Leather Archives & Museum, Chicago, IL Videos

Videos by Leather Archives & Museum in Chicago. Leather Archives & Museum (LA&M) is a library, museum and archive located on the North Side of Chicag

Saturday, December 16 at 7pm, Fe**sh Film Forum continues with a screening of CRISTIANA: DEVIL NUN (1972)! Celebrate the Christmas season with s*x on a plane and a le***an fling at the convent in this nunsploitation stunner!

This screening is co-presented by Corinne Halbert, a psychedelic horror artist obsessed with 1970s cult films and vintage comics. She is also the creator of Acid Nun!

Get your tickets to CRISTIANA: DEVIL NUN here:

Other Leather Archives & Museum videos

Saturday, December 16 at 7pm, Fe**sh Film Forum continues with a screening of CRISTIANA: DEVIL NUN (1972)! Celebrate the Christmas season with s*x on a plane and a le***an fling at the convent in this nunsploitation stunner! This screening is co-presented by Corinne Halbert, a psychedelic horror artist obsessed with 1970s cult films and vintage comics. She is also the creator of Acid Nun! Get your tickets to CRISTIANA: DEVIL NUN here: https://leatherarchives.org/events/fe**sh-film-forum

Join us Saturday, September 16 at 7pm for a screening of CRUISING (1980), co-presented by Katie Rife of Music Box Theatre! Controversial in its depiction of q***r and fe**sh communities, CRUISING is important to include and discuss as a part of Fe**sh Film Forum. This screening will likely sell out, so get your tickets today at leatherarchives.org/events/fe**sh-film-forum

Check on the trailer for this Saturday's fe**sh film screening....In the Realm of the Senses, the 1976 film inspired by the true story of geisha and s*x worker Sada Abe. The film depicts a passionate affair between a ryokan housekeeper and her proprietor. With genuine affection, tenderness, and freedom, they indulge in their kinkiest and most aggressive s*xual desires. This screening is co-presented by Asian Pop-Up Cinema, a Chicago film festival that fosters appreciation for diverse Asian cultures through film and connects the Asian film industry with local students, educators, and film professionals. Tickets are $10 ($8 for students and LA&M members.) https://leatherarchives.org/events/fe**sh-film-forum

Watch this gorgeous French trailer for Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s QUERELLE (1982), co-presented by @FoulMonkeys and screening Saturday, June 17 at 7pm as a part of Fe**sh Film Forum at LA&M! This decadent fantasy of sailors and leatherpeople explores the intersection of q***rness and criminality, with many q***r people in front of and behind the camera. QUERELLE is Fassbinder’s last film, it’s based on a novel by legendary French author and political activist Jean Genet, and it’s rarely screened in theaters. Don’t miss it! Fe**sh Film Forum is a monthly screening series programmed by John McDevitt with @leatherarchives to explore themes of fe**sh, kink, leather, and B**M in cinema. Single Tickets are $10 or $8/LA&M Members and Students. Visit leatherarchives.org for details and tickets.

Watch the trailer for Ninja Thyberg’s PLEASURE (2021), screening Saturday, May 20 at 7pm as a part of Fe**sh Film Forum at LA&M! “Bella Cherry” is a young woman who moves from Sweden to Los Angeles in search of p**n stardom. A standout scene is a B**M p**n shoot where cast and crew prioritize consent. PLEASURE evokes Paul Verhoeven’s SHOWGIRLS in its controversial exploration of a young woman’s ambition in the s*x industry, and you can count on a similar q***r rivalry, too. 🍒 Fe**sh Film Forum is a monthly screening series programmed by John McDevitt with LA&M to explore themes of fe**sh, kink, leather, and B**M in cinema. Single Tickets are $10 or $8/LA&M Members and Students. Visit leatherarchives.org for details and tickets.

Watch the original French trailer for Luis Buñuel’s BELLE DE JOUR (1967), screening this Saturday, April 15 at 7pm as a part of Fe**sh Film Forum at LA&M! This extraordinary film stars the ever-luminous Catherine Deneuve as Séverine, a housewife who pursues a double life as a s*x worker to explore her B**M fantasies. In French, “belle de nuit” is synonymous with “prostitute,” and Séverine is bestowed the pseudonym “Belle de Jour” because she only accepts clients by day. 🌞💅 Fe**sh Film Forum is a monthly screening series programmed by John McDevitt with @leatherarchives to explore themes of fe**sh, kink, leather, and B**M in cinema. Single tickets are $10 or $8/LA&M Members and Students. Season Passes are $80 or $70/LA&M for Members and Students. Visit leatherarchives.org for details and tickets.

We are a Ruth Arts grantee! Today, the Ruth Foundation for the Arts announces 140 arts organizations have been recognized by two new grants inspired by how artists live, make, and are remembered. We are honored to be among the Fall 2022 recipients. Thank you Ruth Foundation for the Arts ! These funds will help LA&M expand its arts programming to connect people with historic and contemporary kink art and artists from around the world. Supported by the late Ruth DeYoung Kohler II, Ruth Arts launched earlier this year with a unique nomination process guided by 50+ artists, providing funding to nonprofit arts organizations nationwide.

LA&M Jock Auction

Sister Mysteria - Patron Saint of Fag Hags, Faux Queens, False Eyelashes & Fingerless Gloves

A message from activist Daniel Sotomayor Gay Pride 1989 #Resist

Rick Storer's final IML Speech

IMsBB 2003 Donation & Provenance

LA&M Board of Directors Vice President & Documentary Filmmaker...

LA&M Archivist & Collections Librarian Jakob VanLammeren Talks...

Alisa Swindell, Curator of "Excavating Experience: The Presenc...

Mr. Southern Leather 1987 Contest

Copperheads on the run

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