Nami La Noire
to assist and advocate for families and mothers in the delivery and all things birth related
Happy Birthday to my lit twin!! Love you boo😘😘
Next chapter🥳
Best red Velvet I ever had in my life💯 ate another two after this🥰
Missing Summer☀️
TikTok · Winston Salem Doula Check out Winston Salem Doula's video.
Men can be doulas too!
Join ROBE for our FIRST Doulo training. This is an in-person training For MEN only. You MUST be willing to share this knowledge with other men whose significant others are pregnant or parenting. We intend to impact Black Maternal Morbidity and Mortality by Black men learning, sharing information, advocating and protecting pregnant and parenting women in our lives!
Sign up here:
Or send an email to [email protected].
My cousin makes the cutest waist beads, better go get you some 💯
Living in a world thats oh so strange 🎶
Hey Yall, Call for a consultation✨
Elvira on TikTok The New trend for baby shower cakes in 2023 Yay or Nay?
Until next time NYC❤️
Triangle Doulas of Color is expanding!
What a beautiful way to celebrate World Doula Week, bringing on more doulas to serve more families in our community.
We are looking for experienced and passionate birth and postpartum doulas who are:
✅Culturally Competent
If you fit this criteria click the link below to apply.
P.S. We also offer doula mentorship for new doulas joining the profession (send to a friend 😉).
April is C-section awareness month! Where are all my C-section mama's at 💜
¿Sabías que antes del 1600 las Mujeres Occidentales daban a luz en cuclillas, sentadas y de pie?
Esto cambió cuando el rey Luis XIV de Francia dispuso que para poder él presenciar el nacimiento de sus hijos, sus mujeres debían dar a luz acostadas.
Aunque esa postura hace más difícil y doloroso el parto, pronto se generalizó, y los médicos franceses tuvieron que inventar los fórceps para evitar algunas de sus consecuencias. En poco tiempo se multiplicaron los instrumentos obstétricos, y se llegó a creer que el parto siempre era una urgencia que exigía atención médica para que fuera sin complicaciones.
Cada vez se populariza más la idea de que la mujer debe guiarse por su propio instinto en lo que se refiere al parto. El número de futuras madres que optan por el parto natural -entendido como aquel parto en el que la intervención externa es la mínima posible- va en aumento.
El obstetra francés Michel Odent, uno de los defensores más notables del parto natural, afirma que la parturienta no debe atenerse a ninguna regla, sino obedecer a su instinto, que la hace experta en dar a luz. Odent daba a sus pacientes entera libertad para proceder como quisiesen, e incluso les permitía sentarse en una tina de agua tibia para aliviar el dolor de las contracciones uterinas. De ahí surgió la idea del parto en agua.
Los conocimientos actuales de fisiología han demostrado que el parto vertical -de pie o en cuclillas- permite que el nacimiento del bebé sea más rápido y menos traumático. Sin embargo no existe una postura universal para dar a luz. En las comunidades más primitivas, las parturientas primerizas se guían por el consejo de mujeres más experimentadas.
Been there!
It's week is (March 22-28)! This annual observance not only celebrates professionals who support women and birthing people through their pregnancy, birthing, and postpartum journey but also observes the Spring Equinox, which represents the return of fertility in many cultures. While the role of a doula dates back generations ago, the profession arose in the 1970s and 80s.
Black Mamas Matter Alliance is honored to be in community with several amazing Black doulas nationwide dedicated to creating positive birthing experiences. Below are a few of our partners meeting the needs of Black Mamas, Birthing People, and their families through advocacy, training, and care:
Ancient Song, ROOTT, Mamatoto Village, Atlanta Doula Collective, FrontLine Doulas, , Southern Birth Justice Network, Baobab Birth Collective
Hold the mother, not the baby.
Because the baby’s being taken care of—
fed, snuggled, and given all the love in the world—
by not only the mother,
but her partner, grandparents, siblings, cousins, and friends.
But the mother,
may have gaps in her mind from lack of sleep,
may be mechanical in her motions as she’s healing,
may feel more like a mess than a mother,
may be sitting in bed, crying, feeling overwhelmed in her body and life,
may be full of mom guilt because in her mind, "she's not good enough,"
and she’s bleeding, wincing in pain, swollen and emotional.
And the mother’s that baby's whole world and needs to be seen, so she doesn't disappear into that postpartum fog.
So, hold the mother, not the baby.
A mother agrees that her baby matters more.
But she’s hurting, while she’s the person behind the baby,
in the background, making it all happen:
feeding her baby at all hours,
snuggling her baby close to comfort newborn cries,
and being that baby’s everything.
So, it’s the mother who needs your love.
And a mother will remember who held her up.
So instead of “I’m coming to see the baby,”
try saying, “I’m coming to see you 𝘢𝘯𝘥 meet the baby, too.”
Because the mother needs to be held more.
✍️: Living FULL
My Children’s Book 𝘐𝘵’𝘴 𝘖𝘬𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘕𝘰𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘖𝘬𝘢𝘺: 𝘈𝘥𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘴 𝘎𝘦𝘵 𝘉𝘪𝘨 𝘍𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘛𝘰𝘰 is out everywhere:
If you are in the Metro Atlanta area, have had a NICU baby and are interested in helping support other families who have a baby in the NICU, our new NICU Breastfriends program is for you. Sign up by scanning the QR code or by using this link
credit: Jess Urlichs, Writer 💕
☀️🌷 Our stunning Issue 48 is out now, full of inspiration, tips, advice and real-life experiences to guide you on your journey through pregnancy, birth and motherhood. You can pick up a copy from your local Countdown or selected stockists in NZ, from your local newsagent in Australia, or from WH Smith High Street stores, selected Waitrose & Partners and independent bookstores across the UK!! Plus, it’s available to purchase locally and internationally online: