Rossview Elementary School PTO, Clarksville, TN Videos

Videos by Rossview Elementary School PTO in Clarksville. Rossview Elementary PTO is a 501 C 3 organization dedicated to helping students and faculty at ROES!

Other Rossview Elementary School PTO videos

Go Hawks!

Go Hawks!

⏰Time is almost up for our Fun Run fundraiser⏰ Today, our 5th graders got to participate in a Pie in the Face with our Boosterthon reps! AND … The class with the most NEW Donations tonight gets a Booster DJ Recess tomorrow!!! Register and share your donation page today ➡️ MYBOOSTER.COM Just for sharing, you can earn some pretty cool rewards, like a trip to Disney for your family. 🤯 ❤️Let’s Go Hawks!💛

💥 Boosterthon Day 4 💥 Today our World Changers learned how to Rally a Team to help solve a need together! We love seeing our students learn about amazing characteristics while also enjoying Silly Sock Day 🧦, PJ Day 💤, and Crazy Hair Day 🎉!

The PTO spent the weekend prepping and decorating for Boosterthon! We are ready to do big things for Rossview ❤️ #gohawks #roes #rossviewelem #boosterthonfunrun