A&B Credit Service LLC

Repair your credit. Establish new credit. Educate you about credit.


"Summer is just around the corner, and with it comes trips, vacations, and family outings. But before you start planning your adventures, why not take a moment to focus on your credit? By starting now, you can lay the foundation for a strong credit profile that will unlock fantastic perks, cash back rewards, and valuable points.

With our DIY Credit eBook, you'll have all the tools you need to improve your credit score quickly and effectively. Whether you're looking to boost your credit for better rates on loans or to take advantage of credit card rewards, our eBook can help you achieve your goals.

Don't wait until it's too late – start working on your credit today and reap the benefits all summer long. Grab your copy of the DIY Credit eBook before the sale ends and kickstart your journey to exceptional credit!"

Use the discount code: HEYSUGA to receive 10% OFF


@allexclusivecredit.store | Linktree 04/04/2024


Hello, everyone once again thanks for all the warm wishes. I have just provided you guys with the link to where you can purchase your DIY Credit E book digital. All you have to do is click on the link above and add it to your cart and checkout.

On this Friday coming soon it will be:
-Medical E book
-Credit planner
-Credit Calendar
-Free DIY Check list

Within less than 7 days if you are looking into the digital world. I will have and digital E book coming soon. You will be able to learn how to make money in your sleep like I do.

@allexclusivecredit.store | Linktree All Exclusive Credit Store is an store that will help you repair and build credi


Listen up credit friends and family:

Three dates that you need to know about when having a credit card.
-Statement date (Statement date is the date that you will pay back any amount that you have spent on your credit card)

- Due date (The date that the creditor have you to pay toward your interest and pay whatever balance is left from your statement date)

-Reporting date (This is the date that the creditor will report to the credit bureaus regarding the balance you owe on the account, how much usage you have used and if you have made a payment on the account)

If you do not have these dates saved in your calendar or in your planner. I highly suggest you call your credit card company and request these dates from them.

This will help you keep your credit usage under 10% and keep your credit score rising.

Thank me later.


Hey you guys, click the link below If you provide me with information about your credit service and the specific services you offer, I can offer insights, tips, and information related to credit repair. For example, if you offer credit counseling, debt consolidation, or dispute resolution services, I can provide guidance on those topics. Please share more details about your services, and I'll be happy to assist you.


Yesssss!!!!! Best realtor in town that will make sure all your standards are met.

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Coming into the New Year we shouldn’t be still:
-Having a credit usage over 30%
-Keep adding a lot of hard inquiries to our credit profile .
-Being late on open accounts.
-Being a co-signer for someone that don’t pay their bills on time.

What we should be doing in 2024:
-Making sure we are getting 20 plus points added to our credit report every month .
-Paying every and open account(s) on time before or on the due date.
-Do not help anyone that doesn’t want to help their self.
-Keep your credit usage down to under 10% I know some people say 30% but it look better under 10%
-Making sure you use your credit card more then you use your debit card.

All year long you should be just wanting to see more of a higher increase in your credit score than ever. Focus on building and Exceptional credit profile.

Thank me later!!!!✌🏾


It’s 2024 where we should be running up credit limits, increase credit scores, driving what we want and having EXCEPTIONAL credit. We should be the lender and not the borrower for 2024.



It seems like you're need to be emphasizing the importance of maintaining a good personal credit score within the next couple of months. Why? It seems like a lot of major companies will be referring to the importance of credit in the near future.

Beginning with various financial activities and transactions. Indeed, having a good credit score can open up opportunities for better interest rates, higher credit limits, and more favorable terms when seeking loans, leases, or other financial arrangements.

Therefore, if you are seeking business credit there are many companies will be looking into two main accuaries:
-Personal Credit
-Business revenue

Next, thing you need to know is that majority of all your favorite top of the lines agencies that you use to purchase hair, clothes and etc are already using the credit bureaus to determine your credit limit or even if you get approved:

-Klarna, Afterpay, Sezzle and Zip
-Air b n b (Will gain access to your TransUnion credit report)
-Turo (Willl gain access to your credit report and your Clue report)
and so many others.

