The Hill: A House for The Beloved

A house of beloved identity. Established, rooted and grounded in sonship and daughterhood.


Meet us here TONIGHT family!!
101 S Dixie Ave Cartersville at 6:30pm!

So much going on at Cartersville Nutrition today! will be here from 8am-12noon today with permanent jewelry, & will be here at 6:30pm tonight for a little Jesus time, cause we all need more Jesus! Come in and try out Valentine’s menu during these special events today!


Come to Cartersville Nutrition on Friday at 6:30pm for this special collaboration with The Hill for some praise & worship & fellowship & The Word. See you then!


Meet us at Cartersville Nutrition Friday night at 6:30pm! Let’s seat the city in beloved identity and in the awareness of the presence & goodness of Papa! Your reality is beloved, healed and whole! Come be with us, all are welcome, and we are excited to see you there. We love you family!


Tomorrow night! Meet us here!
407 Matera Drive Cartersville


Meet us here Friday night at 6:30pm family!!
We are discovering week in, week out more and more about the One who has no beginning nor end. The journey is endless because the discovery is Him. As Jesus is authentically revealed, we too then shall be revealed and become one with Him in glory. This is the journey we are tracking on family and we want you to come track it with us. It never gets old!
We love you and we’ll see ya Friday night!


Let’s host Him well tonight & receive an uncommon level of glory that we believe Holy Spirit is getting ready to reveal to us. Where Jesus is revealed, we also will be revealed. There is a dimension of glory that can only be accessed & revealed to us when the true nature of the Father, revealed in Jesus, is unveiled to us by way of Holy Spirit! And as this is unveiled, we too shall be unveiled. So tonight we continue to say yes to being undone, unveiled & unraveled… again & again. Our hearts cry is simply just a continual, fresh yes poured out at His feet. Come say yes with us tonight as we jump in together!

6:30pm | 407 Matera Drive Cartersville 30120

”And as Christ himself is seen for who He really is, who you really are will also be revealed, for you are now one with Him in His glory!“
‭‭-Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭4‬


Find us on Instagram friends! We are passionate about making Abba known in the earth more this year and we want to be more proactive in seeing as many people knowing this perspective of the Father! We love you and we are so excited for all that Papa has in store for us as a family!


Meet us here Friday night family as we continue to host the presence of Jesus and ascend higher in our understanding and knowing of His Father. Jesus’ passion was to make His Father known and He is not shy about it. So we say yes again to the Abba revealed exclusively in Jesus being made known to us!

6:30pm, Friday the 19th, we bring a fresh yes and an uncommon expectation of all the Father has for us. We welcome you to join us. Don’t miss the glory that Father, Son and Spirit want to share and reveal us in right now! We love you so much family, see you Friday night. 🔥❤️‍🔥🔥❤️‍🔥

Photos from The Hill: A House for The Beloved's post 01/13/2024

We had a beautiful night last night at Cartersville Nutrition. We honor and thank Ms. Amy for allowing us to gather at her shop, to love on her and to host the presence of Jesus there. We are believing that her shop will never be the same. Family, go bless, like and support her business. If you’re in Cartersville stop by to see her, give her money, write her big checks and tell all your friends about her place! We are a kingdom family that WILL support the city. This is how we light it up for the glory of almighty Yahweh. Giving. Honoring. And love. We will love well. We will honor well. We will give well. And we will host His presence well. We love you family.


Tonight is the night family! Join us at 6:30pm at Cartersville Nutrition, 101 S Dixie Ave, as we host the presence of Yahweh and establish the kingdom in Cartersville as it is in heaven. Our goal, is to light up the city and expose sons and daughters to one thing: the fire in His eyes and the fire of His presence.. His fiery, passionate, burning love that He has for each one of us. And we will be lighting up the city this year with the revelation that God is Papa, Jesus is the revealed nature of the Father, you are beloved and we were made for glory NOW, not in another the lifetime or when you die. The kingdom is here now and we will see it change this city for the glory of Almighty Yahweh! We love you family, see you tonight.


Jesus is not an insurance policy or get out of hell free card. Heaven and hell will never be why I live for Jesus nor is it why I’m so in love with the Trinity.. I am in love because Jesus is the revealed nature, heart and exact image of who God is: Papa.. In John 17, Yeshua states that He wants us to become one with Him in glory and to share that glory & same union with the Father RIGHT NOW that Jesus and the Father share, not in another life or “in heaven.”

