Saint Cecilia Parish, Boston, MA Videos

Videos by Saint Cecilia Parish in Boston. Saint Cecilia is a welcoming, diverse community of Roman Catholics. Come as you are & bring a friend!

Evening Prayer for the Memorial of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Thank you for joining us for Evening Prayer. The worship aid may be found here:

Other Saint Cecilia Parish videos

Evening Prayer for the Memorial of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Thank you for joining us for Evening Prayer. The worship aid may be found here:

Vespers for the Solemnity of Pentecost
Thank you for joining us for Evening Prayer as we celebrate Pentecost Sunday and the conclusion of the Easter Season. The worship aid may be found at

Vespers for the Memorial of Saint Catherine of Siena
Thank you for joining us for Evening Prayer as we celebrate the feast day of Saint Catherine of Siena. The worship aid may be found at:

Vespers for the Dedication Anniversary of Saint Cecilia Church
Thank you for joining us for Evening Prayer as we celebrate the Anniversary of the Dedication of Saint Cecilia Church. The worship aid may be found at:

Evening Prayer for Tuesday of the Second Week of Easter
Thank you for joining us for Evening Prayer. The worship aid may be found at: And please join us again on Monday, April 22 at 6 pm when we will celebrate Evening Prayer for the 130th Dedication Anniversary of Saint Cecilia Church

Lauds for Easter Saturday
Thank you for joining us for Morning Prayer on this Saturday of the Easter Octave. The worship aid may be found at: Please join us again this Tuesday, April 9 at 6 pm for Evening Prayer.

👋 Hi everyone—Father John here! I just wanted to say THANK YOU so much for making this past week SO phenomenal. We were so incredibly blessed to have so many folks in the building and online throughout Holy Week...the message is just going out in such a beautiful, organic way. I want to give a special shoutout to the 130+ volunteers, staff, musicians, and custodial staff—everyone who was working on-scene and behind the scenes to make our liturgies and events run so smoothly. THANK YOU! As we continue the Easter season, keep up the hope, be good to each other, and thank you again! Peace ✌ ️

Paschal Vespers
Thank you for joining us for Evening Prayer on this Easter Sunday. The worship aid may be found at

He Is Risen! Alleluia! Happy Easter from Father John & Saint Cecilia Parish!

Holy Saturday Morning Prayer
Thank you for joining us for Morning Prayer on this Holy Saturday. The worship aid may be found at: Please join us for Paschal Vespers on Easter Sunday at 6 pm.

Good Froday Morning Prayer
Thank you for joining us for Morning Prayer on Good Friday. The worship aid may be found at:

Holy Thursday Morning Prayer
Thank you for joining us for Morning Prayer as we conclude the Lenten season and prepare to enter into the Triduum .

Vespers for the Solemnity of Saint Joseph

Vespers for Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Lent
Thank you for joining us for Evening Prayer. The worship aid may be found at: And please join us again next Tuesday, March 19, at 6 pm for Vespers on the Solemnity of Saint Joseph.