The Ed Keating Center

The Ed Keating Center

Your chance for sober living What We Are

The Ed Keating Center is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) corporation established in October 1998. meetings every night.

The Center was founded in the name of the late Ed Keating. Ed was a pioneer in the field of sports management and business agent for many local and national sports athletes, as well as television and radio personalities. Professionally, he was a legend but to the recovery community Ed will always be remembered for helping destitute alcoholics and addicts recover regardless of their past. Our found


Congratulations to Ed Keating Center Alumnus Jeremy G. Who is Celebrating 6 Years Today!!!


Congratulations to Jean Marie House Alumna Aubrey Who Celebrating 10 Years Today!!


Congratulations to Jean Marie House Alumna Monica F. Who Celebrating 4 Years Today!!


Congratulations to Jean Marie House Alumna Molly O. Who Celebrating 11 Years Today!!


Congratulations to Jean Marie House Alumna Andriane B. Who Celebrating 5 Years Today!!


Congratulations to Jean Marie House Alumna Ashley M. Who Celebrating 4 Years Today!!


Recovery Story For August !!

Hi my name is Kelly M. and I'm an alcoholic. My sobriety date is June 14, 2021. I have a sponsor, a co sponsor, and a few support groups. I also incorporate the 12 steps in my life. I also have a home group. Most importantly I have a God, who I don't understand all the time, I just have to trust him.
I'm the oldest of 3. I was born 1979. My Grandparents raised me from the age 5 on. They tired their best to give us a good up bringing. My Grandmother also had us going to church. Of course I learned how to lie, cheat, and steal before I had my first drink. I was about 12 years old and my Grandmother would trust me with her tithing money for the church. At first I would only take a little bit of the money and make out a new slip. Until I got tired of making out a new slip. That last until the end of that year. The Pastor and my Grandmother confronted me of course I did try to lie about it.
1994 my Grandmother passed away. I stopped going to church. Shortly after I had my first drink. Stoled from my Grandfathers supply. I was also introduced to w**d. Between 1994 to 1997 I took full advantage of my Grandfather working different type of hours. I would cut classes, most of the time the whole school day. I caught my first case cause it was a school day I'm already high and didn't want to stay in my last class. So I left and a bit up the street was a church couple guys that I knew was already in there so I joined the party. I was charged with Breaking and entry and was put on probation for almost a year with community service. By 1997 of course still occasionally drinking and smoking a lot of w**d. I thought it would be a good idea to steal my Grandfather's money out of his lock box. I got caught of course I try to lie about it. That didn't work so I moved out. I moved in with friends of the family. I ended up dropping out of school. Shortly after my Grandfather was murdered by my Mom and 3 of her friends. Around this time I was introduced to AA. I only went for maybe 3 months. A few years later my Mom was convicted of involuntary manslaughter. She did 10 years.
During those 10 years I started to drink way more, there was one night my Aunt pleaded with me to stop drinking cause I had signs of alcohol poisoning. During those 10 years I lost my license for a hit and run. I passed out behind the wheel. I eventually moved in with a different friend and shortly after stoled a blank check, had some one else make it out and cash it. Between 1999 and 2017 I only listed the crimes I wanted. I was in trouble with the Law a lot more.
By 2017 My Mom and my Brother and me was living at her house. She ended up passing away and to this day I don't remember her funeral. Shortly after started using coke/crack on top of w**d and occasionally drinking. Late 2017 I was introduced to m**h along with picking up a couple of charges one being theft. God was trying his best to do for me what I can't do for myself. The main problem I was not ready to be throughly honest with anyone. Skipped probation also at the same time ended up in my first treatment facility, this was late 2018. Not being honest with the facility I felt I had to leave cause I'm still ditching probation. So eventually I got caught. Still allowed to remain on probation (there's more to this than what I'm telling if anyone want to know just pull me to the side and ask) of course I'm still not being honest with my probation officer until, yes I was playing the numbers game on my usage and a friend of mine mention the Keating Center so I saw my probation officer, this was September 2019, and I came clean right away I told her if she test me I will fail for w**d. She said just w**d, and I got a little bit more honest I said yea cause the m**h should not show up cause I counted out the days. She asked me what do I want to do. I mention the Keating Center and she said she knows Marty. I stay sober for year and a half. Got my license back got a car doing pretty darn good. Until I took my will back and moved in a friend that I knew was using. Wrecked the car and had warrent for not showing up for court.
So I got tired of being sick and tired. June 14, 2021 I called Marty and asked if I could come home. He told me to get my butt here now. Around June 29, 2021 I was told to go to Marty's office. My Sister and her in-laws was in there and they told me my Brother passed away, it was due to Alcoholism. I was devastated, if it wasn't for them and the guys that was in group with me, I hate to think what would of happen, also my friends in the program. The only way I can describe it was unconditional love.
What do I do today ? Easy, I pray. Sometimes I journal, I go to meetings, I lead when I'm asked, I chair when I'm asked, I'm sectary of my home group, and I sponsor guys. I am forever grateful and thankful for Marty and The Keating Center, for the guys here at the 3/4 house, My Sponsor and Co Sponsor, All of my support groups, My Sister and her family, My home group, my Sponsees and most importantly grateful and thankful to God.


