Optimized Human Potential

Nutrition, exercise, improved health, weight loss, muscle gain for all age groups. Helping others achieve their goals in health and fitness.

Optimized Human Potential
The Program

Nutrition Exercise Medicine

Lifestyle encompasses every element of your health. It includes factors like sleep, stress and spiritual development as well as nutrition, exercise and medical care. Addressing any single element without fully realizing the entire program will yield suboptimal results. All things relate and are synergistic. Therefore,


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Beware of Copper Deficiency and Iron Overload 11/27/2022



Beware of Copper Deficiency and Iron Overload I interviewed Morley Robbins, a repeat guest, regarding impact of iron overload and copper deficiency to your health. Listen to the entire conversation here.


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John Meadows Best Gyms In America | Quads Gym Chicago 10/20/2022

I miss John. He was one of the very best.

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Is TRT Safe? Here's What a Big New Study Says 09/28/2022


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Acetyl l-carnitine Benefits | Diabetes Library 09/26/2022

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Acetyl l-carnitine Benefits | Diabetes Library Acetyl l-carnitine Benefits Acetyl l-carnitine is not a common treatment for diabetes mellitus. It is considered an alternative treatment for the disease and, when it is used, it is used in the management of diabetic neuropathy, which is diabetic nerve pain of the feet, hands, and legs that causes n...



Douglas (Doug) Ivan Hepburn, born September 16, 1926, in Vancouver, British, Columbia, Canada became one of histories strongest men, despite more than his share of misfortune.

Doug arrived in this world by a forceps delivery which permanently scarred his temples, and was born with a clubfoot, a fused ankle, and crossed eyes.

His father, who deserted the famly when Doug was too young to remember, was an alcoholic, as was his stepfather. He, not surprisingly, fought a lifelong battle with the desease. These unfortunate childhood circumstances possibly contributed to Hepburn's bouts with heavy psychological depression during the course of his life.

Perhaps upset by his physical and subconscious battles, Hepburn developed an unrelenting determination to reign at the highest in the Iron Game, and follow in the footsteps of famed Canadian strongmen, Louis Cyr and Horace Barre. "My childhood handicaps merely served to sharpen my perserverance, making me even more determined to accomplish my goals."

At age 17, standing five-feet, eight-inches tall, weighing 145-pounds, Hepburn dropped out of school to undergo corrective eye surgery. Fortunately he was taken under the wing of Mike Poppell, a local strength athlete, who taught him basic weight-training skills. Doug set out to become as powerful as possible. He stated "I wasn't a natural strongman. I attained my stature and physical power through hard work and common sense."

By 1948, Hepburn's bodyweight had increased to 208 pounds. He was performing 12 reps in the handstand press and five reps in the Tiger-bend and capable of pressing a barbell weighing over 200 pounds.

Doug consistantly trained with heavy poundage, although his fused ankle hampered him in the clean and the sn**ch. He established his first Canadian weightlifting record in 1950, with a clean-and-press of 371 1/2 pounds.

Doug broke the 15-year reign of American John Davis to win the heavyweight division at the 1953 "World Weightlifting Championships," with a 371-pound press, a 297-pound sn**ch, and a 364-pound clean-and-jerk.

In Stockholm, for the "World Championships," preparing for his competition against John Davis, Doug was given the services of a trainer employed by the Soviet federation. This more than angered the American team, since the Soviets would gain team points in the event Davis lost to Hepburn.

In 1954, Hepburn's hometown of Vancouver, B.C., provided him with a token weekly allowance of $150 towards his preparation for that year's "British Empire Games". Later the city council failed to deliver on the promise of a permanent job. Still, Hepburn won his weight class and set a new record of 1040 pounds for the three Olympic lifts.

Reaching his strength peak at bodyweights between 280 and 300 pounds, Doug was the first to officially push-press 400, 450, 500, and 550 pounds, with his best at 580. He squatted 760 pounds; pressed 440 off racks; dumbbell-pressed 175 pounds; pressed behind-the-neck 350 pounds; and curled a 260 pound barbell. He was the first to officially push-press 500 pounds off racks.

Extremely aware of his eating habits, Hepburn oftentimes force-fed himself to maintain his strength and bodyweight. He consumed four or five meals per day and drank up to three quarts of milk during a two-hour workout. He rarely snacked on candy, soft drinks or white flour products, and remarked, "I'd rather sacrifice sleep than food. As long as I can eat, I can get stronger."

