Guatemala Village Partners, Cary, NC Videos

Videos by Guatemala Village Partners in Cary. Guatemala Village Partners, Inc. funds programs to improve opportunities for educational and economi

Thanks to Patty A for the video

Other Guatemala Village Partners videos

Thanks to Patty A for the video

thank you from villager
Another thank you video from a villager in Pala for the food bags for all families in Pala!

Thanks video
Thank you video from one of the women of Pala

Distributing basic food bags per family
Families lining up to receive bags of food in Pala, thanks to Patty A for sharing

Thanks from families to GVP and sponsors
And here is another video of two different parents thanking GVP and education sponsors for the one time check sent to all families with at least one student in scholarship program to assist them during the covid crisis.

Video of thanks
Video of thanks from the families receiving humanitarian relief payment GVP authorized to be paid to each family who has at least one student in the program

Assistance from the families in more need in the community
From Patty A, in-country Director of GVP: translation of video: Hello sister Patty, good morning, We are here in front of the school receiving the help that our brothers and sisters sent from the United States. Neighbors are here, the women and men are happy as well as the representatives who are here. Manuel Tzep Carac is here and Juanita, the committees and Marta are present as well as the Cocodes. They are all here in front of the school. Our Pastor is here, the Cocodes, greetings and thank you for watching this video. We can see our brothers and sisters and neighbors from Palá. Greetings! This is Pascual, President of the Mini Loan Committee. The help is being received with a smile! Thank you! Here´s our Pastor. Let´s see what he has to say: Greetings to you! We are here, very happy! First of all, I want to thank God for allowing us to be alive. We are thankful to our brothers and sisters from Kirk and to you for the help that you sent to the people in need in Palá. This crisis has hit our community, but we are thankful for thinking of this community. We know that Palá is in your hearts and that´s why you sent this food. The truth is that as Pastor of our beloved church, I am very thankful to God and to you all for your kindness and for this great help that you have sent to Palá. May God bless you and keep you all in the U.S. as well as in Quetzaltenango. Blessings to your lives. These are the words from Bro. Francisco. We can see that they are giving out the food to our neighbors of Palá. Thank your for watching this video. I am the Mini Loan representative. Greetings to all our brothers and sisters who are in the United States, especially to Bro. Hal, Sister Virginia and to all. Thank you, thank you! SIDE NOTE FROM PATTY A: Thank you Barney and SHM for making this possible! To God be all glory! Patty A.

Guatemala National Anthem

Welcome dance

Making tortillas

Tracy teaching ABCs song to children