Buffalo Barre + Breath

Mindful movement through Barre and Yoga combined with mindfulness practices through Breathwork. All virtual!

Book a class at www.buffalobarreandbreath.com/schedule

Photos from Buffalo Barre + Breath's post 05/04/2022

These are the best benefits from my experience practicing Breathwork.
Breathwork is powerful and at your fingertips always. It’s so easy to do and yet so easy to forget to do.
You don’t realize how much you need it until you stop doing it daily.
Have you tried Breathwork yet?

Photos from Buffalo Barre + Breath's post 04/04/2022

Do you know how your unique feminine energy works?
She Activated is the perfect 4 week intro program to help you if you’re feeling too in your masculine these days-hustling, grinding, forcing, judging, and in resistance.
In this four weeks we will learn what energy is and how to balance your feminine energy to create more flow.
Your feminine energy has been trying to get your attention! That creative, playful, flowy, fun and connected self👏🏻
Move and heal with us in a way that feels radiant and happy!
We are thinking outside the box and honoring the phases of the month…we aren’t meant to be high energy all month long.
Learn to trust your energy + self and feel empowered.
Details in the bio!
Several classes each week will align with the energy of that week. You’ll get full access to our entire library of classes and live virtual classes + plus our community group to chat more about energy, the feminine you and more!


Have you ever said, “My energy is just off!”
You’re on to something, friend😘
It probably is!
Let me help using my favorite tool👉🏻Human Design!
We all are born with a unique way our energy works. When we align with it, we create less resistance. A great way to experiment and prove this is with your wellness.
Let me teach you and guide you on Friday evening in person on how to use your Human Design Type in your wellness practices…which then carries over into your life🙌🏻
Join me at a very special location with Megan at !!
Girl’s night out in the most empowered way ever!
I’ll teach and guide you and then with a mini Breathwork session to take what you’ve learned and integrate the parts that feel aligned!!
Spots limited! Bring your friends!

Photos from Buffalo Barre + Breath's post 03/20/2022

Spring is for planting new seeds and a fresh perspective!!

Every year it’s officially my coming out party🤣

Coming out of hiding from the winter cold.
Shining more of the true me.
Self expression at that next level!

Who’s feeling the spring vibes??

Check out our weekly schedule and join us! Take part in our 3 Free for Me package today!!


You have dreams inside of you that are literally working to get your attention to come forward…
But your mind convinces you👉🏻 it’s not safe, or you’re not ready, or someone else has done it or who are you to even think of these dreams?!✋🏻
Your mind is running your life!! The majority of women allow it and just wish it would change without taking any healing action.
We’re not letting this fly anymore!!!
Come move the energy with us and let’s chat about those big dreams!!!
You have them for a reason and until you answer the calls…the same resistance will keep showing up in your life and body.
Our signature Ultimate B Activation will activate you and get the juices flowing!
We will be breaking up the low vibe energy, breathing it to the surface, burning it away and simply BEing in the moment.
New and crazy to some of you? Yes. What’s even crazier is the amount of women staying stuck when the world needs you to rise up…
Just my opinion 😉
Let’s get crazy (crazy fun, feminine, silly, and sassy) together! It’s always more fun with community 💕
Comment below if you’d like this class for free and you haven’t taken a class with us!
Special guest to shake it up with us!!

Photos from Buffalo Barre + Breath's post 03/14/2022

Projectors…your wellness practice deserves a bit more sexiness🔥🤣
It’s not sexy if you’re feeling bitter, drained and always thinking your success comes from out there🌎
Your energy is trying to get your attention. Are you listening?
The cookie cutter approach to your success, happiness + wellness isn’t going to work for you and taking advice from a Manifesting Generator or Generator should be taken with a grain of salt (Himalayan preferred 😜).
Here are some tips on how you can honor your energy in a way that feels sassy and aligned.
Experiment with it and collect your evidence!!
Sleep is a Projector’s best friend and where the magic happens for us.
Movement is so important to get that lymph moving!
Projectors are sensitive and this includes sensitive to fake 💩in our food. Overcrowd the 💩with the good.
Limit caffeine and other stimulants slowly over time…I’m not one for cold turkey. We want this to be sustainable. I do decaf coffee and eventually know my body will tell me when to get rid of it altogether.
Imagine living by design where your wellness practice fits your energy and life. Imagine the success and worthiness you could create from within 👏🏻🙌🏻
Comment below👇🏼👇🏽👇🏾which one can you work on starting today?
Want to learn more?? Are you a Generator/Mani Gen, Reflector or Manifestor? I didn’t forget you…join me for my epic Wellness By Design Masterclass next Tuesday for more teachings and love! DM me for the free link!

