Dr. Melissa Clark

Dr. Melissa Clark

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I'm a licensed naturopathic doctor who's passionate about helping you go from surviving to thriving!

Dr. Melissa Clark is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor who graduated top of her class with the highest academic honors from Sonoran University of Health Sciences (formerly SCNM). Dr. Clark has received advanced training and certifications in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy from the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M). She is passionate about working with patients of all genders wh


You are not alone.

Perimenopause is a natural phase in a woman's life, typically starting in the 40s, but sometimes earlier! It’s the transition towards menopause and can last several years (for some, it can last up to 10 years!), bringing various symptoms due to hormonal changes. While this stage of life is a "natural phase" it doesn't mean that we have accept feeling like 🗑🗑🗑!

Common Symptoms:
-Irregular periods
-Hot flashes and night sweats
-Mood swings and anxiety
-Sleep problems
-Vaginal dryness and reduced libido
-Weight gain

Why Does This Matter? 🤷‍♀️
Recognizing perimenopause helps in managing symptoms and improving quality of life. If you're experiencing these symptoms, do not hesitate to reach out for support! Find a provider in your area who advertises that they specialize in endocrinology, are board certified (FABNE) in naturopathic endocrinology or have underwent advanced training. You deserve the best so that you can feel your best.


🧐 Check this out ➡️

The first study to look at the long-term effects of protein consumption during midlife, FINALLY!!

Protein is essential for bone and muscle health, both of which can decline with age.

But the results of this study say that “protein intake was significantly associated with higher odds of healthy aging.” This is why my patients hear me talk about protein intake on REPEAT!


Plant-based protein was also associated with good mental health status and a lower risk of limitations in physical function.

This was based on data from 48,762 women younger than age 60 who participated in the Nurses’ Health Study.

Want some simple ways to boost protein intake?

🔹 Grab nuts instead of chips.
🔹 Toss chickpeas on your salad.
🔹 Add a high-quality protein powder to your smoothie.
🔹 Spread nut butter on fruit

If you want to see more posts like this on research-backed ways to optimize your health,
Like this post ❤️ and be sure to tap FOLLOW!

Ardisson Korat AV, Shea MK, Jacques PF, et al. Dietary protein intake in midlife in relation to healthy aging – results from the prospective Nurses’ Health Study cohort. Am J Clin Nut. 2024. Published 2024 Jan 17.


👀 ➡️

If you’ve ever thought about trying a low-carb diet, this new study says it all.

The headline on Medscape reads:

👉👉“For Weight Loss With a Low-Carb Diet, Quality Matters”

The study looked at weight change in 123,332 people following a low-carb diet over 4 years.

Their diets were categorized by food quality, based on diet questionnaires.

The results?

✅ Those who followed a low-carb diet that had more healthy fats and plant protein with less refined carbohydrates experienced the most weight loss over 4 years.

❌ Those who followed a low-carb diet that had more unhealthy fats, animal protein, and refined carbohydrates experienced the opposite: weight GAIN.

This study was conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health and published in JAMA Network Open (PMID: 38150249).

If you’re tired of the hype and mixed messages around food and nutrition and want to figure out what YOUR body needs to feel it’s best…

DM me "I'm ready" and I'll help you take the right next steps so that you can lose the extra weight and START feeling your BEST.


Progress over perfection.
Progress over perfection.
Progress over perfection.
Progress over perfection.
Progress over perfection.

Remind yourself that every day isn't perfect on your health journey. We're working towards sustainability in our lives, not "perfection". You. Are. Doing. Amazing. You deserve to give yourself some grace, I promise.

But, if you're ready to get some extra help and a better sense of direction so that you can feel your absolute best, send me a DM so we can get started - because I know the noise of social media and news headlines can blur the correct path forward. Let me relieve you of the paralysis by analysis, let's get started today.


YIKES!! ➡️
Here’s a study I wish weren’t true…

The study found that the annual healthcare costs resulting from exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) were almost $250 billion in the US alone.

