Pray For Landon Derrick

Landon was diagnosed with a brainstem glioma in 2015 & suffered severe damage from the removal. This is a glimpse into his life.

He continues to fight 5 years later with many medical issues related to the tumor and surgery.

Photos from Pray For Landon Derrick's post 05/02/2024

May 1st starts Brain Tumor Awareness Month.
As most of you know, our sweet Landon was diagnosed with a brainstem tumor in 2015 and has struggled with severe medical issues since.
This month is also very hard for me as Landon was diagnosed in May and had his 2 craniotomies in May of 2015 where he then spent 90 days in 2 different hospitals.

It has been almost 9 years since our world fell apart and to this day we keep fighting for him and advocating for him in hopes that we can change his quality of life from the effects that the tumor and surgery left on his body!

I share his story in hopes of raising awareness for those still fighting, surviving and those taken too soon.

Photos from Pray For Landon Derrick's post 04/17/2024

Update on this sweet boy coming soon...I know it has been awhile and a lot is going is hard...but others have it harder and I have to remember that. Even when I feel like it has been unfair, I have to remember that he is here....even when I want him to have had the normal childhood he deserved, I have to remember that we gave him the best one we could....even when I want him to experience his teen years like others, I have to know that maybe he was meant for bigger things and that this life, his life is unfolding the way it should. I can't go back and change anything, I can't erase the past or predict his future...all I can do is love there for him along the way and always be thankful for this life...his life. Stay tuned for updates (as usual it may take a few days but not as long as my Christmas pictures...which I still haven't finished posting and will probably never get to 🤦‍♀️).

Support Landon's continued medical journey, organized by Alana Sakellarios Derrick 03/04/2024

Latest update on Landon!

Support Landon's continued medical journey, organized by Alana Sakellarios Derrick As many of you know, Landon was diagnosed over 8 years ago with a… Alana Sakellarios Derrick needs your support for Support Landon's continued medical journey


One of the many birthday kisses he got from his little sister...I think she just wanted him to share his m&m's with her 😍
from with


I Cannot believe he will be 15 forever baby. So thankful he is here with us but this mama heart aches at how fast time has flown by with him and I still think of him as my little boy.
So much he has dealt with in 8+ years and still dealing with...breaks my heart but teaches me so much about love. For all those infant moments, toddler years and beyond, he has needed me. We have a bond because of what he went through and because for so many years, it was my face he looked to for help and hope and my hand he held through procedures and pokes.

The other day when we were having a family game night, a question came up on his card for someone to guess his 3 biggest fears....all his siblings said "snakes and spiders and bees" because yes, he is terribly afraid. But I said "not feeling normal again" and he shook his head yes. But then he said something that broke me in two..."my biggest fears are having another brain tumor, not ever getting my trach out or eye stitches removed so that I look more normal and dying young before I am old enough to live a normal life".

No 14 year old should ever have to think about that and yet he says he thinks about it every day.

I am blessed he is here today and will be blessed that tomorrow my first baby will turn 15 (no matter how much it breaks my heart to watch him get older as the years are so short).

Photos from Pray For Landon Derrick's post 01/13/2024

Well, the cast came off and his foot is still swollen and will be on and off for about 18 months. He is in a air boot for the next 2-3 months and will be able to stand to take a shower in 2 weeks but will still be unable to put weight on his foot for another month even with the boot. But, then can slowly put weight on it for 2-3 months with the boot on and then the surgeon will reassess everything and let us know when he can put weight on it without the boot. The pictures look good as far as healing but the swelling is much more than in pictures and the scaly skin is there still but we are using lotions to try and make it better. He is still in pain and will likely be for some time.
Right now, with the insurance change, we are having to fill out forms to try and get his new primary insurance to pay for any visits or procedures, etc. The insurance had a dispute with the hospital and the insurance will only allow patients to go to the hospital and doctors associated with the hospital (which is all but 1 of Landon's) as out of network and they will not pay them and if they do it will be as out of network fees only. They also are not paying for any prescriptions. We have contacted the insurance company, doctors, an insurance broker to try and switch insurance companies and are waiting to see what will happen. Even with him having Tefra medicaid as secondary, they will not pay if primary doesn't. 🙄


😳🥺I cannot believe he will be 15 in 6 days!!!!! That means he has spent more than half his life fighting medical issues from his brain tumor and tbi from the surgeries.

💥If anyone would like to send him a card (I have had several people message me about cards and gifts) to brighten his birthday, message me and I will send you the address. Cards mean a lot and many other children need gifts more than he does.