According to Paul in Colossians, when the true nature of Jesus is revealed, we then will be revealed in His glory as well. The kingdom of God is NOT Heaven. The kingdom of heaven, is Heaven on earth, earth and heaven fusing until you can’t tell the difference. And this kingdom, will have no end.. He’s not taking you off the planet. If your gospel of “hope” is being “rescued” off the planet… you have no gospel and it absolutely has no hope in it. That is not a kingdom mindset.. You are responsible for co-sharing in His glory and together, we the church/the bride, change the planet. Jesus came to merge 2 worlds, 2 natures and 2 realms in to 1. To show us we are one with the Trinity in glory. Co-share. Co-enthroned. Co-reign. Co-exist. For 2 to become 1… So that the kingdoms of this world, can become the kingdom of our God and of His Christ.. and Christ in us, which is the hope of glory. My heart is ignited with fiery hope. Fueled by perfect love and the glory of intimacy shared with Father, Son and Spirit. May you share in their glory to be ignited as well. ❤️‍🔥


Friday night at 6:30pm we will be heading out to the community!! Meet us here for an epic night of worship & presence! We will be gathering at Cartersville nutrition in downtown cartersville


Meet us here tonight at 6:30pm!

407 Matera Drive Cartersville


The gospel of man is YOU clinging to Jesus to get to God. The gospel of Jesus is HIM clinging to man to carry you back in to a world we thought we weren’t worthy of.. a life right now with Father, Son, Spirit.

The Old Testament perspective of man and Levitical order was to think one had to carry the presence (Ark) themselves on their shoulders. The New Testament perspective is Presence Himself carrying you on His shoulders all the way through the waves of our own delusions, through crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection, ascension and being seated with Jesus, next to God then Jesus turning to us and saying “good job, we love you so much.”

The gospel of Jesus is not you getting to God, but God coming to you. The gospel of Jesus is not you clinging to Him, but Him clinging to you. The gospel of Jesus is not you carrying the presence of God on your shoulders but is Presence carrying you on His shoulders.

The gospel of Jesus is not man being saved from God. The gospel of Jesus is man being saved from man.. Now to be a new man, new race, new humanity reconciled back to the Papa they had all wrong. The gospel is mankind had Papa wrong and it not being held against us. The gospel is the Trinity proving at all costs, We don’t want to do life without you!!! And We love you and there’s not a thing you could do to ever make us not love you..

Jesus came to fix our delusion, our broken perspective of our Papa who we viewed as a retributive, punishing, angry, vengeful and had a multiple personality disorder. He fixed our Adamic lens we inherited in the Garden. The gospel is not Jesus saved us from hellfire and brimstone sky daddy God… No… the gospel is Jesus showing us He’s not God, He’s DAD.. and showed us who we are in our Abba that we so desperately needed to know who we truly belonged to all along.

Photos from The Hill: A House for The Beloved's post 12/17/2023

Beautiful hill family Christmas party


2024 will carry with it, the great anticipation of great restoration. We will be witnesses of the fiery Love of the Father and what He can do in the lives of other families, your family, in the earth and in generations to come. Let it begin with us. Legacy starts now. Generations and nations are calling. And we will carry the flame of Perfect Love to light up the world. The Hill will be a city set on a Hill.. seated, burning, shining on a Hill for all to see. The burning is the announcement. The radiant light of love has dawned. A new day is here and it is glorious.

You are one who is dearly and radically loved by God, friend. May this be the truth that burns in your heart, mind and soul. Selah.

Photos from The Hill: A House for The Beloved's post 12/10/2023

We celebrated the restoration of a renewed covenant today in the presence of Almighty Abba. Wholeness, restoration and unspeakable joy is available to you! They are walking witnesses that if it can happen in them, then it can happen in you! 💍❤️‍🔥🕊️


Jump in with us this morning family


Celebrating two beautiful people today and the renewal of real authentic love.


We are having service this morning at 11:00am, all are welcome to join us

407 Matera Drive Cartersville GA 30120



407 Matera Drive Cartersville 30120


Join us this Friday, December 1st, at 6:30pm for our family gathering. Super excited to be back in the presence of Papa corporately as a family.

Our heart is to really see this region be affected with the love of the Father and see His presence shift/seat a city. Invite your family, friends, strangers, whoever and let’s see this thing begin to take off for the glory of Yahweh. It’s time we see sons and daughters be touched with this message of beloved identity and the city be infected with the true heart of Abba! We love you family and we can’t wait for Friday!


“Whatever we choose to believe, even if it’s a lie, is what becomes our experience.”

If you believe He is the God of religion, then in His goodness, He will allow you to believe that. He is not the God of religion, He is however God OVER religion, but He is not religious. He, again in His goodness will meet you there, but it is not who He is by nature. By nature, He is only good and only love but, will allow you to believe a lie about Him even if that lie makes Him look like Hes not good. Hello god of religion.. If it’s what you believe, then He will allow you to believe it. That is why it is called free will and why He is a God who is not a puppet master.