Photos from Buffalo Barre + Breath's post 02/28/2022

Inner peace + Well-being have always been your goal…but you’re not quite sure how to get there or you’re approaching it with one aspect (or none).

Maybe you’re really great at moving your body but haven’t taken on learning the nutrition your body needs.
Maybe you’re a master in the kitchen but struggle to make time to connect with yourself in stillness.

Maybe you’re focus is on your purpose work but are missing that community + relationship aspect.
It’s about the sum of all the parts. Your Well-being is the whole and needs watering in more than just one aspect to create that inner peace.

Baby steps❤️
One tiny habit at a time.
Inner peace and well-being are so possible…it’s a lifelong practice that is achievable and I know you’re so capable 🙌🏻

Start with this:
Where are you thriving? Where are you simply surviving?
👉🏻Mindful Movement
👉🏻Spiritual connection
👉🏻Community + Connection
👉🏻Purpose/Passion work
Where instinctively does your body feel a pull to incorporate more?
Comment below…I’d love to hear😍


Your energy is everything!!
In our B Inner Circle, we use Human Design as a tool to support our wellness practices.🙌🏻
It’s a powerful tool to support us in embracing ourselves as our own guru and to quit the cookie cutter approach.
If your goal is making your wellness a priority and you go to the gym, follow a program, or are joining us for our We Rise Activation starting next week, watch my Wellness + Design Workshop that I’ve kept open for everyone beyond our B Inner Circle👏🏻for your viewing pleasure 🤯
It’s here to support you in activating new levels of your wellness which then activates a whole new level of your love, light and purpose.
Tell me below, what is your Type…do you know how to use your wellness to support it?


Get outta your pretty {amazing} head girl😘that mind of ours can take us down and drain our energy 😖
When’s the last you’ve connected with your body in any form of movement?
Let’s do more of that because it feels so good🙌🏻
Take a barre+breath class and let yourself move in your own unique way🙋🏻‍♀️
Move the energy!!!
When we do, we get out of our mind and into our body.
This helps you become:
🤍more present
🤍calmer (your nervous system will thank you)
🤍connected to yourself and others
We begin our We Rise Activation in 6 days!!! This is something that I am beyond excited about because it’s a first baby step I know sooo many that want to have a flourishing wellness practice need.
Comment below on a scale of 😩-😃, how consistent are you with your wellness practices?

Photos from Buffalo Barre + Breath's post 02/11/2022

Wellness is more than just going through the motions! It’s about honoring your unique energy and living aligned to it🙌🏻
Love yourself today in a way that honors YOUR energy❤️
Tell me what you’re going to do today🙋🏻‍♀️


I heal. You heal.
We heal together. 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️
We respect one another. We coexist. We understand that everyone has a story and a background that led them to where they are today. We let go of the ego and are willing to show up imperfectly together to pave a new way.
The world can feel like it’s crumbling at times…and it’s here to help us build stronger on solid ground in a way where we can all be ourselves and be an individual while coexisting together.
Our B Inner Circle is about coexisting and healing through our wellness practices. It’s about clearing away what’s not us and standing in our own truths together and with love.
Without taking care of our own side of the street first, we can’t expect to heal the world.
It’s time.
The B Inner Circle is open for new members!! February is Love Now, Not When month✨Join us ❤️


I listened to a podcast recently and it reframed the way I talk about the power of making wellness a priority. Yes…I truly believe that everyone MUST make their own wellness a priority. I believe this to my core. But instead of approaching it from a place of having to have discipline around it, I feel like it feels so much better to call it a devotion.
Would you rather have a practice that you’re disciplined with or devoted to? Both?
What feels good to you?


What’s holding you back??

Is it that word W͎H͎E͎N͎? Omg I don’t know how many times I was stuck in the struggle loop of “when I get to ___LBS, I will buy myself the best jeans.” “When I am ___ size, I will take more pictures of myself.” Then I went (and still am) on the journey of loving myself NOW…because I can’t hate myself to what I desire. The energy is different. I am lighter. I find ways to love myself more and more each day and I forgive myself like I’ve never done before. If you are held back by W͎H͎E͎N͎ or you know you’re ready to create a devotion to your wellness and well-being practice…join the B Inner Circle for our exclusive LOVE NOW, NOT WHEN MONTH.