👉For those that have asked about donations still: If you want to donate to/for his medical expenses (we still have a huge amount to pay off for certain doesn't cover a lot of what most people think they might cover for a child with his needs) and 1 big bill that I consolidated with the hospital so that I don't have to keep up with 4 different ones, his scleral lens which will be going in soon hopefully and specialty contact lenses (insurance doesn't cover either of these) as well as medications (many are not covered and you would be surprised at the cost of his liquid prescription motrin amd tylenol that comes in large bottles...because small bottles of liquid last 2 days for the dosage he needs and he needs liquid because he can't take many pills by mouth because of the paralysis issues )...along with a lot of other things coming up (will update everyone later as we are still waiting on foot to heal) you can still donate to his gofundme or through my venmo Alana-Derrick-1 or PayPal [email protected] (all go straight into an account for his specific medical and physical needs).


👉I will post on his actual birthday (January 15th) so anyone who wants can send him birthday wishes and continued prayers for his medical issues.

Support Landon's continued medical journey, organized by Alana Sakellarios Derrick 01/02/2024

Latest update

Support Landon's continued medical journey, organized by Alana Sakellarios Derrick As many of you know, Landon was diagnosed over 8 years ago with … Alana Sakellarios Derrick needs your support for Support Landon's continued medical journey

Support Landon's continued medical journey, organized by Alana Sakellarios Derrick 12/19/2023

Please continue to send good thoughts and prayers to Landon. He is still feeling yucky. He is in a good amount of pain, is nauseous still and the nausea meds only help for so long and is just not feeling well overall. His appetite is low and that doesn't help with the nausea. We are having to give him extra fluids and protein shakes to keep him from losing more weight and also to keep him hydrated. Mainly the pain makes him not want to eat and then the nausea from the pain makes him feel sick to his stomach and then the nausea pills work for a limited time but his appetite is gone. He is losing weight which we worry about. The doctor has said to continue his pain medication regimen and give him lots of electrolytes to keep sodium and sugar levels up. Thank you all for the prayers, cards, messages, goodies for him, meals and donations for his expenses...especially during this time of year. We are navigating through this journey just like we have been for the last 8 years.

Support Landon's continued medical journey, organized by Alana Sakellarios Derrick As many of you know, Landon was diagnosed over 8 years ago with … Alana Sakellarios Derrick needs your support for Support Landon's continued medical journey

Photos from Pray For Landon Derrick's post 12/17/2023

I am so sorry that I am late on updating everyone on Landon. Thursday he saw the surgeon and everything looks good (as much as it can with 9 incisions, stitches, staples, screws and 11 procedures done on a foot). The doctor is pleased but says we aren't out of the woods yet. He is keeping his fingers crossed that what he did will help keep everything in place, keeps Landon's entire foot straight (instead of the front part going one way and the heel going the other). He is hoping this will keep his ankle stable and prevent falling so much and help with the edema in the joints and the arthritis. The tendon and ligament repairs are looking good, the joint and bone fusions look amazing, the Achilles looks in place and the arch on top and bottom of the foot looks formed. We won't know final outcomes or if he will need a triple fusion instead until a few months from now. His other foot has started the same thing but isn't causing as much pain (he is hoping that with an insert and not as much overuse to compensate for his left foot, that it will get better or at least not require surgery for a couple of years). This surgery could possibly make Landon's foot smaller than the other and the doctor says one will be wider than the other (unless they end up fixing the other one), but the damage done to his left side from the brain surgery and tbi, paralysis, ataxia, edema, arthritis, foot drop, etc have caused damage that will likely have his left side (foot, leg, arm, hand) smaller than his right side in length and width. These are all things we can think about in the future with surgery from different specialists and trying to help his muscle tone that is gone on that side. Right now his upper and lower back are in severe pain and will be their next focus after his foot and ankle.

He is still swollen, but thankfully, he was able to have the big, bulky soft cast removed. He had his foot cleaned and bandages applied to all of the incisions and then wrapped and finally he got his fiberglass cast!!! It is so much lighter than the other cast and he can get around better (well, he is lighter to carry and easier to push in his wheelchair) and he can use his knee scooter when the pain isn't too bad. He will keep this one on for another 2-3 weeks and then they will do more x-rays and remove cast, remove stitches if they can and then put another fiberglass cast on for 2-3 more weeks and then he will remove that cast and determine if he needs to stay in a fiberglass cast or move to a boot. Whatever they decide, he has to be non-weight bearing for 10 more weeks.