Now there are other major companies that are seeking to begin to check your credit report before financing, leasing, renting or even other options that they provide.

So I strongly I suggest that you if you want nice things in the upcoming years you need to begin to work on your personal credit to get from them 500's to the 700's credit club.

Thank me later and stop waiting to the last minute when you got to make something shake within the next 7 days.


Great ready to fix that credit because the next couple of years you going to need it more then ever.

Watch and see!!!!!!


Here is some credit knowledge: You can not get business funding if you have a negative balance, or have wrote bad checks with the banks. The banks will pull these consumer reports with these agencies below:

-Chex System
-Early Warnings

Meaning that if you are trying to get an 25,000 loan and you owe a bank such Bank of America they will not approve you.

So pull these consumer reports and see if you owe any banks and dispute those accounts so they can be deleted immediately. After you that you can begin to build your business credit.

Thank me later.


Good morning here are some credit knowledge:

Here are the steps on how to dispute negative accounts on your credit profile:
-Freeze your consumer reports with other agencies (LexisNexis, ARS, Innovis and Corelogic via online).
-Delete all old personal information with all 3 credit bureaus such as incorrect spelling of your name, addresses, telephone number,social security number and old employers.
-Begin to dispute all collection accounts and hard inquiries first.

This process can take up to 30 days to hear back from each credit bureau. FCRA do required them to take up to 30 days to investigate the dispute that you have sent in via mail (NO CERTIFIED MAIL).


Now here goes the response letters via mail…….

-Receive the results via mail from (TransUnion or Equifax) the response letter will state if the account has been “Verified” or they have “DELETED” the account.
-Verified account will have the Round 2 letter to go out the same day of the response letter via mail. Now this letter will be stating that you are in disagreement with their results.


-15 days later you shall hear back from credit bureaus. At this point they should state and if they have “Verified”. If the results come back “Verified”
then go to the next step.

-Send in a factual dispute letter by pulling and 3 D credit report that will show all 3 credit bureaus side by side with the same furnisher. At this point you will see if they are reporting all accurate information or inaccurate information.

-By this time they should have deleted the account but if not then next step.

-MOV (Method of Verficiation) this letter is stating how did they find out that this account is your account and it is accurate. Also, my FCRA law is stating that you need to provide me with all this information if not it need to be deleted immediately.

Now if none of these steps work and the account is not deleted then the last and finale step will be reporting the credit bureaus to:
-File and complaint with CFPB
This will get the account deleted because they are suppose to follow the FCRA rights.

Therefore, do not get discouraged it’s just a process that you need to remain humble doing the process.

Thank me later…….


Credit tip: Just because you receive a result letter from the credit bureau stating that they have “Verified” an account. Now that dosen’t mean that they still can’t delete the account. When an account comes back “Verified” its only stating that the credit bureaus may have found this information below:

-Address on the account matches with an address that is being reported on your credit report.
-They may have reached out to one of the other consumer reporting agencies and they may have that acccount reporting on your consumer report.
-They may have seen that you have made a payment on the account.
-You have dispute the account online and not via mail.

So therefore, do not be upset or get discouraged if you receive a letter and it is stating that they have “Verified” the account.

Just go ahead and send them an MOV letter (Method of Verification) that will make them provide you with more information on howthey verify the account.

Do not be afraid because as a consumer you have rights to know what is being reported on your credit and consumer report at all times.

Thank me later!!!!


Repairing and building your credit is a mental process. If you are not sure that you want to have exceptional credit. How do you expect to have a exceptional credit profile if your mental state is not up to part to wanting:

Keep your credit card usage under 10%

Pay your open and current accounts on time.

Only apply for credit accounts that are needed.

So make sure your mental mindset is up to part before wanting to begin to work on your credit. If you not ready to make a touchdown you may fumble at times.


