Heart & Sole Therapies

I provide confidential energy therapies to remove physical, emotional and mental blockages.


Found out today that my website is not being displayed. Thanks to those who shared with me!! They are trying to fix it and hope it will be up and running again soon. Please send me a message with any questions you may have while it is down. Thank you!


I am looking for those who have an interest in healing holistically. I am very excited to start offering online demos with groups of people to share how energy medicine can get you reconnected. Please PM me if you are a curious open minded spirit who would like to feel reconnected and wants to learn more. This will be lots of fun to turn on systems that have been shut off. Not for you .. totally fine. Let's start raising the vibrations! Please don't delay. First sessions start next week.


I am looking for people who are interested in holistic approaches to healing. I am offering discounted sessions for a short time for CranialSacral Therapy. There is a lot of research on the benefits of this amazing therapy at https://www.upledger.com/ Please reach out immediately if you are interested as this discounted offer is only temporary. Only serious inquires please.


In our everyday lives, it can seem like a chore to make time for fun. Try to incorporate it into your daily routine!


Keeping your thoughts in your own power helps you to keep making conscious decisions that are the best for YOU!


When it comes to forgiving those around you, make sure that your statements resonate with you emotionally, spiritually, and physically.


Be kind to yourself. Sharing authenticity with yourself will always be appreciated.

Widespread occurrence of glyphosate in urine from pet dogs and cats in New York State, USA 22/02/2023

As "W**d and Feed" companies start to promote their services please consider this study on how the glyphosate in some of these products is affecting dogs, cats, lakes, and people. It saddens me to still see people using Roundup and other Glyphosate products that are so damaging to the above.

Widespread occurrence of glyphosate in urine from pet dogs and cats in New York State, USA Glyphosate is one of the most widely used herbicides in the United States, which has led to its ubiquitous occurrence in food and water and regular de…


When we want things for our animals, it often means that we crave that very same thing. Whether it be love, attention, or care, our animals are a reflection of our feelings and emotions.


While you may want to show love to others today, make sure that you're taking time to love yourself, too.


As we move continue through February, check in with the goals you may have made last month. Do they resonate with you?


Loving yourself is a crucial step in creating a balanced life. Today, take time to reflect on how you can show yourself more love!


If we let go of what is holding us back, imagine what we can achieve.


Take time to reflect on how you incorporate joy into your daily life!


Perfectly stated. And a great reminder for everyone.


Sometimes we can feel like we're living in a gray-scale world. Let me help you regain color!


Be like the moose and shed the old and move on. How COOL is this???


What's something that you're excited and open to learning about?


Here is some information about Cranial Sacral Therapy that I am doing. If interested please reach out and let's chat.



Take the time to remember the last time you felt this way. Doesn't it feel great? Maybe it's time to make this feeling a priority!


Think back- when was the last time that you made a conscious change for yourself? How did it change your momentum going forward?


Give yourself some play time to create what you enjoy, whatever that may be!

# holistic


Wishing you nothing but peace, health, and wellness as you begin 2023 as the year of YOU.

Photos from Cole Woolley, PhD's post 27/12/2022

Sacred Frankincense trees are where Frankincense comes from for medicinal purposes. I find it helpful to educate people about where things come from. These frankincense trees take years to grow and to obtain the essential oil there are "cuts' placed in the tree and resin is collected. The resin is used to make the liquid essential oil. Here are some pictures showing the process of obtaining frankincense. This is why I choose to use Young Living. Love to see where your essential oils are grown.


I invite you to make a commitment to take care of yourself.

So many of us have been programmed to please others, to put others before ourselves, to believe that if we do so we are “good”, “loveable”, “worthy”, “polite”, etc.

But are we? Is this true?

Does silencing or quieting our needs, desires, truths in order to allow for anothers to be in the forefront mean we are a “good” person, a “polite” person, an “easy going” person?

When you silence your needs or desires in order to please another you are stating that they are more deserving than you. That they are more worthy of receiving than you. That they deserve to have their needs met before your own.

Where does this behavior stem from?

Many of us were taught that if we put others first, if we say yes even though we mean no, we will be loved, accepted and seen as worthy by another.

Here is the problem: People pleasing teaches us that our worth, our love, our acceptance comes from another individual. It comes from an external source.

Hers is the solution: Our worth, our love, our acceptance can ONLY come from an internal source, ourselves. It can only come from perhaps disappointing others in order to embrace our worth, our voice, our love found within us.

If you find yourself in the people pleasing behavior ask yourself these 5 questions?

1) Am I doing this for me or for them?
2) Do I want to do this?
3) Am I doing this to be liked, seen, accepted, appreciated, loved?
4) Am I afraid of disappointing, not being liked, hurting someone?
5) What will happen if I put me first and spoke my truth, my desires?

Practice saying no.
Practice speaking your truth regardless of how it may be received.
Practice firm boundaries.
Practice observing why you do anything in your life.

This is sovereignty. This is stepping out of the 3D matrix. This is honoring and loving you.

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Emotional Release



Canandaigua, NY

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 14:00