☠️ EDCs are chemicals in plastics and also hide in:
Flame retardants
Food packaging
Can linings
Non-stick cookware

When these chemicals get into the human body, they disrupt our hormone systems and increase the risk for cancer, diabetes, infertility, preterm birth, and more.

The good news is that 💥we have the power💥 to make choices every day that minimize our exposure to EDCs.

We also have ways to support our body’s natural detoxification systems.

These are just some of the things we consider when working with our patients to optimize their health. If you want a root-cause approach to health that actually looks at the whole picture, then send me a DM to discuss how to get started!

PMID: 38213907


Here’s why you should learn mindful eating 👇👇

Did you know that it’s possible to support your digestion, lose weight more easily, stop eating when full, and enjoy your food more….

Just by mindful eating?

I’m not saying it’s easy (it will take some practice), but here are some tips:

➡️ Block off plenty of time to eat when you won’t be distracted (at least 20 minutes)
➡️ Set your phone aside and turn off notifications
➡️ Take small bites, chew thoroughly, and focus on enjoying the food
➡️ Check in with yourself to notice when you feel full

Sometimes we get caught up in the latest trends and flashy ways to improve our health, but focusing on the basics is often even more powerful.

Double tap ❤️ if you want to see more posts like this.
Save this post 📥 for a reminder!


Food is medicine, so let's start with what's on your plate.

Have you heard of the “Anti-Inflammatory Diet”??

So many of the most common health issues we face today have been linked with the same thing:

🔥 Chronic inflammation.

So how do we fight it?

One way is with food 🥬🫒🍋🥑 (and arguably, this is one of the best ways!!)

🛑 Some foods have been shown to worsen inflammation:
Refined carbohydrates
Fried foods
Trans fats (like margarine)

🟢 While some have been shown to combat it:
Fish (rich in omega-3s)
Nuts & seeds
Green leafy vegetables
Colorful berries

If you aren't getting a chance to discuss nutrition with your healthcare provider, it might be time to find a new one...just sayin'. The food you eat has a huge impact on your health and longevity - so find someone who is willing and able to educate you and empower you to make better choices!


So what can you do about gut inflammation? 🧐

📣You've probably had an ad, or five, come up about colostrum and may be wondering what it is. While it has blown up in popularity, there is a wonderful amount of research backing it's properties and potential benefits to adults.

What is bovine colostrum? 🐄
Bovine colostrum is the first milk produced by cows in the initial days after giving birth. It's rich in nutrients, antibodies, and growth factors, designed to support the health and immune system of newborn calves. 🐄

As a supplement for humans, bovine colostrum is believed to offer several potential benefits:
1. 🦠Immune Support: Bovine colostrum contains antibodies and immunoglobulins that may help support the immune system, potentially reducing the risk of infections.
2. 💨Gut Health: It contains proteins like lactoferrin and growth factors that may support the health of the gastrointestinal tract, promoting gut integrity and potentially alleviating conditions like leaky gut syndrome.
3. 💪Muscle Growth and Repair: Bovine colostrum is rich in growth factors like insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF-2), which may aid in muscle growth, repair, and recovery after exercise.
4. 🌿Nutrient Absorption: Some studies suggest that colostrum may enhance the absorption of nutrients in the gut, which could support overall health and vitality.
5. 🔥Anti-inflammatory Properties: Certain components of colostrum, such as cytokines and lactoferrin, have anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce inflammation in the body.

While bovine colostrum shows promise in these areas, more research is still needed to fully understand its effectiveness and potential benefits in humans. Please always consult your healthcare provider before adding in a new supplement into your regimen!

PMID: 36615842
PMID: 17635778


💥SAVE this post💥

The top 2 food sensitivities/issues I see in my practice are easily: gluten (wheat) & dairy (milk). Not everyone has issues with dairy or gluten, but they can be common culprits contributing to intestinal inflammation in someone with an already vulnerable lining due to increased permeability.

These are also extremely common foods and can require some mindfulness to reduce their intake!

So here are some of my top recommended food swaps…

🥨 For Gluten:
Sandwich → Lettuce Wrap
Wheat Tortilla → Corn Tortilla
Pasta → Spaghetti Squash
PLUS most items come gluten free (pasta, bread, pancake mix, etc.)

