Huggy Hymns

Soft, cuddly plush. Instrumental hymns. Support a cause. Huggy Hymns is a stuffed animal that will help surround your little with the love and peace of God.

A portion of every purchase will go to Children's Tumor Foundation.


As Christian parents, it’s easy to feel the pressure to raise children who are always obedient, kind, and perfectly behaved. We can often fall into the lie that our worth as parents is tied to how well our children perform or behave. But the truth is, the goal of parenting isn’t to create perfect kids—it’s to point our kids to the perfect God.

God hasn’t called us to be flawless parents or to raise flawless children. Instead, He has called us to guide our children toward Him, the only One who is truly perfect. This journey is not about us or our ability to mold our children into perfect little beings. It’s about showing them the beauty of God’s grace, love, and mercy. As we walk alongside them in their triumphs and struggles, our role is to continually direct their gaze to Jesus, the One who loves them unconditionally.

Proverbs 22:6 reminds us, "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." Our greatest responsibility as parents is to instill a love for God in our children’s hearts. This doesn’t mean they will never make mistakes, but it does mean that, through their relationship with God, they will learn to grow, repent, and rely on His strength in their weaknesses.

So, if you're reading this, release the burden of perfection and embrace the beautiful calling to shepherd your children toward the perfect God. In our homes, let grace abound and let our children see the love of Christ in us, guiding them to the One who will never fail them.

Photos from Huggy Hymns's post 08/30/2024

50% OFF Labor Day "Scratch & Dent" Lamb Sale! + FREE SHIPPING on orders over $50!

These plush have minor defects on the face or slightly imperfect closures at the music box site (closure still functions). Perfect for keeping as a backup in a diaper bag, the car, at Grandma's, or in an overnight bag!

Limited plush available! Sale runs through Monday, September 2nd or while supplies last! Don't sleep on this sale, or you might miss out!!

Click the link in our bio to shop the sale!


As parents, our lives are the first sermons our children will ever hear. If we want them to truly embrace the gospel, they must first see its power at work in our own lives. How we respond to challenges, extend grace, and walk in faith speaks volumes to their hearts.

Our children are watching closely, learning what it means to follow Christ by the way we live each day. Let our actions, words, and love reflect Jesus so clearly that our children not only hear the gospel but witness its life-changing impact on us in every moment. This is how we pass on a legacy of faith that goes beyond words and takes root in their souls!


Photos from Huggy Hymns's post 08/26/2024

Encouraging your child to take ownership of their Christian faith is essential for their spiritual growth and personal development. There are so many ways to do so, but here are 3 simple ways to help guide them in this journey:

Model Authentic Faith: Demonstrate a genuine relationship with Christ in your own life. Let your child see how your faith influences your decisions, actions, and attitudes. The old adage that "more is caught than taught" is so very true!

Encourage Personal Devotions: Provide them with age-appropriate Bibles, devotionals, and prayer journals. Encourage them to spend personal time with God, reading scripture, and praying. Watch your child DESIRE to spend time in God's Word just by supplying them with their own Bible! Want to take it a step farther... You'll be shocked at how giving them a highlighter and teaching them to highlight meaningful verses will get them so excited to spend time in their Bibles!

Pray with and for Them: Regularly pray with your child, showing them the importance of prayer in building a relationship with God. Let them hear you praying for their growth in faith and wisdom. When they see you talking with God throughout the day, they will naturally begin to feel the ability to talk with God when they feel inclined instead of just at dinner or bedtime. Never underestimate the power of prayer in their little lives!!

What would you add to the list?! Comment below with your ideas! And be sure to follow for more Christian content!


Praise God for the incredible gift of grace He has bestowed upon us as His children through Jesus Christ!

Remember, as parents, our own need for grace deeply influences how we extend it to our children. When we recognize and embrace our own need for mercy, it transforms our approach to parenting. This understanding allows us to lead with compassion, patience, and forgiveness, creating a nurturing environment where our children can grow and thrive. By acknowledging our imperfections and relying on God’s grace, we are better equipped to offer the same grace to our kids, guiding them with a heart full of empathy and love.