They called in more medications because of severe pain still and extreme dizziness. He hasn't had an appetite much because he feels nauseous and is scared he will throw up (which for anyone with a trach is HIGH RISK for aspiration into lungs). So, he mainly sleeps a lot because of the pain and eats once a day and then we have to supplement with liquids because he was getting dehydrated and even through his feeding tube it has been hard because he feels so full and nauseous and his motility disorder slows everything down with digestion. The main thing is keeping him hydrated and from losing weight. So lots of Gatorade per the doctor and smoothies or shakes.

Landon has other appointments with the cornea surgeon and his next brain MRI coming has been so hectic and so hard to see him in so much pain. Insurance is an issue with his medications again 🙄😒...apparently since he is having them refilled every 4-5 days but it is per the days and dosage the doctor gives and then what he thinks he needs more of. It is also hard because Landon has to take most meds in liquid form or if pill form it has to be one you can crush and put into a tube and so he needs prescription motrin, Tylenol, 2 nausea meds, pain meds, relaxants, etc all in liquid form to get the dosage. Insurance gets on my nerves so we have been waiting since Thursday to get his medications and still don't have them and there is not much we can do for the pain.

I will post pictures of his foot from Thursday to his gofundme page because I don't know if Facebook will flag the pictures since they use an AI now and it doesn't seem to get things right and I don't want to be in Facebook 👮‍♀️🚔.

Last time I waited a few days after posting to gofundme and then posted pictures to my fb page for those that don't follow updates on his gofundme page. I have also had many people ask how they can help and we are so thankful for all the prayers, cards, meals, thoughts and well wishes and donations. It means so much to us. I have had people ask me to start another crowd-funding/sharing platform other than gofundme, but I don't know about any and we had 2 other gofundme pages set up for him (one from almost 9 years ago that one of my friends started in 2015 for him) and I have left those up but stopped donations on them a long time ago. Facebook used to have personal fundraising, which was easy to post updates and share and then they removed because of course so many were fraudulent.

Anyways, we know this time of year is hard on so many and money is tight and life in general is expensive and so many others need things more than us. But, I have had many messages asking for an address to send cards or packages and if you need that, please just message me. Also, I have had others ask for a different way to donate other than gofundme and the accounts set up for all of his needs are through my venmo @ Alana-Derrick-1 and PayPal [email protected]
Of course I try to post on here and share to 3 different groups/pages.

We are thankful for all the blessings in our life and the man that watched as I carried Landon in my arms and placed him in the car, rolled his window down and asked our story. As we spoke about things, he told me that he saw a spark in me when most would be down and a story that Landon will use to help others and that we are a testament... to things happening that are awful and medical things happening that have no explanations and some miracles...he told me of his brother with bone cancer and he shed tears over my strength. When we ended our conversation, he said our story would change people and I hope it does. He said Landon would be able to tell this to help others now and will be given the tools to use it later on to help others but that I had the heart and determination to share and help others. I hope he is right. I never got his name but he told me Landon would be on the list at his men's group/Sunday school group.

Sometimes, you meet people unexpectedly and you don't know why...I think that is the way it is supposed to be...not knowing things...because they help keep hope alive.

Photos from Pray For Landon Derrick's post 12/07/2023

❤️I know many people follow my posts more on this page and see my posts and updates better through personal posts or get notifications more when I do a personal post with pictures than when I share his GoFundMe updates.

👉Ok, so for those that don't follow my gofundme page (which had the latest update on Landon as well as some pictures that I am sure FB will flag as "graphic" since they have flagged non-graphic posts as "graphic or inappropriate" being Landon's pictures from after his brain surgery with him sitting up for the first time but his eye was red 🤦‍♀️🙄 and one being one of my girls getting her hair washed at the salon 🙄🤦‍♀️). Anyways, apparently FB automatically through an AI flags stuff and is doing it more and more frequently...which when using an AI sometimes they get it right and sometimes they don't. So, I could end up in FB 👮‍♀️🚓🚔 but so many have asked on other posts about how he is doing or how his appointment went.

⚠️So trigger warning: the pictures below show his foot when he went to the surgeon on Tuesday to get his foot checked, his pain meds changed and his cast redone to make it a teeny bit (and I mean teeny) smaller and less bulky. The photos show his closed incisions and his swelling but could be too much for some.

