ACLU of Illinois, Chicago, IL Videos

Videos by ACLU of Illinois in Chicago. Building an Illinois we can be proud of. http://w

Data released for 2021 traffic stops shows that Black drivers in Springfield were 5 times more likely than white drivers to be stopped by police. It is time to turn this data into action.

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Other ACLU of Illinois videos

Data released for 2021 traffic stops shows that Black drivers in Springfield were 5 times more likely than white drivers to be stopped by police. It is time to turn this data into action.

Support HB 2542 to change Illinois' overly restrictive name change law.
Call your state senator at 1-866-584-3906 in support of HB 2542, to remove Illinois’ overly restrictive name change law.

Take action in support of more police accountability by calling your state legislator at 1-866-581-7519! Find out more about HB 1727 and other ways you can make your voice heard:

Enforcing the TRUST Act

Episode 13: Supreme Court Roundup - The Census