Central Baptist Church, Canton, OH Videos

Videos by Central Baptist Church in Canton. Where the Bible is preached and Never corrected. www.centralbaptistcanton.com

Today marks the first ‘Signing’ of the season. We’ll see you all at 6pm on the corner of Perry and Tusc.

Other Central Baptist Church videos

Today marks the first ‘Signing’ of the season. We’ll see you all at 6pm on the corner of Perry and Tusc.

Special Music

Throwback to when we didn't have to be six feet apart. #JesusSaves

Ministering by song at Astoria Nursing Home. We'll be there on the fifth Sunday of the month (when there is one!)

Here's a sampling of Viola singing during the Christmas Eve service!

Some of the Doneys singing/playing Silent Night at the Christmas Eve service. They'll soon be taking their talents to the Philippines.

It was a blessing one night during missions conference to hear the children's choir sing out about sharing the gospel around the world.

Castaway skit

God's Mercy Ship