🩹🤕The update I put on gofundme (it is VERY LONG SO I APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE) will explain more and why he needs such a big cast, so I copied it and have pasted it below ⬇️


Landon's pain hasn't gotten any better. He saw the surgeon yesterday and he took off the soft cast and his foot is still swollen and will continue to swell for awhile. He put on a new soft cast that is slightly smaller but still heavy. They have to keep his foot in this type of cast because the one he had from the last surgery didn't allow room for swelling and had to be cut to release pressure. I have posted pictures below as sometimes Facebook will flag you or report your page for "disturbing images". They re-splinted his foot, leg and ankle with the casting material and then wrapped it several times in the white material and covered it in the black casting stocking and have it hard in other areas as well under that wrapping and then the ace type bandage instead of a hard cast. All this will prevent his foot from being bumped and possibly having bones and joints go out of place. He will not be able to move around in it as it is very heavy. We have to just carry him wherever he needs to go that his wheelchair doesn't fit or his gaming chair (which has a footrest at least and reclines) can't be used. He will have this cast on for 2-3 weeks and then transition to a fiberglass cast for 8-10 weeks. He had 11 procedures done on his foot/ankle and 9 incisions. So despite the bulky cast being heavy and making him immobile, we want the best out come for his foot. He will have a long recovery. His pain is being managed by multiple medications that we stagger every 2 hours and he is taking meds for clotting and nausea. If the pain doesn't get better, his doctor will admit him back into the hospital for iv meds. Anything stronger at home the doctor worries will affect his breathing and lungs. Landon having been on so many meds from the brain surgery has built up a tolerance and so he requires higher doses and his body metabolizes any medications differently since his brain tumor surgery. We will wait over the next several days and then call the doctor if the pain gets too bad. Right now he can barely eat and is consumed by the pain, making him miserable. He has several appointments coming up for his cornea that will be tough to get him to, but he has to see the cornea surgeon because of his eye being bad and possibly needing surgery again for that. Insurance still denied his eye drops and the doctor has sent in an appeal. His secondary insurance did not approve some of the procedures on his foot and they are working on appealing that but we had to sign a waiver that we were responsible for balance from surgery if secondary hasn't paid, has denied it and they will appeal it again and hope they reimburse us if they approve it. Right now it has gone from prior authorization and denied and now an appeal. Primary insurance approved it all, so we would be left with our percentage that Primary doesn't cover. We all know hospitals and how they send bills before you can hardly get home. We are hoping most of it will be paid and that secondary, who should cover it if primary does, will approve it...but it is all about codes and money and what insurances will and won't pay or cover even when medically necessary. I will continue to keep everyone updated as much as possible. Thank you all for the donations, prayers, calls, texts, cards and just loving our sweet boy. It breaks my heart to see him in pain but I have hope that the outcome will be worth it.
I did have people ask about venmo and PayPal again and my venmo is
Alana-Derrick-1 and PayPal is [email protected]
More than anything, we need prayers and good thoughts during this rough time. Medical bills will always be something we will have for Landon and so many are suffering more than us and especially during this time of the year. I just want Landon to enjoy the holidays and his birthday and not be so sad and feeling so much pain.

Love to all!

Support Landon's continued medical journey, organized by Alana Sakellarios Derrick 12/06/2023

I posted his latest update to gofundme because FB may flag the pictures and not allow it to post. I may try and post the pictures and hope they don't send me to FB jail 👮‍♀️🚓

Support Landon's continued medical journey, organized by Alana Sakellarios Derrick As many of you know, Landon was diagnosed over 8 years ago with … Alana Sakellarios Derrick needs your support for Support Landon's continued medical journey

Photos from Pray For Landon Derrick's post 12/05/2023

Please send prayers and good thoughts for Landon!! He is not doing well and is in extreme pain. He cannot do anything because the cast is too heavy and the pain is too overwhelming. The meds are only helping for a short time and we are staggering them to try and give him as much comfort as possible. He feels nauseous from the pain and then dizzy from the medications and not wanting to eat as much because of the pain. If anyone knows Landon, he doesn't complain about pain often...and when he does, it has to be bad especially when he says he wants to go back to the hospital.

The surgeon will see him tomorrow. I called him today about Landons pain and the weight and size of the cast. He wants to look at it and do a possible dressing change but we have to keep everything stable with splints and also sturdy enough not to injure incisions or bones if he bumps into anything. We cannot even tell if he is swelling because the cast is so big and I can only see a tiny bit of bleeding from the bottom where there is an opening for his toes. I can't even tell if it is new blood, old blood that came when they were wrapping the soft cast (which is actually hard in most places but not like a normal cast on the top) because some looks dried or a combination of old and new.