Our classes will have powerful messages and community devoted to this all month long! We will celebrate together and transform together. Get the ball rolling and move the energy with us for the right reasons…to love yourself N͎O͎W͎❤️❤️❤️
Featured: and her amazing Barre Burn classes on Tuesday mornings at 9:30am!
Link in bio to learn more and join👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️


Oooo that word ᵂᴴᴱᴺ can get us can’t it my kind friend????

ᵂᴴᴱᴺ I have more time. ᵂᴴᴱᴺ the kids are older. ᵂᴴᴱᴺ the conditions are right. ᵂᴴᴱᴺ I look (fill in the blank)...

The truth is N͎O͎W͎ is all we have and it starts with LOVING N͎O͎W͎. Loving yourself N͎O͎W͎ on the journey. Loving your devotion to wellnes N͎O͎W͎. Loving others N͎O͎W͎…not ᵂᴴᴱᴺ.

Join us for an exclusive experience only to our members for the month of February!!!
WE will be coming together as a collective to do the work…no one higher up or lower down. We are all the same and all growing together. It’s the energy of the whole that will help us all learn to love N͎O͎W͎.
Join our B Inner Circle to get full access to our love themed live virtual classes [[barre, yoga, pilates, breathwork, dance]],our full on demand library and our opening and closing celebrations all themed on Loving our mind, body + soul N͎O͎W͎👏👏. This is potent and the work begins with you and me! Move the energy, honor yourself, learn to make your devotion to wellness a priority and join in community for something transformative. We begin on February 1-28th. Everything included in your membership investment. Link in profile for our B Inner Circle👯‍♀️👯‍♀️


Hi! I am Kelly, the owner of Buffalo Barre + Breath.
I am here to help women activate their light, honor their unique energy and make wellness a priority. I am here to support women in trusting themselves and their own authenticness.

As a Human Design Projector, my zone of genius is wellness. When I talk about wellness, I am not just talking about food and fitness…although they both play a major role.🙌🏻👏🏻

I am talking about the whole person…emotional health, mental health, spiritual health too!

Buffalo Barre + Breath is my third baby…my son (9) and daughter (6) are my first two!

I have always wanted to own a barre studio but never in a million years had I thought it would turn into this!

As I have evolved, grown and healed…I can’t imagine it being anything else but this now!

Our unique virtual wellness boutique is different and will continue to be that way as we keep healing and growing ourselves.

Currently we hold virtual barre, yoga, pilates and breathwork classes.

This year I am excited to expand on the mission we have and really start to own the vision in an unapologetic way more than ever!!! The vision is to add more Human Design Themed classes. It is also to add more unique classes you can’t get anywhere else…all from home because we believe wellness begins at home.

We stand for:
Wellness 1st

I am a risk taker, chance tryer and out of the box kinda woman. I like my freedom. I believe in leading with love.

Can’t wait to meet you at the Barre! If you’re curious, want to give us a taste, want to supplement your in studio experience or don’t want to wear a 😷 while making wellness a priority…try our 10 Day B+B Trial and join our kind community😘


You don’t become your best self living in her purpose by wishing for it or thinking only the special ones can make it happen.
The truth is, too many amazing women are letting the magic inside of them sit in them untapped and screaming to come out-that’s exactly why you’re feeling the frustration, the anxiety, the stuckness.
Move the energy. Honor your unique energy. Make your wellness a priority and get support! You’re not here to do it alone.
We can help by getting you moving, breathing, becoming self aware and shifting old patterning.
If you feel a heck yeah from inside, it’s a sign it’s time to join us!


Have you ever thought…there’s gotta be something more?
If so…you’re not alone and you’re having those thoughts for a reason!
There is something more!!
It starts with you learning to honor your unique energy, making wellness a priority to move through what comes up, and learning to tune in to listen to YOU. Having a community and support are powerful too💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️
BBB was created for the kind woman who softly whispers…there’s gotta be something more. It’s scary to make a first move, but staying stuck in “there’s gotta be something more-ville” is scarier.
Grab your 10 day B+B Trial and give us a taste, move the energy and start to FEEL the shifts!
Barre|Pilates|Yoga|Breathwork|Human Design|Mindset


Sick of the high impact hustle and grind?
Over here at our virtual wellness boutique, we stand for honoring our own unique energy, low impact and as intense as you desire to make your workout and celebration of small wins that lead to the big ones. Every person is unique. Your wellness practice should be too! Join us to experience something totally out of the box!
Strength + Grace our amazing and unique class taught by ! She infuses cardio, Buti Yoga and strength combined with the message of body love and acceptance 👏🏻❤️🙌🏻
She teaches this class Thursdays at 4:30pm-5:15pm
Join us!


