UIC College of Applied Health Sciences, Chicago, IL Videos

Videos by UIC College of Applied Health Sciences in Chicago. The UIC College of Applied Health Sciences is at the forefront of helping people move forward in life

In the winter 2024 issue of UIC Applied Health Sciences Magazine, we bring you examples of our excellence. Yochai Eisenberg, Kelly Hsieh, Delphine Labbé and Joy Hammel developed tools to create more accessible cities. Kinesiology students, supervised by John Coumbe-Lilley and Meredith Wekesser, assisted Chicago Marathon runners. Eric Swirsky, Andrew Boyd, Carol Gu and Jonathan Leigh raised ethical questions to consider in studies of chronic pain. Gail Fisher established a scholarship for first-generation college students like herself. Full issue: https://issuu.com/uic.ahs/docs/ahs_magazine_feb_2024_digital_final?fr=sYWViZjY0NDcyNTk.

Other UIC College of Applied Health Sciences videos

In the winter 2024 issue of UIC Applied Health Sciences Magazine, we bring you examples of our excellence. Yochai Eisenberg, Kelly Hsieh, Delphine Labbé and Joy Hammel developed tools to create more accessible cities. Kinesiology students, supervised by John Coumbe-Lilley and Meredith Wekesser, assisted Chicago Marathon runners. Eric Swirsky, Andrew Boyd, Carol Gu and Jonathan Leigh raised ethical questions to consider in studies of chronic pain. Gail Fisher established a scholarship for first-generation college students like herself. Full issue: https://issuu.com/uic.ahs/docs/ahs_magazine_feb_2024_digital_final?fr=sYWViZjY0NDcyNTk.

We believe that a diverse health care workforce is essential to address the needs of the communities we serve and reduce the health disparities that keep underserved populations from living a healthy, self-determined life. The June 29 Supreme Court decision on affirmative action does not change this. The summer 2023 issue of UIC Applied Health Sciences Magazine highlights some examples of this commitment. Read it now. https://issuu.com/uic.ahs/docs/ahs_magazine_summer_2023_final_pages?fr=xKAE9_zU1NQ

The 2023 #UICAHS spring commencement ceremony begins! #UICGrad23

"As teachers, clinicians and researchers from different but related professions, we work together to help individuals, communities and society. We seek solutions to problems so tightly connected and intertwined—poverty, illness, discrimination, lack of education—that each must be considered within the context of the others. This means the act of healing is carried out in different and complementary ways. We’re proud to highlight some of them in this issue of UIC Applied Health Sciences magazine," writes #UICAHS dean Carlos J. Crespo. Check out the winter 2023 issue of UIC Applied Health Sciences Magazine: go.uic.edu/AHSMagWinter2023.

There's something magical about #Chicago when it's covered in snow, as it is today, and as captured in this beautiful design by UIC Biomedical Visualization student Nina Eckstein. Sending warm wishes for a safe, happy and healthy holiday season and new year.

This year's #UIC Office of the Chancellor holiday greeting card was designed by UIC Biomedical Visualization student Nina Eckstein. Learn more about Nina and our program by visiting https://ahs.uic.edu/biomedical-health-information-sciences/news/admissions-and-programs/ms-in-biomedical-visualization/meet-our-students/class-of-2023/nina-eckstein/.

Thank you for coming #UICtogether on #GivingTuesday and making a positive impact on the lives of #UIC students. Did you miss Giving Tuesday? You can still make your gift! Visit https://givingtuesday.uic.edu/?cfpage=/o/university-of-illinois-chicago/i/givingtuesday-2022/s/ahs to make your donation count.

Today we come #UICTogether for #GivingTuesday. Let’s drive the future of #UIC and its discoverers, educators, collaborators and advocates. Together, we’ll change the world! Visit givingtuesday.uic.edu/?cfpage=/o/university-of-illinois-chicago/i/givingtuesday-2022/s/ahs to make your gift.

Rick Wild talks about DHD 400
#UICDHD alumnus Richard Wild '20 BS DHD talks about his experience working with Circa Pintig as part of his DHD 400 capstone project. "I recommend DHD 400 for anyone with a stake in #disability or just an interest in broadening their view of the human experience. Disability is easily ignored, it's made invisible but it's all around us if we look hard enough. DHD 400 made that reality really tangible by fascilitating professional connections with organizations. around #Chicago that care about these issues. Getting to work in the community with people who care about making the world more equitable and safe for eveybody, for everybody, for people who are often marginalized was a special expereince. I felt like I was making a real difference in people's lives." Listen to the podcast: https://soundcloud.com/ginger-leopoldo/from-stigma-to-mad-pride-episode-2-hailee?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing.

Meet the 2022 Excalibur Award for Teaching Excellence recipients. Each year the UIC Applied Health Sciences Student Council presents an award to a faculty member from each #UICAHS department/program, chosen from nominations made by the graduating students of that program. Congratulations to this year's honorees!

Help us reach 75 donors to unlock #UICAHS Dean Fernhall's $2,000 #GivingTuesday challenge by making a donation today: go.uic.edu/AHSGives2021. Every gift, no matter the amount, counts. Help us meet this challenge. We're less than halfway there! #UICTogether

The summer 2021 issue of #UICAHS magazine has dropped! Read features that highlight #humanfactors expert Liza Papautsky's research, celebrate 100 years of UIC Biomedical Visualization, honor an artist's homecoming via a gift-in-kind, share reflections from recent alumni and more! Visit https://issuu.com/uic.ahs/docs/ahs_magazine_aug_2021_final_sm to check it out.

The Spring 2018 #UICAHS Commencement Ceremony kicks off! #AHSgrad2018 #UICgrad2018

Today's UIC College of Applied Health Sciences
Attendees of Saturday's #AHSCelebrates were among the first to view a new video that outlines #UICAHS' breadth and depth. Watch the video and let us know what you think.

Congratulations, #UICAHS Class of 2015, and welcome to the UIC AHS alumni community - one of the oldest, but most elite, alumni groups at #UIC. Here are some #UICAHS alumni who want to personally congratulate and welcome you. #AHSgrad2015 #UICgrad2015 #UICgrad15