Coram Deo Academy, Bremerton, WA Videos

Videos by Coram Deo Academy in Bremerton. CDA exists to partner with parents to provide a classical education through intentional discipleship.

“We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise than when we first begun.”

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“We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise than when we first begun.”

Here at CDA, chapel and music classes are concluded with the singing of the Doxology. 🎶Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.🎶

Our Christmas Concert is a little over two weeks away and these kids are hard at work growing in musicianship and diligence.

A giant parachute always makes math time more enjoyable!

Every school day is ended with a call-and-response liturgy called the Pro Rege (Latin for For the King!) where we take a moment to proclaim to one another the truth of God’s goodness and glory. “In a world full of lies, OUR GOD IS TRUE! In a world full of evil, OUR GOD IS GOOD! In a world full of sadness, OUR GOD GIVES US JOY! He is gracious and kind, TO SINNERS LIKE US! CHRIST IS LORD, JESUS IS KING! Of the increase of his kingdom, THERE WILL BE NO END! All praise to the One True King! TO THE ONE TRUE KING! CHEERS!”

Enjoy a sneak peek as Primary C and D rehearse “What Child is This?”

Here at Coram Deo Academy, we strive to disciple children in their entirety, not just their knowledge. One way we do this is by providing intentional movement throughout the day that targets specific brain functions which are directly related to a child’s ability to learn. These movement stations are called the Motor Lab and will soon be available for all students to use throughout the day! “After all, perceiving the world through physical movement drives cognitive development.” Athena Oden, P.T. Ready Bodies Learning Minds: Cultivating the Complete Child