Idaho Conservation League, Boise, ID Videos

Videos by Idaho Conservation League in Boise. Idaho's leading voice for conservation.

It’s fire season, which brings us to our final part of our Recreating Responsibly series!

For many folks, having a campfire is a quintessential summer experience. We need to make sure we’re doing it safely!

Before you build a fire, read our blog for some tips on being fire-safe to protect our public lands.

Other Idaho Conservation League videos

It’s fire season, which brings us to our final part of our Recreating Responsibly series! For many folks, having a campfire is a quintessential summer experience. We need to make sure we’re doing it safely! Before you build a fire, read our blog for some tips on being fire-safe to protect our public lands.

Breaking: Win for Clean Water
BREAKING NEWS: Today, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a petition to review prior court rulings that found gold miner Shannon Poe, of California, violated the Clean Water Act when he dumped suction dredge mining waste into Idaho's South Fork of the Clearwater River without a required pollution permit. This upholds the longstanding requirement that suction dredge miners must obtain a Clean Water Act permit before engaging in the destructive activity, marking a huge win for Idaho and all of America's rivers and streams, and the fish and wildlife those rivers support. Read more: Support this work:

Idaho Gives…. Is for the generous! People who care about Idaho’s environment showed up big time for ICL during Idaho Gives, raising over $90,000 for our work to protect and restore the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the lands and wildlife we all love! THANK YOU! This will make a huge impact for our conservation efforts across the state. It will pay off for clean water—from the great lakes of North Idaho to the Snake River further south, to all the streams and creeks in between. It will pay off for our public lands—from the Gem State’s most iconic recreation spots to the hidden natural wonders in each of our neighborhoods. It will pay off for our wildlife big and small—from the monarch butterfly to the tenacious wolverine, ensuring ICL can continue to serve as a voice and advocate for all native wildlife. It will pay off for our wild salmon and steelhead as we continue the work to save our iconic fish from extinction—protecting our ecosystems, communities, and special way of life. And it will pay off for people—protecting future generations by building a climate-resilient future, ensuring that Idaho children get to grow up drinking clean water and breathing clean air like they deserve, and making sure that the things that make Idaho special are protected for now and generations to come. YOU are what makes this future possible. All of us at ICL are beyond grateful for your support, and honored to do this work. So here’s to you—the people who care, the places that inspire you, and our shared vision for the future. Thank you.

Idaho is for the lakes!
What would North Idaho be without its great lakes and waters? We have no plans of finding out! From Lake Pend Oreille to the Kootenai River, ICL knows that life in North Idaho is centered around clean water. These waters are central to communities and the economy, support diverse fish and wildlife, and provide us with clean drinking water. This is why we have a campaign solely dedicated to protecting North Idaho waters from pollution, inappropriate development, toxic algae, and other threats. Our award-winning Water Quality Stewards take water quality samples across Lake Pend Oreille all summer long, so we are able to identify what areas need our help and attention most. And we let community members know when they can speak up for the waters they love so much. But we need your help -- donations from people who care about our clean water are what funds this work. Help protect and restore North Idaho's great lakes and waters by making a donation to ICL during @IdahoGives, going on right now! A donation today can help ensure Idaho remains a place for the lakes!

Can you imagine an Idaho without wild salmon? That nightmare isn't as unrealistic as you might think—Idaho's wild salmon and steelhead are trending toward extinction. But ICL and our Youth Salmon Protectors won't let it happen on our watch! Thanks to the support of people who care about keeping salmon in Idaho, our campaign to restore wild salmon and steelhead in Idaho saw huge strides this last year. A historic agreement between the U.S. federal government, Northwest Tribes, and the states of Washington and Oregon was reached that will help our wild fish and paves the path forward to what our fish really need to recover: a freed lower Snake River! This agreement even landed our Executive Director in the White House earlier this year for a ceremonial signing. And he wasn't the only ICL'er who took to D.C. for our salmon—earlier this month, our Youth Salmon Protectors spent a week in D.C. meeting with elected officials and advocating for salmon, orca, and Tribal justice! Imagine what we could accomplish over the next year with your help. A donation to ICL during #IdahoGives today can help us bring our salmon back to abundance, and ensure youth have the opportunities and tools they need to have their voices heard! Together, we can ensure that Idaho stays a place for the salmon! #YouthSalmonProtectors #FreeTheSnakeRiver Idaho Gives

Your Voice for Conservation!
For the last 51 years, ICL has served as Your Voice for Conservation in the Idaho Statehouse. We were originally founded to be that voice in 1973, and we've done it every year since. We show up every day of the session to speak on your behalf for Idaho's environment, to speak up for the things that make Idaho such a special place to live and raise a family, and to speak up for the things that cannot speak for themselves—Idaho's special places, clean air, clean water, fish, and wildlife. Although we often stand alone, we aren't alone in spirit—we are able to do this work because of the support of people like you. And we'll continue to do it, with you standing behind us! Help ensure ICL will be there every day in the 2025 session, and for years to come, by making a gift to ICL during #IdahoGives today! With your support, we will hit the marbled floors of the Statehouse once again to serve as Your Voice for Conservation!

