Jaffe Center for Book Arts, Boca Raton, FL Videos

Videos by Jaffe Center for Book Arts in Boca Raton. Book Artists R O C K ! And... FAU is a public university serving 30,000 students on seven campuses

MARIA SURDUCAN: Standing at the Crossroad, A Virtual Gallery Talk by JCBA's 2023 Salzberg Resident

Standing at the crossroad, what will you choose between love, power, and comfort? If you find happiness, how far will you go to stop time? And if you achieve immortality, how will you cope with the memories?

The Eastern European storytelling tradition is full of "basme": reality-altering incantations, shaped as fairy tales. One of the recurring motifs is time-manipulation, designed to course-correct the world in unexpected ways, while offering psychological healing to the listener. In the shadow of the pandemic, and on the brink of economic and ecological collapse, Maria's project narrates the journey of an unnamed main character who must use all means available to find a way out –– be it personal or universal.

Join the talk to discover the beginnings of an ambitious project, spanning different media, from a live drawing concert to a tarot deck to, now, book art, in the frame of the JCBA's 2023 Helen M. Salzberg Residency.

We plan to simulcast on Facebook Live (facebook.com/jaffecenterforbookarts) and have the video archived on the JCBA Vimeo Channel (vimeo.com/jaffecenter).

Other Jaffe Center for Book Arts videos

MARIA SURDUCAN: Standing at the Crossroad, A Virtual Gallery Talk by JCBA's 2023 Salzberg Resident
Standing at the crossroad, what will you choose between love, power, and comfort? If you find happiness, how far will you go to stop time? And if you achieve immortality, how will you cope with the memories? The Eastern European storytelling tradition is full of "basme": reality-altering incantations, shaped as fairy tales. One of the recurring motifs is time-manipulation, designed to course-correct the world in unexpected ways, while offering psychological healing to the listener. In the shadow of the pandemic, and on the brink of economic and ecological collapse, Maria's project narrates the journey of an unnamed main character who must use all means available to find a way out –– be it personal or universal. Join the talk to discover the beginnings of an ambitious project, spanning different media, from a live drawing concert to a tarot deck to, now, book art, in the frame of the JCBA's 2023 Helen M. Salzberg Residency. We plan to simulcast on Facebook Live (facebook.com/jaffecenterforbookarts) and have the video archived on the JCBA Vimeo Channel (vimeo.com/jaffecenter).

We’re planning our 2023 Library Wayzgoose Festival for Sunday August 27, live and in person at JCBA… meanwhile, our 2022 Wayzgoose is one you can watch anytime, anywhere; the world premiere was back in March, but video is available now at jaffecollection.org and you’ll love it! Featuring the guitar wizardry and soulful vocals of PATTY LARKIN (@pattylarkin_) and our featured Wayzgoose printer JENNIFER FARRELL of Starshaped Press, Chicago (@starshapedpress). No one uses typographic ornaments like Jen does. Your host: JCBA Director John Cutrone. Don’t forget the waffles. Brought to you by Able Invitations & Stationery (@ableletterpress) and Convivio Bookworks (@conviviobookworks) and by several wonderful Printer’s Devils and Master Printers. Long live print (and good music). And long live the GOOSE! #wayzgoose #letterpress #librarywayzgoosefestival #starshapedpress #pattylarkin #longliveprint #powerofthepress #womenprinters #strongwomen #womenmusicians #folkmusic #acousticmusic #waffles #nationalwaffleassociation #officialtrailer

Preparing for our next virtual JCBA Zoom workshop with Karen Hanmer… the kits are in production and if you want one, you’ll need to register and order by Saturday April 1!The workshop? The Ethiopian Binding. This structure may have emerged as early as the fourth century and has been in use unchanged for centuries. This humble, elegant binding opens flat and is the inspiration for many contemporary “Coptic” book arts structures. Characteristics include wood boards trimmed flush with the text block, paired sewing stations, and chain stitch-sewing that enters the board edge to incorporate board attachment. Historically the text blocks were made of parchment. Any covering would be done with goatskin. If the boards were to be left uncovered, no endband was added. If the boards were partially or fully covered in leather, braided leather endbands were sewn on after covering. In this workshop, students will make an uncovered binding with wood boards. We will begin by folding and punching sections, and drilling holes into wood boards. A brief PowerPoint will introduce covering, endbanding, and decoration of these structures. This is a fast-paced intermediate-level workshop. Students should be making sewn books independently, outside a workshop setting. The purchase of a materials kit from the instructor is recommended ($20 + shipping) and this is best done by April 1. Details and registration and kit info, too, at jaffecollection.org #bookartsworkshop #bookarts #bookbinding #ethiopianbinding #karenhanmer

