indico, Boston, MA Videos

Videos by indico in Boston. The intelligent intake company.

Transforming Underwriting

Insurance carriers face three significant challenges: making better decisions in underwriting risk, claims approval, and policy prioritization.

As Farooq Sheikh, of Unqork, Mike Quintal, of Guidewire, David Moorhead, of EY, and host Tom Wilde, discussed, underwriters currently spend 70% of their time on non-underwriting tasks.

With 90% of insurers planning to invest in digital transformation, the industry is recognizing the need for technology to streamline processes, improve decision-making, and enhance customer experiences and retention.

#InsuranceClaims #InsuranceIntake #AI

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Transforming Underwriting
Insurance carriers face three significant challenges: making better decisions in underwriting risk, claims approval, and policy prioritization. As Farooq Sheikh, of Unqork, Mike Quintal, of Guidewire, David Moorhead, of EY, and host Tom Wilde, discussed, underwriters currently spend 70% of their time on non-underwriting tasks. With 90% of insurers planning to invest in digital transformation, the industry is recognizing the need for technology to streamline processes, improve decision-making, and enhance customer experiences and retention. #InsuranceClaims #InsuranceIntake #AI

The Power of Interpretation
Interpretive tasks are revolutionizing the IDP landscape by replacing rule-based methods with dynamic solutions like automated summarization and content creation. We’re proud to excel in the three key areas driving this change, offering comprehensive capabilities that ensure success. 🌟 #InsuranceIntake #IntelligentDocumentProcessing #UnstructuredUnlocked

Navigating Compliance and Ethics
Navigating compliance and ethical standards is crucial for carriers, who often face decisions ahead of regulatory guidelines. Developing internal controls and guidelines helps them adapt as the regulatory landscape evolves. #InsuranceIntake #UnstructuredUnlocked #IntelligentDocumentPocessing

Future of Underwriting
Discipline is essential in underwriting. Successful underwriters stick to their guidelines and maintain a strong focus on risk quality, avoiding shortcuts that can lead to trouble. Those who excel in the art of underwriting, coupled with robust portfolio management, will continue to thrive. With the development of new AI tools, those committed to this disciplined approach will only get better. #Underwriting #UnstructuredUnlocked #InteligentDocumentProcessing

Exciting AI Governance
AI governance is transforming insurance underwriting with new rules and regulations emerging worldwide. Those working in data governance and compliance must ensure fair and ethical use of AI in risk assessment. Asif Syed shared methods to create a transparent and accountable AI-powered underwriting process in our recent podcast. #IntelligentDocumentProcessing #RiskAssessment #DataGovernance

Unstructured Unlocked S2 E3 with Kelly Cusick, Managing Director at Deloitte
Discover the art of underwriting in the age of AI. Discipline and strong portfolio management remain key, but new tools are set to accelerate the game for those ready to invest. Intrigued? Dive into our podcast for a deeper understanding. #IntelligentDocumentProcessing #InsuranceIntake

Unlock the secrets of successful global implementations
Successful projects, such as deploying intelligent document processing, come from investing time upfront with all stakeholders rather than forcing a one-size-fits-all solution. Prioritizing value and understanding each team's unique needs is crucial to avoid issues like upgrade paths. Generative AI is back in the spotlight, reminiscent of the hype six years ago. The key to success? Focusing on the people aspect and tailored solutions. #UnstructuredUnlocked #InsuranceIntake #IntelligentDocumentProcessing

Unlocking InsurTech Leveraging Data
Mining data is the new gold rush. Harnessing the power of language models and text mining can uncover hidden themes, patterns, and insights from your business data, enabling smarter underwriting decisions. Curious to learn more? Listen here: #InsuranceIntake #IntelligentDocumentProcessing

Unlocking the Potential of IDP in 2024
Interpretive use cases are revolutionizing IDP. They're shifting traditional rule-based systems to a new paradigm, transforming how we handle tasks like summarization and creating dynamic tables of contents. This is a game-changer for insurers. #InsuranceIntake #AutomatedInsurance #IntelligentDocumentProcessing

How to Turn AI into ROI
Want to know the secret sauce for turning AI investment into real business results? It’s not just about technology; it’s about having the right people and processes in place to drive innovation. Learn from Daniel Faggella ▪️The key capabilities that bridge the gap between AI and ROI ▪️ Why data science fluency is crucial for both technical and non-technical teams ▪️How to foster a culture of experimentation and continuous improvement ✨ #InsuranceIntake #UnstructuredUnlocked #AutomatedInsurance

