1SG P. Andrew McKenna, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund, Bristol, RI Videos

Videos by 1SG P. Andrew McKenna, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund in Bristol. Each year, the 1SG P. Andrew Mckenna, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund awards four $1,500 scholarships i

Other 1SG P. Andrew McKenna, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund videos

Open ceremonies for the 2019 Warrior Games in Tampa. Hosted by the DoD and SOCOM. Kick some ass Msgt George Vera!

Unveiling the Plaque

Colonel Patrick Colloton, 7th Special Forces Group and Sgt. Major Calvin Boersma

Steven Contente Town Administrator Bristol, RI

Congressman David N. Cicilline

Come on down to the concert series for our limited edition beer koozie’s. Also great deals on past years merchandise. Koozie’s are not available online until July 5th pending inventory. #bristollovesandrew