Idaho is for Clean Air and Water!
Clean air to breathe and clean water to drink.... sign us up for that! ICL has worked to protect Idaho's air and water quality for over 50 years - and we don't plan on stopping anytime soon. But we need YOUR support to fund this work! Did you know that ICL is the ONLY conservation group that tracks every source of air and water pollution in the state? Through this work, we protect and restore air and water quality from the threats and pressures of the past, present, and future. From mining and industrial pollution to smog and toxic algae, we engage in the regulatory process to ensure that all rules and regulations are upheld, make sure that no one is illegally polluting our waters, and earn better protections for Idaho's air and waters. At ICL, we believe that every child deserves to grow up in a pollution-free Idaho—and we fight to make sure that vision is a reality. Join the fight for clean air and water by supporting our work, and making a gift to ICL during #IdahoGives today!

Idaho is for the WILD!
Idaho is for the WILD! Will you make a gift to ICL right now during @idahogives to help keep it that way? Idaho's diverse public lands are the foundation to our way of life. But they are facing threats like never before. A warming climate, inappropriate development, unbalanced use and outright abuse will destroy the natural setting that makes Idaho special -- unless we protect our public lands. ICL has done just that for over 50 years, protecting and restoring our public lands and creating conditions for wildlife to thrive. We speak up for the places and animals that cannot speak up for themselves. Help make our voice stronger and show YOUR love and appreciation for public lands by helping fund ICL's work! Head to the link below to donate, and help ensure Idaho stays a place for the WILD!

This Idaho Gives, help tackle climate change in Idaho by making a gift to support ICL's work! Climate change is impacting Idaho’s ecosystems, economy, and way of life. That’s why ICL is working to make Idaho carbon neutral by eliminating Idaho’s reliance on fossil fuels. But we can’t reach climate solutions alone—we need financial support to drive our work. Making a gift to ICL during Idaho Gives will help us continue to work toward just, equitable, and protective solutions to climate change in Idaho! Donate at the link in our bio! #climatechange #IdahoGives2024 #IdahoGives #idahoconservationleague #conservation

ICL: Your Voice for Conservation in the Idaho Statehouse
It's time to engage in the 2024 Idaho legislative session! This is ICL's 51st session serving as your voice for conservation in the statehouse, representing the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the lands and wildlife you love. But we can't do it alone! We need people who care about conservation to engage and support us. You can help by signing up for ICL's weekly Legislative Updates and becoming an ICL member at the links below! Sign up for Legislative Updates: Become an ICL member:

Thank You - Giving Tuesday
From all of us at the Idaho Conservation League, THANK YOU! Yesterday, on Giving Tuesday, people who truly love Idaho's clean air, clean water, public lands, and fish and wildlife showed up for the Gem State. It is because of the generosity, passion, and dedication of our conservation community that ICL has been able to bring long-term commitment and results to protecting Idaho's environment. When you support ICL, you join in our 50-year legacy and help build a brighter future. A love for Idaho's natural heritage is the lifeblood of ICL—and you, our supporters, are our heartbeat. Thank you! ❤ Didn't find the time to give yesterday? Celebrate wild Idaho with an end-of-year gift to ICL at the link below, and stick with us for the work to come!

Kokanee spawning in Trestle Creek
Last chance to comment on Trestle Creek!

Need a reason to support ICL? Here's five: public lands, clean water, clean air, wildlife, and salmon! Join in September and your gift will be doubled!

Take Action Against Mining Pollution!
The South Fork Coeur d'Alene River, Lake Coeur d'Alene, and the health of people and wildlife alike are currently threatened by illegal pollution from the Galena Mine Complex. Take action for clean water today and demand polluters be held accountable! TAKE ACTION:

For the Love of Idaho, Support ICL Today
Today is the last day of Idaho Gives! For 50 years, ICL has helped protect the wild Idaho we know and love. But tomorrow isn't promised – overcoming evolving threats to our environment will require new advocates and solutions. We need those who truly love Idaho to join in these efforts. For the love of wild Idaho, give to ICL today! DONATE:

For the love of Idaho, give to ICL
It's day 3 of Idaho Gives! Will you help us reach our fundraising goal? Join in supporting ICL and Idaho's clean air and water, public lands, and wildlife. Together, we will continue to preserve and protect the best of Idaho! DONATE:

For the Love of Idaho
Idaho Gives has officially kicked off! For 50 years, ICL has worked to protect the things that make Idaho special – clean air, clean water, vast public lands and abundant wildlife. But we couldn't do this work without the support of people across the state and beyond that care about protecting the Idaho we know and love for now and future generations. For the love of Idaho, please join in Idaho Gives with a gift to ICL! Right now, your gift can have DOUBLE the impact thanks to generous donors matching gifts up to $25,000! DONATE:

Happy EARTH DAY! 💙🌎💚 Give back to Idaho’s clean air, clean water, vast public lands and abundant wildlife by becoming an ICL member TODAY! For 50 years, ICL has been hard at work protecting and restoring Idaho’s environment. We want you to be part of the next 50 years of conservation in Idaho — join us today!

Help protect our most precious wetlands!
Idaho's wetlands are both beautiful ecosystems and precious resources. They provide a unique habitat for a variety of plant and animal species, and play a critical role in water resource management. North Idaho's 13 Class 1 wetlands – which are designated by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game as highest priority for conservation – are under threat. Once these sites are lost, they cannot be replaced, and the consequences are permanent. Take action TODAY to protect our most important wetlands from destruction!

Stop Stibnite
There are only a few days left to #STOPSTIBNITE by submitting a comment to the Forest Service voicing your concerns! Learn more about our major concerns with the proposed Stibnite Gold Project in this video with IC Public Lands Director John Robison, and take action today!