Madison Street United Methodist Church, Clarksville, TN Videos

Videos by Madison Street United Methodist Church in Clarksville. For more than one hundred years, Madison Street United Methodist Church has been woven into the fabr

Other Madison Street United Methodist Church videos


Join us for Back to Madison Street on Sunday, September 8 from 3:30 - 6 p.m. You could be a lucky winner of one of our awesome Door Prizes which includes a basket of produce from the Sharp farm! Don't miss out on the fun, fellowship, and ice cream! Register Here:

If you have not registered, register here: Register for the Ice Cream Contest at:

We weren't meant to do life on our own. As Ms. Brooke reminds us, life is better together!

Morning Prayer
In a world where actions speak louder than words, may my deeds reflect kindness, compassion, and understanding. Every interaction is an opportunity to make a positive impact and uplift someone's spirit. Let's strive to leave a legacy of love and empathy wherever we go. 🌟 #DailyPrayer #PositiveImpact #SpreadLove #HeartImpressions #Blessed

Morning Prayer
🌞 Morning Prayer 🌞 Starting the day with prayer helps center our hearts and minds, setting a positive tone for everything we do. It's a moment to connect with God and prepare ourselves to embrace the day's blessings and challenges. 🌞 #MorningPrayer 🌞 #NewDay 🌞 #Gratitude 🌞 #Faith 🌞 #Blessings 🌞 #SpiritualJourney 🌞 #ServiceToGod

See the full Kid's Moment at: #KidsSermon #HolySpirit #FaithJourney #ChildrensMinistry #SundaySchool #GodsLove #FaithFormation #SpiritualGrowth

#KidsSermon #HolySpirit #FaithJourney #ChildrensMinistry #SundaySchool #GodsLove #FaithFormation #SpiritualGrowth

#KidsSermon #SundaySchoolFun #ChildrensChurch #KidMin #BibleStoriesForKids #FaithLikeAChild #LearningAndGrowing #YouthMinistry #ChurchFamily #KidsForChrist

🌸 Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing moms out there! Your love, strength, and sacrifice inspire us every day. Today, we honor and celebrate you. #MothersDay #LoveYouMom #ThankYouMom

#KidsWorship #EducationalFun #SundaySchool #ChildrensMinistry #FaithForKids #WorshipForChildren #BibleLearning #KidFriendlyFaith #WorshipExperience #FaithFormation #ChristianKids #SingAlong #InteractiveLearning #JoyfulWorship #KidFriendlyFaith

#KidsSermon #ChildrensMessage #FaithForKids #KidsMinistry #BibleForKids #KidFriendlyFaith #SundaySchool #YoungFaith #KidsChurch #ChildlikeFaith

#KidsSermon #ChildrensMessage #FaithForKids #kidsministry

Holy Week: Maundy Thursday in the Chapel at 7PM Good Friday in the Garden at 7PM