Helping Hands of Clemson, Inc., Central, SC Videos

Videos by Helping Hands of Clemson, Inc. in Central. Children's Home for teenage boys placed through DSS

When your DSS Program Coordinator completes the Monitoring Visit during the very busy 40th Anniversary you're not really sure how things will go...BUT...Mrs. Janet prepared the binder weeks before so it would be ready.
Then you receive this email...just wanted to check in and let you know that the monitoring file was PERFECT! I don’t have to send any reminders! Thanks for always doing a great job! I appreciate you both!
Thank you Mrs. Janet for all you do! Thank you Ms. Brigitte for entrusting Mrs. Janet in everything she does.

Other Helping Hands of Clemson, Inc. videos

When your DSS Program Coordinator completes the Monitoring Visit during the very busy 40th Anniversary you're not really sure how things will go...BUT...Mrs. Janet prepared the binder weeks before so it would be ready. Then you receive this email...just wanted to check in and let you know that the monitoring file was PERFECT! I don’t have to send any reminders! Thanks for always doing a great job! I appreciate you both! Thank you Mrs. Janet for all you do! Thank you Ms. Brigitte for entrusting Mrs. Janet in everything she does.