If you are looking for more Christian encouragement as a parent, be sure to follow Huggy Hymns! Our heart is to partner with you through this beautiful and sanctifying journey of raising up the next generation in faith!


Get 15% off your order + Free Shipping on orders over $50 when you use code SCHOOL at checkout!

Sale ends Sunday (8/11) at midnight!

We are praying over all your children who are going back to school this week. May God protect them, grow them, and use them!!


Final hours of this awesome sale are going on NOW! You can click the link in our bio to hop over to the website to shop these deep discounts.

Photos from Huggy Hymns's post 07/26/2024

Our biggest discount of 2024!

As we enter the last few weeks of summer break, let Huggy Hymns help break those end of summertime blues with this amazing sale!

25% off all Huggy Hymns, t-shirts, and sound boxes! Orders in the US over $100 get free shipping, too!

You won't get another sale this good until Black Friday, so run to the website today! Sale runs 7/26 - 7/28!

Photos from Huggy Hymns's post 07/25/2024

You're reading the Bible regularly with your child, but now what?!

Adding these 3 simple questions into your reading time will help your child dig deeper into the Bible. We can always pull out a truth about God and/or Jesus, a truth about our humanity and fallen nature, and how Jesus and the gospel can change the outcome of our struggles!

Huggy Hymns is so much more than a plush company... we are here to partner with you in raising disciples!

Would you like a free bookmark/printable that has these questions printed on it?! I'd love to create one if it would be a helpful resource for you! Leave a ❤️ if you would use it!



🇺🇸$10 Customized Music Boxes🇺🇸
+ Freedom isn't free, but shipping in the US can be!

Offer runs through Sunday. Thankful for our country, our freedoms, and for all those who fight to preserve them! Happy Independence Day, everyone!!



💫Stand Firm Sale💫

Now through Sunday, receive 20% off your order plus free shipping on orders over $75 using code STANDFIRM at checkout! But that's not all...

Every purchase made during the sale will enter to win these 3 amazing books!

The world is upside down when it comes to understanding God's design for creation. Huggy Hymns wants to gift "God Made All of Me," "God Made Girls and Boys," and "Jesus and my Gender" to one lucky winner as a set of resources to help you navigate these difficult topics with your children!

Help spread the word about this awesome sale and amazing giveaway by sharing your story or sending directly to a mama who is helping her family stand firm in today's culture!

Photos from Huggy Hymns's post 06/11/2024

Nighttime can bring an onset of worries for our little ones. We, as parents, can encourage them, even from the youngest of ages, to put their trust in God during these moments.

Here are a few simple tips to help create a sense of peace during bedtime:

1. Create a connection-oriented bedtime routine. Spend a few moments simply checking in on your child by asking them a heart-probing question. "What was the best part of your day today? Was there anything you wish had gone differently?"

2. Sing a favorite hymn to them. For our family, it was "Amazing Grace." The repetition of a familiar song can be extremely comforting to them.

3. Read and pray together. Read Psalm 56:3 to your child. "When I am afraid, I will trust in You." Talk with them about how they can trust in God when they feel worried or afraid and pray over their hearts, asking for God's peace and protection.

What would you add to this list of ways to help soothe nighttime worries for your child?


Celebrate the "lion-hearted" leader of your family with the Huggy Hymns' Father's Day Sale! We are so thankful for brave, strong dads who stand boldly in their faith in raising up this next generation!

June 7 through 10th, snag a lion Huggy for $10 off with code FATHERS at checkout!


While Memorial Day is just 24 hours, our gratitude for those who paid the ultimate price for our freedom is unending!

Take 15% off plus free shipping (US customers only) through the weekend. Thank you to those who laid down their lives for us to fully live our own... you are forever remembered and honored!

