Leighton Church, Caledonia, MI Videos

Videos by Leighton Church in Caledonia. Get connected with Leighton Church, where people of all ages comes together to worship and serve Jesus

Vacation Bible School "The Great Jungle Journey" #answersvbs, #leightonchurch

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Other Leighton Church videos

Vacation Bible School "The Great Jungle Journey" #answersvbs, #leightonchurch

Daylight Savings Begins

The day is yours, and yours also the night; you established the sun and moon. It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and winter. Psalm 74:16-17 P.S. the snow started coming down heavily after this video was taken

Mid-week ministry for kids starts October 4th! Bring your kids for a mid-week spiritual boost!

Tonight's Live Nativity reminds us of the night God came to earth as a baby to free us from our sins. Oh what a Holy Night!

The piƱata was a big hit at last night's Fall Fun Fiesta!

Dear Friends, Greetings from the Board of Elders of the Leighton Church. As you know, the Board of Elders received a request last fall from the Barry County Christian School to temporarily use the church building to start a Christian school in our area. After many meetings and much discussion, the Board of Elders has decided to allow for the temporary use of the building for the new school. In time, the school hopes to build or buy their own building. The school will begin the first of March, 2022 and will start this year with Kindergarten through sixth grade. They will use select classrooms in the north wing and the gym Monday through Friday from approximately 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. A few details will still need to be worked out, but plans are moving forward with much cooperation from all concerned. We will have to make a few minor adjustments, but the goal of the school is to not interfere with the ministry of the church. That is greatly appreciated. We look forward to having a Christian school in our area and anticipate that all will go well. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact a member of the Board of Elders or call the church office. If you are interested in learning more about getting your child/children enrolled in Barry County Christian School-Middleville Campus at Leighton Church, contact Michele at (269) 948-2151 to set up an appointment. Sincerely, Pastor Dave and the Leighton Church Board of Elders

The kids did a great job playing the handbells at today's Christmas dinner.

Seeking a part-time Director of Music Ministries/Worship Leader (15-18 hours per week) with experience in leading praise teams in contemporary music. A complete job description and application can be found at www.leightonchurch.org/job

He Arose

Trunk or Treat and Chili Cook Off 2020

Kids Worship Kick Off
Looking for a place for your kids to connect with God? A place for them to discover how to have a growing relationship with God? Leighton Church is the place and Kids Worship is what's happening. For kids age 3 through 5th grade.

We know that Kids Worship is worth jumping for .... BUT we are not having it this Wednesday so people can spend time with their families. See you next week!!