Dan's Place Kosher Restaurant, Carlsbad, CA Videos

Videos by Dan's Place Kosher Restaurant in Carlsbad. Dan’s Place was created to give the adult and young adult community with special needs the chance

A special thank you to Sarit Reich (on piano) and Rachel Emmons (violin) for playing such beautiful music at Dan's Place this past Sunday!

Other Dan's Place Kosher Restaurant videos

A special thank you to Sarit Reich (on piano) and Rachel Emmons (violin) for playing such beautiful music at Dan's Place this past Sunday!

Dan's Place Kosher Pop Up Restaurant - Friendship Circle San Diego
Created in memory of Dan Green, the inspiration for Friendship Circle of San Diego, "Dan's Place" kosher pop-up restaurant is a place where young adults and adults with special needs can learn vocational skills in the hospitality industry. This program aims to empower these individuals by challenging them to take on the responsibilities of host, server, and chef. www.friendshipcirclesd.org/dans-place