Chibugoma Writes TV

To make a positive impact on the world at large through education in general issues about health.


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Kwashiorkor also known as Edematous Malnutrition is a disorder caused by a severe protein deficiency in the body. This disorder is not to be confused with Marasmus. Kwashiokor is specific to only protein deficiency, but not any other type of nutrient deficiency in the body. It can affect anyone at any age, but children in under-developed countries are more at risk for developing this preventable but overlooked disorder due to their fragile and still growing bodies and poverty. Their growth is then likely to be stunted and slow for the rest of their lives.

Marasmus involves a deficiency of other nutrients in the body including carbohydrates, not just protein. That’s the major difference between the two disorders.

Kwashiorkor, if left untreated for a long time can become life threatening due to dehydration that leads to multiple organ failures, especially the liver. In this disorder, there is fluid retention in the body leading to abdominal distention and swollen feet and ankles (Peripheral Edema)

When excess fluids are accumulated in the body, eventually, they will begin to leak into the spaces in the extremities causing peripheral edema. The fluids may also accumulate in the abdominal cavity leading to ascites and enlargement of the liver.

Because of food insecurities, the person suffering from kwashiorkor is not getting enough protein-rich foods and drinks, and becomes dehydrated and emaciated.

Treatment of this disorder is centered around replacing electrolytes and refeeding the individual by adding protein, fluids and more calories to their diet to improve their health and encourage recovery. This must be done gradually to avoid refeeding syndrome that can cause even more problems for the patient.

Monitoring their blood sugar is an essential part of treatment, since they may become hypoglycemic and may have electrolyte imbalances. Monitor calcium and potassium levels in the body. Lack of potassium in the blood may shut down the heart causing death. Say NO to food insecurities! Say NO to economic blockades! Save the children’s vital organs!


Avian Influenza also known as Bird Flu (H5N1 Virus) is a virus associated with wild birds. This infection may also spread from infected birds to chickens and turkeys.

Human infection of this virus is rare, but possible when the infected birds shed off the virus through their saliva or f***s. Humans may then become infected when they touch anything or surroundings contaminated by the particles from the virus, and then touch their eyes, mouth or nose (mucous membranes) transferring the virus to themselves.

A lab test to diagnose this infection properly is necessary, since the symptoms exhibited by the person may be similar to the symptoms of other viruses, including the ones caused by the common cold.

Symptoms may range from mild to moderate to severe, requiring hospitalization and serious interventions to prevent death. When the person infected with the avian flu is experiencing shortness of breath, he or she may require oxygen supplementation to help the lungs exchange more air to ease breathing.

Fever may not always be present, but a body temperature above 100 degrees Fahrenheit should be reported to the doctor for further treatment.

If you have Chicken or Turkey, protect yourself as they may be more likely to be infected with the bird flu from other wild birds. Wash your hands frequently, and immediately after touching the chicken or turkey. Avoid touching your mucous membranes unnecessarily, unless you need to do so. Wash your hands first, and avoid chicken droplets as much as possible.

Never ignore your symptoms, investigate for causes of a possible infection with the bird flu!
It may not be totally eradicated! Don’t take chances. You may never know what the wild birds have, but you may control what you do around them. Be in charge!!


Pneumonia also known as pneumonitis is an inflammation in the alveoli of the lungs where air exchange takes place. This may be caused by a bacterial or viral infection.

The air sac in the lungs may become filled with fluids or pus, making it difficult for the person to circulate oxygen throughout the pulmonary system.

The most classic sign that indicates the presence of pneumonia is a productive cough. Blood may be present in the mucus. Your doctor may then order an X-ray and other blood tests for confirmation and proper diagnosis, before determining the type of treatment needed.

This infection may vary in severity depending on the age of the individual, and what is causing the symptoms. Babies and older adults above the age of 65 are more like to develop complications from this life-threatening infection, due to under-developed lungs in children and aging lungs in the older adults.

Depending on the cause of the infection, antibiotics medication may be given through the arms intravenously to kill the bacteria responsible for the infection. Viral pneumonias may resolve on their own with the help of antiviral medications, after they have ran their course.