Congratulations to Jean Marie House Alumna Noel K.. Who Celebrating 1 Year!!!


Congratulations to Jean Marie House Alumna Jessica A. Who Celebrating 12 Years!!!


Congratulations to Jean Marie House Alumna Katie B. Who Celebrating 7 Year!!!


Congratulations to Jean Marie House Alumna Barb W. Who Celebrating 2 Year!!!


Congratulations to Jean Marie House Alumna Jackie G. Who Celebrating 8 Year Today!!!


Congratulations to Ed Keating Center Alumnus Michael R. Who is Celebrating 14 Years Today!!!


Congratulations to Jean Marie House Alumna Shana W.. Who Celebrating 2 Year Today!!!


Congratulations to Jean Marie House Alumna Jessica Y. Who Celebrating 2 Year Today!!!


Congratulations to Jean Marie House Alumna Bri D. Who Celebrating 12 Year Today!!!


July’s Recovery Story:
My names Jana, I’m a grateful recovering alcoholic. My sobriety date is June 24th, 2022. I have a younger sister, my parents are still married, and my childhood was basically normal. I had everything I needed and basically everything I wanted. As long as I can remember, I’ve been resentful, selfish, entitled and angry for reasons i don’t understand besides I’m an alcoholic. I had my first drunk around 12 or 13 with my older cousins. Most of my firsts were with them seeing as we were practically raised together. My alcoholism took off in high school when I was grounded for 6 months for throwing a party while my parents were out of town and I could only hang out with my cousins. Instantly I was a blackout drinker and the sole purpose was to get completely annihilated. And that's exactly what I did. As time went on and my alcoholism progressed, new and different substances were added along the way. Before I knew it, i was laying on a cold floor in a holding cell wondering how I got there. For 5 years, I was locked away swearing up and down never again, when I got home everything was going to be different and I believed that with all I had in me. Nothing changes if nothing changes and nothing changed. I came home and spent the next 2 and a half ish years digging myself deeper and deeper into the darkness. Trying to die and only living for that next one. I had given away every piece of me that made me human. I was a soulless shell.
Som**hing happened June 22nd, 2022. I woke up from another overdose, completely exhausted and defeated. I called my mom and somehow, God froze my delusion for just long enough. When my family begged me to get help for probably the thousandth time, I agreed. I walked into detox yet again on June 23rd, 2022. Unsure, scared to death and so over being sick and tired. I walked into Jean Marie, not fully ready or convinced that I even wanted to be sober but I managed to listen and stay. And I repeated those very simple things that i over complicated my entire life: just listen and stay. Today I can tell you with an honest heart that in the beginning I didn’t keep me at Jean Marie or the rooms of AA. That was my higher power, the one I maybe thought was there but it surely didn’t hear me. I couldn’t have been more wrong, it heard every word, every cry and every plea for help, I was the one who wasn’t listening. Two very long but short years later, my higher power guides me through every day, the good ones, the bad ones, the easy and the hard. All I needed was a little willingness and a little bit of faith, to be quiet and listen, and do what was suggested and my life would change. I will forever be grateful for the Keating Center and Jean Marie, the 12 Steps and the love from all of you, I wouldn’t be standing here without all of those.
And one last thing, just listen and do. It’s that simple 💙


Congratulations to Jean Marie House Alumna Rachel A. Who Celebrating 1 Year Today!!!


Congratulations to Jean Marie House Alumna Janalee G. Who Celebrating 2 Years Today!!!


Congratulations to Jean Marie House Alumna & Director Michele T. Who Celebrating 14 Years Today!!!


Congratulations to Jean Marie House Alumna Michelle B. Who Celebrating 2 Years Today!!!


Congratulations to Jean Marie House Alumna Rochelle D. Who Celebrating 7 Years Today!!!


Congratulations to Ed Keating Center Alumnus Geoffrey T. Who is Celebrating 1 Year Today!!!


Jean Marie House (formerly Maggie's House) Celebrates 16 Years Today!!


Congratulations to Jean Marie House Alumna Lolly T. Who Celebrating 9 Years Today!!!


Congratulations to Jean Marie House Alumna Shannon F. Who Celebrating 4 Years Today!!!


Congratulations to Jean Marie House Alumna Jasmine K. Who Celebrating 6 Years Today!!!


Congratulations to Ed Keating Center Alumnus Von G. Who is Celebrating 1 Year Today!!!


Congratulations to Jean Marie House Alumna Shannon M. Who Celebrating 1 Year Today!!!


Congratulations to Ed Keating Center Alumnus Lou B. Who is Celebrating 4 Years Today!!!

Videos (show all)

Congratulations Katie P. From The Rock Boys.
