The Star in the East, Canton, OH Videos

Videos by The Star in the East in Canton. The Star in the East is copyright-covered via license. CCLI #20678657

from the drash "Divine Disguise"

Other The Star in the East videos

from the drash "Divine Disguise"

A Cosmic Shift...learning to love each other (from the drash "Modeh Ani...being thankful for one another")

Hineh lo yanum v'lo yishan shomer Isra'el.

Dance Practice

Tbt: Shavuot 2021 when Rabbi mentioned Star Wars in his drash. Be sure to join us this Shavuot, Sunday May 28th at 10am. #Maythe4thBeWithYou

Shabbat 11/19/2022
Parasha Chayei Sarah (Sarah's Life)

This past July, we at The Star in the East joined in an initiative with other local ministries to help our community called "The Reset". The Reset facilitates events that provide local families a community meal, fun events, and opportunities for children and their families every Thursday in July. Thank you to everyone involved in the project with us! 🎥: Mike Oyler

Live from The Reset

Shabbat 6/25/2022 (Part 2)
Parasha Shlach Lecha (Send on your behalf...)


N E V E R F O R G E T Today, we remember those lost on September 11th, 2001. "Fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Surely I will help you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." -Isaiah 41:10 (TLV)

One God... One Word... One Way...

Day of Messiah - Worship

Unto Us a Child is Born - Live at The Star in the East

The King is Among Us - Flags

Who You Say I Am - Worship/Flags

test for stability