Oxygen therapy may be used to supplement deficient oxygen circulation in the lungs. Drink some warm fluids if okayed by your doctor to help loosen your mucus, and make it easier for you to cough them out of the lungs for a better air exchange.

Elevate the head of the bed to a level tolerable for the person to help with better breathing. Never lie down flat on your back or stomach, as this may make breathing even more difficult. Exercise as permitted by your symptoms, to help move phlegms around in the lungs.

Take your time to get better, as recovery times may be pronged due to increased sedentary lifestyle. Get vaccinated for prevention!!


Shingles also known as Herpes-Zoster Virus results from having ChickenPox Virus in the past. The varicella-zoster virus that causes chickenpox in children and adolescents is also responsible for an outbreak of Shingles in older adults.

The virus that caused chickenpox may hide in the nerves in the spine for many years, and then may reactivate itself later on in life, usually after age 60, causing Shingles. Thus, advanced age may be a predisposing factor to developing Shingles, due to a decrease in immune-system activities associated with increased age.

The primary hallmark of this secondary infection is a painful reddish and itchy blisters and rashes on one side of the body. The rashes may be more prominent on the torso or the face.

The person affected with this infection may require hospitalization and admission to prevent complications from the virus, depending on the severity of the symptoms presented. Otherwise, homecare remedies may be suffencient enough to take care of the infection.

Antiviral medications may be helpful in decreasing the symptoms caused by this virus, if started within 72 hours of the start of symptoms. But, they will not cure or stop the virus. Apply some calamine lotion to help reduce itchiness, and soothe the blisters. Cold compresses may also help with pain control.

Pain in the nerves called postherpetic neuralgia is a complication from shingles, and may result after shingles have resolved. This may cause the person to be treated with certain medications to alleviate the nerve pain for a long time.

Opioid narcotics may be prescribed for more severe pain not controlled by regular pain medications like Acetaminophen. Anti-seizure medications like Gabapentin may also be used to accomplish the relief of nerve pain associated with shingles, after lesions heal and crust over.

Take these medications exactly as directed by your physician, as they may have a tendency to lead to opioid abuse, addiction and dependency.

Vaccinations for shingles is the single best way to prevent reactivation of the chickenpox virus.

You cannot transmit shingles to others, but shingles may be very contagious during the blistering stage of the disease.
Wear loose clothings that cover the blisters, in case of any contact with another individual. Avoid close contacts with others, until you heal. Manage your pain appropriately!


Fever also known as Pyrexia is one of the body’s immune system response to an infection.
When the body encounters a foreign pathogen 🦠 that shouldn’t be present in the body, the immune system (the body’s defense system) may immediately begin to fight against it by increasing heat production and blocking further heat loss from the body.

This phenomenon may then lead to an excessive rise in the body’s temperature, known as a fever. The normal body temperature of an adult person is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

A fever that occurs without any other symptoms of a disease may be harmless, and have no cause for concern. It may resolve on its own, without further treatments or medications to reduce the fever. But when a fever is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea that may indicate a serious infection, consult with your doctor immediately.

This is especially important in children between the ages of six month old and five years. Children in this age group are at a higher risk of developing seizure activities and convulsions as a result of an untreated high-grade fever. Call your child’s healthcare provider or go to the nearest emergency room if your child’s temperature is above 100 degrees Fahrenheit, or has a seizure that lasts for more than five minutes at a time. This may require immediate medical intervention to prevent serious complications from occuring.

In the elderly, the first sign of an infection is not a fever. Watch out for any sign of confusion, delirium or disorientation in the older adult as this may indicate there is an infection growing somewhere in the body. A urinary tract infection may be suspected, especially in women.

Check their body temperature with a thermometer to determine if the elderly person is running a fever (febrile). Then, report to the doctor accordingly for further investigation and possible treatment with antipyretics.

Never take a fever lightly, as it may lead to long-term damages to the brain and other organs in the body. Avoid things and people that may make you or your child sick!! Endeavor to stay healthy!


