Angela Peck, Wholistic Skin + Care

our skin is our nervous system turned inside out, s l o w ~ mindfully transformative facials

Photos from Angela Peck, Wholistic Skin + Care's post 05/09/2023

A “lymphatic drainage” eye treatment on a facial menu is a bogus treatment if there’s no attention given to lymph drainage down river, particularly of the jaw and neck.

There, I said it. This has been a pet peeve of mine for almost 2 decades now.

Where is that drained fluid supposed to go? If the jaw and/or neck are tense (the area that the fluid has to drain through in order to get to the heart for the next step) and there’s already stagnated circulation in those areas, that lymph fluid from the eyes more than likely will just settle there. Unless one is looking for a quick fix (ie. short term results), but what good is that doing anyone?

This is a fantastic, simple illustration showing how jaw tension can cause puffy eyes. The 3 green vessels you see here are Lymphatic vessels.

Swipe left to see 2 other illustrations for extra clarity.
You can see how routinely resting your jaw on your hand could possibly contribute toward slowing down that circulation as well.

Jaw tension can contribute to puffiness anywhere on our face - as all lymph in our face has to pass through our jaw to get to our neck to drain.

And, since this excess fluid has to then drain down the lymph pathways on the sides of our neck to get to our heart for the next step to happen, you can imagine that if there's tension in our neck, that will have a tremendous effect on the drainage of our entire head, including our brain.

My clients can often feel the puffiness draining from around their eyes when I work on their collarbone, neck, and corner of their jaw, before I’ve even massaged anywhere near or directly with the area around the eyes.

For those new to the deep green wholistic esthetics approach, this is how we look at the face, like a funnel. In skin sessions we generally work with the skin from the bottom up, from the big picture to the finer details. Restoring freer flow through this ‘funnel’ can do wonders for the look and health of the skin - from reactive skin to vibrant aging. No flow, no glow.

(the last 📸 is one I made to illustrate the funnel aspect of our head and neck)


our skin is our nervous system turned inside out, created from the same tissue when we were wee embryos.

the state of our nervous system greatly affects everything, including how we feel, the health of our skin, how comfortable we feel in our skin, the space for our skin-body to heal,…. so much.

- which is why nervous system regulation is the main focus in my facials and virtual sessions.

Click the Contact button on my bio to learn more.

Photos from Angela Peck, Wholistic Skin + Care's post 05/03/2023

*When we touch one thing with deep awareness, we touch everything*

- this includes our skin - when we’re aware of, and acknowledge - the energy beneath it.

As I’ve mentioned before, lasting change doesn’t happen with face massage unless we first connect with the stagnated energy beneath the skin - and then allow it to Be as it is.

This is what I do in my facial sessions, and what I teach in my virtual sessions. Click the ‘contact’ button (no DMs, please) to learn more.

Sorry, not open to industry professionals.

*quote Thich Nhat Hanh

Photos from Angela Peck, Wholistic Skin + Care's post 04/27/2023

swipe left to learn why care for our skin, at its very foundation, is so important for health.

- even though this study was done with a particular brand of barrier repairing skin cream, I’ve witnessed so much skin barrier repair with the and lines that I’ve used in my treatment room for over 10 years.

Let me know if you’d like to learn more. There are so many herbs that repair the barrier. And many lifestyle factors can contribute as well, including meditation 😌

not to mention our skin is part of our nervous system, endocrine system, immune system, and so much more that we’re now just beginning to understand from a biomedicine perspective ✨

Quote from 🤍

Photos from Angela Peck, Wholistic Skin + Care's post 04/20/2023

Saw this on FB a few years ago and loved it so much, had to share. Time for a repost. Be sure to swipe left, or read the whole thing below...

“Women get more beautiful as they grow older. Not less.
Female youth is only prized in modern culture because it doesn't represent as much of a threat spiritually to anyone who is frightened of divine feminine power.

As women grow and mature, they call in stronger forces of sacred feminine wisdom. They vibrate with the creative power of their stories.

They are more of a force to be reckoned with.

They see more, know more, feel more. They put up with a lot less bu****it.

When women are trained into thinking there is something fundamentally wrong with getting older, and are coerced into spending money, energy and power investing in 'slowing the signs of ageing', an enormous vault of divine love is lost.

Just think what would happen if all the women in the world started loving themselves even more with every year that passed.

Perhaps a total revolution would occur.”

- Yogesh Kumar


"To be "alive", beauty products and topical remedies for the skin should be made purely of plants, or any of their parts or pure extracts, which are balanced by nature and full of the intelligence - the vibratory energy - that constitutes life.”