You just want to workout without having to deal with driving somewhere, making sure you’re matching, wearing a mask, and staying 6 feet away BUTTTT working out from home never sounded appealing or doable.
What if you changed your beliefs around wellness at home?
What if you could create a space and show up to it consistently and begin to LOVE it?
All it takes is the willingness to see things differently and the willingness to lean in and evolve with your at home wellness practice.
When I first began working out at home, I never had success with it and worked out in a tiny spot in my basement. I kept showing up. Eventually I built out a library of equipment I loved and began to love the fact that I could play my music and play it loud. I could pause the workout. I could do the workout when I wanted to…I am all about freedom. I didn’t have to worry about other people staring at me or worry about my hair looking a mess.
Give at home wellness a try with us! Commit to staying consistent with us and dropping the perfection mentality, and we bet you’ll actually end up loving it because of the time saving the freedom behind it.
Start with our 10 Day B+B Trial and give us a taste!


Sometimes it's a matter of just starting imperfectly because you know where you want to go👉🏻and staying stuck👈🏻you’re just not here for anymore.
What if you could move from home…
On your own time…
At your speed…
At your level…
And feel like you’re making small steps in the right direction to making wellness a priority for you?
We can help! Buffalo Barre + Breath is a unique virtual wellness boutique for women. We support the kind woman who wants to honor her unique energy, make her wellness practices a priority, and learn to tune in and trust HERSELF in these crazy times!! We offer Barre, Pilates, Yoga and Breathwork classes along with other healing tools to help YOU become your authentic self and heal.
The best way to start is with our Introductory Package {B+B 10 Day Trial}! Meet ya at the Barre!
Showing is Lisa’s Barre Light on Wednesday at 9am! You’re invited to the Barre😍


Every relationship is an opportunity to grow!
Who and where are you being asked to learn and grow from?
Relationships can be a mirror for you to reflect back to yourself of beliefs and patterns that need healing.
Move the energy with this today❤️
Barre✨Pilates✨Yoga✨Breathwork✨Self Awareness using Human Design
Grab your Introductory Trial today!


Do you want to create an at home wellness practice that
-helps you honor your unique energy because you're done with the cookie cutter approach and it’s not helping you stay consistent, fulfilled and moving
-is authentic (we’re real too and have kids, dogs, real life issues and stories that relate to yours) because that's empowering
-is based on kindness (to yourself and others) + connection
-gives you freedom (freedom to workout when and where you want and make your own decision on what's right for your body)

And above all helps you make your wellness a priority?

This is your opportunity to test us out!

Barre's Open for new clients!! Current members you have access and current clients you can still take part with a 10 day Trial or 1 month B Inner Circle Membership! Invite a friend to save even more!

We begin January 5th-12th and you will get all access to all our LIVE virtual classes AND BBB on Demand Library!

Your wellness has to be #1 if you want to create lasting change. We are here to help you make it fun, convenient, effective and healing! Link in bio!


The hardest part is overcoming the mind❤️
The mind can convince you to stay in bed, that you need to hustle and grind harder and longer, that you need to ten times what everyone else is doing to see success. That you must be at a specific place for your wellness practice to work.
Start small. Notice where your mind takes over and keeps you stuck. Create wellness practices that support breaking through mindset roadblocks.
Move the energy.
Understand that your energy is unique and takes getting intimate with to know what works for YOU❤️
It’s a journey. Let us help!

Photos from Buffalo Barre + Breath's post 12/12/2021

Habits that can worsen stress + anxiety:
-not moving your body enough (we’ve made it so convenient with all our virtual classes to move the energy)💃🏼
-spending too much time alone (we’re in a crazy time, being alone for too long can be a lot. Ask someone to be your wellness accountability friend👯‍♀️)
-not getting enough sleep (sometimes it means being able to fall asleep and stay asleep…one word 👉🏻Breathwork🙌🏻)
-being on the Socials too long (make a promise that you’ll put your wellness first before you get to scroll📲)
What is one that you can change tomorrow? You got this!❤️


It’s about having fun with your movement and feeling the strength your building each and every time you show up to the barre!
It’s about making it work for you and on your terms!
If you haven’t ever tried a barre class, we want to invite you in to totally try something your body will thank you for…in fact, your body will feel it in a good way for days! Join .barretender on Sundays, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays or .xo on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays…all from home!