Tetanus also known as Lockjaw is a bacterial infection caused when spores and toxins called clostridium tetani enter the body through an open wound and infect it.

This infection may be life-threatening, as it has the potential to affect the muscles used for breathing (respiratory muscles). It is especially dangerous, because it is often found in your immediate environments like soils and dusts around you. Hence, it is not spread from person-to-person contacts.

Any wounds or cuts in the body may directly put a person at risk for developing this bacterial infection. Cover your wounds immediately after cleaning them with a bandage to keep bacteria away. Change the dressing on the wound at least once a day or any time it becomes soiled and dirty. Apply antibiotic ointments to discourage bacteria from invading the wound.

Never keep quiet if you think you may have developed tetanus. Go to the hospital immediately, as this infection requires serious treatments with antibiotics, and preferably in an intensive care unit. Never treat it yourself at home.

Locking of the jaw may make the person affected with this infection unable to open their mouth or swallow foods and drinks. They may also experience muscle stiffness and rigidity, especially of the muscles in the lungs, leading to respiratory failure from low oxygen saturation and oxygen deprivation.

Stay up to date with your tetanus vaccinations at least every 10 years. Pregnant women may be at a higher risk for developing tetanus, therefore may also require a tetanus injection to help prevent their babies from getting neonatal tetanus. Most babies who get neonatal tetanus die from the infection, therefore, special caution may be advised while pregnant.

Watch for signs of muscles spasms if you experience a cut on your skin, especially if you are unsure of the last time you got your tetanus vaccine. Never keep your breathing muscles stiff. Move them to keep yourself alive.


Diabetic Foot Ulcers may be caused by Peripheral Neuropathy due to damages to the nerves associated with diabetes. It is not caused by a spiritual attack or poison. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, take care of your feet by examining the places between your toes daily.

Moisturizing your feet with lotion or moisturizer may help to alleviate some dryness and itchy skin brought about by diabetes. Avoid wearing shoes that are too tight and more likely to cut off further circulation from your legs and feet.

Most importantly, never apply lotion in between your toes, as this may predispose you to infections and foot ulcers that may or may not heal, leading to amputations. Never get to that extent!! Save your mobility!!


Meningitis also known as Spinal Meningitis is when the membrane of the lining that covers the brain and the spinal cord become inflamed and swell up, due to viral or bacterial infections. Fungal infection of the meninges is uncommon, but possible. This infection may also be caused by a parasite.

Treatment of this serious and potentially fatal infection depends on the cause of the disease. Your doctor may run a test of your spinal fluids through a lumbar puncture (Spinal Tap) to pinpoint the cause of the infection, before treatment.
If caused by a bacteria, serious consequences may be more likely. Intravenous antibiotics and oral antipyretic medications must be administered to get rid of the infection as quickly as possible, and to prevent possible dangerous swelling in the brain and serious seizure activities.

Viral meningitis are not treated with antibiotics, and may go away on their own after they have ran their course. Antiviral medications may help to alleviate your symptoms in the meantime.

Stay away from others. If possible, stay in a hospital admission since this infection requires the person to be isolated from others. Do not go to work or school if you are recovering at home, unless your doctor has told you to do so. Rest as much as your symptoms could allow you, and take your medications exactly as prescribed.

Drink plenty of fluids to help loosen mucus in your lungs and keep you hydrated. Monitor your symptoms closely to determine if infection is worsening or getting better. Then, call your doctor if you develop any new symptoms at any time.

Never think it is not serious. This disease may deteriorate very quickly with or without warning. Your brain is connected to your spinal cord. Don’t break the chain of connection. They need each other to work properly!!


Parkinson’s Disease also known as Idiopathic Parkinsonism is a degenerative and progressive brain disease characterized by tremors, muscle stiffness and rigidity, slow movement (bradykinesia) and a stooped posture (postural instability).

This disease may begin with subtle signs at first, but may continue to progress slowly to more noticeable and dangerous signs. The person may begin to show signs of weakness on one side of the body, but both sides may then become affected eventually, with one side being worse than the other.