Abraham in the Bible, not many know this but before encountering Yahweh, worshipped a god in Mesopotamia who would have required child sacrifice to be “accepted” in that religion or by that god. Hmmm? Sound familiar? Yahweh did not require Isaac as a child sacrifice. If we serve a god who requires child sacrifice then maybe it’s time we revisit our beliefs. Maybe that’s just me. But Yahweh was meeting Abraham IN what ABRAHAM BELIEVED.. it wasn’t who God was, yet He still met Abraham in it… and the conversation did not end with: “well God… I obeyed you.. I killed my son that you promised me.. don’t know why you promised me a son for me to then turn around and kill him”….
No, absolutely not!!!! The conversation ended later with Yahweh sending Himself in the form of His Son, a promise to all of humanity.

What is the point of this? You will believe what you have always known.. And Yahweh will meet you in it, to a certain degree because He can’t be absent from you, but until you decide to encounter it for yourself, you’ll continue to believe and experience what you want to, even if it is a lie. That will only last for so long. At some point in time, Yahweh will make you shift from your language to His language. And it won’t be what you’ve always known. Eventually, you’ll find yourself, if viewed correctly, having placed an indictment on Gods character and nature.. and that is where a real conversation will be had. It won’t be an indictment against you and there will be no condemnation, but there will be a conversation and transformation.

Allow yourself to be led by Holy Spirit, not man. THEN align yourself with a man led by Holy Spirit. This is how order works. This is how following a true spiritual father should work. Man doesn’t show you or lead you on the adventure first. Papa does. And He wants to reveal Himself to you in an uncommon way. Allow Him to today friend. He’s not who you thought He was. He is so much better. ♥️


We are unfortunately having to cancel this weekends gathering. Keep the Carter family lifted up and we will meet back up the week after Thanksgiving. Probably Friday December 1st at 7:00pm! So make plans to be with us.

Also, we are planning to schedule a Christmas dinner/get together for everyone in December so be on the lookout for that; everyone and anyone is welcome. We love you family!


Digest this truth today family. We love you.

One of the biggest misconceptions that many people believe in todays post-modern, western, evangelical church is that “Jesus saved us from Gods wrath” or that “God killed Jesus” or “Jesus appeased Gods wrath on the cross because He was angry at humanity.” Jesus did not “save” us from Gods wrath… He saved us from our distorted, delusional view of OUR Abba, took us out of the first Adam and resurrected us in to the Last Adam, Jesus. He saved us from our own delusion .. which is why Jesus came as the exact expression of who the Father was/is.

If God “turned His back” or “beat Jesus” then that means He is capable of doing that to you, which He can’t because then that makes Him a liar and that means He is dualistic and capable of change, and it also means that means the Trinity imploded on the cross and utterly fell apart.. which we know is not true.

The early church did not teach this. Athanasius, a spiritual son of Apostle John the beloved, taught completely against these very lies.. the lie that God beat Jesus, turned His back on Jesus, that God was an angry God or that the Father, Son and Spirit “didnt love ALL of humanity”… Athanasius, a father in the early church and someone who the eastern church still clings to his teachings, says this about the Trinity: When God saw that man had fell headfirst, fully immersed in to sin, dysfunction, corruption and delusion, this was the Fathers response:

God saw mankind spiraling out of control almost to the point of where mankind was on the verge of non existence because of corruption and delusion, what then was God being good to do? Father, Son, Spirit clothed themselves inside of that.. in to man’s delusion, became flesh yet still be fully God, and They together, sent all of heaven packed in to the Incarnated Son as a representation of who God really is; to prove to humanity once and for all: WE, the Trinity, Father, Son and Spirit do not want to do life without you. You were loved from the beginning and you’re loved now. We do not want to do life without you…

This is what was being taught after the Day of Pentecost, after the days of the apostles death, and this kind of teaching was actually what the Orthodox Church was founded upon.. and millions still believe this way in the Eastern church... this is so far from what we hear now.. it’s time for a return to orthodoxy. We need an upgrade in our theology, in our churches, in our western traditions and in the bull crap we have deemed as “must be true.” And Holy Spirit can provide that major upgrade that the western church is so desperately in need of.

This is what will change the world as we know it for the better. And it is happening.. it may be in seed form & processing like leaven, but don’t despise the days of small beginnings. Daniel saw a small stone that had not been hewed with human hands become a mighty mountain, a kingdom in the earth. This is the kingdom manifesting in such a way that it covers the earth as the waters do cover the sea.

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Videos (show all)

Jump in with us this morning family
Join us tonight as we explore the heart of Abba!
Join us this morning family as we dive into all that Papa has for us
You are the treasure that Yeshua found in the field and said was worthy and lovely. Never forget this truth family
Like moths to a flame 🔥❤️‍🔥
Tune in to the burning frequency of beloved identity with us
STOP WHAT YOURE DOING AND WATCH THIS! You’ve been perfect the whole time
Tune in to this beloved frequency with us family
Join us for worship this morning family. Hear Papa’s heart concerning you
Heart of Abba concerning you
Worship & devotion
Join us this morning for worship!



407 Matera Drive
Cartersville, GA

Opening Hours

7pm - 10pm

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