“Our skin is alive, and lifeless chemicals cannot give life back to our skin.”

- Dr. Pratima Raichur, Absolute Beauty

Supporting Qi is always the most important aspect of anything we eat, drink, apply to our skin, or have in our environment. This is why I will only work with products created by skin-specific herbalists who understand this importance 🙏🏻 🍃✨

Gorgeous 📷 of of , by 🤍✨


"...touch your face with gentle, loving care. Your face is the physical manifestation of your inner life. When you treat your face with healing love, gentleness, and compassion, you are treating your inner life in the same way.

“You are actually healing your own heart when you care for your face with love.
And in a very short time it shows. Soon, the care and love you give your face spreads to other aspects of your life.”

- Susan West Kurtz

✨ To schedule virtual mindful, nervous system supportive face massage sessions with me, click on the ‘contact’ button in my bio 👆🏼🌱


And unacknowledged/unprocessed emotions stored in our tissues precedes tension

emotions are energy

connecting to this stuck energy (qi) is the first step for any lasting tension relief

this is what the foundation of my sessions is all about - somatic touch and a focus on flow rather than “flaws”

please let me know if you have any questions 👇🏼

Photos from Angela Peck, Wholistic Skin + Care's post 04/02/2023

a reminder of the effects of stress on skin aging…

and why stress/tension melting is the foundation of my facial sessions 🙌🏻

Photos are from the Elephant Journal

Photos from Angela Peck, Wholistic Skin + Care's post 03/29/2023

“I know as a woman I’m supposed to be afraid of getting older but I love this s**t so much. Every year I sink deeper into this bath of unapologetic realness and it’s amazing.”
- Bunmi Laditan

All about that mindset here (term created by one of my dear colleagues, Lee, of ) 🤍

Photos from Angela Peck, Wholistic Skin + Care's post 03/28/2023


From a post from last week. More on her website, link in her profile. So well said. I’ve seen far better results with skilled face massage than I ever did with machines and peels 🙌🏻



The video to go with my PUFA post below. From Laurel of Laurel Whole Plant Organics, my main skin care line of 13 years 🤍🌿

Photos from Angela Peck, Wholistic Skin + Care's post 03/16/2023

The much-requested PUFA post 🌱🌰

From my main skin care line,

“There is always talk about refined versus unrefined oils in cosmetic chemistry - and even in the food we eat. But do we really have a picture of what that means? Other terms to watch for are cold pressed, virgin, or raw. These terms get intertwined, but they do not mean the same thing. And what does any of this have to do with skin health or internal health?

What does it mean to refine fruit, vegetable, nut, or seed oils? The oil refinement process is either physical or chemical & means that certain chemical constituents within the oil are removed. This refinement process can be minimal, only removing sediment or visible pieces of nuts and seeds. Or can be extensive, removing all color and scent. The more extensive the refinement the less colorful & fragrant an oil will be, which is often desirable in cosmetic chemistry. During this extensive refinement process, certain lipids are removed that support skin barrier health, & a huge amount of varying antioxidants are removed that support both the skin & the shelf life of the oil.

We don’t believe that plants are meant to be refined. Each plant contains its own unique variety of hundreds of chemical constituents. The more we alter that, the farther away from Nature we get. And as I often say, I am not smarter than Nature, I don’t try to alter or fix what She has created. I try to preserve it as closely as possible so that it will arrive to you in its purest form. We have to assume that each & every molecule plays an essential role to support the whole. This is called “whole plant science” or “phytochemical synergy”.

A PUFA is a lipid molecule that was never intended to be isolated outside of its whole, & it is found in oils that are negatively affected by refinement. Whole plants contain an abundance of other constituents that work with PUFAs in perfect harmony so they can best be utilized by our skin.

(See post above to watch a video from Laurel to learn more)

Unrefined oils are all we use - look for more color and more scent, which means more antioxidants, enzymes, mineral content, & vitamins.”


A reminder that being a trauma informed esthetician matters 💖

It’s finally here! 🤗 by !

The following is a repost from …

“Our skin is our largest organ and it’s highly attuned. When our skin is touched it delivers a message of fear or safety. The amount of pressure, the temperature, and the energy of the person touching us has powerful effects.

If you are a hands on wellness practitioner, how do you orient your client to your touch?

Here are some trauma informed ideas:
1. Start by checking in with your client to see if there are any areas that are off limits for touch (in addition to the obvious ones).

