Orangetheory Fitness Birmingham, Birmingham, MI Videos

Videos by Orangetheory Fitness Birmingham in Birmingham. Designed by experts and shaped by science. Unlock real results. #Orangetheory

Other Orangetheory Fitness Birmingham videos

The Push 30 challenge has come to a close. From all of us at OTF Birmingham, thank you all for participating in this wellness challenge! Congrats to Jacque G. for winning the raffle! Stop by the front desk to claim your prize. We also drew a secondary winner, so congrats to Pam M. for winning the secondary prize! Again, thank you all for participating in the Push 30 challenge!

Happy #coachtiptuesday! Coach Mikaila is checking in to tell you about #marathonmonth. 🏃💨 Sign ups are officially live! Talk to the front desk to get registered for the challenge that lasts all August. You can either register for a half (13.1 miles), full (26.2 miles), or an ultra (31.1). Talk to the front desk for more details!

Join us August 1st. Whether you're a power walker, jogger, runner, or on the bike or strider, you’ve got one month to go the distance. Choose your challenge: Half, Full, or Ultra Marathon. The best part? YOU set the pace. Break it down, conquer each class, and watch those miles add up. Register now on the app or by calling your studio. Who’s in? (P.S. you’ll earn bragging rights, swag and that coveted medal)

This Month Only: Upgrade, Refer, or Rejoin & Save Big! 🔥 Swing by the front desk for all the details and take advantage of these exclusive offers. Don’t miss out! 💪 *Terms & Conditions Apply. See studio for details.

Congrats to the winner of the Match or Beat raffle! Those of you who held onto your late cancel cards from May were entered into the raffle for your choice of one of two mystery boxes. And the winner is… 🥁🥁🥁

Happy Coach Tip Tuesday! Coach Jeri is here with some tips on how to do your best in the 200m Row coming up on July 10th. 🚣 1) Get it done as fast as you can. 2) Make sure you are very uncomfortable when you finish. 3) Check your previous time to match or beat it. What time are you shooting for? #orangetheoryfitness #coachtiptuesday #otfbham

And that’s a wrap for Concert Week 2024 at OTF Birmingham. With every class you attended last week, you were given an entry into a raffle for a $50 Ticketmaster gift card. And the winner is… 🥁🥁🥁

Are you ready OTF Birmingham? Next week is Festival Week! 🎶🎤 Coach Mikaila is here to tell you more about our theme week from the 24th through the 28th. For every class you attend, you get entry for a raffle for a $50 Ticketmaster gift card. If you bring a friend, you get an additional entry! Stop by the front desk for more details. 6/24: Orangechella 🧡 6/25: OTF Tour 🎸 6/26: Ultra OTF Festival 🪩 6/27: Summer of Orange Jam 🎧 6/28: Orangeapalooza 🧡 #orangetheoryfitness #otfbham

Congrats to the winner of the Father’s Day raffle! Any father who attended class yesterday was entered to win a $50 gift card of their choice. Stop by the front desk to claim your prize!

Join us this upcoming Monday (6/17) for Beach Day! 🏖️☀️ Wear your favorite beach related outfit to class! Don’t forget to bring your beach chair, sunglasses, water, and sunscreen! 😎 #orangetheoryfitness #otfbham #otfbeachday

Yes, you heard it right! Next Friday is the Burpee Relay, as part of Mayhem 2024. 😱 Sign ups for #alloutmayhem are still open, so stop by the front desk to get registered. It is $15 to sign up, and if you take 4 out of the 7 workouts (Strength and Tread classes count), then you get a T-shirt! #orangetheoryfitness #otfbham

It’s time for #alloutmayhem at OTF Birmingham! Stop by the front desk to get signed up. Registration is $15, and if you complete 4 out of 7 workouts, you get a T shirt! Are you signed up yet? 🤔 #orangetheoryfitness #otfbham

DriTri 🏅 A triathlon, but make it #Orangetheory. Featuring three options: 💨 Sprint: 1,000-meter row · 150 bodyweight reps · 1.55-mile run or 0.75-mile power walk 👏 Full: 2,000-meter row · 300 bodyweight reps · 3.1-mile run or 1.55-mile power walk 💪 Strength: 900-meter row · 300 dumbbell reps · 1-mile run or 0.05-mile power walk on incline Register today!

We’ve got a busy week ahead, it’s true! 🤭 Let’s finish out the Transformation Challenge strong! 💪🏼

Happy International Women’s Day! 🧡 Today we celebrate the incredible women who inspire us here at OTF Birmingham and women everywhere! Let’s celebrate their achievements, resilience and strive for a world where every woman can thrive. 💪🏼 “Here’s to strong women: May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.”

Another week, another raffle! Julian is here with the winner of the $25 Beyond Juice gift card. Congratulations to Stephanie G! Stop by the front desk to claim your prize! Don’t forget to schedule your final Inbody scan to get entered into the week 7 raffle! 🧡

💥Julian here with the WINNER of the Week 5 Transformation Challenge raffle! 💥 Congrats Alexandra C, you can claim your prize at the front desk! 🧡

HEY! Week 4 raffle prize: Starbucks gift card! The winner is 🥁🥁🥁 Wendy K! Claim your prize at the desk 😄 ‼️ Reminder: This week’s raffle: Take classes with 3 different coaches for a ticket. Take classes with all 5 coaches for 2 tickets! YOU GOT THIS!

Tomorrow is Press and Squat day at OTF Birmingham. It seems Julian has taken the name a little too literally, and Coach Joni is here to set the record straight. In that sense, we should call it Press THEN Squat day.