfully creative outlet, that is also guiding me on my daily structured business side. It’s a fun hobby I have thoroughly enjoyed picking up. Interestingly, I have been invited to do two (2) art installations. My first installation is in a Flagstaff coffee shop, called “Late for the Train” and very unexpectedly, the story of my installation got written up on the front page of the local paper! The second installation is on display in Blick Art Materials, in Tempe. I have viewed this year, less as quarantine and more as a chrysalis. I found a wonderful way to share my love for abstract art, combined with story sharing and organization.

Read more in the whole article to know the best things people enjoyed about quarantine life.

The 11 Best Things About Quarantine That Are Totally Unexpected - Terkel From sweatpants to reconnecting with the arts, here are 11 of the best things people enjoyed about quarantine life.

8 Things Small Business Owners Love About Their Own Companies - Terkel 05/19/2021

What is one thing that you love about your company or business?

I was featured in the Terkel post sharing my personal experiences and thoughts of why I started my company and why I fell in love with it.

My business is the culmination of the beautiful dance of my strengths combined with my struggles I have overcome. I share lessons learned, imperfections along with strategies that have guided me along the way, so clients accomplish more in less time. I love learning more about “why I do what I do.” Clients understand themselves at an intrinsic level and feel a deeper sense of fulfillment. I love connecting and serving people. Clients say “I can hear your heart when you coach.” I love all that I do with my business and what it means to my clients. I am grateful for the culmination of my struggles combined with my gifts to support my clients achieve productivity and fulfillment.

Read more in the whole article.

8 Things Small Business Owners Love About Their Own Companies - Terkel To help remind business owners why they started, here are 8 reasons small business owners fell in love with their companies:

7 Ways to Support Small Businesses - Terkel 05/18/2021

"What is one small business that you support? In what ways do you support them?"

I was featured in the Terkel post sharing my best tip and answers to these questions. There are several ways that may help you to support your favorite small businesses. From dedicating your work to small business to shopping small.

Read more in the article "7 Ways to Support Small Businesses" for the best tips from small business owners and entrepreneurs.

7 Ways to Support Small Businesses - Terkel To help you to support your local businesses, we asked small business owners and entrepreneurs this question for their best tips.

13 Ways To Address Employee Mental Health Issues During COVID-19 05/13/2021

In AZ SHRM, I answered the question "How are organizations dealing with employee mental health issues during COVID-19?"

There are several ideas that may help your organization in better dealing with employee mental health. From encouraging time off to taking meetings outside.

Read more in the article and find out the thirteen great tips for organizations dealing with employee mental health issues during COVID-19.

13 Ways To Address Employee Mental Health Issues During COVID-19 To help organizations dealing with employee mental health issues during COVID-19, we asked business leaders and HR professionals this question for their best tips. From encouraging time off to taking meetings outside, there are several ideas that may help your organization in better dealing with emp...

How do I get started using Terkel? - Terkel 05/12/2021

In the Terkel, I shared my best tip in the article "How do I get started using Terkel?"

Read more in the whole article and find out the 8 best tips from other business professionals and Terkel users. From being consistent to maximizing your profile, there are several tips that may help you get started on Terkel.

How do I get started using Terkel? - Terkel To help you get started on Terkel, we asked business professionals and Terkel users this question for their best tips.

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