He feels so bad and can't even move on his own which means we have to carry him. His leg needs to be elevated which is hard to do when it weighs so much and hurts for him to have it lifted for so long (because his leg is thin). Thank goodness for his reclining gaming chair which has a foot rest and then we can put pillows on the foot rest and get his foot even more elevated. But, it still is uncomfortable and needs more elevation to prevent clots (which he is on medication for now).

It breaks my heart that he has to go through all of this and be in so much pain....just for a chance to have a stable leg/foot. To take a chance and do a surgery that may not work and where he may need more surgeries in the future. A surgery that could give him so much more life if it works...a chance that he may be able to drive, stand without his leg giving out, not fall so much and so often, maybe walk straighter and be able to walk longer distances...all these things that can be possible for him....but not guaranteed. Everything we have done for him to fix what the tumor and surgery did to his body has been for a better quality of life and less pain and hope for a different future. All these complex surgeries that these wonderful doctor's are willing to do on him and not give up on him just because his case is complicated because his issues came from a brain tumor and tbi....I won't stop trying to make his life better, it just breaks my heart that he endures pain to try and get better.

Photos from Pray For Landon Derrick's post 12/03/2023

Pain all last night and today. I will be calling the doctor in the morning to see what can be done as well as ask about his is so heavy he can't use his knee scooter or get up on his own, so Matt has to carry him or we wheel him in his gaming chair since it has a footrest higher than his wheelchair.

Support Landon's continued medical journey, organized by Alana Sakellarios Derrick 12/02/2023

Latest update:
Hoping for a restful night with no pain...we are all exhausted (Matt has been up since 4:30am to take him to the hospital and I have been up worrying all day). Hoping for sleep 😴💤 mind and heart are tired.

Support Landon's continued medical journey, organized by Alana Sakellarios Derrick As many of you know, Landon was diagnosed over 8 years ago with … Alana Sakellarios Derrick needs your support for Support Landon's continued medical journey

Photos from Pray For Landon Derrick's post 12/01/2023

He just got into the PICU. He had to stay in PACU for a while while waiting for a bed in PICU. His pain after nerve block and other meds was about a 8/9 so they were going to start a ketamine drip in the recovery room to help until they could get him settled in a room. I am not sure if they did that or not (since Matthew Derrick is with him and has been all day). I know they are worn out. They will monitor his pain, swelling, o2, BP, heart rate, incisions and lungs at least for tonight. We are hoping he will come home tomorrow but it depends on how he does overnight and for the next 24 hours. They put a soft cast on him this time because of all the issues with the hard cast last time. This way they can do more with swelling and any bleeding.
I am not sure if he was still groggy or if he is just being Landon but he had his same smile on his face in recovery once he woke up a bit.
Prayers for a restful night with minimal pain for our sweet boy.

Support Landon's continued medical journey, organized by Alana Sakellarios Derrick 12/01/2023

Most recent update as of 2:30pm

Previous was from this morning when surgery started at 8am

Support Landon's continued medical journey, organized by Alana Sakellarios Derrick As many of you know, Landon was diagnosed over 8 years ago with … Alana Sakellarios Derrick needs your support for Support Landon's continued medical journey

Photos from Pray For Landon Derrick's post 12/01/2023

😞Surgery tomorrow with arrival at 5:30am. The surgery will be longer. They rearranged some of the procedures and added more. He will be having a total of 10 procedures done on his foot and ankle. He will be in tremendous pain and non-weight bearing for 10 weeks. The last surgery on his foot and ankle done 2 years ago moved right back and so it didn't last which means this surgeon will be fusing some parts together to keep this from happening again. Like he told us, Landon's surgery is one is does a lot but Landon's situation and health is complex and his foot became this way from the paralysis to his left side for so longbas well as not being able to use the left foot as often. The MRI showed edema in his joints and it is progressive and degenerative. So he needs to do a procedure to stop to joints from rubbing together. Basically, he will have surgery on bones, ligaments, tendons, breaking and shaving of bones and at least 2 fusions. He will not have the full fusion (which would make his foot completely stiff and not able to bend) unless this doesn't work or if later on he needs it.
❤️All we can do is make things better for him and his life easier and his quality of life greater.