Photos from Huggy Hymns's post 05/24/2024

Who else is ready for a summer reset with your family?! Let's use this season to be intentional with discipling our children while they're home under our wings!

Leave a 🙏 if you're praying this over your family today!


"More Jesus" kept playing in my heart on repeat the summer of 2020. It was that resounding thought that led me to the idea of Huggy Hymns.

Every fiber of my being wanted to bring Jesus as deep into my home and family as possible. The one time during the day I couldn't be with my children was while they slept at night, so I wanted to create something that would envelop them in the peace and protection of God. After months of work behind the scenes, Huggy Hymns came to fruition.

For the last 4 years, my children have fallen asleep with a Huggy Hymns tucked in close to them at night. Not only does it help soothe them into a peaceful night's sleep, but Huggy Hymns has also helped to hide away precious Biblical truths deep in their hearts from memorizing these timeless hymns.

I may be biased, being the creator of Huggy Hymns, but I am just so thankful for a product that draws my children close to the feet of Jesus!

What is something YOU love about Huggy Hymms?! Let me know in the comments!


Grab a Huggy Hymns for $36 today through May 2nd! Orders over $100 will receive free shipping, too!

Take it from our customers that a Huggy is worth every penny:

"Fantastic product! They are just beautiful, the music is soothing, and it also come with the sweetest prayer attached, which made me cry. Such a great product, and I'll be recommending Huggy Hymns to all my friends. Thank you, Huggy Hymns!" -Stephanie in Georgia

Photos from Huggy Hymns's post 04/10/2024

Scripture is powerful! Speak it over their lives daily🙌

Photos from Huggy Hymns's post 03/24/2024

A Palm Sunday Reflection

When we KNOW the Father... when we TRUST God... when we BELIEVE Him at His word... stones can and will roll away.

May you walk in the confidence of Christ today, not because of any earthly securities or praises of who you are or what you've done, but because you know the Creator of the Universe intimately and have experienced His goodness and faithfulness.

You can face whatever today brings because He is who He says He is, and His plans are always for our good and His glory.


Hurry and don't miss out on the ONLY sale before Easter! It ends TONIGHT at 12AM PCT.

🎉Unlock 20% off when you spend $45.
🎉Unlock 25% off when you spend $100.
🎉Unlock FREE shipping when your order hits $100.

Click the link in our bio to head to the shop or comment LINK and I'll send it right to your inbox!

Photos from Huggy Hymns's post 03/13/2024

Easter Sale... 3 Days ONLY!

🐇Spend $45 to unlock 20% OFF using code EASTER20

🐇Spend $100 to unlock 25% OFF using code EASTER25

🐇Spend $100+ to unlock FREE SHIPPING (no code needed)

Sale runs Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday... don't miss it!

Want me to send a direct link to the sale to your DMs, just comment SALE and I'll send it on over!

Photos from Huggy Hymns's post 03/04/2024

Prayer is so powerful, not because of our words, but because of whose ears they fall on. Leave a 🙏 if you're taking the time to pray over your parenting today, and share this prayer with another Jesus-loving mama today!


🌷🪻Y'all! These Easter pictures have me swooning!🪻🌷

Leave a 🐑🐘 🦁 in the comments for which Huggy Hymns you're hoping to place in an Easter basket this year!!

🐇And keep your eyes open for an upcoming Easter sale!🐇

Photos from Huggy Hymns's post 02/25/2024

Steps ensure your child's salvation⤵️

1. You can't.

As a Christian parent, your child's salvation is at the top of your list of dreams for them. Sure, we want them to be happy and healthy and to live a life that is full, but our heart's deepest desire is to know they are walking with the Lord in full faith.

Of course, there are things we can and should do to lead them down a Godly path... disciple them, read the Word with them, train them up in the way of the Lord, make church a joyful and cherished part of your family life, etc.

But only the work of the Holy Spirit can move them to choose Jesus.