2. Let them know that they can ask for a break at any time during the treatment.

3. Check in with them often about pressure and positioning and let them know that your job is to help them be as comfortable as possible.

4. Start by putting your hand gently on their skin and letting them just notice how that feels. If a client is dissociated it may take a while for them to fully orient to where your hand is and how that feels. Even without massaging, needling or adjusting, you are doing very important work.

5. As you are doing this you can also notice your own hands, notice your feet planted on the ground. Your presence and ability to be aware has profound effects on your client.

6. In general, it never hurts to slow things down.”

Repost from
Are you following her?
Highly recommended.

Do you have any to add?

I’ve worked hard to create treatments that support the parasympathetic part of the nervous system, which helps create a safe, supportive environment. I’ve found that this has made all the difference in my sessions. What about you?

Or, if you’re not an esthetician, is this something important to you when seeking services?


In this way, we work directly with the energy of our heart. The chest is representative of the roots of a tree - our neck is the trunk, and our face and our head make up the leaves and the flowers 🌲🌿🌷

our heart pumps the blood which transports the nutrients and oxygen necessary for the optimal functioning of all of our cells, including those of our skin, muscles, bones,...

and the energy of our hearts melts our judgements, which can stagnate the natural flow of life in our bodies; the same flow that connects us all to one another.

flow over “flaws”
no flow, no glow
vibrant (vs stagnant) aging ✨♥️✨♥️✨


healthy, vibrant skin is created and maintained by supporting life beneath, and on, the surface of the skin

I can create a simple home care skin practice, to support both, customized just for you! It’s one of my most popular virtual services!

This service also makes a fantastic gift! 🎁🌲⛄️ (e gift cards available on my website -

learn how to best SUPPORT your skin at home, instead of the conventional way of forcing and suppressing skin functioning

It’s common for my clients to no longer need makeup after a short period of time of incorporating the products and techniques I customize + create for their skin concerns and goals.

Simplicity, vibrance, and effectiveness are the goals ✨


Caring for ourself is important, our body is an important vessel; but identifying as our body, rather than our soul, only leads to insecurity.

Edit: this quote has been incorrectly attributed to Rumi over the years, but it’s actually song lyrics written by Indie Arie. Thank you to everyone who pointed this out 🙏🏻

Photos from Angela Peck, Wholistic Skin + Care's post 12/06/2022

▪️▫️two complementary energies that make up all aspects and phenomena of life - yin and yang.

▪️however, in our society, they're out of balance.

▫️both yin and yang are needed, but our society is deficient in yin, and has an excess of yang.

▪️notice how accepted and excessive the Yang characteristics are in our society, and not so much the Yin. Very imbalanced.

▫️this is why yin has been the focus in my treatment room for so many years - slow, receptive, inward-connecting, allowing,… - including my virtual facial sessions. it's what we need most right now, in order to have balance.

▪️PS - the spaciousness/movement aspects are what I learned from training. It’s very yin-focused, about learning (remembering) how to allow ourselves to sink back into spaciousness, holding that space for our clients, in order to allow movement and transformation of energies stagnant within our bodies. If you’re a licensed skin care/wellness pro, I highly recommended professional training with her.

😌 And for everyone, I highly recommend reading her translation of the Tao Te Ching on her website (link in her bio). Very peaceful 😌


muscle insertions and origins are where I’m living these days with face massage. the domino effect is magical 😍

Gorgeous artwork by


Think about where ingrown hairs typically occur - beard area, neck, underarms, bikini area,… these are major areas affected by lymph stagnation, where hair grows.

These are also common areas to hold tension, which stagnates flow. Tension that is often preceded by unprocessed, unacknowledged emotions stored in our tissues.


And she teaches how in her trainings.

FYI - I get asked all the time if/when she’s going to teach again.
She is. Sometime next year.

In fact she recently taught me another advanced technique last week that I’m beyond excited about.

If you’re not already on her waitlist, I highly recommend it. She already has almost 1000 people on it. It’s well worth the wait, I assure you. It is, and always will be, the magical foundation of my facial sessions.

Link in her bio -


Photos from Angela Peck, Wholistic Skin + Care's post 11/10/2022

One of the coziest + most comforting techniques to add to your home skin care practice - facial compressing.

It’s excellent for creating more flow beneath the skin, when done correctly, and for increasing skin hydration; as well as for removing your cleanser at the end of the day, instead of splashing your face with water.

About 8 years ago, I came across this Esthetician’s blog during my unending research about the lymph system. It was a game changer.