Credit knowledge: If you are in the middle of trying to repair your credit. Don't just stop there also begin to repair these 3rd parties agencies that carried the same information or even more on their report. Below, I have provide some 3rd parties agencies that will carried other information:

Let's jump into it:

ARS this is what they have on their consumer report:
-Public Record

Clarity services
Pay day Loan
Auto title loans (sub priming lending)
Check cashing

-Payment history
-Late payment history
-Mortgage payments

Chex System
Unpaid balances with the credit union or traditional banks

Rental applications
Child support
Criminal records

Lexis Nexis
-Historic address

Sage stream
-Auto lenders
-Credit card bills
-Cell phone bill

-Old traffic tickets
-Delinquency insurance accounts

These creditors know that you can repair your credit or hire someone to repair your credit. However, they decide to use other methods and other agencies that you are not aware of to deny you.

You can go to Google these 3rd parties consumer and request your free consumer report. You will most definitely thank me later after you see what you see on there.

Comment below if you have any questions. Let me know if you need help with the process.


Business credit information that you need to know about read below and take notes:
Everyone has been talking about NO DOCS business loans that has been surfing around the internet. Therefore, I did some research, and this is all the information you need to know about the NO DOCS:
Truist Bank:
-Loan term are 12-36 months
-Pull from Equifax and Experian credit report
-Credit score at least 680
-Bankruptcy friendly
-No late payments
-Can get up to 50,000 loans
-Will PG this account (Meaning they will take a look at your personal credit report)
-Must be in business for 1-2 years (but will work with you if you been in business for a 1 year)
-Open up a business checking account.
-Pull from Equifax
-All business information must match your LLC articles and what you fill out on the application.
-Must have a 680-credit score or higher
-No docs (but must provide your LLC articles)
PNC Bank
-Need to open up business checking account
-Can apply for a business loan from 20,000 to 100,000
-Must have 680 credit score or higher.
-No collections accounts, late payments and credit usage must be under 10%
-No collateral required
-Transfer funds online or write a check and mail out to business address.
Keynote: If you default on this loan it can report to your personal credit.
Even though around the internet they not providing all details about the NO DOC business loans. However, they still going to still want to see other information. Also, if you have ever overdraft a checking account, wrote a check that didn't clear. I strongly suggest you pull these two consumer reports to dispute and remove those negative accounts:
Chex System
Early Warnings
These banks will pull these consumer reports to review to make sure you do not owe any other bank.
Comment below if you have any questions or need to know other details. I will provide you with Navy Federal and some more other banks that will give you more funding.
Talk to you later...


Don't just repair your personal credit you need to focus on repairing your third party agencies. Creditors and lenders are using them as well.
So go ahead and pull your consumer report with these agencies:
Sage Stream
Clarity Service
Chex System
Request your consumer report and hold on I am going to let you know which ones to focus on depending on your situation. So let me know which what are you having problem with getting either:
Checking account
Child support
Utlities bill
Late payments
Comment below and let's get it right.......


Having bad credit will cost you money. Think about it.


Credit knowledge: The only way a credit bureau can state that they verify an account that is currently reporting is by reaching out to these agencies below:
LexisNexis (their main source)
These third parties agencies can let the credit bureau know what they are reporting and have on their report.
However, if you freeze the consumer report they can not provide the credit bureaus with any information that is reporting to your consumer report.
Therefore, do not dispute online and don't just begin to dispute first freeze all your consumer reports and remove all old personal information from your consumer reports and credit reports.
Thank me later!!!!!


Good morning you guys,

Here is another good credit tip that can help you build credit profile and credit score. Especially, if you do not have a lot of credit accounts being reported.

Adding an authorize user to your credit report will help build credit. Now there are two ways that you can be and authorize user on someone account.

1.) Asking an parent, family member or significant other that has good credit. Now that will mean they pay their open accounts on time, they have a good credit usage and that account has been open more then 12 months.

