Majestic Yoga Studio, Cambridge, MA Videos

Videos by Majestic Yoga Studio in Cambridge. With open hearts we welcome all students to Majestic, a place of peace, happiness, and spiritual aw

Yoga is a way of moving into stillness in order to experience the truth of who you are. — Erich Schiffmann​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Return to the roots of yoga in Majestic Yoga's The Art of Teaching 200HR Yoga Teacher Training. Study with a diverse group of teachers from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and experiences.

At the heart of our teacher-training program is our in-depth mentoring program. Our goal is to create a safe and inclusive learning environment for students and teachers to learn and grow together.

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Yoga is a way of moving into stillness in order to experience the truth of who you are. — Erich Schiffmann​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Return to the roots of yoga in Majestic Yoga's The Art of Teaching 200HR Yoga Teacher Training. Study with a diverse group of teachers from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and experiences. At the heart of our teacher-training program is our in-depth mentoring program. Our goal is to create a safe and inclusive learning environment for students and teachers to learn and grow together. Only two spots left! To learn more click on the link in the bio or message us. ~MYS

Yoga helps us to tune into the body and mind allows us to wind down from stress, but also get curious about our triggers. Turn to yoga and meditation to help guide you inward, calm your mind and nervous system, and connect to your heart.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Learn more about embodying your yoga practice in our 200HR Yoga Teacher Training starting September 14. Study with a team of teachers from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and ethnicities. To learn more, click on link in bio XxLindsay ♥️

Allow nature to nurture you. Nature doesn't expect anything of you. You can just be. xo Lindsay

It is #gratefulfriday Gratitude is the conscious act of feeling grateful for tangible or intangible things. When done purposefully, it’s a mindfulness and self-care practice. By focusing on the good instead of the bad, we begin noticing the good things that happen to us, and we see the world in a different light Practicing self-gratitude is just as important as practicing regular gratitude, and the benefits are just as plentiful. Self-gratitude is having appreciation for your very own self, not something someone said or did, but something about yourself that made you grateful. To acknowledge the good that already exists within you. It is to be grateful for the many little qualities that make you who you are. Gratitude helps you to recognize more of your own inner beauty, skills, talents, achievements, and how you are able to use these to give to others and the world. Practicing self-gratitude takes time, a lot of acceptance, and a whole lot of going easy on yourself. Here's what you can do to appreciate yourself and open yourself up to more love and gratitude in your life: A self-gratitude meditation can either be done while sitting comfortably or making your coffee. As you begin to connect to the stillness bring to mind one thing that you are grateful for about yourself -.Perhaps it's your kindness, creativity, loyalty, perseverance.....just one thing that you appreciate about yourself today. And now Inhale Love. Exhale Gratitude. Write it down. Get creative with your gratitude journaling. Throughout the day or week, jot down what you feel most grateful for about yourself. How did you show up for yourself today? What were the silver linings. When you are doubting yourself, go back and look at the notes and remind yourself of how amazing you are! As you fill your gratitude cup up, your cup of love will overflow. xxLindsay

Discover something everyday that you are grateful for and begin to witness your life transforming. Our lives are filled with unlimited sources of gratitude, but we forget to stop and notice. When we choose to focus on what makes us thankful, however, a shift occurs in our beings. Finding something that we are grateful for every single day can help shift us to a higher vibration. The lens through which we view our lives and the world becomes clearer and we can see that being alive truly is a gift to be savored. There is always something we can be grateful for—it our choice. Yesterday while I was teahing I found myself pausing and allowing myself to take in the essence of my student as he practiced a yoga posture that I had just taught him. We were working with something that required him to draw his focus inward to his center. As I witnessed him turn his focus turn inward with such focus and curiosity, it warmed my heart. In that moment I felt so blessed to be able to be be an observer of his keen attention. If I had stayed in teacher mode and not allowed myself to truly be with and observe my student, I wouldn have missed the monent. We can experience gratitdue for a momentous event, such as the birth of you child. And on another day it may come from smaller, more ordinary that is right in front of you waiting for you to open your eyes and heart, such as a the flowers blooming with spring or a warm cup of tea. When you experience gratitude allow yourself to feel the emotions that arise. I felt blessed in the moment with my student, blessed to share in his journey and to observe his magical being. Finding thankfulness in the every day things is a choice. It is within our power to find joy over sorrow. And everytime we find something new that we are grateful for, our lives expand and the world is little bit brighter. Much Love, Lindsay