I’ll be teaching this, as well as a few other skin-supportive techniques that are extra wonderful this time of year, in my Autumn virtual class. Dates and details coming soon.

More info on compressing from this Esthetician, Elisha Reverby of , below. The pics in this post are also from her💕👇🏻...

“If you want One Tip Only for achieving gorgeous skin almost immediately, start compressing your skin with a warm washcloth. Hold warm washcloth over face, press, breathe and wipe off surface residue and makeup when you remove. Repeat two more times for a total of three times. This not only boosts circulation but it warms the skin too allowing for a simpler cleansing process without the need for products because you need so little (if at all) after compressing. Also compressing prior to any oil (sesame oil my face for cleansing the face) or honey cleanse or mask allows for an amazing experience. Also warming the skin in this way clears the skin of blackheads because that boosted circulation and warm skin allows the skin to excrete waste on the surface so much easier!

By the way Elique sells the most plush delicious Organic French Terry Cotton Facial compressing cloths! Your skin deserves the best💕”

Photos from Angela Peck, Wholistic Skin + Care's post 11/05/2022

when we exfoliate our “dead” skin cells, we are essentially turning the cells beneath into orphaned children

these supposedly dead cells (corneocytes) are actually still living, are very much needed, and are in constant communication with our bodies

they begin their lives as keratinocytes in the dermal layer (basal layer, specifically) and eventually move their way up to the surface, flattening as they mature & move up to the surface, and essentially “training” in what to do as surface cells (among other functions)

when we prematurely remove them with acids, machines, and such, we are leaving cells in charge that have not yet been “trained” or matured enough to support optimal functioning skin

this communication is essential for skin health. the presence of these corneocytes are also essential for skin moisture and other functions.

why does the skin typically look so happy right after a peel?

because our body thinks it’s under invasion (skin is 1st line of defense) so it sends up an infusion of nutrients to repair the lost layer. these nutrients are a reserve meant for maintaining healthy skin, and for emergencies” (a peel creates an emergency situation), so we deplete the skin over time by doing this.

with the ‘flow over “flaws”’ approach, we are instead supporting the skin cells in receiving what they need to function optimally from within, as well as nourishing topically

the approach of caring for corneocytes, rather than seeing them as something that needs to be removed, is known as corneotherapy, and is not taught in most esthetician schools. Swipe left to read an excerpt from magazine (a trade journal for estheticians)

I’ve been following this approach in my practice, in my own way - with advanced face massage and whole plant skin care - for well over a decade now and have found these results far surpass those of conventional skin care


when we exfoliate our “dead” skin cells, we are essentially turning the cells beneath into orphaned children

these supposedly dead cells (corneocytes) are actually still living, are very much needed, and are in constant communication with our bodies

they begin their lives as keratinocytes in the dermal layer (basal layer, specifically) and eventually move their way up to the surface, flattening as they mature & move up to the surface, and are essentially “training” in what to do as surface cells (among other functions)

when we prematurely remove them with acids, machines, and such, we are leaving cells in charge that have not yet been “trained” or matured enough to support optimal functioning skin

this communication is essential for skin health. the presence of these corneocytes are also essential for skin moisture and other functions.

why does the skin typically look so happy right after a peel?

because our body thinks it’s under invasion (skin is 1st line of defense) so it sends up an infusion of nutrients to repair the lost layer. these nutrients are a reserve meant for maintaining healthy skin, and for emergencies” (a peel creates an emergency situation), so we deplete the skin over time by doing this.

with the ‘flow over “flaws”’ approach, we are instead supporting the skin cells in receiving what they need to function optimally from within, as well as nourishing topically

the approach of caring for corneocytes, rather than seeing them as something that needs to be removed, is known as corneotherapy, and is not taught in most esthetician schools. Swipe left to read an excerpt from magazine (a trade journal for estheticians)

I’ve been following this approach in my practice, in my own way - with advanced face massage and whole plant skin care - for well over a decade now and have found these results far surpass those of conventional skin care


Autumn skin care vibes 🍂✨

of-the-earth plant medicine

• • • • • • •
Brewing apothecary & drying herbs 🌿
photo ✨studio magic✨


Love his sun health posts…

Don’t sleep well?

Burn easy?

Inflammatory conditions?

Tired all the time?

You may need more sun.

An interesting trend I see in patients, is that sunlight deficiency.

Even if you live in a latitude with good sun exposure, vitamin D deficiency and its associated diseases are as common as ever.

