Margie Korshak Inc., Chicago, IL Videos

Videos by Margie Korshak Inc. in Chicago. We are Chicago’s longest running boutique PR agency for more than 50 years repping theatre, hospit

National Doughnut Day

Other Margie Korshak Inc. videos

National Doughnut Day

Check out this behind-the-scenes glimpse into the Margie Korshak, Inc. office! It is always a fun time here in the MKI office! #prlife #prchicago #officespace #agencylife

A big #ThankYou to all who came to #support HERA Women's Cancer Foundation last week at Fox & Hound King of Prussia! A special shout out to HERA Board #President Samantha Lockwood for sharing this great TV clip from her appearance on NBC10 Philadelphia.

Check out Dee Snider's Chicago Bulls National Anthem last night at the United Center with Dan Peters!