🥛 For Dairy:
Milk → Almond or Oat Milk
Creamer → Coconut Milk
Butter → Olive Oil or Coconut Oil
Parmesan → Nutritional Yeast
PLUS you can find dairy-free cheese, yogurt, & ice cream!

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💥 Let’s figure out why!

If you’re dealing with "food sensitivities", this post is for you.

Did you know there might be fixable issues that are driving food sensitivities or making them worse?

That’s right:

Research 📚 has linked food sensitivities to changes in:

👉 Gut Microbiome
👉 Intestinal Permeability (“Leaky Gut”)
👉 Gut inflammation


Gut support makes a lot of sense.

While the validity and reliability of "food sensitivity" testing is questionable, reducing inflammation through an anti-inflammatory diet, and improving intestinal barrier health with appropriate supplementation can be incredibly helpful - often times without the need for said testing!

Caminero A, Meisel M, Jabri B, Verdu EF. Mechanisms by which gut microorganisms influence food sensitivities. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019;16(1):7-18
Ohtsuka Y. Food intolerance and mucosal inflammation. Pediatr Int. 2015;57(1):22-29.
Ventura MT, Polimeno L, Amoruso AC, et al. Intestinal permeability in patients with adverse reactions to food. Dig Liver Dis. 2006;38(10):732-736.


Health doesn’t have to be hard.

Simple changes can make a lasting difference.

The vagus nerve helps regulate everything from heart rate to gut motility to inflammation to mood. When you increase your vagal tone, you send a signal of safety to all of your organs so they can function at their best.

Which is your favorite from the list?! Comment below!


You deserve to feel your best 📣
..and I'd love to be part of your health transformation!

If you're ready to:
✨Feel heard
✨Feel empowered
✨Get to the cause of your symptoms
✨Optimize your hormonal & metabolic health
✨Make 2024 your best year yet...

Then let's chat!
You can call Protea Medical Center to schedule with me at 480-557-9095.

I can't wait to show you what *thriving* really feels like!


5 Ways Vagal Tone is Affecting Your Health! ☝️

But first, what even is "vagal tone"?

Vagal tone refers to the activity of the vagus nerve, the primary nerve in the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest), counterbalancing the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight). Picture it as the key to effortlessly shedding stress.

The vagus nerve extends from the brain to various organs, branching into thousands of nerve fibers. What makes it fascinating is its bidirectional communication—both to and from the brain!

Explore the 5 ways vagal tone shapes health:

1️⃣ Cardiovascular Wellness
Directly connecting with the heart, the vagus nerve influences heart rate and blood pressure. Heart rate variability (HRV) serves as a direct measure of vagal tone, with higher HRV indicating better vagal tone.

2️⃣ Metabolic Harmony
The vagus nerve communicates between the brain, gut, liver, and pancreas, regulating hunger, insulin, blood sugar, lipids, and inflammation. Studies have tied vagal tone to conditions like diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and obesity.

3️⃣ Emotional Well-being
Believed to impact mental health, the vagus nerve influences stress, the gut-brain axis, and inflammation. Research has explored vagal nerve stimulation for individuals dealing with depression.

4️⃣ Digestive Harmony
Gut hormones and neurotransmitters activate nerve endings in the vagus nerve, sending signals back to the brain. Consequently, the vagus nerve governs gut motility, secretions, and more—known as the gut-brain axis!

5️⃣ Aging Gracefully
Vagal tone may decline with age, impacting aspects from the heart to the gut to inflammation.

In functional medicine, we emphasize uncovering root causes using minimally invasive approaches for optimal results. While vagal tone isn't a direct "cause" of disease, its influence spans almost every facet of health. The good news is there are simple and cost-free ways to enhance vagal tone!

Show some love by liking this post and following for more insights on elevating your vagal tone for enhanced health.


Estrogen & Weight Gain 👇

The fear of gaining weight is one of the main reasons women are often hesitant to take estrogen in any form—whether it’s for contraception or at menopause. I have lengthy discussions with patients regarding this EXACT fear because I get it, your estrogen is low in the postmenopausal period but you're also scared to gain weight.