2.)Purchasing a tradeline through an tradeline company is another way. Here are some good companies listed below:
-Tradeline Supply (www.tradeline supply.com)
-Personal Tradeline.com (www.personal tradeline.com)
-MJ Tradeline
The companies above are companies that other people sell their accounts to. The brokers allow consumer to piggy back off of their account. Once you purchase the broker account depending on the selling price that the broker are requesting. Then the company will add that account to your credit profile.

This will help only if you do not know anyone that you can be added onto their account. One main key not is if that account holder is not paying on their accounts on time or keeping their credit usage down it can damanage your score as well.

So keep in mine there is another way you can build your credit less then 30 days. Oh yeah one more thing do not add an tradeline if you have a lot of negative accounts and remarks that are currently reporting it can only decrease your credit up to 50 points. Please don’t because you will waste a lot of money.


Here is some credit tip:

Guess what ever credit agency does not report your FICO 8 score. Why? When someone is providing you with and FICO 8 score they are required to pay to get those credit scores from the credit bureaus.

However, since there are some companies that do not like to pay for consumer FICO 8 credit scores. So they begin to turn to an difference credit scoring system which is called vantage score.

Vantage score is not accurate score it is a credit score that is roughly calculate just on what they see that the credit bureaus are reporting on your profile. To be honest that score can either be lower then your FICO 8 score or higher then your FICO 8 credit score.

These credit agencies reports vantage scores:
Identity IQ
Credit Wise
Credit Karma
Smart Credit
Lender Tree
Also, there are difference vantage scores systems which are 3.0 and 4.0

These credit agencies reports your FICO 8 scores:
Now some banks do reports your FICO 8 score:
Navy Federal
Wells Fargo

I know that this credit tip will help you to know the difference on which credit scores are accurate and which are not.

Key note: If you fill out and pre approval offer they will pull your vantage score to get an roughly estimate on what is going on with your credit report.


Listen up 🗣️🗣️you guys I am running an special for credit services. We have 3 months but really 4 months left in this year. September just started and we still have time to make some things shake. This special that I am running will obtain:

A&B Credit Service special details:
Date: 9/11/2023- 9/15/2023

This special is only for first come first serve clients:
30.00 to sign up
Low monthly fee for 6-12 months

30 People can sign up right now and get their credit on track.

If you know that you deserve to have a better credit profile. Stop right now and think about that dream house, car or that high end credit limit. It’s time for you to sign up before the end of the week. DON’T continue to have that 500 credit score or have that WEAK credit profile. GET IT STARTED TODAY.📊📈

I will not hold any spots for anyone because there are so many people that want to have an EXCEPTIONAL credit profile and EXPECTIONAL credit score.

Inbox for more details. Please comment and share this so that so many others can begin on their credit journey. Only taking serious inquiries and willing to work as a team.

Thank me later.


To be honest its not about the credit score it’s really about the credit profile. Big difference and its time for you to know the difference:

Credit score is a score that is a prediction of your credit behavior. Such as how you pay your open accounts.

Credit profile is an profile that is an electronic record of your credit activities.

Many people gets so hyped when they have an 680,700 or even an 800. Yes those scores are good to have but you have to have an good credit profile to generate those scores.

When you go and apply for and auto loan and mortgage loan they concerns are not about your credit score. However, their more concerned about your credit profile.

Credit profile need to consist of:
2-3 Primary credit cards accounts (these accounts generate the most points of your credit score) One big reason on why you can be denied if you do not have any revovling account.

1 installement account (this account generate the next most points of your credit score)

2 credit builders accounts such as (paying your rent on time, Self, any extra utilities accounts and etc.

Keep your hard inquires down to the bare minimum of 1-2 hard inquiries

Always have your credit usage under 10% or right at 10%

Now that you know the difference between the credit score and credit profile. Please work on your credit profile and the score will come as you are building and repairing your credit.