Photos from Buffalo Barre + Breath's post 12/01/2021

Connecting with a community
will give you better results!
But what does that look like?
1. Pull the bandaid off, get brave, and introduce yourself in the comments section or a post in our community dashboard!!
2. Engage with the other
members and cheer them on!
3.Lead with value!
Maybe that means an inspirational post or a vulnerable
post sharing what you overcame doing this work.
4.Say hi to another
member at class.
5.Ask for support or for
someone to hold
you accountable.
6. Celebrate and recognize
yourself in a post!! You give permission to others to do the same. People love celebrating
one another!
7. Reach out to a member you vibe with and ask if she wants to be wellness buddies.
When we do this together, we win together❤️
So excited for all the women who have joined our 2021 Go Out with a BBBang Challenge! Together we can end feeling amazing!!

Photos from Buffalo Barre + Breath's post 11/30/2021

I have two kids in elementary school. I run a business. I have big goals. Making myself a priority is a must, but in order to do that, it has to fit into my schedule.
BBB is beyond perfect...I designed it with a woman like ME in mind!
I save time by working out at home. I save time by teaching and picking classes that fit my energy and time frame and I save time because I can work out using our on demand when I wake up in the morning on MY time!
If time is an issue for you...I get it! I am with you...but set your priorities first. If wellness is one of those priorities...our 2021 Go Out with a BBBang Challenge is the perfect fit for December and to test us out! We begin tomorrow! Still time to save your spot. Link in bio.


Why throw spaghetti at the wall hoping it will stick when it comes to your wellness and living more purpose driven??
Human Design can be that tool to help you gain clarity on how your energy best works to support your wellness practices so you love showing up for them and you actually feel + see shifts!

When you begin feeling good because of your wellness practices, you can show up more in your purpose...win!!!
It's magic!

Today, I am giving away my Wellness + Design powerful masterclass so you can start using this tool ASAP.

Head to the link in my bio and get it now! What's your Human Design Type?


Why throw spaghetti at the wall hoping it will stick when it comes to your wellness and living more purpose driven??
Human Design can be that tool to help you gain clarity on how your energy best works to support your wellness practices so you love showing up for them +++ you actually feel and see shifts!
When you begin feeling good because of your wellness practices, you can show up more in your purpose...win!!!
It's magic!
Today, I am giving away my Wellness + Design powerful masterclass so you can start using this tool ASAP.
Head to the link in my bio and get it now! What's your Human Design Type?

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Buffalo?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Your energy is everything!!In our B Inner Circle, we use Human Design as a tool to support our wellness practices.🙌🏻It’s...
I heal. You heal. We heal together. 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️We respect one another. We coexist. We understand that everyone has a st...
What’s holding you back?? Is it that word W͎H͎E͎N͎? Omg I don’t know how many times I was stuck in the struggle loop of ...
Sick of the high impact hustle and grind?Over here at our virtual wellness boutique, we stand for honoring our own uniqu...
Sometimes it's a matter of just starting imperfectly because you know where you want to go👉🏻and staying stuck👈🏻you’re ju...
The hardest part is overcoming the mind❤️The mind can convince you to stay in bed, that you need to hustle and grind har...
It’s about having fun with your movement and feeling the strength your building each and every time you show up to the b...
Learning to put your wellness first is a practice.  You grow into it by taking imperfect action + finding out what you l...
Low impact does NOT mean not effective👏🏻🙌🏻Lynnette’s classes are gold and so many women miss out because they either are...
Celebrate your strength…both the inner strength and outer with us and move that energy!!Strength doesn’t just come from ...
The power of moving your body, listening to some great music and being connected with others…and from home👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Just bec...
Create space❤️Create space in your day to move the energy.Create space to tune in to you.Create space to breathe.Watch h...


Virtual And From Your Home Even Beyond
Buffalo, NY

Opening Hours

Monday 5:30am - 5:45pm
Tuesday 8am - 5:45pm
Wednesday 5:30am - 5:45pm
Thursday 8am - 5:45pm
Friday 5:30am - 12pm
Saturday 8am - 11am
Sunday 9am - 11am

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