St. Michael School Cary NC, Cary, NC Videos

Videos by St. Michael School Cary NC in Cary. St. Michael School (StMS) is a vital part of the mission of St. Michael Catholic Church. StMS, circa


Grade 4 students learned about the first airplane flight by the Wright Brothers in 1903 in Kitty Hawk, NC. The class then made their own paper airplanes and tested their creations! Watch this video:

Other St. Michael School Cary NC videos

Grade 4 students learned about the first airplane flight by the Wright Brothers in 1903 in Kitty Hawk, NC. The class then made their own paper airplanes and tested their creations! Watch this video:

Wednesday School Mass

Our Grade 8 Angels got the honor of laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery. What a powerful and solemn experience! Enjoy the video...

Wednesday School Mass

Wednesday School Mass

Wednesday School Mass

Wednesday School Mass

Wednesday School Mass

Wednesday School Mass

MacLeanHappy Catholic Schools Week 2022 (3)
Thank you to all the students, teachers & staff, clergy, and family who make this school such a special place to learn and grow in Christ! #CatholicEducation #CSW

Andrea 3Catholic Schools Week 2022
Thank you for choosing Catholic Education and St. Michael School! #CSW22 Happy Catholic Schools Week 2022!

Wednesday School Mass

Wednesday School Mass

Wednesday School Mass

Wednesday School Mass

Wednesday School Mass

Merry Christmas StMS families- from our StMS PreK friends!

Merry Christmas from Grade 3! Have a wonderful holiday Angel families!

Watch Papa Noel fly! Grade 7 students used their Spanish vocabulary to present the parachutes they made for Papá Noel/Santa Claus when he travels to South America. Ve a Papá Noel!

Wednesday School Mass

Wednesday School Mass

Wednesday School Mass

Wednesday School Mass

Wednesday School Mass

Wednesday School Mass

Wednesday School Mass