Let go and let it be. Often we do not know that we need to let go of something until it has released us. Think of all the relationships, missteps, grudges, regrets, should'ves, would'ves, and could'ves that you still hang onto. We hold on unnecessarily, to things that no longer serve us and prevent us from moving forward. Allow yourself to listen to what it is truly in your heart and be freed from the burdens of the past.We can take steps to help us move away from our conditioned responses and negative internal dialogue and move toward the beauty and light at the very core of our being. One way to do that is with meditation. With a meditation practice, we can begin to listen to the converstations going on inside. As Buddha said, "We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world." We cannot stop our thoughts but meditation can help us to become aware of, understand, accept, and just be with our thoughts and feelings. Let's try it now. Get really comfortable and begin to follow your breath in and out for a few minutes. Notice yourself settling in and your mind calming. And now ask yourself, "Who am I when I am at my best?" Instead of thinking of I am a good person, a good mom, partner, friend (which you are!), think of one heart quaility that you need to nurture or bring forward into your heart today. And next let's ask "What do I need to let go of today? Just focus on one thing. As you inhale and exhale, feel the contriction release.And next let's set in an intention. Ask yourself "what would I like to bring into my heart to replace what I just let go of?" Let's take it deeper by repeating this mantra "Aham Prema." It will help you open up and clear your heart. Stay here for 15 -20 minutes. Let go and let it be. You will start to feel you life shifting and opening up. Much Love, Lindsay

Gratitude feeds our souls. Gratitude reminds us of what truly matters in life. Try to find moments for a little gratitude today and every day. You’ll begin to find that the daily stresses become a little lighter and you’ll appreciate what and who you have in your life. When you remind yourself of what you are thankful for each day, you remain grounded, centered, calm. and connected to your heart. Gratitude when practiced and cultivated can grow every day. Try taking a few moments to practice while brushing your teeth or making your coffee. Or try saying outloud when you first awaken in the morning “It's a brand new day. I am thankful for this beautiful day." And take a moment before you start to rush into your day to breathe and truly take it in. And then notice how your attitude shifts as you move into your day. xo Lindsay

It's #gratefulfriday Joy is found in the in-between moments. Joy is in and from the heart. Joy is who we are, our soul. Joy is transcendant. Joy is contentment and peace. Joy rests deep within. Joy takes practice and patience. Joy is an inner feeling that bubbles up from within. Joy is present in the moment waiting to be noticied. Joy is forever. Joy never fades. Joy is a choice. Joy is a heart quality that rests deep within us. It is choice that we can pursue. When we take a moment to notice and savor the in-between moments, we can experience the little joys in life. And these in-between moments can make the day a little brighter, even on the darkest of days. Much Love, Lindsay

It's #gratefulfriday When we live in the space of gratefulness, we open our hearts to infinite possibilties. It can be difficult to grateful when life is difficult, painful, and challenging. But there is always something to be grateful for. Start by giving thanks for the little moments, feel it in your heart and the more thankful you become, the more joy life will flow toward you. This may sound like hocus pocus. But it's true. It's all about attention. Where you focus your attention, energy flows. What you bring your attention to expands. When you focus on the little moments and the goodness in life, you create more moments and joy. Every morning I start my day with a gratitidue practice. I ask myself "What I am grateful for?" Sometimes I just ask myself this question over and over and let the answer flow. Other times I will feel gratitude for things that have happened in my life that day, the sun, my breath, the silver linings, the little moments, and the lessons and teachings that came into my life that day. I will focus on just thing and feel it in my heart. Although it may have been something very small, the warmth that bubbles up in my heart is so big and overflowing that the moment takes on a new meaning. ⠀⁣ Try this morning practice for every morning and just sit for a few breaths and let these moments fill up your heart. What are you grateful for today? . Find the little moments and little by little your day will become a little brighter. Much Love, Lindsay

I needed to be gentle with myself to find peace. I needed to be peaceful to find kindness. I needed to be kind to find compassion. I needed to be compassionate to find love. I am learning that I need to be gentle with my heart. Much Love, Lindsay

It's #gratefulFriday On the darkest, saddest, most challenging of days...... I look around at everything I have.... And focus on that. Much Love, Lindsay

It's #gratefulFriday Take a moment to do the most important thing you will do today..... Extend your deepest gratitude for this moment and for all of the many blessings which bring you joy in your life. Let's just take a moment right now...... inhale love exhale gratitude Much Love, Lindsay

It's #gratefulFriday Gratitude helps you find the silver lining in the little things. It helps you to put the past to rest, and find joy in the moment. ⁣⠀ ⁣ Whatever you draw your attention to becomes more powerful in your life.⁣⠀Can you try to focus on what you are grateful for in this moment? If you want to find joy, happiness, peace, love, connection..... then that is where you need focus your attention and intention. But if your attention is on something negative, than that is where your focus and energy go.. Happiness doesn't create gratitude. Gratitude helps you to find happiness. So how do you make this shift? Find gratitude? Find happiness? It is right there waiting for you. All you have to pause and look within, even when things are really bad. You may find that on the darkest of days you feel the shift more deeply. But it takes regular practice. It doesn't have to take a lot of time. Just a moment or two. Let's try practicing gratitude to bring more happiness into your life today. You can journal or meditate on these questions below. Take a long, slow, deep breath in and gently exhale out. Silently ask yourself just one of these questions and just let the answers flow into your heart. You can use the other questions on another day. Asking too many questions will keep you stuck in your mind and not in your heart. ⁣⠀ -What are you grateful for? -Who are you grateful for? -How have you shown up for yourself recently? 💜 -What are you proud of? After you journal or meditate on these questions, repeat this mantra silently to yourself I am whole I am loved I am love Spread your gratitude and love with someone today. Tag someone in the comments. Much Love, Lindsay