Nerve cells in the brain called neurons are responsible for producing a neurotransmitter, dopamine. Dopamine helps produce multiple movements in the body. When the neurons become impaired or die, less dopamine is produced, leading to symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

This disorder at a later stage, may make it impossible for the person affected to perform even the simplest activities on a daily basis. Normal talking and chewing of food may become very slow and interfere with the person’s health and their ability to interact with family and friends. They may also have difficulties coordinating and remembering things they once knew before, causing their loved ones to become concerned for their safety and life.

Sleep is an important part of one’s health and well-being, hence, the person may have difficulties with sleep leading to other consequences like depression and withdrawal.

Certain medications like Levodopa may help nerve cells in the brain to make more dopamine to help reduce the disturbing symptoms caused by this deficiency. Never stop taking this medication without talking to your doctor, as the consequences may be enormous and debilitating.

Appropriate supervision of the person living with Parkinson’s disease is vital, as the person may have difficulty with performing simple tasks to care for themselves. Do whatever is possible within your means to prevent them from falling, as a fall may lead to broken bones which may never heal due to their advantaged age. Aging is the most single precursor to this slowly progressive disease, and broken bones are more likely to lead to infections and take longer periods of time to heal if they do. As always, their safety is first! Protect their dignity second!


Malaria also known as Plasmodium Infection is a potentially life-threatening infection caused by bite of a parasite-infected mosquitos.

This infection is preventable. But if contracted, cure is possible when treated appropirately and on a timely manner.

Symptoms of this infection may be chills, fever, headache, sweating, nausea and vomiting, which may begin to manifest 10-30 days after exposure to the infected mosquito. Chloroquine was the drug of choice for the treatment of this possibly-fatal infection, but has been changed to other medications due to the drug resistance of the disease.

When not treated and cured effectively, this infection may lead to reoccurences of the infection in the person affected for many years. Worse so, if left untreated and uncured, it may affect the brain and the kidneys, leading to cerebral malaria (Swelling in the brain) and malarial nephropathy associated with kidney failure. Appropriate care is needed to prevent the complications of this likely-fatal, but down-played infection.

Use of insecticide-treated mosquito nets may help to prevent this infection from occurring in the first place. Spray yourself and your sorroundings with insect repellents to help reduce and discourage mosquitoes around you and prevent bites. Prevention is better than cure. Protect yourself from these bloodsucking monsters.


Say NO to air obstruction in your lungs

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease also known as COPD is a lung disease that may make it difficult for the person affected to breathe in air properly. This disease is characterized by two diseases in one. Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema are the two main components of this silent lung disease that may take years to get worse. The tubes that help carry air to the lung may become infected and swell up, making it difficult for air to get into the the lungs normally. The air sac in the alveoli of the lungs may become damaged, also causing air to become obstructed in the lungs, leading to shortness of breath.

The person affected by this disease may also cough up excess phlegm because of a decrease or lack of appropriate movement of mucus and air in the lungs, causing them to become easily tired. Air may fill up in the lungs and cause the chest to take on the shape of a barrel, also called a barrel chest. A decrease in the activities of daily living may lead to an increased weight gain, even when the person is not trying to gain weight. Also, report any sudden weight loss to your doctor as this may be a sign of COPD.

Smoking is a major concern for developing many lung problems especially COPD. Therefore, quitting smoking if you smoke, (Smoking Cessation) is a major lifestyle change that may help in slowing down the progression of the damages caused by this long-term pulmonary disease. Exercise regularly as much as you can, to help air travel better through your lungs. Sedentary lifestyle may make things worse, and lead to more weight gain. Stay active as permitted by your symptoms, and never succumb to them.

Finally, take any medications that has been prescribed by your doctor exactly as directed, especially your brochodialators. They may help to open up your lungs so that more air can get into the lungs and help relieve your shortness of breath. Never suffer without air. Take a deep breath!


When you have been diagnosed with Gout!

Understand that gout is an excess accumulation of uric acid in the joints, due to the kidney’s inability to excrete them appropriately from the body. This may then lead to a vicious cycle where the disease flares up in the joints. Gout may not necessarily be a joint disease, but rather a kidney disease. Excessive buildup of uric acid in the kidneys may lead to scaring of the kidneys, making the tubules of the kidneys unable to function at their best. Ask your doctor to look into the functions of your kidneys, if you have gout.


