Cumberland County Medical Society, Carlisle, PA Videos

Videos by Cumberland County Medical Society in Carlisle. The Cumberland County Medical Society is a professional organization committed to improving the prac

Beth Kempf

The CCMS picnic was held on July 13 at Adams-Ricci park. We had a first reading of proposed Bylaws revisions and heard a report from the students that we sponsored to attend the International HOSA meeting in Houston, TX in June. Below, Beth Kempf of Community CARES tells us about how the medical room we provide at the Resource Center is being used and why she needs our support for a similar room in the new permanent shelter.

Other Cumberland County Medical Society videos

Beth Kempf
The CCMS picnic was held on July 13 at Adams-Ricci park. We had a first reading of proposed Bylaws revisions and heard a report from the students that we sponsored to attend the International HOSA meeting in Houston, TX in June. Below, Beth Kempf of Community CARES tells us about how the medical room we provide at the Resource Center is being used and why she needs our support for a similar room in the new permanent shelter.