Tara Skye Goldin, ND, FABNG, Boulder, CO Videos

Videos by Tara Skye Goldin, ND, FABNG in Boulder. Board Certified in Naturopathic Gastroenterology. Functional Medicine digestive issues, SIBO, IBS.

🦋🌸Grab your FREE copy of my book “Heal your Gut, Win at Life!” Link in Bio! #sibo #ibs #digestivehealth #guthealth #sibodiet

Other Tara Skye Goldin, ND, FABNG videos

🦋🌸Grab your FREE copy of my book “Heal your Gut, Win at Life!” Link in Bio! #sibo #ibs #digestivehealth #guthealth #sibodiet

🦋🌸Grab your FREE copy of my book “Heal your Gut, Win at Life!” Link in Bio! #sibo #ibs #digestivehealth #guthealth #sibodiet www.taraskyegoldin.com

#FABNG #FellowoftheAmericanBoardofNaturopathicGastroenterology #Poopdoctor #digestivehealth #guthealth #boardcertified

Stevia and Erythritol Part 2

Stevia vs Erythritol

✨In order to detoxify from environmental toxins or endotoxins produced inside the body, one must have clear pathways to elimination. ✨The primary pathways for toxin elimination in our human bodies are peeing, pooping and sweating. That is basically it. 💛So when I have a patient recovering from Lyme, I make sure that they are peeing, pooping and sweating. 💩When I have a patient recovering from mold and mycotoxin exposure, I make sure that they are peeing, pooping and sweating. 💦When I have a patient showing signs of toxin exposure whether or not they are cognizant of that (medical history, environmental exposure i.e. living near a train derailment or fire that has dumped pollutants into the air and water) I make sure that they are peeing, pooping and sweating. 🎯So let’s break it down. Everyone ideally should be having a good bowel movement at least once per day. 💦💛Everyone should be drinking plenty of good clean water, - at least 64 oz per day, preferably with some trace minerals in it, to stay hydrated and flush the kidneys. 💦Everyone also should be exercising to sweating several times per week , or sauna-ing several times per week so that they are also eliminating through their skin cells and pores. 💥Without these things happening, the fanciest and most expensive supplements won’t work as well. 🥦Diet should be as organic as possible to eliminate pesticides and herbicide accumulation. I once read a study that measured pesticide and herbicide levels in a family’s blood before and after they ate completely organic for 2 weeks and their serum pesticide levels went way down! After just 2 weeks. So you can improve quickly! ❓❓Do you need to do fancy cleanses with special supplements? No, usually not. Making sure your elimination channels are open and your detox pathways are working us usually enough unless there is something unusual going on like a particular toxic exposure or infection. Sometimes f

👀🦋Will I Ever Get to Eat Whatever Foods I Want Again? 👉🏼I get this question a lot ✨Often while on a healing journey patients change up their foods and eliminate certain types of foods from their lives. This may be gluten, sugar, dairy, fermentable carbohydrates, etc. depending upon what is going on for them and what we are treating. ✨Sometimes we restrict for a period of time whole classes of foods. ✨This isn’t of course the end goal, to live with a highly restricted diet. ✨But I often get asked once patients are feeling better when they can go back to “normal”. Well, first define “normal”. 💥If your previous food plan included wine, gluten, refined carbohydrates, and other inflammatory foods, you may never get back to full non-restriction if you want to hold your gains. 💥If you have celiac disease, you may never eat gluten again if you want to remain in a good place that you worked so diligently to get to. 🦋But some foods can be experimented with, and maybe you can have a small amount every 4 days without ill effect, but it may not be good to have something every day all the time, 🦋For instance I have some patients who abstain from garlic and onions while we are treating SIBO, and sometimes they can have it again later, other patients feel better and hold their gains when they stay away from it. #sibo #ibs #fodmaps #celiac #gluten #type2diabetes #healingjourney #foodplans