Official Trailer! It’s been a long wait but Saturday brings the World Premiere of our Wayzgoose ‘22 video: Saturday evening March 25, 2023, at 7 Eastern. It’s Lady Day, another quirky holiday in the round of the year (much like the traditional Bartlemas Wayzgoose) and we suggest accompanying your Wayzgoose viewing with a steaming plate of waffles. Why? You’ll have to watch to find out. Featuring the guitar wizardry and soulful vocals of PATTY LARKIN (@pattylarkin_) and our featured Wayzgoose printer JENNIFER FARRELL of Starshaped Press, Chicago (@starshapedpress). No one uses typographic ornaments like Jen does. Your host: JCBA Director John Cutrone. Tune in to watch at our website (jaffecollection.org) at 7 Eastern Saturday March 25 for the premiere. Don’t forget the waffles. Brought to you by Able Invitations & Stationery (@ableletterpress) and Convivio Bookworks (@conviviobookworks) and by several wonderful Printer’s Devils and Master Printers. Long live print (and good music). And long live the GOOSE! #wayzgoose #letterpress #librarywayzgoosefestival #starshapedpress #pattylarkin #longliveprint #powerofthepress #womenprinters #strongwomen #womenmusicians #folkmusic #acousticmusic #waffles #nationalwaffleassociation #officialtrailer

A few folds, a cut or two and presto, a book! In our next virtual workshop with instructor Stephanie Wolff on JCBA Zoom, participants will create a selection of simple folded books made from one piece of paper. They are great for zines, comics, cards, and other self-publishing ventures, as well as artists’ books. Paper choices, layout, and duplication methods will all be covered. Simple, inexpensive means of duplication or more complex artmaking methods can be combined with these forms. Our focus will be on making a set of models as reference for future work after the workshop. Thursday March 9 from 5 to 8 pm Eastern. Bad timing? All who register get both live instruction on JCBA Zoom plus video afterward, so you needn’t be there at class time. Tuition is self determined: we suggest $100, but don’t let a low checkbook balance keep you from learning. And on the flip side, if you have the means to help us support those who don’t, please consider paying more than our suggested rate. That’s what self determined tuition is all about. Details and registration at jaffecollection.org #bookartsworkshop #bookarts #artistsbooks #singlesheetbooks #onesheetbook #learnfromhome

Instructor Stephanie Wolff teaches THE FLUTTER BOOK on JCBA Zoom Tuesday February 7. Take this virtual workshop live or later via video. The flutter book is a simple structure from the Eastern binding tradition. It’s a codex that can act a bit like an accordion, since the text block can be gently pulled out from the spine to show multiple pages at one time. Single folios are joined to create the text block, with a variety of possible cover options. A simple soft cover will be made in class, with discussion of other options. This binding is great for single-sided photographs or prints. It can accommodate papers of different weights—from heavier to very light. We’ll create two models (one with heavier paper, the other with lighter paper) to serve as reference for future work and discuss possibilities for the structure’s creative use. Tuition: Self-Determined (we suggest $100, but you may pay less if you need to and you may pay more if you’d like to help us bring this workshop to folks who can’t afford the full tuition — it’s all about helping each other out). Details and registration at jaffecollection.org under the WORKSHOPS tab. #bookartsworkshop #bookarts #artistsbooks #bookbinding #flutterbook #learnfromhome

Our next virtual JCBA Zoom workshop with instructor Stephanie Wolff is THE LAYERED ACCORDION on Thursday February 2 from 5 to 8 PM Eastern (but you get video as well as live Zoom instruction, so you needn’t be present at workshop time). This structure combines accordions sewn together in multiple layers. It can be displayed as a long accordion, or the front and back covers can be positioned back-to-back to create a carousel shape. Windows can be cut to reveal a story or scene (similar to a tunnel book). Alternatively, the entire book can be treated as a single sculptural object with layers of a less organized design. We will create a basic model in the workshop with page spreads for five panels and cut-out windows. Come with a very simple idea for five scenes or focus on the structure and play with content later. We will fold accordions, sew them together, and use a simple cover method for our models. Ideas to vary the structure and upgrade the details will be addressed for use on future projects. Tuition: self-determined (we suggest $100). Details and registration at jaffecollection.org under the WORKSHOPS tab. #bookartsworkshop #bookarts #artistsbooks #layeredaccordion #bookbinding

Tuesday February 7 from 5 to 8 Eastern: instructor Stephanie Wolff teaches The Flutter Book on JCBA Zoom. Take it live or take it later via video (or both)… details and registration at jaffecollection.org

In Conversation: John Cutrone, Gabriela Gamboa and Ingrid Schindall on Artist Books
Join Bakehouse artist Gabriela Gamboa as she speaks with John Cutrone, Director of the Jaffe Center for Book Arts at Florida Atlantic University Libraries, and Ingrid Schindall, Director of IS Projects, about her most recent artist book, A Study of Dust.