Credit is a mind thing if you cannot sacrifice some things to help build your credit. If you can't make sure that you have the right letters going out on time. If you are not making sure that you bills are being paid on time. Please do not waste your time on trying to fix your credit. At the end of the day your mind has to be set on wanting better. So, if you want better you have to do better.


Okay, I told you guys I have some APPS that you can download via your App Store or on your phone for an payday loan. Below, I have provided all the 5 companies that you can apply with. All these companies you can see about if you do not want to borrow from anyone or need the funds immediatley.

1.) Money Lion - No credit check, No interest you must have an checking account with an traditional bank. Money Lions can APPROVED you up to 500.00 dollars. There will be an 4.95 charge if you do not request entire amount.

2.) Possible -You can borrow up to 500.00 dollars. There will be No late fees, No credit check and No interest. Possible will request for you to submit proof of resident. Every payment will be broken into 4 installment payment an they will do an soft pull from your credit report (which they will pull your vantage score).

3.) Empower - No interest, no credit check and no late fee. Empower will charge an 3.00 fee once they transfer the funds into your banking account.

4.) Dave - No credit check, No interest and No late fees. Dave do required an checking account with an traditional bank. You have to pay the entire amount that you have borrow on your next payday.

5.) Float- No credit check and No interest. But they will charge an 1.99 monthly charge for using their app.

Now all these companies have different requirements but they some make sure they do not charge late fee or interest on the loan. This small payday can help if you need gas, extra groceries or just some extra funds to have fun on the weekend.


I am going to price you guys with some online places that will help you get some funds to carry you over to the next pay day with no credit check.

Wait one min…..🗣️🗣️🗣️


Starting a business is a process it comes with long days and early mornings. You have to make sure that your business is looking professional and is set out to marketing in a way that it shows " I am ready to have you as a client, customer and provide you with amazing customer service.

Here are some good benefits to make sure that your business is up to part:
-Do not provide and Yahoo or Google email address.
-Do not provide your personal telephone number to anyone business creditor.
-Do not provide your personal address as your business address.
-Do not accept payment methods such as Cash App, Apple Pay or Pay Pal
-Do not depend on family and friends to support you.

Now here are some highlights on how your business can look professional:
-Create a business email address just like this [email protected] You can go to these websites to create a business email address: Wix, Google business or Go Daddy
-You can create a business telephone number using these sites below: Grasshopper, Vonage and Google voice (Or you can build your own business credit and get a business phone through AT&T, Verizon and Xfinity business)
-You can create a business address with these sites: Ipostal or Postscan Mail to have a virtual address to use to create an A&B Credit Service LLC-
-Always use and payment processor to take payments from customers. Here are some good payment processors to use: Square, Stripe or QuickBooks.
Everyone will not support you, but strangers will always support so just focus on getting your business out there for people you do not know instead of family and friends.

Thank me later....


If you have kids that is attending college. I strongly suggest that you educate them about credit. Here are some accounts that can help them build credit.

-Discover It Student card
-Capital One
-Self Lender
-Chase Freedom Unlimited

There are some beginners accounts that will help them establish new credit and help them generate a credit score.

Thank me later ✌🏾


If you are working on your credit report then let me fill you in:

Equifax is the main credit bureau that a lot of creditors, auto lenders and banks are using to review your credit.

Therefore, you need to begin to work on your Equifax credit profile and begin to delete:
-collections account
-hard inquiries
-personal information
-late payments
-charge off accounts

Don’t worry about Experian not a lot of creditors are looking at their credit profile.

So stop where you at and pull up your Equifax account.

Thank me later 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


Please remember while fixing your credit begin to always build your credit. Don’t just stop there because you will always need the new accounts to cover up the old accounts that will be falling off.


We are 8 months in and we only have 4 months left for us to make sure our credit is where it need, should and want it to be.

I thinking about doing and 10.00 zoom webinar to educate and help anyone with their credit. You should at least work being in a better situation before the end of the year.

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Chattanooga, TN

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 4:30pm
Tuesday 8am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 8am - 4:30pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 4:30pm

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