So, is the fear valid?

A recent report (involving a complex literature search and a summary of 10 studies) found that NO! Yep, you read that right...the answer is NO!

Just the opposite, actually.

Estrogen taken as the pill or as hormone replacement at menopause INCREASED metabolism (resting energy expenditure)—suggesting it may actually protect against weight gain.

I’m not suggesting women should take estrogen to lose weight, but information is power!!!

The better we understand these mechanisms, the more informed choices we can make. You deserve to have these types of conversations with your healthcare provider so please don't hesitate to ask them - or find one who will have a healthy dialogue with you!

Reference: Weidlinger S, Winterberger K, Pape J, et al. Impact of estrogens on resting energy expenditure: A systematic review. Obes Rev. 2023;24(10):e13605


Can nutritional supplements help people with acne?

Researchers asked that question in a review of 42 studies just published in JAMA Dermatology.

They found:

🔹 The highest quality studies showed potential benefits from vitamin D, green tea extract, and probiotics.

🔹 Other studies suggested benefits from vitamin B5, omega-3 fatty acids, and gamma linoleic acid.

🔹 Zinc was the most commonly studied nutrient, but it only showed benefit in half the studies. Higher doses were more helpful but were also associated with adverse effects.

This type of review is helpful because it allows us to take a birds-eye view of all of the research to date rather than just one individual study.

It’s limited by only looking at supplements rather than foods and dietary patterns, but it’s good evidence that nutrition can make a difference for skin health!

Reference: Shields A, Ly S, Wafae B, et al. Safety and Effectiveness of Oral Nutraceuticals for Treating Acne: A Systematic Review. JAMA Dermatol. Published online October 25, 2023


Optimize Your Brain Health with the Ideal Diet 🧠

As you work to make healthier choices for your body and mind in the upcoming year, consider this valuable insight:

Recent research conducted over a 12-year period among individuals aged 65 and above in France revealed that adhering to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with a decreased risk of cognitive decline.

What sets this study apart is its innovative approach—instead of relying solely on self-reported dietary information from participants, the researchers analyzed markers in blood samples and the gut microbiome that are indicative of the Mediterranean diet pattern. This method ensures more precise and reliable findings.

The Mediterranean Diet prioritizes:

▪️ Consumption of fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains
▪️ Inclusion of healthy fats from sources like olive oil, nuts, and seeds
▪️ Incorporation of protein from fish, poultry, beans, and eggs (with minimal red meat)
▪️ Moderate consumption of dairy products
▪️ Limited intake of sugars

Not only has the Mediterranean Diet been associated with a reduced risk of cognitive decline, but it also contributes to improved heart health and a lower risk of cancer.

Are you a fan of this diet? Let me know below!

Reference: Tor-Roca A, Sánchez-Pla A, Korosi A, et al. A Mediterranean Diet-Based Metabolomic Score and Cognitive Decline in Older Adults: A Case-Control Analysis Nested within the Three-City Cohort Study [published online ahead of print, 2023 Oct 24]. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2023

Photos from Dr. Melissa Clark's post 01/27/2024

Growth Mindset Journal Prompts ☝️


Mindset work is subtle and may seem less powerful than diet, exercise, or herbs.

But our mindset can influence the outcome of everything else we do.

So, if things didn't go your way this week, focus on what you learned from it. How will you approach your next obstacle differently to get a different outcome? How will you celebrate the small daily wins to help train your brain to focus on the positive?


Can movement shift your mindset?

For sure!

💃 Break out of a mental funk by turning on some music and dancing it out
🏃 Shift negative thinking with a good workout or run
🏋️‍♂️ Push yourself a little extra hard to train your brain you really can change

We love to compartmentalize our health—thinking that physical health is separate from mental health—when actually they are intimately and intricately connected.


Growth Mindset Journal Prompts ☝️


Science-backed benefits of meditation👇

I’ve been talking a lot about mindset, and one of the most common questions coming up is:

How do I change my mindset?