For men over 50 years of age. Is your prostate enlarged?

Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy/Hyperplasia also known as an Enlarged Prostate occurs when the part of the male reproductive organ that helps make fluids become swollen over time and pinches off the urethra. This phenomenon may then make it difficult for the bladder to receive appropriate signals from the urethra, leading to many problems for the bladder and the kidneys.

A major concern with this disorder may be in the way the person affected may not be able to control their urine output. One of the classic sign and symptom of this benign condition is urinary retention. Because the bladder is not receiving signals correctly from the urethra, it may be unable to empty itself completely leaving excess urine in the bladder that may then cause a urinary tract infection and damage to the person’s kidneys. Urinary urgency is also often experienced by the person, leading to urinary incontinence. The flow of urine may become weak and inconsistent, starting and stopping, and starting again at different intervals.

Nocturia is a serious problem, because the person may continue to wake up multiples times in the night in order to empty the bladder, which may in turn cause the person not to be able to get enough sleep and rest. Decrease the intake of fluids a few hours before sleep time.

Men over the age of 50 years may be at a higher risk of developing this stressful condition. Be patient when you encounter or take care of an older man who may have this condition. There is no cause for alarm. Developing prostate cancer with an enlarged prostate may not be likely, because this condition is benign and not a precursor to prostate cancer.

Seek medical attention from your doctor if you are experiencing some of these symptoms outlined above. Your healthcare provider may be able to run some tests to determine if your symptoms are caused by an enlarged prostate. Take your time to study your symptoms and try to adjust your lifestyles accordingly. Lifestyle changes may be able to curtail the consequences of this troublesome disorder. With patience and understanding, the older person may continue to live a happy and fulfilling life. Don’t give up!


You may live with one kidney! But can you live without dialysis, if both kidneys have failed?

Dialysis also known as Renal Replacement Therapy is a procedural treatment that is done with the use of a machine called a dialyzer, and through a process called hemodialysis. This machine helps the kidneys to clean out waste products and excess fluids from the blood, when it has failed in doing so.

Dialysis is necessary for people living with kidney disease and kidney failure. When the kidneys can no longer perform most of its functions appropriately, getting on dialysis may be the next option for you to continue to live a healthy life. Your doctor may encourage you to use this option as soon as possible, to decrease the possibility of a build up of excess toxins in your whole body.

Before beginning dialysis treatment, a surgery must be performed regardless of what type of dialysis you may choose to use. The surgical procedure will create an avenue in your blood vessels for the machine to use to clean out waste products from your blood, and then return the cleaned blood back into your body on a timely manner.

Arteriovenous fistula must be used to achieve an effective clean out of waste from your blood. Dialysis may be done for about four hours a day and three days a week, in order to achieve the best results possible.

Take care of yourself properly, if you have been prescribed dialysis by your doctor. Get adequate exercise. Following a diet regimen that has been put together for you by your dietician is imperative, because what you eat may directly affect your kidneys. Get rest when necessary. And most importantly, stay on course with your dialysis schedule. You cannot continue to live without your kidneys, and the benefits of dialysis hugely outweighs the risks. Don’t risk your life!!!


Snoring may be a sign of an impending danger in your circadian rhythm

Sleep Apnea also known as Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome is a serious sleep condition which may be inevitable when the upper airway partially collapses or becomes completely blocked while a person is sleeping. This may cause the person to stop breathing for seconds and even minutes thereafter. This is a dangerous phenomenon that may lead to life-long health problems including diabetes, heart attack, depression, tiredness, lack of concentration, and even death if not treated seriously and appropriately.

REM sleep also called rapid eye movements may not be attained, due to the constant stoppage and regaining of breathing during sleep.

The person may experience loud snoring and make snorting sounds, because of the cut-off of the airway that makes the exchange of air difficult for the person. The person may also feel like they are choking in an effort for the brain to get some air and resume breathing.