In 1954, Hepburn embarked upon a professional wrestling career by apprenticing in the basement gym of Maple Leaf Gardens, in Toronto, Ontario, under the watchful eyes of Whipper Watson, Frank Tunney and Pat Frayley. His weight training and super strength, however, did not have their desired effect, on his new career for he eventually came to realize he was not cut out for that life. Doug wrote:
With my superior strength and lifting ability, wrestling should've been easy for me. It wasn't! While weightlifting, for the most part, is composed of well-balanced straight-line pushing and pulling movements, wrestling is more to do with off-balance twisting and rolling. The skills I was strong at and the skills my wrestling opponents were strong at, were often at odds. This left me confused enough to scream. Add to this my less than enthusiastic desire to learn, or associate with the wrestling game...it made for long days.

For nearly five years, Hepburn performed throughout Canada, at two or three wrestling events per week, grappling all comers, while entertaining crowds during intermissions by ripping license plates, crushing cans of oil, and hoisting heavy weights with his little finger. However, his frustration and fits of depression led to more unhappiness, along with his alcohol consumption, which caused wrestling promoters to release him from his contract. He managed nevertheless, to get his life back under control and began heavy training again.

Bill Pearl recalled a few of his public appearances with Hepburn during the 1960s and 1970s:
"Doug and I were in the dressing room at a theater in Oakland, California, and he asked me for an American quarter, which I gladly handed him. He placed the coin against the edge of a steel cabinet and bent it to a 45-degree angle by using thumb and forefinger, and then asked for another, I said, NO."

"Then, at a physique contest held in Vancouver, where we appeared, Hepburn, weighing around 260 poinds, finished his routine by jumping off the five-foot high stage...head first to the auditorium floor to land gracefully in a handstand position! He held his balance without a quiver. It nearly blew my mind! On another occasion we met at a Chinese restaurant/nightclub where he was acting as bouncer. I watched a drunken customer attempt to get into a fist-swinging brawl with him, but Hepburn grabbed the guy by the chest and tore a hole through the drunk's shirt and ripped a large piece of skin from the man's pectoral. The next I recall, someone was screaming, 'send for an ambulance.'"

By the 1980s Hepburn, with his beautiful tenor voice, often entertained at local Vancouver lounges. He continued to operate his basement gym in North Burnaby, B.C., which included a crude printing press, a protein suppliment mixing machine, and a small area for manufacturing a unique strerngth device. Sticking to hard-core training, at age 68, he was still able to one-arm clean-and-press a 100 pound dumbbell.

A bachelor, Doug spent his later years alone, in a $45-a-month apartment. He died of a perforated stomach ulcer on November 22, 2000, at age 74.



Steve Reeves was born in 1926 in Scobey, Montana, located in rural northeast Montana, a few miles from the Canadian border. Eight years later, the family moved to Oakland, California.

At age 15, Reeves began weight training at Ed Yarick's Gym in Oakland. His major physique wins included the 1946 AAU Mr. Pacific Coast and the 1947 AAU Mr. Western America contests. That same year he won the AAU Mr. America title. He ended his competitive bodybuilding career in 1950, by capturing the NABBA Mr. Universe award.

During his contest years, Reeves stood six-feet, one-inches tall and weighed 215 pounds. His waist measured 29-inches; chest, 52-inches; biceps, 18 1/4-inches; thighs, 26-inches, and calves, 18 1/4-iches.

Film director Joseph Levine brought the Reeves' movies to America, elevating Steve to immediate star status. Earning up to $250,000 per picture, he became an overnight millionaire.

In 1959, during the filming of "The Last Days of Pompeii," Steve suffered a severe shoulder injury, aggravated more by stunt work in each successful film. The injury led to his retirement after starring in 19 epics.

Reeves retired from the screen in 1969, to spend time ranching on his 14-acres in Southern California, where he bred and trained Morgan horses. He designed a successful training system for general conditioning, copyrighted as "Power Walking," which incorporated light hand-weights with a vigorious walking regimen.

Reeves died of a blood clot in 2000, at age 74.

A writer of verse, Steve's closing poem reads:
When my days on earth are over,
With my faithful dog by my side,
I will ride through knee deep clover
On my horse called Classic Pride.
They have been my true companions,
Along mountain trails, and rivers wide,
My friends will look at me with envy
When we cross the great divide.

Stephen Lester Reeves was inducted into the Joe Weider Hall of Fame.


🚨Hot Off the Press... No Nonsense Volume 25 #1🚨

The No Nonsense Magazine is a publication filled with REAL-WORLD information and articles on nutrition, training, contest preparation, health and more. Beverly’s No Nonsense Magazine is for any person with a sincere desire to improve their fitness, form and physical health.

