Yoga for 60+ in Cambridge, Cambridge, MA Videos

Videos by Yoga for 60+ in Cambridge in Cambridge. I welcome, appreciate& invite donations of $1..$3...$5 via Venmo or PayPal [email protected]

Missing you all! Wherever you are: Take a moment to release December stress. Reach up & Stretch your spine and body.

Other Yoga for 60+ in Cambridge videos

Missing you all! Wherever you are: Take a moment to release December stress. Reach up & Stretch your spine and body.

Have a Heart and Maintain Your Balance
Open your heart, soften chest, relax shoulders, and embrace life while maintaining balance on one leg! You can do it. Prop up one leg on a chair, short stool or step. Turn the same direction as propped up leg.

FOOT YOGA for you
Yes! It’s easy & Keeps the grace, balance, and bounce in your step as you go walkin’ down the avenue.’

FOOT YOGA! Keep your grace, balance and bounce and bouncso you

Hi y’all! Spending too much time with your computer ( or chopping veggies…)? Move your heart up and heart back while elbows wing it.

Tight hamstrings? Go slowly and step-by-step to stretch and release these rascal muscles.

Harvest Moon Shoulder Love
Lighten the load, relax your back and neck and practice a few Harvest Moon Yoga moves for your shoulders.

Enjoy this good hamstring stretch! Put your heels up on chair seat. Go slowly. Keep your back flat and shoulders wide and relaxed. Knee cap moves up into quad to keep back of knee open.

Chair pose with assist to strengthen back and quads.
Greetings everyone! September has arrived! Take a beautiful end of summer break. Lean on a post or wall. Right angle under your knees. Press navel back. You’ll be strengthening your quads, back and core muscles.

Twists nourish your spine.
Hi all, I’m ending summer on Cape Cod. Sharing this easy twist with you. If you have tight hamstrings and/or lower back be sure to hike up your buttocks— sit on folded firm blanket. It also feels good to put folded towel or small firm cushions under your knees. Remember: Keep the spine upright and straight as a line. Sending soon-to-be September Greetings to you all, Christine

Relax your back. Slow. Steady. Keep your back flat and shoulders wide. Enjoy!

Hi y’all. Move nice and slow—as if you’re in honey

Connect to you heart & relax your back
Hi all! Take a minute to connect to your heart, relax your back and sail into the beauty around you. Happy summer.

Take a moment with yourself to de-stress

Be sure to move your buttock flesh away from your head to release the lower back. Enjoy

Staying in touch with you all during the summer from my back deck…stay relaxed, healthy and in love!

Hi everybody! Im back…sharing easy, relaxing, g
For you! I’m back with mini- mini feel good poses you can do this summer.

STRETCH YOUR HAMSTRINGS MINI YOGA LESSON Hamstrings are a group of muscles that cross the hip and knee joints and are responsible for walking, running, jumping, and many other physical activities. The More You Sit, the More You “Shorten” Your Hamstrings. Biking and running also tighten up the hamstrings. No worries! Stretching the hamstrings—for 15 minutes— will greatly improve your overall mobility and release tension in your lower back. In this mini lesson we give the back of our legs a good stretch, teasing the hamstring into lengthening. We also ‘pump” the hamstring and psoas muscles to further release tightness. For props have a chair ( for your feet), a long belt, strap or rope. You can do this stretch on your bed if you are chair-restricted.

How to set up for today's hamstring mini lesson. YOga Mini Lesson begins at 15. Usually 15 minutes--sometimes 16 or 17.

Pollen season! Yikes! Many of us suffer during this colorful but pesky season. The best thing we can do is to relax the stress that allergies put into action by keeping the relationship between sinus/nose, throat and lungs open and as relaxed as possible. Lifting the heart and visiting the upper lungs is important, since we tend to get tight shoulders and necks during the allergy season. I demonstrate four chest lifting options for you to practice at home. I introduce you to alternate nostril breathing. Finally, at end of the mini-lesson, we do bee-buzz breathing, which will vibrate your sinuses.