There are lots of ways to go about this, but one science-backed way is through meditation!

Research shows that meditation literally changes the brain to:

✔️ Calm the “lizard brain” (amygdala)
✔️ Reduce anxiety
✔️ Manage eating behaviors
✔️ Increase pain tolerance
✔️ Improve sleep
✔️ Relieve stress

If you’re meditation-curious, you can dip your toe in (just 5 minutes a day!) with an app like HeadSpace or Calm.


Here’s the difference:

🔹 People with a growth mindset believe they can change. They embrace challenges. They see failure as an opportunity to learn.

🔹 People with a fixed mindset believe they are innately good at something or not. Smart or not. They may be hesitant to try new things for fear of failure.

Truth is—like with all mindsets—that we all fall somewhere along the continuum.

But when it comes to health, I see many benefits of embracing a growth mindset ↗️

When we believe our bodies and brains can change, we are more motivated to better ourselves, whether that’s through what we eat, how we move, or choices we make.

These mindsets were first researched and described by Stanford psychologist, Carol Dweck.

She found that mindset translates to performance.

Mindset work is subtle and may seem less powerful than something like changing your diet.

But our mindset can influence the outcome of everything else we do.


Mindset is powerful.

If you believe the answer lies outside of you, it can be hard to stay committed to your goals.

What if we changed the internal dialogue to:
“I’ll get better when I make positive changes in my beliefs, habits, and lifestyle.”

Try it for a month, see how much closer you get to achieving your health goals. You have the power to change your trajectory, as healthcare providers, we are merely here to help shed light on the right path but it’s you who does the hard work and creates the lasting change.


Mindset is powerful.

If you believe the answer lies outside of you, it can be hard to stay committed to your goals.

What if we changed the internal dialogue to:
“I’ll get better when I make positive changes in my beliefs, habits, and lifestyle.”

Try it for a month, see how much closer you get to achieving your health goals. You have the power to change your trajectory, as healthcare providers, we are merely here to help shed light on the right path but it's you who does the hard work and creates the lasting change.


🤔 Short-Term vs. Long-Term Mindset

Our mindset plays a pivotal role in shaping our behaviors and the outcomes we achieve - especially when it comes to our health!

So, what's the difference between short-term and long-term thinking?

Short-term thinkers concentrate on the immediate present.

On the other hand, long-term thinkers envision what lies ahead and are driven by a future-oriented perspective.

In the realm of health, adopting a long-term mindset, which involves visualizing the "why" behind our goals, facilitates a stronger commitment to positive changes.

So, here's a thought for you:

Whatever goal you are currently pursuing, what is the underlying reason for your commitment to that goal?

Whenever you encounter the temptation to give up, reconnect with that long-term vision.

You've got this! 🙌


Abundance vs. Scarcity 👉

Individuals embracing an abundance mindset typically hold the belief that they can attain boundless health, wealth, happiness, and all things positive.

On the contrary, those with a scarcity mindset often perceive these aspects as limited.

Don't worry, there exists a middle ground!

Healthcare providers are not talking enough about mindset in their patient visits. Mindset significantly shapes one's health, recovery, and outcomes. This is because beliefs → impact thoughts → shape behaviors → affect outcomes.

Numerous approaches can aid in transitioning to an abundance mindset, with the initial step always being awareness—to observe our thoughts throughout the day.

❤️ If this resonates with you.
↗️ Share if you believe a friend could find value in this.
📩 Reach out to me for support.


🧠 How much does mindset matter?

Your mindset constitutes a collection of deeply ingrained beliefs, influencing how you interpret the world and shaping your thoughts, emotions, and actions. Consequently, it plays a pivotal role in determining your success or failure 🤔

Early studies on mindset by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck revealed a direct correlation between one's mindset and their performance.

Here's a thought-provoking challenge for you:

➡️ Amidst the common New Year's Resolutions aimed at cultivating positive habits or breaking detrimental ones, what if we collectively resolve to adopt a new mindset that better serves us?

I will be sharing examples of mindsets, particularly those impacting health, in future posts. Perhaps some will resonate with you.

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