⭐️Sneak Peek (picture below)⭐️
Steve Rouff
📷 by: Chapel Photography

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Photos from Bill Pearl's post 09/18/2022
Powerlifter Kheycie Romero Squats 234 Kilograms (516-Pounds) For 2 Reps 09/18/2022

Powerlifter Kheycie Romero Squats 234 Kilograms (516-Pounds) For 2 Reps Romero took to the squat rack and, judging by the ease of the powerlifter's PR, she might have been able to squat even more.



TOM PLATZ SHOWS HUGE LEGS AT AGE 65!! Platz shows insane training footage and physique update at age 65!*Interact with me on social media*-Instagram- ...


Bill Pearl at 50 years of age. RIP, sir.

Shut Up and Get Strong 09/02/2022

When in doubt, get stronger.

Shut Up and Get Strong Want to lose fat? Get strong. Want to build muscle? Get strong. Want to be a better athlete? Get strong. Here's why and how to do it.


Now that was a gym.


I purchased George Redpath's Gym and property located at 1943 Manchester Boulevard in south central Los Angeles in 1959. It was the first coed health club in the United States and established by Redpath in 1949. There was an apartment on the second floor of the building, where I Iived for more than 10 years.

The club had developed a reputation for attracting all walk's of life. Olympic shot put champion, Dallas Long and World Champion discus thrower, Rink Babka were steady members. Jim LeFever, an infielder for the Los Angeles Dodgers seldom missed a workout.

World powerlifting champions Pat Casey and Bill Thurber set unofficial records at the gym, between major competitions, while top athletes from the University of Southern California used the facilities.

Once word spread that I had purchased the gym, it attracted even more hardcore athletes and bodybuilders. (The gym's mission statement should have read: "Bigger and Stronger is Better.") Massive 320-pound Chuck Ahrens and 290-pound Steve Marjanian complained that the 150 pound dumbbells were not heavy enough.

Dennis Tinerino, a four-time Mr. Universe winner, prior to winning his major competitions, left New York City to spend his summers training at the gym and used an exercise mat for his bedroom. Chris Dickerson, the 1982 Mr. Olympia, another of my prize pupils, got his start at the Manchester location.

On Saturday afternoons, from 2:00 to 5:00, the front door of the gym was open to anyone who wanted to train ... free-of-charge. This turned the place into an even larger three-ring circus. People came to watch and others came to impress. One monster, with hands the size of baseball gloves, challenged all comers to a finger-pulling contest and ended that day with his middle-right finger broken.

I won the 1961 and 1967 NABBA Professional Mr. Universe titles due to the intensity and craziness I trained around. You had to be good to hang with the members.


REAL advice from real people.

Ten Years and Still Evolving
No Nonsense Magazine Collectors Edition 2016
By: Sarah Sweis
"I often have people asking me why I work out as hard as I do. Well the answer is simple, “It’s fun!” If I could give one piece of advice to people looking to change their bodies it would be, “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable”. Figure out what will inspire and motivate you and keep that in your mind every day. Don’t set an end goal or a finish line- reach one goal, set a new one, and keep going."

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Frank Zane - Mr. Olympia 1977-1979 08/23/2022

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There was a time when definition and symmetry were valued most highly in bodybuilding. The area where it's toughest to display such muscularity for men is the back. This is why the back has been the deciding body part in competition for decades. Definition like this is the result of stringent diet more than training. Exercise builds muscle but diet defines it. This picture speaks of tremendous discipline and hardship.
Robby Robinson, 1970.

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Our Story

I offer individual meal planning for weight loss, muscle gain and disease prevention. I also provide personal training to those with specific clinical needs.

Lifestyle encompasses every element of your health. It includes factors like sleep, stress and spiritual development as well as nutrition, exercise and medical care. Addressing any single element without fully realizing the entire program will yield suboptimal results. All things relate and are synergistic. Therefore, lifestyle modification is the end goal and necessary for optimal health.

Nutrition is the most essential component. Without proper nutrition it is impossible to achieve any significant degree of health. The human body is designed for a specific diet and variance from this results in disease and early mortality. Our bodies are unable to process foods laden with chemicals, pesticides and excessive sugars. The diet revolves around meats and naturally occurring starches from fruits and vegetables. Any food that cannot be consumed in its natural state after cooking leads to illness. The diet should be as follows with quantities dependent on size and lean mass:

Eggs, nuts, seeds, meats, certain oils, fibrous vegetables, fruits, potatoes, rice and water. The absence of added hormones, preservative and pesticides is essential for success. This approach is similar to the popular Paleo diet but allows for a greater selection of natural starches. In essence, this is unprocessed, naturally occurring foods that have been the mainstay of human nutrition until modern food sciences perverted our food supply.

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Real World Dieting!




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