😖As of right now, primary insurance has approved the surgery but secondary has not and we received a call that we may receive a bill because Medicaid doesn't always pay for some of these procedures and they have been appealing with them for days now. Even with primary approving the surgery, they are not sure why his secondary (tefra medicaid) is not as they will usually pay if primary does. We may receive several bills and Medicaid may or may not pay them (this was from the head of financial/insurance at the hospital) and we can appeal but the hospital may require payment before secondary ever pays. 🙄🤦‍♀️ However, we told them we understood and would pay whatever the balance was after primary paid and if secondary did not pick up.

This is giving Landon a chance at less pain, being more steady when standing and walking and the ability to play golf (which he loves) without being in extreme pain...

Thank you for all the donations to us and all the thoughts and prayers for our family and precious Landon.

We will keep everyone posted tomorrow.

Photos from Pray For Landon Derrick's post 11/30/2023

First, I wanted to clarify a few things. I do not like to do gofundme fundraisers for myself. However, I had multiple people message me with how they can help us out. I would prefer to do my own fundraiser instead of depending on someone else to do it. Second (and I put this on my gofundme page or in one of my updates)...YES, we have Tefra (a form of disability insurance) but Landon's situation is so different and nobody unless they have been through what he has and suffered not only a brain tumor, 2 brain surgeries, tbi from the surgeries, permanent damage to multiple nerves and organs and body parts as well as many new diseases because of the tumor and its location and the trauma during the surgery, then you have no idea what our financial situation is, has been or will be. This is a lifelong medical condition for him that involves more than just checking for tumors for the next 30 years. We have primary insurance and if primary doesn't pay, tefra doesn't pay...we have advocates who appeal for us but can't appeal with our primary insurance only our secondary because it is state funded. We get no other money or help from the state. Yes, his secondary pays for a good portion and a lot of times we have no balance on visits, small procedures, MRIs, etc. But, tefra Medicaid does not cover eye stuff (no lenses, no glasses, no patches, no blood serum drops, no scleral lenses, no contacts, nothing and Landon has a cornea transplant in his left eye because he went blind from a cornea ulcer). He is deaf as well and they no longer cover hearing aids but we got help from an outside source to add Landon to the list of recipients. They do not cover botox injections into his salivary glands because his primary won't, they want him to use a cheap nebulizer that took 6 months to appeal after 8 years on the same type of nebulizer but Medicaid wanted to cut back. He needs renal supplemental feeds because they have more calories and he is under weight but he doesn't have a renal disease. He is on meds for cystic fibrosis because that is what his lungs are like but he doesn't have CF and Medicaid never wants to pay for those meds ever. His health is so much more than 2 insurances (that people have asked me about). We have been on this journey for over 8 years and we have social workers and advocates who have tried to get him more help...but, we are not approved because of income and primary insurance. I don't know any other way to put it...he has a whole body failing him in so many areas and not everything is covered and with 2 insurances Medicaid could care less.
So, with that being said....our bills will be tremendous for his expenses and needs for the rest of his life.
But, if people ask how they can help, then I would rather do a fundraiser and people can decide what they want to do...give to Landon through gofundme, give to our foundation to help other kids and families in crisis Landon's Hope Foundation , send cards or thoughts and prayers....whatever you feel led to do.
Some have asked another way to pay other than gofundme and you can message me or I have a venmo Alana-Derrick-1 and a PayPal account [email protected]

What my main purpose of this post is meant to be, is to say you don't have to donate, I don't like to do my own fundraiser but I won't ask someone else to do it, Landon has 2 insurances but we don't get everything paid for and we have been doing this 8+ years and it will continue for likely the rest of his life. We are doing what we can to make his life better, that is all we have ever wanted and in turn, he wanted to start a foundation to help other kids and families get help. I work several side jobs to help with medical expenses and daily needs and other expenses that are just for is a has been a lot for 8 years...I am tired and worn out and scared for him but I keep going and I am lucky to have a husband who works hard and provides for us so that I can stay at home and take care of the kids. I wish this life on nobody because every time they do a scan, I think he has cancer somewhere new and everytime he has anesthesia or big surgeries, I am afraid his lungs will collapse or he won't wake up.
So, I am going to post below my gofundme post that explained all of this.
I have just felt led in my heart to explain why I did another fundraiser and why Landon's life and medical issues are different from many others. But, I also feel led to tell you to give to whoever you want, just as we give to others.

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He was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2015. In 2019 he wanted to start a foundation to help others like him. He made th...




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