Vitamin D is important, but if we look at the way the body responds to sunlight, it leads us to understand that there is far more going on.

In the middle of the day (11am-2pm) roughly, the angle of the sun is steep enough to send UVB light through the atmosphere.

When UV-B light hits your skin, it stimulates cholesterol molecules to enter a cascade that eventuates with vitamin D production.

However, during the process, there are many other physiological benefits. For example, there are up to twenty vitamin D like molecules that act as a ‘spectrum’ through the body as sunlight is absorbed.

So, while we measure vitamin D, there could be a lot more lacking than just this one, very important molecule.

The other side is it’s likely the body needs more than just straight UV-B exposure to efficiently produce vitamin D.

Before 10am the light in the morning contains far more infra red and UVA light. These types of ultraviolet energy, send message to the brain through the eyes.

Vitamin A derived receptors in the eyes, convert this energy that primes the brain to release serotonin, which is like your inner circadian ‘switch’.

It also helps you sleep.

Morning sun primes the release of melatonin at night. That means the UV light spectrum available roughly before 10am, sends messages through the eyes to the brain, that sets of a circadian clock 12 hours later as you go to bed.

These inner workings of your body can all work properly if you

- Watch the sunrise
- Expose yourself to sunlight before 10am.
- Add smaller exposures to middle of the day sun.

Is morning sunlight part of your routine?


when I worked with clinical skin care, I had to do it almost daily.

now that my focus is on flow, that has all changed - for me and my clients

we rarely even think about exfoliation yet our skin is WAY healthier, vibrant, and happier than when we exfoliated often, as we’re supporting our skin’s natural functioning as opposed to forcing or suppressing it

👉🏻 would you like to learn how to adapt your skin in this way? message me to sign up for my ‘flow over “flaws”’ VIRTUAL series

• it’s 40 minutes/week for 4 weeks

• the focus in all sessions is nervous system support, in addition to skin support; as the 2 are deeply connected, derived from the same tissue back when we were wee embryos.

• group discounts available - the more in your group, the lower the price/person

• feel free to message me with any questions

• this is not industry professional training, but instead for those wanting to support their own skin. If you’re an industry pro interested in this skin focus, I do occasionally train in this approach. Let me know if you’d be interested.


autumn = grief energy in Chinese Medicine. It’s only uncomfortable/painful if we resist the contracting energy of this emotion.

If you’re aware of a heaviness, or contracting feeling, in your arms and chest (where the Lung and Large Intestine channels flow, the 2 organs associated with Autumn in the Five Element Theory, Autumn being the Metal element), spend time with this feeling/energy. Allow it to be as it is. Gently observe it. The same with your breath. Observe it, allow it to be as it is.

When we allow these energies, instead of resisting (which seems to be our default state), we allow them to transform. When grief transforms, it allows us to let go of what’s no longer needed (or no longer in our life, wanted or not). If you think of the functions of the lungs and large intestine, you’ll see this same parallel.

When we don’t allow the energy of grief to transform, it’s stored in our skin and we may notice skin irritations, dryness/dehydration, redness, flakiness, puffiness, sagging,… as a result.

Not sure how to do this? Message me about my upcoming virtual series. I’ve been doing this with my clients for years and have so much more to share! It’s a journey, a powerful one 🍂

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Videos (show all)

The video to go with my PUFA post below. From Laurel of Laurel Whole Plant Organics, my main skin care line of 13 years ...
In this way, we work directly with the energy of our heart. The chest is representative of the roots of a tree - our nec...
autumn = grief energy in Chinese Medicine. It’s only uncomfortable/painful if we resist the contracting energy of this e...
quick tip - I call muscle tension balms ‘beauty balms’ because they support our skin-body in allowing healthier flow for...
2 new face massage videos for you. Forgot to repost them here. Enjoy! 🙂I have very short nails (cut to the nubs), but if...
Touch, whole plants, + our interconnectedness 🌸I can’t imagine more complementary skin care formulas for what I do in th...
which one’s most soothing for you - the brown, violet, pink, grey, green, black, red, or white noise?Excellent for focus...
When I say ‘wholistic’, I’m referring to many things, this being one of them.  #yin 🤍Read by one of my ‘Deepening Self C...
Flow leads us to peace, if we allow it 🤍✨#flowoverflaws...........#noflownoglow #lymphlove #vodder #manuallymphdrainage ...
creating a deeper capacity to hold space for flow…Allowing myself to sink more deeply into the mystery (a Yin aspect) ha...


720 Capitola Avenue
Capitola, CA

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