👀💥Pollution Support 👉🏼Important info even if you don’t live near East Palestine, Ohio ⚡️If you follow the news at all you will have read about the train derailment and subsequent fire putting tons of burning toxins into the air in East Palestine, Ohio. ⚡️This happens to be about an hour away from where my son goes to college, so you can bet that I got some great supplements and a high end air purifier to him as quickly as I could. 💥 💥According to the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency the primary chemicals that were spilled were Vinyl chloride and butyl acrylate. Also in the mix were benzene, ethyl hexyl acrylate and ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, also known carcinogens. 👉🏼I will break down the main 2 so that you get an idea what has been released. 💥Vinyl chloride Vinyl chloride is a colorless, odorless gas that is used to make PVC, a form of plastic used in many everyday objects. However, vinyl chloride is also a known carcinogen and can cause negative impacts depending on the time and amount of exposure. It can cause headaches and nausea, or lead to serious conditions like liver cancer. 💥Butyl acrylate Butyl acrylate is a colorless liquid with a fruit-like odor. It is used in the making of polymers, resins and paints. Exposure can lead to irritation of the nose and eyes, nausea, vomiting and allergic reactions, according to the New Jersey Department of Health. Repeated exposure can cause lung cancer. According to the EPA's disclosure about the train's cargo, an entire load of Butyl acrylate was lost in the crash to spills and fire. ⚡️While those of us west of the spill may think we are safe from any fallout to our air and water, the truth is that there are tons of chemicals being released into the atmosphere and we are all getting exposure. 💥It is important to be proactive and protect yourselves and your family from all of the chemicals in our environment these days. https://us.fullscript.co

👀🎈Bloating 👉🏼What to do when your belly feels inflated 🎈Many of my patients complain of gas and bloating as a symptom of SIBO and IBS. 🎈While making some adustments to food and especially reducing Fermentable Carbohydrates can help, there are times when it happens and you need a good rescue strategy. 1. Ginger – ginger helps the motility and also nausea. It can help to move gas through your system. 2. Mint – mint can also stimulate the gall bladder to release bile which aids digestion. Can also be useful for gas and bloating, but would caution using this with peptic ulcer disease. 3. Activated Charcoal- this is used as a binder to remove toxins so helpful for food poisoning sometimes, and it also absorbs gas so may help with bloating. 4. Digestive enzymes – these can also help break down foods so aids in transit. 5. Fennel Seeds– fennel seeds also are “carminative” and can help move gas through and relieve bloating. 🎈 🎈For a really bad episode you may also consider a heating pad. #ibs #sibo #bloating #cramping #pain

🍄Fungal overgrowth

🍄Fungal overgrowth of the small and large intestines
There’s a fungus among-us

Food reintroduction after SIBO treatment
How to reintroduce foods successfully

Food reintroduction after SIBO treatment
How to successfully widen your diet after SIBO treatment

Seasonal Affective Disorder Toolkit
🥶We have had a LOOOONG period of cold and gray here in Colorado which is highly unusual. While we do of course have a real winter, usually we experience several 60 degrees and sunny days even in January, and this winter, for the first time in 20 years, we have not. ☁️Seasonal Affective Disorder is very real and especially this year I have personally had to dig deeper into my toolbox to keep mood and energy elevated and I also share this with my patients who may be struggling. 💥🌅Here are my Winter Success Hacks! 1. ✨Exercise outdoors – I cannot stress this enough. Today as I write this it is -7F outside but even so I bundle up and take a 45-90 minute walk. Or a ski, or a hike. I also get my steps in and I shoot for 10K per day personally. When the weather forbids it I head out to the gym or do an indoor home workout. 2. ✨Get natural light into your eyeballs. Gazing into the horizon through your window in the morning will help to support your natural circadian rhythm and support healthy cortisol levels. It is also mood enhancing. Try and avoid looking at your phone first thing in the morning. 3. ✨Eat plenty of protein and strength train.Building muscle mass will help support your mitochondria which is super important for energy production. 4. ✨Eat healthy fats such as avocado, grass fed beef, wild caught salmon, grass fed butter, coconut and olive oil. If cooking with oil avoid seed oils as they are inflammatory and will also promote pain as well as negatively affect your mood. On the bright side consuming the healthy fats will quell inflammation and support great neurotransmitter balance and will support a good stable mood. 5. ✨Use a mood light for 30 minutes in the morning if you don’t have good access to natural light. Verilux Happy Light is a good one. 6. ✨Optimize Vitamin D3 levels. Vitamin D is produced naturally by sunlight, but the truth is you need to be outside in the sun for 20 minutes per day year round na

SIBO Breath test
#sibo #ibs #imo #sibobreathtest #constipation #diarrhea #methanogens

SIBO breath tests
You need one for a proper diagnosis

Patient success
A patient success story!