Book Arts 101: Home Edition
Our next Book Arts 101 broadcast celebrates a recent gift to the Jaffe Collection: The Inspiring Women Portfolio, organized by Kathryn Hunter of Blackbird Letterpress and Kyle Durrie of Power & Light Press. (Locals may remember Kyle from her stop at JCBA many years ago during her nationwide Type Truck road tour.) In this episode, JCBA Director John Cutrone will be chatting with both Kathryn and Kyle about the project, while we show you all the prints in the portfolio. Nearly 30 letterpress printers participated in the project, which honors 25 women who been true catalysts for change. Be sure to stay to the end, when we'll be announcing the lineup for our 2022 Library Wayzgoose Festival, an online video event that premieres on Bartlemas, August 24, the traditional date for a Wayzgoose celebration. We are pretty sure you'll find both our featured Wayzgoose printer and our musical guest fit splendidly into this Inspiring Women theme. Watch via Zoom Webinar or watch the Facebook Live simulcast... or wait 'til later and catch the video that is posted after each broadcast at JCBA's Vimeo Channel (vimeo.com/jaffecenter).

Our next workshop with instructor Stephanie Wolff is the HALF-ROTATION DISSOLVE VOLVELLE, a fascinating foray into scenery-shifting paper engineering. Details & registration here: http://www.library.fau.edu/depts/spc/JaffeCenter/workshops/half_rotation_volvelle.php Thursday April 7 from 5 to 8 PM Eastern. Participants get live Zoom instruction plus video later. Tuition is self-determined; we suggest $75, but don't let a low checkbook balance keep you from learning. (Alternatively, if you have the means to help us out, please pay more –– tuition income supports the instructor and the Jaffe Center for Book Arts.)

Virtual workshop alert! PAPER PACKAGING with instructor Stephanie Wolff (@stephaniewolffstudio) next Saturday, March 5 from 10 AM to 4 PM Eastern via JCBA ZOOM: Once your books or prints are completed, how do you protect and house them? In addition to protecting work, housing provides an opportunity to guide the reading experience and incorporate additional content or design elements. We’ll cover a selection of simple options, including a nested set consisting of a wrapper band, a 4-flap wrapper, the 10-minute slipcase, and a self-closing wrapper. We will also create a protective paper portfolio that can be used as a simple binding. Come prepared to fold and cut, and perhaps even sew. Resources on structure adaptations, materials, and conservation considerations will be shared. All our models will be small and constructed out of paper, but they will be good reference for scaled up versions and future projects. Workshop students get live Zoom instruction plus video, so you don’t need to be present for the live instruction if the timing is not quite right. Tuition is self determined; we suggest $145. Details and registration at jaffecollection.org under the WORKSHOPS tab. #bookartsworkshop #bookarts #artistsbooks #slipcase #bookpackaging #papercraft #learnfromhome

Is this the year you make your own Christmas cards? Our next virtual workshop gives you the know-how to make movable cards at home from things you already have around the house, like cereal and cracker boxes. It's FESTIVE HOLIDAY MECHANICAL CARDS with instructor Shawn Sheehy, Friday December 10 from 11 AM to 2 PM Eastern. Can't be there for the live instruction? Register and you'll get live instruction plus video. The workshop segues directly into our next virtual REAL MAIL FRIDAYS WINTER CARD WRITING SOCIAL. Total. Fun. Details & registration: http://www.library.fau.edu/depts/spc/JaffeCenter/workshops/festive_holiday.php

Is this the year you make your own Christmas cards? Our next virtual workshop gives you the know-how to make movable cards at home from things you already have around the house, like cereal and cracker boxes. It's FESTIVE HOLIDAY MECHANICAL CARDS with instructor Shawn Sheehy, Friday December 10 from 11 AM to 2 PM Eastern. Can't be there for the live instruction? Register and you'll get live instruction plus video. The workshop segues directly into our next virtual REAL MAIL FRIDAYS WINTER CARD WRITING SOCIAL. Total. Fun. Details & registration: http://www.library.fau.edu/depts/spc/JaffeCenter/workshops/festive_holiday.php