Inherent in each of us are the heart qualities of kindness compassion, love, connection, courage, forgiveness, acceptance, patience and gratitude. When we connect to these innate qualities of the heart, we tap into our innermost light. Yet they often slip from our awareness when needed most. ⁣⠀ To rediscover these heart qualities and the light within we must journey through the darknessk, pains, and sorrows and embrace our wholeneses. Our wholeness is the part of us that is pure, perfect and knows no fears, pains, or sorrows. It is the part of us that trusts in our courage, strength, and wisdom. It knows that everything is ok, there is no shame or anxiety. When we can connect back to this light within, it can help us to heal.⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ When we find ourselves in dark periods, when life is filled with challenges and struggles, pause and get still to help you to re-awaken these heart qualites and the your inner light - The light of love, patience, kindness, compassion, courage, and wisdom. For these heart qualities to become re-awakened, we have to remember to consciously and genuinely practice and focus on them for a while. Let's try this meditation now. Think of one heart quality you would like to bring forward into your heart today. Just one. Today I am going to choose compassion. Let's send that heart quality to yourself. Feel your heart bubble up, fill up, and begin to overflow. And now radiate that heart quality out to family. friends.... and then out to work associates.... and now send it out to all beings on the planet....and out to the universe. And now feel it being sent right back to you. Just stay here for a little. As you practice this you will awaken these heart qualites, reconnect back to your inner light, and show up as our highest self. Much Love, Lindsay

It's #gratefulFriday Scientific research shows that the most effective way to cultivate joy in our lives is to practice gratitude. The key word here is practice. It's not just about feeling grateful, it's about developing an observable practice. So often we think that joy makes us grateful, when in reality it's gratitude that brings joy. So how do we practice gratitude? We have to find ways to sustain the feeling of Thanksgiving every day. We need to interrupt our fast-paced lives with moments in which we stop, connect to that very moment, and feel gratitude, no matter whether what is going on is positve or negative. One way to start a gratitude practice is to have a gratitude journal and write in it every day one thing that you are grateful for. Spend a few moments writing why you are thankful. Every morning I start my meditation with a Gratitude Practice. I ask myself "what I am grateful for"? Sometimes the answers flow easily, other times I just allow the answers to flow. Most often I am grateful for life's lessons that help me to heal, grow, and become more and more whole. I try to focuse on just one thing and to feel the gratitude fill up my heart. And then I'll ask myself "Who am I grateful for?" I don't force the answers. I just allow myself to see and be thankful those who touch my heart, even in the smallest of ways, such as a kind smile on a dark day. I feel the gratitude fill my heart and let it flow throughout my being. A daily gratitdue practice has helped me to get through some very dark and challenging times, to find beauty in small things, and to warm my heart when it is closed off. Try it and notice the joy that comes into your day and life. Much Love, Lindsay

Friends of the heart are the best. You know who they are. They they invite you to come as you are. They make you feel safe and you never doubt yourself when you are with them. You can open yourself up and share your deepest and darkest secrets and they get you. Because they want your happiness more than you do. They celebrate you. They know what a gift your presence is, even when you don't. They make everything easy and simple. They care about your wellbeing. These kind of people, who accept and love you as is. These gems are friends of your heart. Hold them close and cherish them. Much Love, Lindsay

It's #gratefulFriday I am grateful for all of my struggles, stumbling blocks, pains.......without them I would never have stumbled upon my inner strength. Much Love, Lindsay

It's #gratefulFriday Gratitude helps you fall in love with the life you already have. It helps you find the silver lining in the little things. It helps you to put the past to rest and find joy in the moment. ⁣⠀​​​​​​​​ ⁣​​​​​​Whatever you draw your attention to becomes more powerful in your life.⁣ Instead of focusing on your stresses and worries or something negative, you can shift your mindset by thinking of something you are grateful for. If you want to find joy, happiness, peace, love, connection..... then that is where you need focus your attention and intention. But if your attention is on something negative, than that is where your focus and energy go..​​​​​​​​ By spending a few moments bringing gratitude into your heart, you can more easily move through the challenges and stresss of your day and find happiness in your life. ​​​ ​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​Happiness doesn't create gratitude. Gratitude helps you to find happiness. ​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​ Let's try practicing #Gratitude to bring more happiness into your life today. You can journal or meditate on just one of these questions below. Be sure to only ask one question that speaks to your heart this will allow you to be more fully present. Before you start just take a long, slow, deep breath in and gently exhale out. Silently ask yourself one of these questions and just let the answers flow into your heart. ​​​​​​​​ ⁣⠀​​​​​​​​ -What are you grateful for?​​​​​​​​ -Who are you grateful for?​​​​​​​​ -How have you shown up for yourself recently? 💜​​​​​​​​ -What are you proud of?​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​ After you journal or meditate on these questions, repeat this mantra silently to yourself​​​​​​​​ I am whole​​​​​​​​ I am loved​​​​​​​​ I am love​

Let's step into our day breath by breath. Much Love, Lindsay