Wisdom International, Cary, NC Videos

Videos by Wisdom International in Cary. Providing digital and print resources designed to make disciples of the nations.

Christians are not immune from sin. In fact, every Christian sins every day. What sets believers apart is our reaction to our sin. We don't celebrate it, we repent of it every single time.

You can watch the full lesson here: https://buff.ly/4c5YVii

Other Wisdom International videos

Christians are not immune from sin. In fact, every Christian sins every day. What sets believers apart is our reaction to our sin. We don't celebrate it, we repent of it every single time. You can watch the full lesson here: https://buff.ly/4c5YVii

We recently began the book of Galatians on The Wisdom Journey, and at the outset, there are two vital lessons for us to learn. You can watch the full lesson right here: https://youtu.be/R2SRRtfP-qc

We don't give generously in order to receive blessings from God, but because we have already received everything we need from Him. Ultimately, it's all His anyway! You can watch the full lesson here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_B18tIMAxc

ICYMI: God does not use us because of our ability, He uses us because of our availability. We don't bring anything to the table other than our willingness to serve Him, and He equips us with everything we need. Watch the full lesson here: https://buff.ly/46kFqkI

ICYMI: There may be times when it feels like we are not living in victory here on earth. But never doubt: for the Christian, victory is already assured. Watch the full lesson here: https://youtu.be/A2yMM74JGVw

657 Social.mp4
ICYMI: The Bible uses a very specific word for love, and that's clear in 1 Corinthians 13. Before we can understand what love does, we need to rightly understand what love is. Stephen Davey explains in this lesson of The Wisdom Journey: https://buff.ly/4cRtfxH #Christianity

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ICYMI: We touched on spiritual gifts this week on The Wisdom Journey, and while there are many misconceptions about the "sign gifts"—like the gift of tongues—Stephen can provide clarity on this issue. You can watch the full lesson here: https://buff.ly/4cJukHM #Christianity

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This will sound political incorrect in today's culture, but its the truth: God has placed a unique role and responsibility on men and husbands. Men, will you rise to this challenge, or shrink from it? Watch the full lesson here: https://buff.ly/4eMvggG

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Take a second and think through these rhetorical questions. 🤔 Are there ways you have been abusing your Christian liberty? What do you need to do to enhance your Christian witness today? Watch the full lesson here: https://buff.ly/3RFxpRi #christian #godlyliving

654 Social.mp4
Take a second and think through these rhetorical questions. 🤔 Are there ways you have been abusing your Christian liberty? What do you need to do to enhance your Christian witness today? Watch the full lesson here: https://buff.ly/3RFxpRi #christian #godlyliving

How should Christians relate to government? Can real Christian change come from our governments and institutions? Stephen Davey explains where the focus of Christians should be. You can watch the entire lesson right here: https://buff.ly/4bpSHu6

How should Christians relate to government? Can real Christian change come from our governments and institutions? Stephen Davey explains where the focus of Christians should be. You can watch the entire lesson right here: https://buff.ly/4bpSHu6

How should Christians relate to government? Can real Christian change come from our governments and institutions? Stephen Davey explains where the focus of Christians should be. You can watch the entire lesson right here: https://buff.ly/4bpSHu6

How should Christians relate to government? Can real Christian change come from our governments and institutions? Stephen Davey explains where the focus of Christians should be. You can watch the entire lesson right here: https://buff.ly/4bpSHu6

How should Christians relate to government? Can real Christian change come from our governments and institutions? Stephen Davey explains where the focus of Christians should be. You can watch the entire lesson right here: https://buff.ly/4bpSHu6

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The church is a universal body of believers who will unite in perfect harmony in heaven. But the church is also a collection of local assemblies, filled with people prone to disunity and disagreement. Stephen Davey helps us navigate a path to unity in this lesson. You can watch the full teaching here: https://buff.ly/4aiMxKV

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Israel has been in a constant state of turmoil throughout its entire existence. And that's certainly true in these days. But God is not finished with the nation of Israel, and His plans for these people will be fulfilled. You can watch the full lesson right here: https://buff.ly/3UiQeua

In our study of Romans 9, we have learned these three truths about the doctrine of election. But we need more guidance in learning how to respond to these ideas. That's what this message from Stephen Davey is all about: https://buff.ly/3wemMNE

In our study of Romans 9, we have learned these three truths about the doctrine of election. But we need more guidance in learning how to respond to these ideas. That's what this message from Stephen Davey is all about: https://buff.ly/3wemMNE

In our study of Romans 9, we have learned these three truths about the doctrine of election. But we need more guidance in learning how to respond to these ideas. That's what this message from Stephen Davey is all about: https://buff.ly/3wemMNE