The best thing we can do as parents is to hit our knees and lay our children and their salvation at the foot of the cross in unceasing prayer. That is powerful. Not because of who you are or what words you say, but because of WHO you're talking to and WHOSE ears your words fall upon.

What better hands than those of our Heavenly Father could we ever entrust our children to? May the Lord bless and keep them forever and ever, amen.

Photos from Huggy Hymns's post 02/13/2024

Teach your children about TRUE love this Valentine's Day by focusing on these 3 beautiful traits of God's great love for them!

Save and share this meaningful message to spread the good news about the greatest love of all time this Valentine's Day!


It's our 1st sale of 2024! Gift the love of God to your little love this Valentine's Day with a cute, cuddly Huggy Hymns!

Get 15% off your order using code LOVE at checkout. The sale will run Friday through Monday... 2/2 - 2/5.

**Giftbaskets are NOT included in the sale!**

Photos from Huggy Hymns's post 01/27/2024

Prayer can be intimidating for adults, so teaching your child to pray aloud can feel extremely intimidating for both parent and child! But it doesn't have to be!

A few years ago, my husband and I started really leaning into the idea of teaching our children to pray aloud. We made mistakes along the way, but God is gracious and was faithful to redeem them!

While there are many ways to incorporate and teach your child to pray, I feel like these 3 things were a turning point for our own children (ages 5 and 7).

1. Start by modeling! And do so often! If your kids aren't seeing or hearing you pray, they will feel like you're asking them to do something you aren't willing to do yourself.

2. Start small and build on over time! Teaching to pray prayers of gratitude is an easy place to start. We can ALWAYS find one thing to be grateful for every day! Some days it can be hard, though, so even something as simple as, "God, thank you for this food," or "God, I'm thankful for my stuffed animal," are all they can muster... and that's OK!

As this simple prayer of gratitude becomes more natural, add on something they could ask God for help with. This could be a behavior struggle from the day or a hard encounter they had with a friend or something in school they found hard.

Other ideas for things to add on would be:
- thinking of another in need
- praying over someone else's health
- asking God to give them courage to share their faith
- praying over their sibling relationships

3. Praise your children for their efforts no matter how big or how small the prayer! Praying out loud is a HUGE deal! So tell them that! Explain that God loves them even more than you do, so he LOVES hearing what's on their hearts! Children want so badly to be seen, heard, and valued... it's so important to help them understand that God sees, hears, and values them, too!

Is there a 4th point you would add to this simple list?! Share it below in the comments!


What hymns do you want your kids to learn?! I'm ready to start working on the 2nd series of hymns with lyrics and I need your input!

Here is the current list of hymns with vocals:
🎵 Amazing Grace
🎵 It Is Well
🎵 Jesus Loves Me
🎵 How Great Thou Art
🎵 Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing

There will be 5 new releases (I would love to have them ready for Easter!), so comment below and tell me what you most want to hear next!!

Photos from Huggy Hymns's post 01/19/2024

Save this for a simple 5 point prayer over your child's mind, mouth, heart, hands, and feet!

Prayer is one of the most powerful weapons we have to fight against the enemy, and it's so apparent these days just how badly the enemy is coming after our children.

Pray hard. Pray big. Pray small. Pray often. Pray expectantly.

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Videos (show all)

God gave me this dream 3 years ago, and I've been chasing it wholehearted ever since! Huggy Hymns' desire is to bring th...
My desire as a Christian Mother isn't to bring up children the world views as good and commendable, but to raise up a ge...
10 Weeks Until Christmas Sale!!!!  Huggy Hymns makes a PERFECT gift or stocking stuffer for any child! They play 20 minu...
Struggling to get through the week? Feeling like you won't make it through?  Mama, you're probably trying to push throug...
Best resource book around to become a better wife and mom around??  The Bible!  Hands down. (As cliché as it sounds!)   ...
The best parenting advice I can give you is to continually point your babies to God as much as you possibly can! Huggy H...


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