String Theory at the Hunter, Chattanooga, TN Videos

Videos by String Theory at the Hunter in Chattanooga. Bringing world's greatest chamber music to Chattanooga!

As part of their educational program, the Kenari Quartet taught students about free improvisation. This is their interpretation of a students drawing.

Other String Theory at the Hunter videos

As part of their educational program, the Kenari Quartet taught students about free improvisation. This is their interpretation of a students drawing.

Happy Holidays from String Theory! We hope your holidays are filled with music and joy through the new year!

String Theory @ Home: Alexander Sitkovetsky and Wu Qian

Danny Koo plays at local school

STXI Ji Hye Jung, "Thinking Songs"

String Theory 10th Anniversary

String Theory Youth Initiative LoLa Project

Clip from Decoda Family Concert

The Christmas Song | String Theory 11.29.16

Pianimal - An Education Outreach Initiative