A single risk factor for this disease is Obesity. Endeavor to lose some weight if you are overweight or obese. Losing excess weight is the first step towards getting sleep apnea under control.

Other managements of sleep apnea may be maintained through the use of a CPAP machine. This machine is connected to a mask that fits tightly in the face over the mouth and nose, and helps deliver air to the person to prevent a total shut-down of the airway while the person is asleep. It also prevents air from escaping from the mouth and nose to keep in as much air as possible to enable the person to breath better.

In all, lifestyle changes may be the most necessary step in preventing the numerous and life-threatening consequences of this obstructive disease. The changes may be well worth the efforts to help you gain more energy during the day, in order to perform your daily activities with more ease. See your health care provider if you have been told that you snore. Snoring is a recipe for disaster! Do something to stop it as quickly as possible! Take the bull by the horns!


Your lungs, an instrument of your breaths!
Know about Status Asthmaticus and Asthma Exacerbation

Asthma also known as Asthma Attack is a serious chronic medical condition of the lungs, characterized by airway inflammation and constriction. The tubules in the lungs may become swollen and narrow, making it difficult for air to travel to and fro the lung tissues.

This may cause the person to feel short of breath. He or she may experience more serious symptoms like chest pain, chest tightness, breathlessness and even wheezing. Constant coughing in the night that won’t go away on its own may be indicative of asthma. See you doctor for appropriate evaluation and possible diagnosis.

This disease may be difficult to manage, especially for children who may have been newly diagnosed with this lung problem. Adults are also affected by this condition that can easily become life-threatening at the blink of an eye. There is no cure for asthma, but adequate management and control are possible.

Children and adults who may have asthma must work with their doctors to devise a treatment plan that is individualized for the particular person. One size does not fit all when asthma is concerned.

Avoid things like smoke, including secondhand smoke, pests and animal danders that may become triggers to exacerbating the condition. Things as common as air pollution can set the person off and throw them into an asthma attack. Always have your rescue inhalers available to you and within reach, in case of an unexpected attack that happens suddenly.

If you have been diagnosed with asthma, take care of yourself. Eat a balanaced diet everyday. Get enough sleep. Do not smoke. Stop smoking if you have formed the bad habit already. Drink enough water to help clean out your lungs and loosen your mucus so that they can move more freely within the lungs. know your triggers and stay very far away from them.

Finally, make your albuterol treatments your best friend during a flare up of your asthma symptoms. They help to open up your lungs so you can breath better. Breath through your nose and out through your mouth. Learn to take life easy! Your life can change at any given moment, therefore don’t take your attacks lightly. Be nice to your lungs!


The Big E: Ebola Virus

Ebola also known as Ebola Virus Disease originated from the Ebola River in Congo in Africa. It is caused by a group of viruses called the Ebolavirus. This virus may lead to severe consequences and death, if not given proper attention.

At first after exposure to the virus, the person may begin having dry symptoms like muscle aches, weakness and fatigue, but eventually progresses to wet symptoms including diarrhea and vomiting leading to dehydration, if fluids are not replenished with equal proportions.
Replace fluids and electrolytes as your life depends on them.

This virus requires the person infected to be isolated in a room by themselves or cohort with people with the same virus. Physical contacts with bodily fluids from the infected person may transmit the virus to you. Even the co**se of a person who died from the Ebola virus may still be infectious. Be careful when caring for the sick person to prevent direct transmission through the mucus memberanes of the mouth, eyes and nose.

This virus may also be transmitted through sexual contacts with the person affected, by direct contact with blood and semen including kissing the person.

Dehydration caused by excessive loss of body fluids may damage the kidneys making them unable to remove waste products from the body. Damaged kidneys may then shut down triggering a continued chain events of organ shutdowns, leading to death. The person may not die from the virus itself, but from the consequences of becoming dehydrated from loss of body fluids. The survival rate directly depends on the interventions rendered to the sick person when they become dehydrated from the symptoms of the virus. Work hard to save your life by replacing lost fluids as quickly as possible. Drink up!! Your future depends on it!!!

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