Automated Insurance Quoting & Underwriting
As connectivity between carriers, brokers, and clients accelerates in small commercial markets, brace yourself for faster cycles and innovative services in automated insurance. With the future filled with heightened efficiency and groundbreaking changes, listen more to what James Wright has to say: #UnstructuredUnlocked #IntelligentIntake

With the rising-popularity of AI, companies are using it to extract and manage data efficiently. Many are investing in tools and techniques to handle data ingestion in-house, aiming to reduce reliance on third parties and cut costs. Extracting data from legacy systems and converting it into standard formats is key. For governance managers, this means interpreting data in a unique way to track claims, payments, and complaints. The challenge for third parties lies in identifying which parts of the process they can assist with. Join the conversation on the Unstrucured Unlocked Podcast and discover how tech is shaping the future of data management. #AI #DigitalTransformation #InsuranceIntake

Meet Charles Morris, the Chief Data Scientist for Financial Services at Microsoft. He plays a crucial role in steering Microsoft's AI strategy for their top financial services clients. Charlie identifies opportunities, devises strategies, and determines what they're going to build. He also collaborates with major players in the AI space, helping to shape the industry's direction. In this episode, you can learn more about Charlie's work and how he is impacting the future of financial services and AI. #AI

Insurers are revolutionizing their processes with a focus on data ingestion. By optimizing this crucial step, they're not just saving time but also increasing their quoting capacity and chances of success. This efficiency loop leads to cleaner data for better analytics, creating a win-win scenario. Dive deeper into the world of insurance data management in episode 39 of Unstructured Unlocked. #InsuranceInsights #UnstructuredUnlocked #IntelligentIntake

In the world of technology, adaptation isn't just survival, it's evolution. Complex technology isn't meant to be discarded. It's engineered to adapt, change, and extract information effectively. This unique approach to system architecture can lead to remarkable success. Alternatively, outsource the complexity to expert partners well-versed in AI and technology landscapes. By consuming their capabilities, you're not just getting AI, but also technology change management as a service. Listen in to the full episode as we explore Everest's automation projects and unlock the key to success with AI and change management in the modern world. #AI #MachineLearning

A shift is looming in the near future for the insurance industry, and not due to uninsurable risks, but because our data and systems are evolving. This change demands a rethink of the skills we value and the type of people we bring into the industry. While we once sought detail-oriented tech experts, we now need those adepts at customer community and understanding. Data analysts will be in high demand, alongside automation and systems specialists. This calls for a diverse skill set in our workforce. Listen in to the full episode to discover more about how you can prepare yourself for the future of the insurance industry. #AI #BusinessTransformation

We're at a pivotal moment where AI is poised to revolutionize our capabilities. Large language models are liberating attention from document sifting, focusing on impactful insights and saving time. Listen to this full podcast episode to uncover the 5 key strategies for deploying these models and understand the 'why' behind this transformation. #GenAI #InsuranceIntake #IntelligentIntake

Automating insurance claims is a game-changer. Imagine this: You're in an accident, and instead of navigating complex claims, your insurance company reaches out to you first. That's the future Joe Kurry, Head of Apollo 1971 Data Science, is creating. Partnering with some of the largest ride-sharing and delivery companies in the U.S., they aim to reduce costs and provide a seamless customer experience. Tune into the full discussion to learn how this will transform the insurance claims process. #InsurTech #UnstructuredUnlocked

Have you ever thought about the insurance company paradox? They effortlessly withdraw your premiums, but when it comes to claims, it's a paperwork nightmare. Why can't they put money back as easily as they take it? The reason lies in the complex systems that operate behind the scenes, which unfortunately don't communicate with each other. However, as new customers come online, this outdated process will eventually become unacceptable. The future of insurance is seamless transactions. No paperwork, no checks. Just convenience and customer experience. Listen to the full episode to hear more about how the insurance industry is evolving towards a more customer-focused approach. #InsuranceInsights #IntelligentIntake

AI regulation and compliance are shaping up to be the fastest growing industry. The complex nature of AI and the increase in lawsuits, especially regarding models replicating copyrighted works, highlight the importance of navigating legal and ethical challenges. It's not just a national concern — it's a global one with vast implications and enormous growth potential. Listen to the full episode to discover ways to navigate the complexities of this industry that is about to dominate. #AI #GenAI #AIRegulation