Videos by Cottonwood PTSA in Bremerton. Our goal is to improve the education of the children in our community.
What a GREAT first week with our Apex Team, Cookie Kaia🍪 and Soarin' Lauren🪽! Great leadership lessons, FUN at recess, plus classroom challenges and rewards! The long weekend challenge is the CLASS that receives the most donations for their school over the entire weekend gets a DONUT PARTY🍩on Monday! Yummm! 😋
Way to go COACH MONTGOMERY'S KINDERGARTEN CLASS for winning the Participation challenge last night! They got to WRAP UP THE APEX TEAM to the front of the school! Man were they stuck!! Great job Leaders!
APEX continues with a weekend challenge
What a GREAT first week with our Apex Team, Cookie Kaia🍪 and Soarin' Lauren🪽! Great leadership lessons, FUN at recess, plus classroom challenges and rewards! The long weekend challenge is the CLASS that receives the most donations for their school over the entire weekend gets a DONUT PARTY🍩on Monday! Yummm! 😋
Way to go COACH MONTGOMERY'S KINDERGARTEN CLASS for winning the Participation challenge last night! They got to WRAP UP THE APEX TEAM to the front of the school! Man were they stuck!! Great job Leaders!