👀🦋🌸🌼Digestive Health and Your Biological Terrain 👉🏼If the Gut ain’t happy, Nobody’s happy! ✨I am biased, and after 32 years of practice, 15 or so of those years as a generalist naturopathic doctor before I specialized, I knew that once I fixed a patient’s digestive system, the rest of their health issues usually improved. ✨Also call me biased since I have had my own personal experiences with poor gut heath as a child, but I naturally focused there and as time went on, honed in more and more on working on the digestion to also get at inflammation, pain, mood issues, sleep issues, fatigue, hormonal balance, nutrient absorption etc. etc. etc. 💥6 Reasons why Fixing your Digestion will Help your Overall Health 1. You will improve nutrient absorption, so will get more “bang out of your buck” when you eat real clean food. If your gut is compromised, you will not be absorbing the raw materials needed to produce energy production, or support other vital biochemical pathways. 2. You will be less inflamed. If you suffer from chronic pain, it may be that your digestion is a key component and you are producing more inflammatory compounds or stoking the fires of autoimmunity. 3. Brain fog, fatigue and slow thinking is often a byproduct of poor digestion. Your gut is your second brain, producing inflammatory compounds if unbalanced that will affect your neurotransmitters and not in a good way! 4. Sleep- if the neurotransmitters are out of balance because of something off with your digestion, it will impact the quantity and quality of your sleep. 5. Stress- if your gut is affecting your moods, it will also impact cortisol production which impacts stress levels, which impacts sleep (see above). 6. Hormonal Balance – if you aren’t absorbing basic nutrients – proteins, fats and vitamins, you cannot produce adequate amounts of hormones on your own. Add in menopause, andropause, extra stress and you are more likely to be

It can be scary to widen your diet when you have been on a restrictive diet for a long time #ibs #sibo #ibd #crohns #ulcerativecolitis #restrictivediet

👀🎯The Best Food Plans for SIBO/IBS 👉🏼There are vast differences! 💫Patients with IBS/SIBO are often confused as to which foods to eat and which to avoid. They may receive conflicting information from different practitioners, family and friends about what flares symptoms, what is sustainable and what will bring them back to health. 💫Many of the prescribed food plans, such as the Low FODMAPS are so restrictive that patients find it not very sustainable. And then I have seen patients come to me from elsewhere so afraid to eat that they have whittled their diet down to 5 foods. 👉🏼This is not healthy or sustainable. If one shrinks their microbiome that much they will have increased health problems down the road and it may even cause their gut microbiome to become even more unbalanced. Not to mention the fact that an overly restrictive diet can interfere with the antimicrobial’s action. 💫I have found through clinical experience that it is important to make good choices during SIBO/IBS treatment and not take an “anything goes” approach because too many fermentable carbohydrates can flare symptoms. And it’s also important not to overly restrict since that is damaging to the microbiome. 💥I have found that many of my patients do well on the Biphasic Diet that Dr. Nirala Jacobi and Rebecca Coombs created. Biphasic 1 early on which can be modified depending upon patient’s needs, and Biphasic 2 during antimicrobial treatment as well as maintenance as a template to build upon. 💥I also sometimes use the SCD Diet (Specific Carbohydrate Diet), which has a lot of the same elements of the Biphasic, but is designed more for Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease (Inflammatory Bowel Disease). 👉🏼The point is, any therapeutic food plan needs to be sustainable and these 2 food plans for most people are able to be utilized longterm with no ill effect on the microbiome. #ibs #sibo #fodmaps #scd #biphasicdiet #ibd #ulcerat