Telling Time: Virtual Gallery Talk
TELLING TIME Virtual Gallery Talk with Julie Chen & Keri Miki-Lani Schroeder Monday October 11 at 3 PM Eastern Live on Zoom Webinar, with video following on the JCBA Vimeo Channel Julie Chen and Keri Miki-Lani Schroeder discuss their new artists' book project Book of Hours, contemplations on time, and their long-distance collaboration during the 2020-2021 pandemic. Book of Hours was designed and created by Julie Chen & Keri Miki-Lani Schroeder. This long-distance collaboration between California and Texas took place during the 2020-21 pandemic. The format of Book of Hours is known as a blow book, a historical structure originally designed as a magic trick which allows the presenter to show completely different visual sequences of pages within the same book. Book of Hours contains 12 distinct sequences. The first and last sequences on each side of the book were designed by the two artists collaboratively, and the other eight sequences were designed individually by each artist. These different narratives exist concurrently within the same space and time of this book but are activated sequentially by the reader. The cone motif used throughout this book was inspired by the concept of the light cone which in general and special relativity denotes a single point in space and time. Book of Hours was printed using letterpress, digital, and Risograph printing on Mohawk Superfine and Hahnemühle Bugra paper. The binding was completed at Flying Fish Press and Coyote Bones Press. The box was designed and fabricated by Keri Miki-Lani Schroeder. Keri Miki-Lani Schroeder is a book artist and proprietor of Coyote Bones Press. She creates limited-edition artist’s books, and teaches workshops at various institutions. Keri holds an MFA in Book Art & Creative Writing from Mills College, and has worked at Flying Fish Press and BookLab II as an edition bookbinder. She was awarded the Helen M. Salzberg Artist in Residence for Jaffe Center for Book Arts in 2019-2020, and Mills Colle

Book Arts 101: Post Goose
Now that our annual Bartlemas Wayzgoose is done, it's time to regroup. Join JCBA Director John Cutrone for an episode of Book Arts 101 in which we'll chat a bit about that Wayzgoose experience and, more importantly, about things to come, including an exciting new virtual series we plan to launch later this fall, and a big announcement about the result of our search for the next Helen M. Salzberg Artist in Residence at the Jaffe. We'll certainly look at a few books, too! Watch via Zoom Webinar or watch the Facebook Live simulcast... or wait 'til later and catch the video that is posted after each broadcast at JCBA's Vimeo Channel (vimeo.com/jaffecenter).

So utterly spooky, we had to add a new OPTICAL TOYS THAT MESMERIZE: SPOOKY EDITION virtual workshop to our calendar; the first one sold out in a flash of fire and brimstone. And only 8 seats remain in the new one, which spans two Wednesday evenings (October 20 & 27). Instructor Keri Miki-Lani Schroeder (@coyotebonespress) is your ghoulish guide. Details and registration at jaffecollection.org. #bookarts #artistsbooks #opticaltoys #spooky #halloween #paperengineering

The official trailer for our 2021 Virtual Library Wayzgoose Festival is here. Watch the full 2-minute trailer at this link to our homepage: jaffecollection.org, then get yourself back to that same link again on Tuesday August 24 at 7 PM Eastern for the World Premiere of the Wayzgoose. Featuring activist printer Ben Blount (@blountben) with a special Wayzgoose concert by Jay Ungar & Molly Mason (@jayandmolly). Your host: JCBA Director John Cutrone (@conviviobookworks). #wayzgoose #letterpress #librarywayzgoosefestival #woodtype #vandercook #activism #socialactivism #printing #bookbinding #bookarts #artistsbooks

Instructor Janelle Washington (@washingtoncuts) teaches the virtual workshop PAPER CUT PORTRAITS on August 31 from 5 to 8:30 PM Eastern. Video available if you can’t be there for the live event. Tuition is self determined; we suggest $75, but don’t let a low checkbook balance keep you from learning. Details and registration at jaffecollection.org under the WORKSHOPS tab. #bookarts #papercut #papercutting #papercutart #papercuttingart #papercutartist #portrait #portraitworkshop #papercutworkshop

Book Arts 101: Home Edition | Episode 41
BOOK ARTS 101: Mail Call Wednesday July 28 3 PM Eastern Daylight Time Great things keep arriving in the mail! Some of these things I've purchased; other things just arrive in a wave of mystery. I'm John Cutrone, Director of the Jaffe Center for Book Arts at Florida Atlantic University Libraries, accidental curator of the Jaffe Collection, and, by luck, your host for Book Arts 101... and here's the next installment of Book Arts 101 episodes in which I unpack new items for the Jaffe's permanent collection. Watch via Zoom Webinar or live dangerously and watch the Facebook Live simulcast (that option is always a game of chance)... or wait 'til later and catch the​ video that is posted after each broadcast at JCBA's Vimeo Channel (vimeo.com/jaffecenter).